Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 65: Three become tigers

    After the elevator stopped, what appeared in front of the three was a retro dark living room.

    The living room is very spacious, with a dozen people standing in it. The teammates this time are all relatively young, and the expressions on their faces are quite calm. It seems that there are not many newcomers. The three came to the living room, looked around, and found that there was no exit in the living room, only a staircase leading to the top.

    windows of course do not exist. There are several oil paintings on the wall with dark green wallpaper, and the crystal chandelier is covered with dust, apparently no one has cleaned it for a long time. The gorgeous fabric sofa is also gray, no wonder everyone is standing and no one sits down.

    Although this living room is magnificent, it reveals a gloomy atmosphere everywhere, like the residence of the destitute nobles before they die, people take tea to cool, and they leave nothing but a sense of despair without a future.

    Everyone looked at each other. The three of Xu Rendong came together and obviously knew each other. In addition, there are four men and women who look like college students, standing very close to each other, and they should also know each other. The remaining few people were standing here and there in pieces, clasping their chests and watching with cold eyes, their expressions and actions revealing refusal and precaution.

    After a simple observation, Xu Rendong already knew something. There are fifteen players in total this time, so the difficulty should not be high.

    "The people should be all together, right?" A boy came out of the foursome of college students. He was handsome and strong, like a little sun full of energy. He looked around at everyone, revealing splendid white teeth, "Let's get to know each other, I'll come first. We are members of the X University Film Club, and I'm the president."

    After he finished saying "I'm the president", he paused. Everyone was waiting for him to say his real name, but he turned his head and smiled at his partner behind him, signaling his partner to come up.

    The other three young men and women also came forward and introduced themselves, namely, member ABC.

    Obviously asking for a self-introduction, but instead of reporting my real name, I only use a pseudonym, which makes people feel very insincere. Everyone did not show obvious unhappiness about this, but just like them, they gave themselves a code name.

    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao looked at each other and did as the locals do. Lian Qiao said, "My name is Qiao Mu."

    Xu Rendong said: "My name is... Huahua."

    Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment and cast a smiling glance at him. Those eyes were as gentle as spring water, making people willing to drown in it.

    Xu Rendong was disturbed by that glance, and suddenly remembered that Zhong Xiu was still by his side, he calmed down instantly, coughed, and said to everyone: "Who of you came first? "

    A young man code-named "Rock Monk" suddenly raised his hand and waved it horizontally, his palm flipped and swiped in front of everyone, making a grabbing action out of thin air. This action was too exaggerated, everyone followed him subconsciously with their eyes, and suddenly reacted, his action seemed to grab everyone's attention.

    Idol you are! Everyone's face sank, and their mouths were blocked by the embarrassment that came to their faces.

    The rock monk shaved his head with green stubble and burned six bright ring scars. Wearing a yellow monk's robe and black cloth monk shoes, he looks like a serious monk, but this person is not very serious.

    As soon as he opened his mouth, he came to a paragraph of freestyle. Since the author is too lazy to edit it, the translation here is: "The first one to arrive is the cool poor monk."

    Everyone fell silent. After a while, Xu Rendong finally said, "Then what did you find?"

    The rock monk had a disagreement and came to a rap again. The translation means that he didn't know where this place was, but he was at peace with it, so he sat down and started chanting the scriptures. Come to everyone.

    After everyone heard it, they looked different. This brain-dead monk is still a rookie? It's over, this newcomer has a pit in his head and will definitely die.

    Not wanting to listen to the monk's awkward unaccompanied rap anymore, decided to explore the house first. Fifteen people were divided into two groups, and after a rough exploration, they quickly figured out the situation of the villa.

    The first place they started was the living room on the first floor, and across the living room was the kitchen. There was a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, and fifteen people could eat for a week without any problem. There are six guest rooms on the second floor and the third floor. Although the furniture is old, it is still clean. The water and electricity are complete and can be used for people. Further up is a huge balcony glass room.

    There are fifteen stools in the middle of the glass room, forming a circle, which looks like some kind of ceremony. This glass room is completely transparent, and the view should be excellent, but it is dark outside. Even if the light is turned on, you can only see the silhouette of the person reflected on the glass. It is still absolutely dark outside, and you can't see anything.

    This villa is like an island in the dark, you can't get out when you come in, giving people a sense of terror of being isolated and helpless. Everyone looked at each other, and even the faces of the old players were covered with an ominous cloud.

    "Hey, there's a piece of paper." Lian Qiao had sharp eyes, walked to one of the chairs, and reached out to pick up a piece of paper.

    Everyone came over and listened to Lian Qiao Nian: "Notes for the courage training camp: 1. The theme of this issue: the deepest terror in the heart. 2. Activity content: Please turn off the lights at 00:00 every night. , Share a ghost story in the glass room and face the horror in your heart. Share at least one story every night. 3. Friendly reminder: the story cannot be repeated, it will die. clatter."

    The more everyone listened, the worse their faces became, and finally someone couldn't help but scolded: "Reading, studying, selling something cute, do you have a brain disease?"

    The rock monk glared back confidently: "Don't scold the poor monk, the poor monk has a bad temper. If you scold me, I will beat you." He rolled up the sleeves of the monk's robe, revealing a sturdy Biceps.

    Everyone: "..." There are actually tattoos!

    I tattoo, I beat people, I sing rap, but do I know I'm a good monk!


    The task paper was passed around and returned to Lian Qiao. As soon as Qiao Gang touched the paper, his face suddenly changed and his hand retracted. In the next instant, white smoke appeared on the paper, followed by flames. The person who handed over the paper was also taken aback, and let go of his hand with a "fuck" sound. The burning paper fluttered to the ground and turned to ashes.

    A gust of wind blew out of nowhere and scattered the ashes.

    Everyone's faces are not very good-looking. Xu Rendong asked, "Are your hands okay?"

    Lian Qiao looked at her fingers carefully to confirm that she was not injured, so she smiled and shook her head at Xu Rendong.

    President Little Sun said: "Why is what is written on this paper so unreasonable, this is the first time I have encountered such a trivial task." He looked at everyone expectantly, "You have encountered Similar?"

    Everyone shook their heads.

    President Little Sun didn't seem too disappointed, but instead showed an "as expected" look. He thought about it and asked, "What time is it now?"

    Everyone took out their mobile phones and was surprised to find that the time had become 23:55 in the evening, and there were only five minutes left before the ghost story written on the paper.

    "Where the **** is this?" Someone said, "What if you don't tell ghost stories?"

    No one can answer.

    " you want to talk about it?" A timid girl, member A, looked at President Little Sun hesitantly.

    The president's handsome and handsome face did not have the slightest entanglement, and he said with a hearty smile: "Of course.

     Member A said in a soft voice: "But in case there is a ghost..."

    The president was about to comfort, when the rock monk suddenly put his hands together, shook his head and said: "Amitabha, don't be afraid of the donor."


    Everyone: "…"

    Member A was so frightened by him that his face turned white. The smile on President Little Sun's face also became a little embarrassing. He turned around and looked around the crowd, and asked politely, "Anyway, let me try the water first? If something happens to me, please take care of my members."

    Some people are willing to take the risk, of course everyone has no opinion. Although the member ABC around President Little Sun said moving words, no one really stopped him. It can be said that the plastic society is very friendly.

    So everyone took their seats. Xu Rendong sat between Lian Qiao and Zhong Xiu. President Little Sun stood beside the light switch and said, "I turned off the light."

    Everyone took a deep breath and nodded.

    Xu Rendong's hand suddenly warmed, and it was Lian Qiao who held his hand. He turned his head in surprise, only to see Lian Qiao throwing an embarrassed but polite smile at him, while covering his mouth with his other hand.

    …Are you afraid of being frightened and hiccupping?

      He turned his head and saw that Zhong Xiu was looking at the hands they held together with a loving gaze.

    Xu Rendong: "..." His face flushed, he patted Lian Qiao's hand away without hesitation, pretending to be angry, "Put your hand on your lap, people sit upright! Yes, what does it look like!"

    Speaking, he also sat up straight, like a primary school student who listened carefully.

    Lian Qiao: "Hey!" He glared at Zhong Xiu angrily, but the latter met his gaze, but a kind aunt smiled.

    What a laugh! You shameless little three!

      The surrounding glass seems to have disappeared, and the darkness inside and outside the glass room merges into one, giving the illusion of being in a dark wilderness. There was even a cold wind blowing from behind.

    "Hey!" Lian Qiao was instantly stiff, becoming a screaming chicken strangled by the neck.

    Everyone was trembling, and several people couldn't help shivering. In the darkness, fifteen breaths came one after another. Outside the glass room, a strong wind blew at an unknown time, and the wind blew the windows, like a typhoon passing by, and like a hundred ghosts walking at night, whimpering and crying.

    In the dark, anything can happen. No one knows what the consequences of telling this story will be, the only certainty is that something horrific will happen.

    It is the unknown that is the most terrifying.

    President Little Sun cleared his throat and broke the silence with a warm and magnetic voice: "Then, I will tell you the first ghost story."

    Before the ghost story started, the opening remarks made Lian Qiao so nervous that his whole body was stiff and his scalp was numb. All kinds of horror games that he had played before began to come to his mind, and with the roaring of the strong wind against the window, he was not feeling well.

    His heart beat faster and faster, and his breathing became faster and faster. Just when he was about to be scared to death by himself, his hand suddenly warmed. He was startled and instinctively wanted to withdraw, but his hand was tightly held.

    The hand that held him was dry and warm, slender and strong, with a reassuring familiarity.


    He backhand clasped the man's fingers. The man seemed to be stunned for a moment, and his fingers paused slightly. Soon, he clasped his fingers tightly. Their palms were close to each other, and they could feel each other's body temperature. In this endless darkness, they became each other's only support.

    However, this sweetness lasted only a moment. The next second, Lian Qiao heard Zhong Xiu's gentle inquiry from the darkness.

    "Honeysuckle, are you afraid? If you are afraid, you can sit over for a little while."

    Xu Rendong, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, withdrew her hand with a "swoosh".

    Lian Qiao roared wildly in his heart: I'm afraid of your mother's size! You old witch, have you mastered light bulbs?

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