Captain Zhao also did not expect that it was him Lin boy in front of him.

Hearing him, Lin Xiaozi asked himself to explain.

This is the street law enforcement bureau next door, I came to compare the information with them, and then wondered what happened to you kid? What happened?

In his memory, this kid is not the kind of person who makes mistakes easily, why was he brought to the Law Enforcement Bureau this time?

"Captain Zhao, it's not that we just received an emergency call saying that there was a citizen on a bus who suddenly fell ill on the bus.

We rushed over, and according to the surrounding people, it was this little brother who started emergency treatment at that time, so we brought him over, just to take notes, that's all.

After the police officer on the side finished talking about what had just happened, Captain Zhao stepped forward and patted Lin Mo's shoulder and extended his thumb.

"Hahahaha, good boy, you did a very good job this time, and you really deserve to be a young man in our jurisdiction.

I am Lao Wang, and who in your jurisdiction will arrange a medal for this little brother Lin to see righteousness and bravery?

"It turns out that this little brother you know old Zhao, it's good, it must be arranged."

"Okay, let's do the transcript, and go back early after the transcript."

The record on the side of the Law Enforcement Bureau was done very quickly, and the aunt on the other side provided emergency help at the moment when she fell to the ground, because Lin Mo provided emergency help on the side, and when the ambulance arrived, she used some instruments in the ambulance for simple emergency treatment.

Arrived at the hospital for some rescue, the illness was serious, it only took a short hour, the patient has been saved, but he is still in a coma and is lying on the bed to rest quietly, and it will take up to a few hours to recover and awaken.

It's just that although the disease has improved, but this patient has broken two ribs, the so-called 100 days of injury and bones, plus this age is also older, the speed of recovery is definitely not as fast as that of young people.

Not to mention that you have to rest for half a year, during this period of time, you can only slowly recuperate at home until your ribs are completely healed.

On the other side, the patient's son hurriedly rushed over when he heard that his mother was sick and hospitalized, saw his mother lying on the bed, and heard the pathological list said by the doctor, which made the son puzzled when he heard the news.

They know their mother's illness, but according to them, isn't it their mother who is suddenly falling to the ground in the chair, and it stands to reason that if you break your brain, you can still understand, how can this rib break in a blink of an eye?

Isn't this fooling around, did your hospital break my mother's ribs when she treated her again?

Hearing the family's inquiry, the hospital denied it again and again, they just treated it simply, how could they crush her mother's ribs?

Besides, this rib was already broken when his mother came over, and if he guessed correctly, it should be that the young man who performed cardiac resuscitation for his mother accidentally broke it.

However, I have to admit that the young man's technique is too in place, in fact, this disease can be easily treated with the help of professional instruments, and it is not too much of a difficult disease.

However, the main disease is a sudden appearance, which is why its incidence is very low but the fatality rate is very high, that is because in the absence of professional instruments, from the onset to death of up to 5 minutes.

From calling the police to their emergency center to arranging people to the ambulance, everything took 20 minutes and eighteen seconds.

Letting the patient persist for more than 20 minutes with his bare hands without professional equipment is really powerful.

Therefore, his mother is really blessed and destined, and she can meet such a guy in the carriage and pick up a life, otherwise this time it must be 100% dead.

As a doctor, even if the patient is 100% certain to die, when facing the patient's family, it cannot be said that the death must be expressed in an implicit way.

But this time he didn't hide anything, after all, the young man was not the person inside them, in this way, he picked up someone's life, and if he didn't have him, the patient would be dead.

While saying and praise, I don't know which hospital the young man belongs to, this medical skill is indeed quite powerful, if it is an ordinary person, he really does not know these rescue skills.

Some diseases for ordinary people can rescue people from the side, but such sudden diseases, not that kind of professional doctors, they simply cannot do such a profession.

It is enough to show that the young guy is very strong, maybe a doctor in some hospital.

The doctor in front of him said everything that happened today while looking at the content on the computer, but he kept staring at the computer, completely unaware that the faces of the family members on the side had turned purple, and their faces were full of angry expressions.

"Oh, so it is, so it is."

It seems that his mother has broken two ribs, and the culprit who has to spend nearly 10,000 yuan to cultivate well is that kid?

Seeing his mother lying on the hospital bed like this, he scolded the kid fiercely in his heart.

What is the identity of this abominable boy? Could it be that such a casual rescue broke two ribs of his mother?

The main thing is that the kid does not help, is his mother waiting for the hospital to come, and there is no need to break these two ribs for treatment?

No, the more I think about it, the more angry I am, and in the end, I have to pay for treatment myself, and finally let this grandson go unpunished, no, this time this matter, I must let this grandson compensate.

Then he quickly left the hospital, quickly rushed to the law enforcement bureau, and reported the case directly.

On the other side, Lin Mo finished taking notes at the Law Enforcement Bureau, walked out of the office and stood aside to chat with Captain Zhao.

"I said Old Zhao, your little brother is not simple."

"That's natural, this is a righteous and brave youth in our jurisdiction, the last time there was a gangster who committed murder, if it weren't for this little brother's righteous and courageous deeds, I am afraid that the victim would have been killed on the spot by the gangster."

It was thanks to this little brother's battle of wits with the gangsters that the victim was finally rescued. "

It's just that I didn't say the following words, obviously I feel a little embarrassed.

Although the victim was indeed rescued, he still did not escape the trial of the city light.

Although in the end it was because of the city light that caused the incident, not the law enforcement bureau, but they were also at fault for this matter.

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