After breakfast, I returned to the house and simply cleaned up, opened the live broadcast room to start the outdoor live broadcast, so that I could search for sins while using the identity of the outdoor live broadcast.

Get on the bus and start a live broadcast, looking at the insignificant number of people online in the live broadcast room, many people came in and looked at the anchor, mainly to see the face of this handsome guy, and the rest is useless.

White City Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Captain, the kid we monitored is online again, and now he is on the bus to start the live broadcast.

We have entered his live broadcast room with a trumpet, and we can monitor it at any time.

"Okay, keep an eye on him."

After Lin Mo started the live broadcast, the Law Enforcement Bureau had already begun to create a trumpet to enter his live broadcast, and I was staring him to death.

"Keep an eye on him for another half a month, if within this half a month, this kid will withdraw first if there is no other sign."

Spending a lot of energy staring at someone who is just subjective guess and has no evidence at all is worth the loss.

"Yes, Captain."

At this moment, the bus stopped, and a group of grandpas and aunts came up, this group of grandpas and aunts don't look at the usual square dance, when grabbing vegetables, it is alive.

As soon as I got into the car, I started to feel pain all over.

Two aunts came up with fans, apparently getting up early to go to the morning exercise, resulting in exhaustion and panting.

I had to go up and grab a seat and come up late, and when I got into the bus, I found that all the seats were full.

After looking around, he found that there was no place at all, and the little eyes began to have new ideas as soon as they turned around.

This one came to the back seat and poked a young guy with his hand.

"Young man, you see that Auntie is already very old, and she didn't occupy a seat when she just got on the bus, can you get up and stand for a while and let Auntie sit here for a while?"

The man in front of him glanced at the aunt standing on the side, and saw that she was sweating profusely with a fan in her hand, and it happened that this area was still a park and everyone knew what they were doing.

When they came to the park for morning exercise, they were dashing, and when they came to the park for morning exercise, they didn't say that they were tired at all, but they began to say that they were old as soon as they got on the bus.

Maybe it's not that they have become bad, but that the bad people have become old.

Originally, he didn't want to sit, let it be a matter of course, couldn't help standing on the side and chattering, the guy in front of him quickly got up and gave up his position and stood in the middle of the carriage.

The aunt who got the position showed a smug smile, and then glanced at the sister who was following on the side, and the sister who followed next to her also understood, and used the same way to spread the young man on the side and snatch his position.

The young man standing on the side dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, after all, everyone knew how much trouble they would cause if they had a dispute with their group.

Just stood directly on the side, some put on headphones and chose to listen to the song, and some chose to ignore it, and the two aunts seemed to look at each other and smile, twisted their butts and sat on the left and right, and muttered softly in their mouths.

"Hey, now this young man really doesn't know the slightest bit about respecting the old and loving the young.

Seeing our group of elderly people should take the initiative to do so, or do we have to say?

If only someone would have done this when we were children, and we would have to be severely criticized by other parents.

Now that the times are progressing, people's hearts have changed, how many people are willing to take care of these things?

"But fortunately, in the end, I gave way, if you dare not give up your seat, but if it is a second late, I promise not to spray them into a sieve."

Directly turn on the 12th company of guns yourself, the click is like a machine gun, it is not a problem to scold for hours, it is just a quarrel, it is simply a trifle.

The position put the fan aside, and began to blow each other again.

"By the way, what is your son doing now?"

"Hey, they all do some small work to mix and eat, that is, they package a small project, and they earn hundreds of thousands a year.

By the way, what about your son ?

"My son works for a company, and he was promoted a few days ago, and his annual salary is hundreds of thousands."

Hey, if I want to say that young people are tired now, we parents must also be considerate of their young people and not cause them trouble.

Lin Mo silently pointed his mobile phone at the two of them, and now he is doing outdoor live broadcasting, paying attention to the original taste without mixing any of his own words.

Without exception, the two of them were directly arranged online, and they could be watched by a few people in their live broadcast room.

Although there are few people, this kind of thing cannot be held, and there are more people who like to watch it.

"This anchor seems to be playing the real thing, you mean that your son is a son who can't work hard if he is a young man."

Other people's children are not children, and the position they sit in first has to give up seats to your group of grandpas and aunts?

As the old saying goes, good people don't face invincibility.

"If I want to say that I am greedy and cheap, I am used to taking advantage of it, so when I came to the bus, I still like to be greedy and cheap."

The few netizens who saw this scene couldn't help but lash out on the screen.

The anchor went up and them directly and scolded him fiercely.

Upstairs is a ruthless person, these two aunts are already so old, you really can do it?

I'm talking about this, not that fret, obscene.

Seeing that a few netizens commented at the end of the live broadcast room, Lin Mo did not make any answers, but fortunately, he just opened the Eye of Death to check it, and the sin value of the two was only more than 40 points.

It seems that it is because of the habit of taking advantage of everything in ordinary times.

I have said before, don't do what is good, don't do what is evil.

These small advantages usually take advantage of will also become their own evils, slowly accumulate, slowly accumulate, and one day small evils will also become big evils.

The two talked and laughed, while praising each other, completely oblivious to the embarrassed expressions of the group of people standing next to them.

With a car, a house, and everything, these two old mothers touted their son as a winner in life.

This is something they don't know, if what the two of them said is true, this operation of the two of them did not add glory to their son, but smeared their children.

Of course, everyone who is a little rational knows that these two old guys are nothing more than bragging in the car, and everyone understands the truth that wealth is not exposed, who has money and shows off so much?

As the car arrived at the station, there were more and more people on the bus.

"Alas, the other day my son had to say that he wanted to buy me a car, saying that he didn't want me to squeeze the bus, saying that this bus was too crowded and how tired it was to squeeze the bus?

I refused, now this young man is not easy to earn more and spend more, and if he has money, he can keep it for himself to spend slowly.

I have a retirement salary, and I don't lack that money.

"Yes, it's good that my sons are filial now."

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