Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 64: old love is over

    Next day.

    A City Welfare Institute.

    Everything looks the same as when Xu Rendong left: young children play in the yard, volunteers take the older children to weed the flower lawn. Creeper crawls all over the small bungalow, and the silver-haired dean stands at the entrance of the corridor, waving at him with a smile.

    "Honeysuckle, come on, I've prepared your favorite cookies."

    Xu Rendong came to her and looked at this kind woman with silver hair. His usual indifferent and alienated expression softened, and his voice became soft: "Mr. Xu."

    President Xu took him upstairs. Xu Rendong slowly looked around at the scene, everything was so familiar, it seemed that it had not changed since he left. The whole building looks very old, but the furniture is spotless, and the children's graffiti is pasted on the walls, which makes this orphanage exude a warm smell. He recalled the past when he was a child, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly.

    In the dean's room, there are still so many books on the shelves. The sun shines in, the spider plants on the windowsill hang down long and green, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance. The dean asked him to sit down at the reception table and poured him tea. Seeing a plate of bear-shaped biscuits on the table, Xu Rendong smiled and said, "I haven't eaten this for a long time. The biscuits bought outside don't taste right."

     Dean Xu laughed, even the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were filled with a gentle smile: "Then try it quickly, this biscuits still tastes like your childhood."

    Xu Rendong looked at the biscuits on the plate, but did not reach for them. He sighed: "Mr. Xu, I don't want to disappoint you. However, I really don't want to visit her."

    Dean Xu's smile showed a hint of helplessness: "I understand, this is of course, after all, you grew up in the welfare center, and suddenly learned about the whereabouts of your biological mother, and it took a while Certainly not acceptable. But now that her condition is getting worse, her only wish..."

    Xu Rendong interrupted her: "Why should I fulfill her wish?"

    President Xu was surprised, Xu Rendong realized that he was a little emotional, and quickly restrained it. He looked at Dean Xu and said calmly, "What kind of mother would be so cruel and leave a newborn baby in the ice and snow? If you hadn't found out earlier, I would have frozen to death at the gate of the orphanage. Now she has it. It’s not long before I die from a terminal illness, and I finally remembered that I had done such a wrong thing, and I didn’t want to come to repent until now?”

    Even if I try to suppress it, the emotions in my heart are still more and more turbulent. Xu Rendong narrowed his eyes, and his voice became colder and colder: "But why should I forgive her? What does her wish before her death have anything to do with me?"

    President Xu had already expected this result, she sighed heavily, her expression was rather unbearable, and she seemed to be hesitating whether she should say it.

    Xu Rendong said: "Teacher, you don't need to persuade me. I won't go to see her. She is not my mother."

    President Xu looked out the window and sighed again. After a long time, she asked quietly, "No one has adopted you for so many years. Do you know why?"

    Xu Rendong's heart sank: "What do you mean?"

    President Xu stared at the spider plant on the window sill with a distant expression: "Back then, the conditions of the welfare home were not good, and your favorite bear biscuits can only be eaten on birthdays every year. The bear biscuits are only available for For your own sake, I am afraid that other children will be greedy, so I have to wait for everyone to fall asleep and secretly ask you to get up to eat. The way you gobble up in the candlelight is really cute, and it makes people feel very distressed..."

    The dean's words evoked Xu Rendong's memory. Bear biscuits were one of the few solace in his childhood. He could only eat them every year on his birthday. He still remembers the feeling of putting biscuits in his mouth and drooling, but he couldn't bear to swallow them. But why did the dean say this at this time?

    Xu Rendong suddenly didn't want to listen anymore, he stood up decisively and said goodbye: "My thoughts will not change. Teacher, I still have something to do, I have to go back first."

    He walked quickly to the door with the mood of running away. He heard a heavy sigh behind him.

    "Honeysuckle, did you know that when your mother gave birth to you, she was only thirteen years old."


    These three words are like a heavy hammer, hitting Xu Rendong hard. He froze all over, turned around slowly, and looked at the dean in disbelief.

    The dean was full of pity, walked up to him, raised his hand and stroked his hair: "I know, telling you this is cruel to you. But if you still hate her until the end , that would be too cruel to her."


    Xu Rendong came back from the orphanage and saw that the doors of his house and Lian Qiao's house were open, and Lian Qiao was carrying a big box from here to there.

    "I'll help you." Xu Rendong went over to help and moved the box into his house with Lian Qiao.

     So... which room do I live in?"

    He kept glancing at Xu Rendong's bedroom, but Xu Rendong reached out and pushed open another door beside him, saying, "This side sleepers."

      Squeeze with Xu Rendong and sleep in the same bed.

    He retracted his head and let out an "oh" in disappointment.

    Xu Rendong said: "Don't be restrained, just treat this as your own home. I'm a little tired and want to sleep for a while."

    Lian Qiao saw that his face was not very good, and asked: "Are you feeling unwell?"

    "No." Xu Rendong was in a bad mood, but he didn't want to vent his negative energy on Lian Qiao, and he didn't want him to worry about suspicion, so he said frankly, "Something happened today, I'm in a bad mood. Great, I want to be alone and be quiet."

    "Okay." Lian Qiao nodded, then raised a gentle smile, "Go to sleep, I'll call you when you're ready."

    Xu Rendong warmed her heart, smiled at him, and went back to the house.

    It was already dark when even Joe came to call him. There are several dishes on the table, all home-cooked. Xu Rendong felt very unaccustomed to it. After all, he never cooks himself, and there is no other food on his table except takeaways and fruits. At this time, three dishes and one soup were steaming on the table, and there were two bowls of white rice at both ends, full of the taste of home. The scene was so sweet that he didn't even know it.

    After eating, the two cleaned up the bowls. There was still more than an hour before Lian Qiao opened the live broadcast, and the two decided to go downstairs for a walk.

      There are old people and children walking in the community, which is peaceful. Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao walked side by side on the road.

    This is the first time that Lian Qiao has walked side by side with him like this. He was in a very good mood. He frequently looked sideways at the people around him, and admired his profile in a fair and open manner, at his clean facial contours, at his white earlobes and neck, at his eyelashes that could swing on a swing, at his His thin lips pursed slightly.

    The thought of this man and his love for him made even Joe fly with joy.

    He can't wait to announce to everyone that this man belongs to me, but after all, it is a public place here, so he has to restrain himself. So he pretended to be natural and reached out to hook Xu Rendong's shoulders, pretending to be socialist brotherhood.

    The moment he touched Xu Rendong's shoulder, Xu Rendong suddenly said, "Lian Qiao."

    Lian Qiao was startled, and withdrew her hand in a guilty conscience: "...what's the matter?"

    Xu Rendong raised her light brown eyes to look at the sky, with an indescribable gloom in her eyes: "I've been thinking about one thing for the past two days. I'm very hesitant and can't make a decision. . Can you listen to me?"

    Lian Qiao thought that you were finally willing to say it, and then smiled when he curved his eyebrows: "You say it."

    Xu Rendong: "There is a person who once hurt me. She is dying now, and she wants to see me again before she dies. Should I go?"

    Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, and 10,000 words floated in his heart.

    This is a proposition that directly hits the soul! The relationship was only confirmed yesterday, is there an ex out there today!

    He calmed down and asked, "Male him or female she?"

    Xu Rendong: "Female."

    Lian Qiao: "..." Damn, it's better not to ask. I was even more frustrated.

    Lian Qiao was silent for a moment, then asked, "What about you, what do you think?" After a pause, he added, "Don't consider my words."

    Xu Rendong glanced at him with a strange look, as if wondering why he added the phrase "don't consider me". After thinking about it seriously, Xu Rendong said, "I don't know."

    The afterglow of the sunset scatters on the street, coating the pedestrians with a warm golden yellow. Xu Rendong looked at the passers-by who came and went, his eyes were full of confusion.

    Lian Qiao looked at him like this and thought to himself: Fuck your ex, what a shit! This is clearly an old love!

    Being aggrieved, even Qiao was still very reasonable: "Go. But I'll go with you."

    Xu Rendong glanced at him in surprise, with a subtle expression on his face: " see her now, it's a little too early..."

    Lian Qiao was displeased when he saw that he looked different, and pouted: "What's too early, isn't it about to die?"

    "..." Xu Rendong tasted this delicate situation by herself, and suddenly smiled, "That's right. She really doesn't have much time."

    When she walked into the hospital the next day, Lian Qiao was still wondering if her ex was pretending to be pitiful and sympathetic. After all, their honeysuckle was so cute, whoever broke up with him could not help but beg him to come back. Until Xu Rendong pressed down the elevator on a certain floor, Lian Qiao took a look at the floor guide map next to it: Oncology.

    Damn, cancer? That person may not be the white lotus pretending to be pitiful, but they are really going to die.

    Lian Qiao suddenly felt very embarrassed, and even wanted to go downstairs to buy a fruit basket.

    The ex lived in the emergency room of the ward, and was separated from the doctor's office by a layer of transparent glass, so that the doctor could observe the condition and rescue him at any time. Xu Rendong entered the ward, but Lian Qiao waved his hand, indicating that he was waiting for him outside.

    There are five beds in the emergency room, Xu Rendong went straight to the middle of the hospital bed and sat down with his back to the window glass. Lian Qiao saw a thin woman lying on the bed through the transparent glass. That kind of thinness is no longer the thinness in ordinary people's perception, but a pathological, pitiful and a bit scary thinness.

    But even though she was suffering from illness, she could still see that she was a beauty. There is a kind of pure and beautiful temperament in her facial features, which can be distinguished from the ordinary people around her at a glance. This is somewhat similar to Xu Rendong.

    Lian Qiao slammed on the window glass and thought jealously: Humph! We are quite married to our boss.

    Speaking of which, if she doesn't look good, it's impossible for our boss to fall in love with her, let alone have a relationship with her. After all, the current boss of the boss is me, and I am so good, his predecessor can't be any worse!

    Lian Qiao felt a little more balanced and decided not to peek. He turned his back to the transparent glass and started playing with his mobile phone, and suddenly noticed that the two nurses in the nurse station were also peeking at the woman.

    "Finally someone came to see her." Nurse A said.

    "You mean Zhong Xiu? Alas, she is so pitiful, she got this disease in her early 40s. From the time of diagnosis to the present, every time she received radiotherapy and chemotherapy, she was hospitalized alone. When the world is seriously ill, no family members come to sign, alas." Nurse B said.

    "Is this her family member today? He looks so handsome, like a star."

    "I hope so. It's really miserable not to have family members to accompany you. If you feel uncomfortable, you have to carry it alone. If you vomit during chemotherapy, you have to hold a trash can by yourself, and then wake up in pain in the middle of the night. I'm sorry to ring the bell to call us. Oh, he's a good man, why is it so miserable."

    "What about her husband and children?"

    "Isn't it written on the medical record, unmarried."

    "Ah? She's so beautiful and young, how can..."

    "I don't know. Don't ask too much, it must be another tragedy anyway."

    "Alas, what a sin..."

    Even Joe couldn't listen anymore. This woman is very miserable, and he can't bear it as a rival in love.

    He glanced into the glass inadvertently, but his eyes almost popped out.

    I saw Xu Rendong sitting in front of the woman's bed, bowing her head deeply. And that woman was touching Ren Dong's face!

    Lian Qiao suddenly became angry. You are miserable! You can't be arrogant and arrogant!

    He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go in and reason with the woman, but suddenly heard an alarm behind him. At the same time, the woman's hand slipped weakly from Honeysuckle's face and fell heavily on the edge of the bed.

    Xu Rendong stared at her hand blankly, as if she hadn't realized what happened, but the patients around her screamed first.

    Lian Qiao was also shocked and quickly turned back to call the nurse. The nurse reacted faster than him and had already stood up and called for help. In a few seconds, several doctors ran out of the office, and the nurses also put on masks and gloves and rushed to the emergency room.

      Xu Rendong stood outside the blue bed curtain and stared blankly at the direction of the bed. He just stood there silently, his fists clenched, like a man walking alone in the dark, who suddenly hit him with a sap, hurt and angry, but had nowhere to vent.

    He looked so helpless.

    Lian Qiao felt distressed and came to him, wanting to hug him. Suddenly caught his eyes, but was taken aback.

    I saw his eyes full of pain and unwillingness. The emotion was so strong that his eyes were red.

    Lian Joe had never seen such an expression on his face. That look of extreme pain and hatred made Lian Qiao feel as though a needle had been pricked in her heart. So his outstretched hand just stopped in the air.

    The emergency room was a mess, the doctor issued the doctor's order, and the nurse was busy implementing it. Lian Qiao was in a trance, and a sharp alarm sound attracted everyone's attention.

    The source of the alarm sound this time is the ECG monitor. Through the gap in the curtain, Lian Qiao saw a straight line on the monitor.

    Xu Rendong opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. He took a step forward, but after all, he didn't rush into the bed curtain. Lian Qiao felt a stab in his heart, he turned his face away in discomfort, and suddenly felt the air around him suffocated.

    All noises disappeared in an instant, and everyone stopped. Even the drips in the hanging bottle stopped flowing.

    Lian Qiao turned around in shock, and a silver-white metal elevator appeared in front of him!

    He looked back at Xu Rendong, Xu Rendong also noticed the strangeness around him, and was staring at the elevator with a complicated expression. Soon, the curtain of the bed behind him was pulled open. The two turned their heads at the same time, and saw a weak and thin woman walking down the bed.

    Zhong Xiu.

    As she was dying, the elevator that belonged to her opened.

    Zhong Xiu looked at the two in front of her, and said in surprise, "How are you... Could it be..." She opened her eyes wide.

    Xu Rendong took a deep breath and accepted this fact. He nodded to Zhong Xiu and said, "Yes. We also went in."

    Zhong Xiu asked: "How many times?"

    Xu Rendong: "Many times."

    The two looked at each other, a trace of pity flashed in Zhong Xiu's eyes, and Xu Rendong turned away. Zhong Xiu looked at Xu Rendong, then at Lian Qiao, and sighed, "Sorry, I got you all involved."

    Lian Qiao was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to say. Xu Rendong has walked into the elevator: "Let's go."

    After the three entered the elevator, there was a low running sound in the car. Zhong Xiu always looked at Xu Rendong with a complex and affectionate look, Xu Rendong occasionally met her eyes and quickly looked away.

    Lian Qiao felt more and more green on the top of her head. He rolled with jealousy and couldn't hold it any longer. He reached out and said, "Hello, I didn't have time to say hello just now. My name is Lian Qiao, and I'm his incumbent."

    Zhong Xiu was taken aback. Xu Rendong suddenly raised his eyes in shock, and hurriedly corrected: "Currently-roommate!" After speaking, he quietly moved to the side, as if he wanted to draw a clear line with Lian Qiao.

    Lian Qiao was shocked and heartbroken: "You didn't say that yesterday! You ruthless man!"

    Zhong Xiu: "What is ruthless?"

    Xu Rendong angrily said: "Don't listen to his nonsense!"

    Xu Rendong is sandwiched between her biological mother and her lover. She does not want to admit that this woman who looks only in her thirties is his mother, nor does she want to come out in front of the biological mother she met for the first time. .

    Lian Qiao sees Xu Rendong in a dilemma, and his heart is even more sour. He was dazed by jealousy, and he didn't even care about politeness. He provoked Zhong Xiu with hostility: "What about you? What is your relationship with him? He never mentioned you to me before."

    Zhong Xiu: "I am him..."

    Xu Rendong's heart was in her throat. Zhong Xiu gave him a deep look, then lowered his head and smiled: "I am him, the former teacher."

    Xu Rendong finally breathed a sigh of relief, but did not notice that when Lian Qiao heard the word "teacher", the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

    At the same time, a prompt for this clearance appeared in the elevator:

    "Three people become tigers."

    Xu Rendong quickly changed the topic: "Okay, now the most important thing is to clear the customs, and the rest will be discussed later."

    Lian Qiao glanced at the customs clearance prompt, looked at Zhong Xiu, then looked at Xu Rendong, and said coolly, "This prompt is not very auspicious."

    The author has something to say:

    Lian Qiao: Next, I will perform a [Fucking Jealousy] for everyone.

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