After Lin Mo on the other side hung up the live broadcast, the whole person's mood was also very uncomfortable.

It is injustice to the good people that good people like this have suffered without impunity, but the bad people can still go unpunished.

Although their own system mall has medical skills, as long as they are exchanged for learning, they can bring patients back to life.

It's just a pity that after experiencing so many things, I can understand that I can bring a dying patient back to life, but treating and saving people can't cure people's hearts.

In fact, poverty does not mean ignorance, laziness is a person's big mistake, instead of burning incense there to worship Buddha and beg others, it is better to control all fate in their own hands, as long as they are willing to work hard, this life will definitely be able to survive.

The aftermath of tonight's events began to ferment in White City towards the entire country A.

For a while, the four words of the city light became the embodiment of justice, and everyone hoped that the city light could continue to punish evil and promote good.

There are also newcomers who have joined the forum and become members of the City Lights Forum, where they write and point out.

There are also people who post their cities and the illegal behaviors they have seen on the Internet, hoping to get sanctions from City Time.

Some people also expressed the hope that the city light could be invited to their city and their city could be cleaned well.

Some netizens below also ridiculed.

I hope that the big guy can look at the city light rationally, although it is said that this city light is a god-like existence, but this god also has to rest, and can only be judged once a day, absolutely no more.

At the same time, some online scams even posted some fraudulent news on this forum, which was directly put on the headlines of the post.

I have seen people pretend to be stupid, and I have seen people who like to use various means to cheat money, some people ridicule that it is better to go directly to the law enforcement bureau like this kind of release of fraudulent news, you go to the law enforcement bureau to release these fraudulent news, the law enforcement bureau personnel will catch them on the spot, and then according to the size of your fraud amount, after submitting it to the court, give you a package of days, months or years.

People will also choose to use more gentle means to solve it, but this person is simply an old birthday star hanged to find death, where to go to the forum of City Light to touch porcelain?

If other forums help you delete posts and block them at most, come to this forum and directly help you top it, tell everyone that this person is a fraudster, and let you accept the trial of City Light.

Everyone is boiling, it seems that although the city light will be late, his trial of the bad guys will definitely not be absent.

City lights, city lights.

Because of the emergence of this incident, it has also aroused people's anger about these poor things.

The first to push on the cusp was the poor college student he helped some time ago.

Although this matter was coldly treated, who would have thought that City Light's trial tonight was related to this issue, with a privileged family, under the guise of poverty, and the whole body was full of famous brands, and even said that it was bought by his girlfriend, are you fooling everyone like fools?

If this matter is not severely punished, what is the right? It must be severely punished to prove the fairness and impartiality of the laws of our country A.

This matter was excavated by people again, and it rushed to the hot search with a thunderous momentum.

When this incident was reported, the report call of the poverty alleviation office was directly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the official personnel immediately launched an investigation in response to the menacing inquiries and doubts of the common people.

What is false in itself cannot be hidden at all, just like some people are walking right, and they are not afraid of anyone checking it, while some people themselves cannot see the light and check one by one.

After two days of investigation, the conclusion was finally reached.

All the processes in their poverty alleviation office are correct, and it is the staff at the bottom who accept bribes and eat kickbacks, which is why this situation occurs.

The bribe recipient has been handed over to the Enforcement Bureau to be punished by the law, and this fake impoverished person has already cooperated with the Enforcement Bureau to demand that all the money funded be returned.

If not, it will be severely punished by the law.

Starting from the White City and several surrounding cities, because it is relatively close to the White City, it was the most affected by the impact, and the local officials immediately sent people to investigate.

Any aid granted to a poverty subsidy that qualifies for poverty shall be ordered to be returned immediately if it does not have the full amount of the subsidence itself.

The original purpose of the poverty allowance is to help those who really need help, not you rich people who don't need help.

I closed the live broadcast room and opened the system to take a look at my points, but unfortunately today's points are 0.

It seems that although he has sent a death invitation, because there is no reason for his own trial, he does not have any points this time.

Seeing the system's prompt, Lin Mo smiled slightly.

I didn't get angry because I didn't get points for this trial.

Because I know in my heart what I should do about this.

And it was not what the so-called Captain Zhao thought, City Light had all kinds of concerns, so he very wisely chose the most appropriate method.

If you let yourself know that Captain Zhao has such thoughts in his heart, he will definitely feel very ridiculous.

If it is true that as he said, one is a smart person and the other is stupid, then he would rather be a stupid person all the way to the dark than be a self-righteous smart person.

He was reborn in Maca, shouldering the judgment system, if he is still afraid to do things, what is the use of asking for such a system?

If a person is in society, 1 is 1, 2 is 2 work principles, may make people unhappy, or even unable to integrate into the circle of friends, but also make people feel that this person can not do things, do not know the so-called human feelings.

If a legal system is selfless and does exactly what the rules are to do when it comes to sanctions, it is also necessary to consider whether it will have any impact if it does so, and also consider the so-called human feelings, which is very wrong in itself.

The law is a violent institution, an institution where all people can be equal, and if the law is not fair, won't the whole world be out of order?

Moreover, what is the fear of carrying the judgment system on his shoulders and not being discovered?

It was another long night, and I simply packed up and lay down in bed to sleep.

As the next morning came, I opened my phone and glanced at the evaluation of the matter on the Internet.

Over time, this matter continues to ferment on the Internet.

Seeing all kinds of comments, Lin Mo silently turned off his mobile phone, ate a simple breakfast, and prepared to continue his search for today's evil.

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