Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 55: butterfly in stomach


    Xu Rendong grabbed Zhang Xiaoxiao's wrist and strode up the stairs.

    Zhang Xiaoxiao covered her mouth with one hand and couldn't run fast at all, but she couldn't ask too much at this time. After all, the mouth is full of live moths, and the feeling is creepy just thinking about it. The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, Xu Rendong suddenly exerted force in a hurry, almost dragging Zhang Xiaoxiao upstairs abruptly.

    The foreman is on the third floor. Xu Rendong had no choice but to continue running towards the fourth floor. As soon as they passed the corner of the stairs, both of them felt dazzled. The light in front of them was too bright, and both of them subconsciously closed their eyes.

    Xu Rendong opened her eyes first. The entrance is a long straight corridor with incandescent lamps on the top of the corridor, no wonder it is so bright. There are offices on both sides, and the shutters are drawn so tightly that it is impossible to see what is inside.

    No time to think about it, Xu Rendong rushed to the office closest to him and turned the door handle. The door opened suddenly.

    He was about to go in and find a place to hide when Lian Qiao suddenly said: Close the door! Change a room!

    Xu Rendong was puzzled, but at this time he couldn't ask, just instinctively followed Lian Qiao's instructions.

    Lian Qiao's fingers are flying: the penultimate room!

    Xu Rendong did not hesitate, dragged Zhang Xiaoxiao and rushed to the penultimate room at the end of the corridor. He turned the door handle, only to hear a few crisp clicks, the door turned out to be locked! At the same time, Lian Qiao said: Opposite!

    Xu Rendong was helpless, turned around and came to the opposite room. The door could be opened this time, so he quickly dragged Zhang Xiaoxiao into the house and closed the door.


    Zhang Xiaoxiao said in horror: "What happened to you? What?"

    Xu Rendong whispered: "It's okay." He touched the table and took Zhang Xiaoxiao to hide under the table.

    As soon as the two were hiding, they heard a loud bang in the corridor. It was the sound of the door being kicked open.

    Zhang Xiaoxiao trembled in shock, grabbed Xu Rendong's arm violently, and pinched her nails into the flesh. Xu Rendong frowned slightly and whispered, "Don't be afraid, it's not this one."

    Listening to the sound, it should be the first room near the stairs, which is the room he wanted to hide from at first.

    It was. The first reaction of normal people is to hide in the nearest room, so Doctor Bird's Beak will also start from the first office. Once the first room is lost, the bird's beak may find it room by room, or it may go directly to the last room at the end of the corridor. And the penultimate room has a high probability of being the last to be found!

    Under such a tense situation, Lian Qiao was able to find the best solution so quickly, like a seasoned agent.

    Is he naturally thoughtful, or...

    The sound of tables and chairs overturning and glass shattering could be heard in the distance. It seemed that Doctor Bird's Beak was rummaging through boxes in the first office. Xu Rendong and Zhang Xiaoxiao hid under the table, unable to see anything in the darkness, only heard each other's suppressed and trembling gasps.

    Zhang Xiaoxiao grabbed his arm desperately, her nails almost sinking into the flesh. Xu Rendong slowly groped the ground beside him, trying to find something to use as a weapon. Soon the distant sound of tables and chairs toppling was gone, replaced by a low, high-pitched sound of metal sharps dragging on the floor.

& nbsp;

    Zhang Xiaoxiao trembled all over, and her breathing became obviously violent.

    Xu Rendong bit her lip. Except for the dust on the ground, he felt nothing. Now the two of them don't have any weapons on them. Once the beak enters this room, it will be a matter of time to find them. What to do then?

    Lian Qiao's fingers moved uneasily on the keyboard in his left eye, but he didn't press a single letter. It seems that even Joe is not the same at this time.

    It's really a bad move, I'm afraid I can only do it all over again.

    Xu Rendong thought so resignedly and let out a long sigh of relief. But soon, he found that his fingers were shaking.

    Not only his fingers, but his arms, thighs, muscles all over his body trembled.

    What's wrong? What are you afraid of? Not the first time...

    The body trembled uncontrollably, Xu Rendong closed his eyes in the dark, trying to calm down. But no matter how he comforted himself, his body was still shaking, his throat was itchy, his whole body was sweating, and even his cheeks began to feel sore.

    He soon realized that his cheeks were sore because he had clenched his teeth too hard. And the trismus was because his teeth were chattering too.

    At this moment, apart from the breathing and heartbeat of the two, the only thing that can be heard is the sound of large scissors dragging on the ground. Dr. Sha-Sha-Beak seems to be making such a noise on purpose to create panic, and his purpose is indeed achieved. In the minds of the two of them, the picture of the blood-covered doctor bird's beak with large scissors approached them step by step.

    Lian Qiao suddenly moved his finger and typed the word "don't be afraid". Xu Rendong twitched the corner of his mouth lightly and drew a wry smile.

    How can you not be afraid? Even if you die, you can start over, but it will still hurt if you get mortally wounded.


    Bird's beak didn't find any room, but went directly to the last room.

    The sound of scissors mopping the floor stopped. The suffocating silence made even time stand still.

    Xu Rendong took a deep breath, raised her hand and pressed her left eye, trying to remove Lamia's eyeball. If death is inevitable, at least don't let Lian Qiao witness the scene of his disembowelment.

    At this moment, the field of vision of the left eye suddenly swayed, and Lian Qiao quickly typed in: "Wait for him to enter, you all run!"

    Xu Rendong suddenly woke up: Yes! They still have a last chance! It is to take advantage of the bird's beak to enter the last room and run away!

    You must see the moment, don't hesitate!

    Xu Rendong grabbed Zhang Xiaoxiao beside him, carefully bypassed the debris at his feet, and came to the back of the door. Zhang Xiaoxiao only cares about trembling, and has become a lamb to be slaughtered. Xu Rendong held her tightly with one hand and pressed the door handle with the other, ready to rush out at any time.

    As soon as the beak walks into the next soon as you hear the door open, immediately—


    The moment the sound wave reached the eardrum, Xu Rendong pressed the door handle like a conditioned reflex. However, in the next second, the blood all over his body froze.

    The door handle turned before he pressed it down.

    Beak chose them!

    The heart almost stopped beating, Xu Rendong's muscles all fell into a state of rigidity, unable to move, so nervous that she wanted to vomit. Zhang Xiaoxiao was so frightened that he forgot to breathe, and the whole person looked as if he had been electrocuted, dumbfounded.

    Death's cold fingertips touched the backs of the two, and the two of them had goose bumps at the same time. At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the far side of the corridor!

    It's the foreman's voice!

    The door handle snapped back to its original position instantly, making a soft "click" again. Immediately afterwards, the sound of scissors opening and closing came from the door, as well as the sound of chaotic fighting.

    Xu Rendong and Zhang Xiaoxiao, who were separated by a door, held their breath and listened to the sound in the corridor. Soon, hurried footsteps sounded outside, followed by another footsteps and gradually disappeared at the end of the corridor.

    The corridor fell into a dead silence, only the heartbeats of the two of them were clearly audible in the darkness.

    Xu Rendong was cold all over, and his palms were full of cold sweat. He moved his fingers and slowly released Zhang Xiaoxiao's arm. Zhang Xiaoxiao grabbed him with his backhand, and his fingernails were embedded in the flesh again.

    It hurts.

    Xu Rendong suddenly missed Lian Qiao strongly. Even though Joe could scratch his hand, it wouldn't cut off all his flesh.

    The two were silent in the dark. I don't know how long it took, Xu Rendong sighed and said in a low voice, "They should all leave."

    Zhang Xiaoxiao trembled: "Then... what should we do now?"

    Xu Rendong thought for a while, then turned around to find the flashlight from the backpack. At the same time, Lian Qiao excitedly typed out four words: "It's coming."

    Xu Rendong said: "Search it."

    Zhang Xiaoxiao: "???" Are you serious? !

    Before concentrating on searching, Xu Rendong took a look at the stairs and confirmed that the foreman and the bird's beak were not nearby. Zhang Xiaoxiao held up the phone and turned on the flashlight mode. She followed Xu Rendong into the first office, looked at the desks, chairs and bookcases that had been turned over by the bird's beak, and asked inexplicably, "What are you looking for?"

    Xu Rendong lifted up a table and opened the drawer inside: "Look for clues to clearance."

    "Clear clues?" Zhang Xiaoxiao also began to rummage through the folder on the side, and suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, isn't there a character in the elevator at the beginning? Butterfly in the stomach... "

    Xu Rendong said: "Well, this is the reminder of this copy." Speaking of butterflies, he realized it later, looked up and asked, "Are you okay just now? Those moths in your mouth Well, won't you swallow it all? Would you like to find some water for you to rinse your mouth?"

    Zhang Xiaoxiao was shocked: "God **** gargle..." In the next second, her expression became extremely weird again.

    "The moth is gone," she said.

    Xu Rendong didn't understand: "What is missing?"

    Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "It's... gone." She frowned, with a complicated expression, "I don't know what's going on, I felt something moving in my throat when I ran away just now, And when I was hiding under the table, my throat felt the same as when I spit out moths in the first place. So I kept covering my mouth for fear of spit out moths again, but now…”

    She paused for a moment, seemingly licking her mouth with her tongue, then said, "There's nothing left."

    Xu Rendong pondered: "This may be the key to customs clearance. But why moths and not butterflies?"

    "Right! I was about to say it just now!" Zhang Xiaoxiao patted her thigh, "Butterfly in my stomach! German is SchmetterlingeimBauchhaben! I'm just reciting this in my endorsement today!"

    The string of foreign languages ​​was so fast that Xu Rendong couldn't hear it clearly: "What endorsement? Did you learn German?"

    Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "Yes, I'm studying German. I have an exam in the past few days, and I'm endorsing it every day. I didn't respond when I first saw Chinese, but now I think about it, SchmetterlingeimBauchhaben , it means to fall in love!"

    Xu Rendong recalled the information he and Lian Qiao checked together, and added: "There is also tension and fear."

    Zhang Xiaoxiao: "Yes, yes, anyway, it is to describe the feeling of a racing heart."

    Xu Rendong: "Then why did you spit out moths?"

    Zhang Xiaoxiao: "I don't know..."

    After thinking about it, Xu Rendong still couldn't guess what the prompt was talking about. He continued to rummage through the office, and looked at Lian Qiao distractedly. In view is a Victorian drapery bed with an old man in pajamas lying on it. The old man's face was blue and gray, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth, and he looked like he had been dead for a long time.

    Lian Qiao and a group of people stood around the big bed and seemed to be discussing something. Seeing people's lips move, Xu Rendong tried to read what they were talking about, but he gave up immediately. It turned out that the movement of his lower lip at a normal speech rate was so fast that he couldn't keep up.

    Suddenly, the corpse on the bed moved his fingers, the dead old man's eyes suddenly opened, and he bounced off the bed. Thin fingers grabbed the neck of the person closest to him!

    Cheat? !

    Xu Rendong's heart tightened, and her breathing became rapid.

    The field of vision of the left eye shook violently, and Lian Qiao was dodging. The violent shaking produced an effect similar to motion sickness. Xu Rendong felt nauseated for a while, and quickly covered his mouth, almost spitting it out.

    The next second, the eyes are black. Lian Joe took Lamia's eyeballs off.

    The left eye returned to normal field of vision, and it was a little uncomfortable for a while. Xu Rendong was holding the table, still dizzy in his head. He immediately realized that Lian Qiao cut off the visual sharing in order not to affect him, but then he couldn't see the situation on Lian Qiao's side.

    Unexpectedly, the anxiety gradually subsided. A mere zombie, even Joe can handle it. It is best not to disturb at this time.

    He believed in Lian Qiao's fighting ability.

    Xu Rendong and Zhang Xiaoxiao continued to explore the fourth floor, rummaging through all the rooms that could be opened in the corridor. These offices are all about the same structure, nothing to call it a clue. The only thing of value is a key in some drawer that says "Factory Director's Room". The two came to the end of the corridor and found that the last door of the office that could not be opened was hung with a sign of "Factory Director's Office".

    Xu Rendong pointed the key at the key hole, and was about to turn it when Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly moved her nose, pointed at the corner of the wall and said in surprise: "What is that? Is it food?"

    Xu Rendong turned her head and saw that there was a lunch basket in the corner. Zhang Xiaoxiao lifted the cover and saw that it was actually stuffed with sandwiches and milk.

    Zhang Xiaoxiao was still wondering why there was food here, and a line of words suddenly appeared in Xu Rendong's mind:

    Before the war, there must be supplies!

    …let’s take it slow. Continuously stimulated, the heart is a little overwhelmed.

    He silently retracted his hand and put the key back in his pocket. cowardly.

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