Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 54: butterfly in stomach

    The imaginary butterfly did not emerge from the throat. Xu Rendong held the elevator door, gasping for breath, trying to calm down. At this time, even if you close your eyes, you can see the text in the left eye field of view:

    What happened to you? What happened?

    How are you? The bag contains water and wipes.

    Xu Rendong touched her cheeks and found herself covered in cold sweat. With his back against the cold elevator body, he gradually calmed down and told Lian Qiao that he was fine.

    The elevator door has been opened, and the narrow and dirty alley is still outside the door. The streets outside the alleys are full of people coming and going, a bustling scene. Looking around, you can vaguely see billowing black smoke rising from the factory chimneys in the distance. Everything looks so normal.

    Xu Rendong didn't get out of the elevator, he needed time to calm down.

    Since the world resets, it means that he has already died once. But how come there is no memory at all? Could the ghosts this time kill silently in their sleep? What exactly are the conditions of death?

    No, it's not necessarily a ghost who killed him, it may be a teammate. But what is the motive?

    The brain is filled with doubts, but nothing.

    Xu Rendong sighed and walked out of the elevator helplessly.

    When he came to the street, the beret stopped him again. Xu Rendong walked into the team with a calm expression as much as possible, and soon, the gentleman came to talk to him again.

    Xu Rendong stared at his every move carefully, trying to find clues, but the gentleman behaved very normally and could not see any problems. Xu Rendong thought for a while, and then came to the end of the line, in front of the medical student.

    The medical student held the book in his hand, walked with his head down and carried his back, completely unaware of Xu Rendong's arrival. Xu Rendong took the initiative to say hello to him, and the medical student looked up and saw that he had two pupils in his left eye, and was shocked.

    " this the legendary double pupil deformity!" After the medical student was shocked, he was overjoyed, "Damn it! Awesome! This is the first time I saw a live double pupil deformity!"

    Xu Rendong tried to shift the topic from his eyes to the medical student. The medical student very readily explained his name, age, school, department, and even his marriage and relationship status. But obviously he was more interested in Lamia's eyes, staring at Xu Rendong's left eye, and the whole person was about to stick to Xu Rendong.

    Lian Qiao: Damn it! What is this man doing! The big cake face is almost on the camera! Boss! Let him go! !

    Xu Rendong was forced to step back by him, and felt a little embarrassed. He was about to push the medical student away when a hand suddenly appeared in front of him, patted the medical student on the shoulder and stopped him.

    It was clearly a man's hand, with well-defined joints and nails so short that they almost sank into the flesh. This hand is very white, and the light blue blood vessels are clearly listed on the back of the hand, slightly bulging, which can be said to be very masculine.

    But what made Xu Rendong care is that the skin of the thumb, index finger, and **** of this hand is abnormally dry, and the depths of the nails are slightly white. I don't know why.

    The left eye's perspective suddenly flickered, and Lian Qiao typed out two words: Teacher?

    Xu Rendong suddenly realized: Yes! Teachers often touch chalk, so they often wash their hands, so the hands will be very dry, and there will be chalk dust in the fingers that cannot be washed off.

    He looked up along the hand and found that the gentleman was standing in front of him.

    The gentleman glanced at the book in the medical student's hand, and then gave the medical student a friendly smile: "Are you a doctor? I understand your excitement when you see rare patients, but can you be a little bit more? How about taking into account the other person's feelings?"

    The medical student reacted and apologized to Xu Rendong repeatedly. Xu Rendong said that he didn't care, and then returned to the original position with the gentleman, and continued to follow the beret slowly towards the factory.

    On the way, Xu Rendong couldn't help but peek at the gentleman's right hand, thinking that it is no wonder that he is so polite, it turns out to be a people's teacher.

    Finally, the group came to the factory again. Everything was the same as last time, and everyone was quickly assigned to their respective workstations and began to work.

    In the sultry boiler room, Xu Rendong put on a backpack again. Before leaving, he took a deep look at the medical student, who was still burying his head in his endorsement, with a "don't try to stop me from studying" attitude. This time, Xu Rendong was more attentive, and sprinkled a thin layer of coal ash on the ground at the door of the boiler room. The lighting in the boiler room was dim, and it was impossible to detect the coal ash scattered on the ground without looking carefully. But once the people inside came out, traces were left on the soot.

    After arriving on the first floor, Xu Rendong did not continue to follow the foreman, but went around the stairs from the other direction and went directly to the third floor.

    He remembered that Zhang Xiaoxiao and the gentleman exchanged their seats on the third floor. While the foreman was still patrolling the first floor, he found Zhang Xiaoxiao in the corridor on the third floor first.

    "You—" Zhang Xiaoxiao was startled by the sudden appearance of Xu Rendong, widened her eyes and asked, "What, what are you doing?"

    "Go back to your workshop first, the foreman will be here soon." Xu Rendong vigilantly paid attention to the surroundings to check if there was anyone else nearby.

    When Zhang Xiaoxiao thought of the muscular foreman, she was frightened, so she quickly returned to her workshop. When the girls in her group saw her coming back, they looked surprised: "Why did you come back, you didn't mean to look for it..." When she saw Xu Rendong who was following behind Zhang Xiaoxiao, the expression on her face was even more surprised, "Hey, What are you doing here?"

    Xu Rendong made up a random excuse while observing the workshop. In addition to these two girls, there is also a row of articulated dolls in the workshop. The mechanical crawler was running non-stop, and the workpieces were continuously transported to the front. The joint puppets also handled the workpieces in an orderly manner like a machine, and did not respond to the extra outsiders in the workshop.

    If you don't look closely, these articulated figures are almost identical to real people. But the moment one notices their exposed spherical joints, there is immediate unease and even fear.

    What's even more bizarre is that these wooden dolls don't know what the structure is inside, but they can accurately grab the workpiece on the conveyor track and perform fine operations in their hands. There seem to be more than a dozen souls hidden in a dozen articulated dolls. They work without a word, tirelessly, without complaining. There is only the rumbling sound of mechanical operation in the entire workshop, which is monotonous and strange.

    Xu Rendong carefully came to the back of the conveyor track and squatted behind the knuckle puppets. Sure enough, even if he did this abnormal behavior, the joint puppet did not respond. Before long, the door of the workshop was kicked open, making a loud "bang". Both girls were taken aback.

    Xu Rendong hid behind the puppet, most of the vision was blocked, so only the foreman's feet could be seen. The foreman stood at the door, muttered something in his mouth, and quickly turned his head and left.

    As soon as the foreman left, Xu Rendong immediately walked out from behind the doll and found that Zhang Xiaoxiao had retreated to the corner of the wall farthest from the conveyor belt.

    She was very afraid of these dolls, hugged her arms tightly, and said in a trembling voice: "I don't want to stay here anymore, it's terrible here... I want to find him …”

      Good man! You don't even think about it, why? You're not a beautiful woman, and you won't give him money, why would he risk helping you?"

    Xu Rendong said: "I happen to have something to find him, and I will go with Zhang Xiaoxiao." He turned to look at another girl, "What about you? Do you want to stay here alone?"

    The girl was stunned when she heard the words, she seemed extremely reluctant, but she didn't want to slap herself in the face, so she forced herself to say: "It's okay, I'm fine by myself. If something happens, I'll call lifesaving."

    Xu Rendong remembered that there was also a male teammate in the workshop next door. She called for help here, and the people next door should be able to come right away. So he nodded and left the workshop with Zhang Xiaoxiao.

    The foreman had almost reached the opposite corridor. With the help of the huge gear in the central area, Xu Rendong and Zhang Xiaoxiao walked quickly to the entrance of the stairs. Going down to the corner of the second floor, Xu Rendong only felt a flash of white in the corner of his eyes, and subconsciously felt bad, and quickly pulled Zhang Xiaoxiao out and pulled her back behind him.

    "What?...Ugh!" Zhang Xiaoxiao was covered by Xu Rendong and looked at him in a panic as he made a silent gesture to himself.

    Xu Rendong cautiously stuck her head out from behind the wall, and saw a white figure walking out of the corner of the corridor. The man was wearing a white robe similar to that of a monk, and his wrists and ankles were tied with rubber bands, as if to facilitate some kind of operation. The white hood covered his face, and only a long black beak could be seen from the side, sharp enough to stab someone to death. The man was still carrying a man on his shoulders, who seemed to have lost consciousness, and collapsed softly on the man's shoulders like a sack.

    Doctor Beak? Why is he here? Who is the man on his shoulders?

    Due to the angle, Xu Rendong could only see the lower half of the man's body. He noticed that there was a piece of intestine hanging down from the man's abdomen, swaying as Doctor Birdbeak walked. Doctor Bird's beak's snow-white robe was also soaked with blood, and a scaryly large pair of scissors hung from his waist, and blood was dripping from the edge of the knife.

    "This is not..." Zhang Xiaoxiao's voice trembled, "Could he have..."

    Xu Rendong did not answer. I'm afraid the corpse on the shoulder of the bird's beak is a gentleman. The disemboweled belly is exactly the same as Zhang Xiaoxiao's first death. I see.

    Lian Qiao suddenly said: In case of being discovered, don't fight, run up.

    Xu Rendong was taken aback. up? But isn't the foreman upstairs?

    Before he could think about it, Dr. Birdbeak was carrying the gentleman's body and walked to the fence in the central area. He raised his hand and pushed the corpse down with ease.

    And below, is the molten pool where the heat wave is rolling!

    The orange-red lava wrapped around the corpse like silk, and before it took a second, flames erupted from the corpse. The fire scorched the clothes and hair of the corpse, and a black smoke came out. The ultra-high temperature burning caused the body to quickly seep grease and crackle. In the roar of the factory machines, the faint crackling sound was not obvious, but both Xu Rendong and Zhang Xiaoxiao could hear it very clearly.

    In just a few seconds, the corpse has been burned into human coke. With the slow flow of the viscous lava, the human-shaped coke broke into dozens of pieces and floated on the surface of the lava. It didn't take long for the coke to be burned red again, and it gradually merged with the molten pool, as if nothing had happened.

    Zhang Xiaoxiao burst into tears when she saw it, she wiped her tears, and suddenly asked in a trembling voice, "What is that in his hand?"

    Xu Rendong narrowed her eyes and was horrified to find that Doctor Birdbeak was holding a **** organ in his hand.

    A stomach.

    Doctor Bird's Beak grabbed the opening under the stomach bag with his gloved fingers and pulled it hard. The stomach bag was torn apart by him, revealing the pink gastric mucosa. Doctor Birdbeak seemed to be very interested in the structure of the stomach, and tossed it in his hand. Blood dripped down the glove, staining his chest red, looking crazy and brutal.

    This picture is so exciting that even Xu Rendong has physical discomfort. He frowned and wanted to take Zhang Xiaoxiao away, but saw Zhang Xiaoxiao clutching his throat with one hand, covering his stomach with the other, his shoulders twitching, his face full of pain.

    "You..." Xu Rendong had a very bad premonition, and before he could react, Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly widened his eyes and spat out with a "wow".

    However, what she spit out did not fall to the ground, but flapped its wings and flew!

    That's a—moth!

     Spreading its wings, it was about the size of a fist, and the fluffy gray-white moth slowly flew away in a graceful posture that was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

    Zhang Xiaoxiao watched as she vomited a moth, and her face turned pale. Immediately afterwards, her pupils shrank suddenly and covered her mouth. More moths tried to get out of her mouth, and her mouth was full of the sound of moths flapping their wings, and even a gray wing had been squeezed out of her fingers.

    Xu Rendong was so frightened that she was speechless until a sentence appeared in her left eye field: Run! ! ! Under the warning of this long series of exclamation marks, Xu Rendong came back to his senses. He instinctively turned his head and glanced in the direction of Doctor Bird's Mouth, and found in horror that the first moth that Zhang Xiaoxiao vomited had already flown in front of Doctor Bird's Mouth!

    Doctor Beak reaches out and grabs the moth. He opened his palm, glanced at it, and immediately turned his head to look straight at Xu Rendong.

    "Run!" Xu Rendong shouted violently, grabbed Zhang Xiaoxiao, turned and ran to the stairs.

    Up or down?

    Up or down? !

     There were rapid footsteps behind her. Without time to think about it, Xu Rendong made a hasty decision.

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