In fact, in the past few years of handling cases in the Law Enforcement Bureau, what winds and waves have not been seen, and who have not seen themselves?

Including the words of the man in front of him today, I have seen more things that destroy the three views, but only today's self is a little angry, and it should not be said that he is very angry.

Let's not say whether Na Lin kid has anything to do with the city light that he is investigating at the moment.

That was also a sudden situation, he Lin Xiaozi directly saw the righteous courage without hesitation to step forward, and fought wits with the gangsters to rescue the victims.

And that day someone touched porcelain, and he didn't hesitate to pay for it and help others.

Coupled with the sudden situation that happened to the mother of the man in front of him on the bus on this day, he Lin Xiaozi also did not hesitate to go over to help.

Because the social atmosphere in recent years is not very good, from the elderly to the children are in the attitude that more is better than less, how can there be the previous kind of willingness to help others?

Therefore, there are too few young people like this in this society now, and after such a situation occurs, they must be rewarded.

Not only that, but they are also planning when to hold a press conference, to gather all the people who have seen the righteous and courageous deeds throughout this year, so that the big guys can know about this matter.

So that through the social impact of this aspect, all people can do good deeds.

Originally, their plan was good and was being arranged through such a plan, but at this time, someone suddenly told you that the rescued person was not grateful, and by the way, he wanted to sue the rescuer, who can accept such a situation?

If this sentence is said, it is simply to destroy everyone's three views, why can this person be brazen to this point?

People saved your life, and you want to hit back with your backhand?

There is an old story in Maca.

One winter, a farmer was on his way home when he suddenly noticed a frozen snake on the way.

The farmer felt compassion and personally rescued the snake.

Put the snake in his clothes to give him warmth, as time passed, the snake also felt the warmth, gradually awakened, until the snake completely woke up, glanced at the farmer who rescued him, he did not thank, but bit the farmer's body, bitten it, and then quickly escaped.

Until the farmer was poisoned by the snake into his body and died little by little, even if he didn't understand one thing before he died, obviously he was the lifesaver of this hand, why did he bite himself back after waking up?

And how similar is this thing I saw today to this farmer and the snake?

Relatively speaking, the farmer and the snake, we can defend the snake a few words, after all, the snake itself is a cold-blooded animal without any feelings.

Therefore, in the process of rescue, you should consider the preparation for being bitten by snakes.

Although the snake is good, it is only an animal after all, but the biggest difference between man and animal, man has conscience, man knows gratitude, man has legal constraints, and can distinguish right from wrong.

However, such a simple truth, but he could not see the slightest thing in him.

I saw him roaring wantonly, giving people the feeling that he wanted to kill his lifesaver soon.

I can imagine the evilness of this kind of thing, which is even more excessive than the old man I met before and was deceived when he touched porcelain.

As a normal person, hearing what he said had an urge to scold his mother.

But as a law enforcement bureau officer, his professionalism prevented his impulse, but this scene made people look very uncomfortable.

Directly patiently took the person to the side, and re-watched all the videos of today to the family.

At the same time, there was also a fantasy that perhaps the family member saw that his mother was sick, so he got carried away and said these words.

However, when all the video evidence was put in front of the man, the man refused to admit it, and even thought that it was the Law Enforcement Bureau, and together with this kid to deceive himself, he still clamored that he wanted to prosecute, and he had to give his mother an explanation.

"All this evidence is conclusive, your mother was saved, not killed.

I said that if you don't thank you, it's just that, you actually want to blackmail people, is this a bit too much?

With Captain Zhao's question, he threw the spearhead at the man in front of him, but a man who had become a scoundrel seemed to have no effect on such words.

"Anyway, I don't care, I'm going to find that kid, if you don't tell me, I'll even prosecute with your law enforcement bureau, just say that you know the law and break the law."

Damn it.

Although everyone knows that this kid is playing scoundrels, the laws of country A also stipulate that this situation cannot be ignored, and the little brother Na Lin is indeed the party, and now he has to come and coordinate if he is falsely accused.

Although he was very angry, he also had to call Lin Mo's phone and ask him to come over again and explain the matter clearly in person.

As long as the matter is made clear, so that even if this kid is messing around, they can take legal measures to sanction him.

So Lin Mo, who had just returned home and had just played two games, was called again by this call.

The other side of the phone did not tell what happened, and he took the car to the law enforcement bureau with a puzzled face.

Could it be that they just said that they saw righteousness and courage?

But if this is the case, they seem to be a little too anxious, right?

Your ass hasn't sat hot yet, and your reward will arrive?

He hurriedly left the house and came quickly.

"Old Zhao, you will explain this matter to Na Lin boy later."

Mad, as the captain of the law enforcement bureau here, only felt that his old face was red, and he encountered such a thing in his jurisdiction, and he just praised the kid from the other family, but he was stunned by his old face, and he really didn't know where to put his old face.

Captain Zhao stepped forward and patted his old fellow, nodded, it's okay, the next is himself.

In a moment, Lin Mo hummed a little tune and walked to the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Captain Zhao, Captain Wang, you two are here, is this to award me a pennant?"

Wouldn't it be the previous inventory? You guys are too fast, you already know that I shouldn't leave, and I'll leave after you send out the pennant.

Lin Mo teased as he walked towards the two of them.

However, at this moment, the two had to smile awkwardly, and for a while they really didn't know how to explain to this little brother.

Coming to the two of them, he glanced up at the middle-aged man standing on the opposite side, only to see that his face was full of anger, and he pointed at himself and asked.

"Did you treat my mother on the bus today?"

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