Captain Wang, the branch of the law enforcement bureau in this jurisdiction, smiled again.

"Hahahaha, yes, just like I just said that a hero is a young man, if every young man in my country A is like this little brother, why worry that my country A is not strong?

Well, little brother, the matter here has been dealt with, and the hospital also called me to make contact, this time thanks to your emergency rescue, otherwise this patient will not be able to be sent to the hospital, I am afraid that I will not be able to bear it.

Just now, Lao Zhao proposed that our precinct issue a medal for righteous deeds to the little brother.

In fact, you don't need to propose this matter, this medal for righteous deeds must be issued. A

few people stayed here and chatted a few more, Captain Zhao and the two of them wanted to continue their busy work here, Lin Mo got up and left.

Originally, I was planning to go to the trial today, but because I suddenly encountered such a situation on the bus, it was impossible for me to delay some time without help.

Glancing up at the sky, the weather now felt gloomy like it was going to rain.

It's just a pity that he didn't bring an umbrella, so he went back first, it seems that today's God also hopes that he can rest and rest.

After taking the car back to the apartment, before the time of two games, a phone call from the law enforcement bureau called and asked him to go over again.

Hearing this, Lin Mo was puzzled, what was the matter, it was really inexplicable?

Since he let himself pass, he put on his clothes and came downstairs to call a car and rushed in the direction of the law enforcement bureau.

On the other side, the son of the injured aunt rushed to the law enforcement bureau angrily and asked to call the police to arrest the kid who was rescued today.

If this kid hadn't treated his mother today, his mother wouldn't have broken two ribs.

Before leaving the hospital, I also asked the doctor, my mother had to recuperate in the hospital for a long time, and the medical expenses and nutrition expenses all added up to at least 20,000 to 30,000.

You say, what to do with these 20,000 to 30,000? Who will compensate?

I can't let my mother live in this hospital naked, I can't bear this anyway.

Hearing what the reporter said, the person who wanted to call the police to arrest him, the faces of the group of law enforcement bureaus became strange.

The case was less than three hours old, so everyone knew it very well.

And this case is also very clear, the old woman suddenly fell ill in the car and fainted, and it was a young guy who quickly launched treatment to allow the old woman to persist until the ambulance arrived and came back to life.

And the hospital at that time also said that because the disease has a super suddenness, if there are no professional personnel on the side to rescue, there is no waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the patient will have to die.

Therefore, the person who saved people at that time was the one who saved someone's life and was the lifesaver of their whole family.

Originally, everything was very clear, why did this suddenly turn an eye, the family of this patient, found the Law Enforcement Bureau to report the case, and the spearhead was directly pointed at Lin Mo's kid?

The main thing is that the kid made a deep impression on everyone today, and the medal for their righteous deeds is being prepared, and they are ready to let the kid come over tomorrow to issue it.

Moreover, Captain Zhao of the next precinct was still researching information here with them, and he also knew that kid.

This is less than two hours before and after, it was originally a matter of seeing righteousness and courage, and after helping people, who would have thought that such a situation would occur?

Captain Wang and Captain Zhao of the law enforcement bureau of the local jurisdiction walked out of the office of the two, and when they heard what the police officer below said, the two did not delay, and immediately came to the front to meet the person who reported the crime.

The man before the meeting looked extremely excited, shouting that he would arrest people and report the crime.

"I am the captain of the law enforcement bureau in the local jurisdiction, and what happened is said slowly, don't be anxious and don't get excited."

When the man dragged out the cause of the matter again, the captains of the two law enforcement bureaus in front of him couldn't help but become strange.

"I said did something misunderstand during this time, didn't the doctor tell you what happened to your mother?"

Maybe the doctor didn't tell your family, otherwise your family wouldn't be so excited.

But the doctor has told us that the law enforcement bureau has all the records of handling the case.

Because your mother suddenly collapsed in the carriage, the situation was very critical, it was the little brother who came forward and treated it professionally for 20 minutes, and finally the ambulance arrived to take your mother to the hospital for treatment.

You said that your mother's ribs were broken, maybe the little brother really used force, which is why this is the reason.

But there is no denying that this happened because it saved your mother's life, and the hospital has issued a certificate, if not for the little brother who stepped forward for treatment.

Your mother may not have waited for the ambulance to arrive.

This sentence was originally a simple, rude and straightforward truth, but when he said it, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest, which instantly made the man irritable.

"Ah, what do you mean by the Law Enforcement Bureau? Is this very ambiguous statement of your law enforcement bureau?

What does it mean that my mother can't wait for the ambulance?

How can your law enforcement bureau talk like this, take our taxpayers' money, and finally stop doing things for our taxpayers, but curse like this?

How can you look like this? Besides, my mother's health has always been very good, there is no disease or disaster, why did she suddenly faint on the bus, is the bus speeding?

Did someone else touch my mother and cause her to faint, or did someone say something that irritated her?

So I have to call the police and arrest these people to prosecute.

Besides, what is that kid doing? Will he help? Is he really professional?

Anyway, today I have to report the crime, I will arrest the kid, not only that, but I will also sue him and make the kid lose money. Seeing

what the man in front of him said, Captain Zhao pondered for a moment and spoke.

"Don't you think you're doing this a little too much? Our country A has this article that clearly stipulates that the rescuer is not responsible for any harm caused to the rescued person in the process of rescue.

Moreover, your mother has also been saved, which should be a great joy, but you will take revenge, and your actions not only hurt the heart of the little brother alone, but also hurt the hearts of all the good people in the entire country A. "

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