At the same time, this matter continued to ferment on the Internet, and after this announcement by the Law Enforcement Bureau, this matter was pushed to a climax.

Qingcheng is completely fired, and many reporters went to the Qingcheng Law Enforcement Bureau to learn about the murder 30 years ago, hoping to give everyone an accurate answer.

The community where the criminals were located was also in a mess, and a large number of Internet celebrities came to their community that night and began to attract a large amount of traffic to the live broadcast to everyone.

The main thing is that this person's death method is too bizarre, and it does not satisfy the curiosity of this group of melon-eating people, the truth is insignificant to them, as long as they can increase fans and make money is the most important thing.

At the same time, what the Internet is doing about the city light is divided into two directions.

Some people feel that the light of the city did these things is really relieved, and this evil man deserves to let him die like this.

If it weren't for this netizen called City Light who found this Zhao Chuan, this murderer who had been hiding for 30 years would definitely be able to enjoy his old age in peace.

Is such an outcome fair to those innocents? Is it fair to those he killed?

Such an evil man should let him die immediately, and those who support the light of the city affectionately call this man the god of the night.

Some netizens also expressed opposition to this matter, believing that City Light is no different from this murderer, and both trample on the dignity of the law.

Since he already knew the whereabouts of this person, why didn't he report this matter to the Law Enforcement Bureau and ask the law enforcement officers to go and arrest him?

At that time, because of the merit of reporting, everyone can also be regarded as a hero, and criminals can still be punished by the law.

In response to the discussion between the two sides, someone made a final summary.

In fact, netizens on both sides are not wrong in their discussions on this matter, but many people just substitute their own ideas and have not considered how the families of those who were killed have survived in the past 30 years.

According to news reports, the two anti-independence police officers had just graduated from college and worked for less than three years, and their children were just born, and they died at the hands of the monopoly trafficker before they could call their father.

If you change to another profession and die in the line of duty, you can erect a tombstone to be admired by thousands of people.

And because of their special status, there is no name on the tombstone, even relatives cannot go to worship.

Who knows how their families and their children have spent these 30 years?

It is the existence of these people that protects more of our people, they are real heroes, and those innocent passers-by, whose children and whose parents are they?

If the whip is not pumped on your body, you will never know how it hurts.

I really hope that my country A has more such city lights, and my country A is a bright place.

With the early morning of the next day, the sun shone into the bedroom, Lin Mo slowly got up, habitually opened his mobile phone, ready to look at last night's news.

As I thought, the media was full of reports on this incident.

Seeing the mixed thoughts of netizens on this matter, Lin Mo smiled slightly.

You can't control anyone's thoughts yourself, and it's normal for someone to support and someone against.

Just suddenly saw a few comments and someone shouting wrongs to this murderer, Lin Mo's face became particularly ugly, really coped with that sentence, this forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

It's just a pity that his Eye of Death can only see ten miles at present, otherwise he really wants to take out all these people who are crying out for murderers to see, what kind of people can they be so frustrated?

I hope that they just said this sentence simply for the sake of eyeballs, and if they are all people who are also burdened with evil, they will be severely punished.

"System, have I finished arranging what I asked you to do?"

[If you return to the host, everything has been arranged, and all the money of the person to be judged has been given to the families of the five victims equally, and the source of the money is donation]

Receiving the system's prompt, Lin Mo looked up at the distance.

Although this late compensation did not come in time, it is hoped that the money will allow their five families to continue to live well.

Came to the breakfast restaurant and simply had breakfast, this Macaxing breakfast is very different from the breakfast in his previous life, but it tastes good.

"Brother, hurry up and eat, we'll go over and make it lively in a while."

"You mean the neighborhood where the criminals live?"

At the next table, several young people were chatting while eating.

"Yes, that community has become an Internet celebrity check-in place, and there are too many people who want to go over and make it lively."

If you go late, I'm afraid you won't even be able to buy a ticket.

"Ah, you still have to buy a ticket to enter a community?"

"You don't know, this wave of operations of the night god made Baicheng completely fired, and also made that community completely fired.

The time of the night was a large number of people who wanted to find out.

There are many people and cars, and in the end, there is no way but to close the community, and if you want to come in, you have to pay money. "

This neighborhood property has a future and will do business."

This wave of operations is too powerful, especially the saying that do not do good is small, do not do evil small.

I thought it was said by some historical celebrity, but I searched on the Internet for half a day and couldn't find it.

It seemed that this sentence could only be said by the night god, and I decided to stick this sentence to my bedside to encourage it.

"I hope the night god will be safe and sound, but don't let the law enforcement bureau catch it."

Heroes like this, who are few in these years, are role models for us to learn from. Hearing

everyone's evaluation of himself, Lin Mo smiled.

I really didn't expect to come to this world and gain the first batch of fans, but unfortunately this live trial system can't attract attention, if he can pay attention, he believes that he will become the biggest Internet celebrity of Maca Star in a few days.

"Boss checkout."

Swipe the card to pay and get up and leave.

As soon as he reached the door, the system prompted that a person with a sin value of 75 appeared in his Eye of Death.

Hearing the system's prompt, Lin Mo stopped.

Because the distance of the system's investigation is limited, I plan to leave this range to try my luck elsewhere, but what I didn't expect was to have breakfast and met a person with such a high guilt value, it seems that today's trial is about to begin again.

Came to the side and opened the system, and all the information of this person appeared in front of him.

At the same time, a foreign vehicle quickly arrived in the White City and set off in the direction of its destination.

"When will this arrive?" That's really slow. A

high-end business car, a young woman in the back seat, while saying that she did not forget to touch up her makeup, glanced through the window left and right.

"Sister Shanshan, I don't understand this matter, aren't we all in the media where there is heat to come over immediately?

I look at the news hotspots on this side of my phone, and other platforms have already posted them.

The first-hand information is estimated to be long gone, is it a little late for us to come over for an interview? "

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