Looking at the time, it was already 9:40 p.m., and there was less than half an hour to go, and all the online law enforcement bureau officers were ready for the trial of City Light tonight.

The bell rang at 10 o'clock, and a few minutes passed, and what everyone had been expecting did not appear.

What's the situation, is the city light late today? Say that this time slot is on time, it won't be late, right?

It was as if they were all ready to grab tickets, but they were suddenly told that the time was late, and everyone who was waiting at the moment began to joke a few words in the forum of City Lights.

"I really didn't expect the night god to be late?"

"I think we should give the night god some personal space, people are so busy every day, don't they have to accompany their little girlfriends?"

"Such a powerful character as the night god, what type of object should you say should be?"

In the cognition of all netizens, the city light has been built as a tall, handsome and young guy, a kind heart hidden under a mask, punishing evil and promoting good.

The speculation about the city light on the Internet has not stopped, and everyone understands that the city light has not yet arrived on time.

The city lights may be late, but they will never be absent.

On the other side, Lin Mo said that he was very helpless, he originally wanted to experience the outdoor live broadcast, find a feeling in advance, who knew that he met an old acquaintance on the way back, and it was not easy for an old friend to invite guests to dinner and he was not easy to refuse, so they ate a simple light meal together.

Women, after all, affect the speed at which they draw their swords, quit color and women, only eat at 10:30, send this old friend home, and turn on the system on the way.

City Lights is online, Night God is online.

When City Light went online, it instantly caused a sensation on the Internet.

City Light is definitely the object, otherwise why would you be late?

Be careful upstairs, don't talk nonsense, and be careful that the night god judges you.

However, everyone did not agree with this, what is the existence of the city light, that is the level of a god, will this god directly give people a gag because of your joke?

If they are indiscriminately and directly Ga, is it still called the light of the city, or their gods?

On the other side, the Law Enforcement Bureau heard the supervisors say that City Light had gone online, and everyone did not dare to delay, and immediately rushed to the live broadcast room to check it.

Didn't this city light say that the trial would be on time at 10 p.m. every night?

Why is it half an hour late this time, is there something else in this?

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, and I don't know what the hell the city light is going to do.

"Everyone gave me a dead eye to see if there were any other flaws in the city light this time?"

"It's the captain."

A security dormitory, 4 security guards gathered.

"The brothers paid their salaries today, and tomorrow they have a day off, we must have a drink tonight, and then we will sleep directly until dawn."

After work at 9:30, I bought beer and drinks and various barbecues, and returned to the dormitory to suppress the shock with a few cigarettes first.

It was already 10 o'clock when I returned to the dormitory, putting everything on the table, some people went to the toilet, others took off their clothes, and they only went back to their room to do whatever they wanted.

Some people also turned on their mobile phones to watch the live broadcast.

"Xiao Song, everyone is eating here, why did you suddenly watch the live broadcast, is it possible to see which beauty you want to brush a few trains for him?"

You listen to your brother's advice, those women on the Internet are all false, you brush gifts to others, people just say thank you brother at most, what's the point?

Another day, brother will introduce you to a little sister, talk to people, if it is suitable, it will be an object, and getting married and having a son in the future is not much cooler than watching the live broadcast? Looking

at Xiao Song, who was watching the live broadcast in front of him, someone directly ridiculed.

"Of course I know that those women on the Internet are all false, and I see this as the trial of the city lights.

I tell you that the light of this city is quite powerful, and all the people who were sent by him to the death invitation were all dead.

Every night at 10 o'clock on time, but this is already 10 o'clock today he has not come, it is estimated that it is busy, right? When

Hai Bo heard the name, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

I have been working here for more than two months, and before that, I was a second-rate son who did not learn and did not have skills.

Since that incident, he has been forced to leave the city and seek another place.

This person is often like this sometimes, and only when he loses does he know how to cherish it.

Although the law enforcement bureau has judged that the person was an accident, his heart is also weak.

All the way to the train, I didn't know the destination, anyway, I found a place to get off, and began the days of hiding.

Soon the money was spent, he was penniless and wanted to live on the street, and he happened to meet a certain community to recruit security guards, and he also managed to eat three meals a day and live where he had little money, so he undertook it in order to be able to eat.

Young people do not know that security is good, and mistakenly think that Dibao can retire.

I didn't learn anything in the village, but after coming here to become a security guard, it was the opposite.

Every day is also hard work, so that all the owners are impressed by themselves.

It wasn't until a month later that I earned my first money, bought a new dress and ate a big meal, that I understood what it was like to spend the money I earned.

Now think about what Director Xu said is so true, always thinking of relying on the help of others, after all, it is a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause.

On the contrary, he thought that Director Xu was intentional at that time, so he did that kind of wrong thing.

After doing something wrong, he also thought of turning himself in for the first time, but he was afraid of rushing to his head, and he knew that if he surrendered and waited for him, he might be dead.

Later, after the determination of the Law Enforcement Bureau, the matter was determined to be an accident, and he escaped the punishment of the law.

After a few days of restlessness, he found that things had turned around, and he left his hometown and ran all the way to other places.

Originally, I thought of hiding in a strange city, no one would know their past, thinking that this day the emperor was far away and could be safe and sound, who knew that this halfway killed a city light.

The so-called city light, which sanctioned several people, they were afraid for a while, and they didn't even dare to look at their mobile phones, but they still listened to other people who worked together recently talked about it.

This made his uneasy heart become even more worried.

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