In fact, for this subsidy, the state itself is well-intentioned, hoping to let those who really need this money get help.

However, there is a deviation when handling it at the grassroots level below, those who go through the back door, those who have relationships, drive luxury cars, live in luxury houses, and take more than 1,000 yuan a month for dibao.

Of course, with the exposure of the Internet to the whole people's supervision, such things are becoming less and less, except for a small number of people for their own interests, the vast majority of them are fair and honest, helping many poor families to get out of the haze and let them see the hope of living.

Therefore, after not seeing this person's affairs, I did not dare to make random evaluations.

When the system tuned out all the things that happened to this person, seeing these things that happened to him, Lin Mo frowned, he didn't expect things to be like this?

It seems that every time there is a judgment of sin, he must conduct an investigation and understand the beginning and end of the matter before he can be judged, so that neither the good person nor the evil person will be spared.

Click Send Death Invitation, and tonight's death trial is here.

"Brother Lin is really you, I thought I was wrong."

Just as Lin Mo was thinking about how to judge tonight, a familiar voice came.

"Bai Xue, it turned out to be you, I haven't seen you for a few days, how have you been busy lately?"

Bai Xue showed her crescent-like smile and looked at Lin Mo.

"It's just busy, I don't know what I'm busy with every day, how about you, Brother Lin?

Have you found a job, if you have not found a job, you can come to our company, our company is recruiting people these days, Brother Lin is so capable that he will definitely pass. The

little face blushed slightly and looked at Lin Mo, she really hoped that he could agree.

Lin Mo shook his head, he was used to being dashing alone, it was impossible to work part-time, and it was impossible in this life.

After working, 996 a day does not say where there is still time for trial?

In one's own heart, if sin is not eliminated, one's judgment will not cease for a day.

Hearing what Brother Lin said, Bai Xue sighed helplessly.

"Well, I thought that with Brother Lin's skills, I would be able to successfully join our company, and the two of us could become colleagues."

However, if Brother Lin finds other jobs after a while, you must tell me and I will give you a good celebration. The

two exchanged a few pleasantries, Bai Xue was going to work and got up to leave, and after she left, Lin Mo also thought secretly in his heart.

This little nizi is right, in order not to be noticeable, she really needs to have a suitable job to cover the identity of the city light.

He is not a rich second generation, and it is estimated that he has already registered himself in the Law Enforcement Bureau on this little money, a person has not had a job and no financial resources, money is limited after all, but he can still live so moisturized, it is strange that people are not suspicious.

After thinking for a moment, what kind of work will not arouse suspicion, but still have money?

By the way, but start live broadcasting, be a small outdoor anchor, you can travel all over the country every day while searching for evil people.

During the day, he is a little-known anchor, and at night, he is the light of a city that controls life and death.

When I returned home, I opened my mobile phone, found a popular live broadcast platform identity registration, gave a relatively simple name, and started outdoor live broadcast.

As he thought, in the live broadcast room that just opened, the number of online people was 0, and seeing this few online people, Lin Mo thought about it, and it didn't matter.

Some people walked in and withdrew, these are fine, after all, the outdoor live broadcast is just to cover up the identity of the city light, and it is very easy for them to make money.

After spending an afternoon walking around the streets, I was also familiar with the new identity change, and with this identity, it was much easier to deal with things next.

"Captain, that one named Lin Mo has opened a live broadcast account and is doing outdoor live broadcasting."

Outdoor anchor?

Since the Law Enforcement Bureau invited Lin Mo to tea, although this kid has gotten rid of suspicion, the Law Enforcement Bureau has been based on the principle that it is better to spend more time and effort supervising than let go of one, and his every move of Lin Mo has also been monitored by the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Especially his kid touched the porcelain city light everywhere, which made people have to suspect that as long as he was in the White City for one day, the city light was not caught, and all of them were suspicious.

Hearing the news from the police officer who was supervising, Captain Zhao thought to himself for a moment.

Everything about this kid has been investigated, and the background of wealth is estimated that the Law Enforcement Bureau has more information than Lin Mo.

If this kid is just eating, drinking, and having fun, saying that he came to Baicheng to look for a job but has not worked, and does not have any financial resources, it is strange that he is not suspected.

It seems that this kid wants to take the live broadcast route, and today's owners from all walks of life are playing a diversification, especially now young people have more flexible minds.

Some people sell goods live, and those who sell goods live may earn more than a company's income in a year.

This is a time of opportunity, but also a time of temptation.

"Okay, send someone to keep an eye on that kid for a while, and if there is nothing unusual during this period, send someone to withdraw."

"Yes, Captain."

Things on this side have just been properly arranged, and then news comes from the other side.

"Captain, there is news from the General Directorate that we are going to assist the children who have been abducted by human traffickers."

"Okay, I see."

Although the live broadcast of City Light ended yesterday, this Yuwei deeply affected the entire country A.

In the course of one day today, several traffickers in Baicheng Guangbai City turned themselves in, came to the law enforcement bureau and turned themselves in, telling their crimes and hoping to be punished by the law.

Seeing these traffickers Captain Zhao's brows furrowed, and another 10 points of helplessness, maybe it was really like the light of the city said, in some places where the law cannot shine, there are too many facts of hiding dirt and dirt.

If they hadn't turned themselves in, they wouldn't have known about these things.

It is quite possible that all the lost children of the parents who reported the crime were attributed to the same person.

Regarding the death of the father and son in the chemical plant, all became one of the cases committed by City Light, and all the cases were gathered together for investigation.

The means of the city light are divine, I am afraid that some conventional methods can not be realized at all, and only some special means can be taken when it is not necessary.

A lot of things have to be handled throughout the day, and it is not until nightfall that it feels like a rare time to rest.

After dinner, the case inspection was on duty, and of course, everyone did not stop monitoring the city lights.

The Law Enforcement Bureau vowed to sanction City Light, and this kid didn't want to escape the law.

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