The one who spoke was a young girl, who had just graduated from Communication University and came to this media organization as an assistant, thinking about continuing to learn media knowledge while working.

After all, what is learned on paper is theory, and only through continuous experience and practice can you become an excellent media person.

When they were in school, the teacher taught them several elements of the media, and in summary, it is faster and more accurate than other people's news broadcasts to attract more attention.

On the road, the trial video known as the light of the city has also been watched in its entirety.

In fact, the hot spots that this video wants to focus on have also summarized themselves, that is, who this judge is, how he tried it, and the local official view on this matter.

It would be nice to have been able to get first-hand information, but the time period they are going to now is really a little late.

Those first-hand information has been collected by these local media and posted online.

No matter how fast it is, it is still a little slower after all.

Hearing what her assistant said, the woman sitting on the side took off her glasses and glanced at her with slanted eyes.

"Xiaoshu, you haven't been working for a long time, and you don't understand how deep this water in our media industry is.

In our line of online media, we cannot grasp first-hand information channels like traditional news.

So at this time, you have to find a different way and discover something different from others.

You have done well as my assistant in the past few months, and I will follow me later, and I will give you some tips. "

Sister Shanshan in front of her is the gold medal whistleblower of their media company, not to mention the usual revelations, there are more than 10 revelations this year alone.

Behind every revelation is to let the big guys know the truth of the matter, it can be said that they have helped many people, and the reputation in their industry is very high.

It is a great honor to be an assistant when I first join the company.

It's just that usually people go to interview or break the news, and they are just doing some chores on the side, and it's not like they want to take themselves around today to impart some knowledge.

Seniors show the way, and they can take many fewer detours on this road.

"Thank you Sister Shanshan, thank you Sister Shanshan."

Adjust all the things such as your voice recorder and camera, and today is the first practical study, and you can perform well.


[Name: Su Shanshan

Age: 31

Sin Value: 75

Introduction: I am a professional whistleblower, 7 years ago because of the revelation of a breakfast bun shop mixed with paper shells became popular, because her revelation breakfast bun shop was sealed, but the boss committed suicide because of humiliation, and finally confirmed that this revelation was false. ]

Five years ago, it was revealed that a large pig farmer added pork flavor to his feed, which led to a major blow to the pork industry in the city that year, and the parents of the farmers were mentally hit and hospitalized, and the farmers were heavily in debt because of this, and their wives were scattered, and finally it was confirmed that the revelation was false.

Three years ago, a man wanted to commit suicide due to family trivialities, and just when everyone was about to rescue the man, he took verbal stimulation in order to gain attention, causing the man to commit suicide with a nervous breakdown.

Two years ago....

A year ago...]

Seeing the prompt from the system, this time Lin Mo was completely angry.

If Zhao Chuan, who was tried before, gave him an excuse, he only killed 5 people just to run for his life.

Then what this Susan Shan did is really indescribable.

As a whistleblower, in order to be able to get better materials, it was provided at the cost of framing others, although it was finally confirmed that these revelations were false, but the results ended with a public apology for a misunderstanding.

She got a reputation and became a popular professional whistleblower, but those families who were hurt by her were destroyed, and their wives were scattered without a problem.

And ordinary people who pay attention to these things, no one cares whether things are true or false.

Even if the official stands up for these things to refute the rumors are false, there are many people who sneer, why not break the news that others are partial to breaking the news about them, flies do not bite seamless eggs, a slap can not sound.

Open the phone and search for Su Shanshan, all the big and small things he has broken over the years appear on the page, and some of the things in the tips given to him by the system are true, and the remaining part is false.

And these are really just trivial things, but those false enough to break people's families.

Open the system again and look at Su Shanshan who is getting closer and closer to her side, it seems that she also rushed over for this heat.

Send a death invitation, choose the time to be delivered to her at ten o'clock in the evening, and tell her to be judged at midnight.

After finishing things, he glanced up at the community not far away, and strode over.

At the same time, a large number of vehicles of all sizes were parked at the entrance of the community, some people were checking in, some were interviewing, and some people started live broadcasts to sell goods.

Someone even put up a banner, Night God yyds, we are going to give you a baby.

Seeing the appearance of this group of them, Lin Mo secretly sighed, it seems that many of his thoughts have not been transformed.

"This gentleman, I want to interview you, what do you think of this incident done by City Light?"

A reporter stopped a few young people and picked up a microphone camera for an interview.

"Is this going live all the way?"

"That's right, we broadcast it all the way on the radio."

"I think what the night god did is too awesome, so I look forward to his next judgment."

"But don't you feel that he has overstepped the law by doing so, and what is the difference between him and this murderer?"

"In 30 years, this law enforcement bureau has not caught the criminals?"

A sentence made the reporter in front of him speechless, and hurriedly changed the topic and began to interview other things.

A commercial car stopped on the side of the road, and the moment the door opened, two people walked down, quickly rushing towards this side of the community.

With the prompt from the system, I glanced up at the woman in front of me, she was Su Shanshan.

Dressed up very beautifully, just looking at the face is like the neighbor's big sister, completely harmless to humans and animals, but under such a good skin bag hides a femme fatale heart.

Like everyone else, I came to the side of the road to interview passers-by, and I couldn't see any difference from others.

As the sirens sounded, police cars rushed over again, wanting to conduct a second inspection of the scene.

When several police officers stepped out of the car, a crowd of reporters flocked to the car, and even pressed the microphone directly to the officer's nose.

"May I ask Captain Zhao, are you going to conduct a second inspection because the first inspection missed something?"

"Captain Zhao, can you please tell us more about the situation at the scene?"


"Dear journalists, please rest assured, thank you for your attention to this matter, with the supervision of all journalist friends and the people, please believe that our Law Enforcement Bureau will act impartially and give everyone a satisfactory reply."


"Captain Zhao, right, I have a guess that the criminals have been 30 years old, and they have not been caught right under your noses?

People have to wonder if you didn't catch it, or did you see it and didn't want to catch it? "

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