Everyone immediately rushed to the village to investigate, visited some villagers, and treated this director with many people who were tired of it, they had always been poor households, but they were canceled by others, and they wanted to mention his affairs, how could it be?

Some people also provided some information, and they did see Director Xu enter the village that day, as if he was going door-to-door, and then he didn't know about it later.

Door-to-door visits, then it won't be two days and two nights without any news, right?

Some people were worried that there was something wrong with Director Xu, and everyone did not dare to delay, so they immediately arranged for people to start searching inside and outside the entire village.

Although the village is not particularly large, but some of the terrain is very remote, this person may fall and hurt if he is not careful.

Although Director Xu is young, his legs and feet are also very good, and he is not afraid of 10,000 in case, especially if it rained last night, if he bumped into it in the process of poverty alleviation, it would be a big problem.

However, everyone searched the whole village and there was still no trace, could it be that this person had mysteriously disappeared?

Until two days later, someone went to the bottom of the mountain to herd sheep, and found a body in a ravine, and after on-site investigation and identification, this body was Director Xu, who had been missing for many days.

The rain washed everything, and after a patrol by the Law Enforcement Bureau around, it was finally concluded that after the Law Enforcement Bureau, Director Xu was preparing to take the above road in the process of poverty alleviation, and finally accidentally fell and fell off the cliff, and was not killed on the spot, but fainted with serious injuries.

What caused his death was this heavy rain, and the rain finally suffocated him to death with his head on the ground.

When everyone heard this, they all sighed secretly that such a serious and responsible poverty alleviation cadre died on the road of poverty alleviation like this, which made people sigh and sigh at the same time.

This is a good cadre of the people of country A, and although he has passed away, his spirit is enough for everyone to learn.

Soon the poverty alleviation side was transformed from a deputy director to a full director, and all those who had been poor before rightfully got everything they wanted.

No one feels that there is anything wrong with this, you are happy I am happy, and we are all happy together.

The cadres who help the poor only do what they are supposed to do, and those poor households, whether they are really poor or not, also get the money they want.

Director Xu's death in the line of duty was reported by the local government, and he also received his own compensation and honor.

It seems that everyone has obtained what they want, and things have been solved and everything is back to the way it was.

During this period, some people in the village left, and some people returned to the village, but no one mentioned what happened.


The Eye of Death expanded, and everyone was doing everything under their eyes, some were walking, some were cleaning up the house, and some were doing their homework with the curtains drawn during the day.

Ding, the system came a tone, and a person worth 70 appeared in his eyes.

[Name: Hai Bo

Age: 25

Crime Value: 70

Introduction: Two months ago, he killed the poverty alleviation director in his village and absconded to White City.

The murder was investigated by the Law Enforcement Bureau at the scene and closed as an accident, and the murderer has been at large. Hearing

this prompt, Lin Mo's brows furrowed.

Although its own system can accurately remind itself to find the sinner.

But when you have been in contact for a long time and experience more things, you will find that many times a person makes mistakes, and the sinful person does not necessarily start with sin.

Just like the man who dressed up as himself that day and killed people in his name for revenge.

What he did has also entered his eyes, and his every move is now in his own system list, but only when you understand why this person did such a thing, and really know the cause and effect, you can understand, and you can also make the most correct judgment on this matter.

So that day this man killed two people under his own guise, although the value of sin has reached the standard of judgment, and he did not judge him for this reason, everything has a cause and effect, and their father and son only deserve it.

And this time I saw that this person killed a director of poverty alleviation, the death invitation was not issued immediately, open the system, use the point exchange to trace the reason for the following things, and only after understanding everything can you choose whether to sanction.

Poverty does not mean cowardice, and power does not mean fairness and justice.

Regarding this kind of poverty alleviation, people have always been very controversial about this matter.

Country A's vision of poverty alleviation is good, and the original intention is also for the truly poor people of the entire country, but in the process of implementation, it will become a different taste.

A few days ago, I also saw such a news on the Internet, a poor college student in a city in country A was targeted by the local poverty alleviation office.

And the photo was posted on the Internet, and the clean and tidy building made people doubt his poverty.

The male college student in the video is wearing a brand name, clothes and shoes, and a fitness card on the table.

Some people dug up the circle he usually posted, and from time to time there were photos of himself fitness, swimming, showing off muscles, or traveling to check in.

It caused everyone to question the truth of the matter.

The poverty alleviation office issued a statement that this college student's family is very poor, and the clothes and mobile phone backpacks used are all bought for him by his girlfriend, fitness cards, swimming cards, these cards are also for other students in their dormitory.

Just because he is a boy and usually eats more, the 50,000 yuan subsidy is his living expenses for one year.

This explanation caused everyone to be angry.

12 months a year, excluding 4 months of vacation, 8 months to spend this 50,000 yuan, each month can reach 6,000 yuan, some college students a month living expenses are only five or six hundred, are you helping the poor or helping the rich?

The poverty alleviation office then asked the whole network to remove the video, explaining by the way that the temporary worker had made a typo, not 50,000 yuan but 5,000 yuan, and the temporary worker had been fired.

Since then, the matter has been closed.

In addition to this kind of thing, there are also disabled parents who take their seriously ill sons to the poverty alleviation office to apply for poverty subsidies, but they are rejected by others.

The poverty alleviators also justifiably said that because their family of three did not have disability certificates, they could not prove that the three of them were disabled.

The parents are missing arms and broken legs, and the son is already skinny in bed, just because he has no documents, so he is turned away, it is really ridiculous to think about it!!!!

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