Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 73: Three become tigers

    There is no suspense, Xu Rendong was quickly killed by Freddy.

    Back to the elevator, he still hasn't recovered from the pain in the balls. Only Zhong Xiu said quietly, "I was his former teacher..."

      Xu Rendong was instantly angry, he just slapped him when he went up, and said coldly: "Don't think about it, she is not my ex."

     Even Joe: "???" I haven't said anything yet!

     Came to the living room of the villa and saw the familiar scene again. The film club's group of four stood together, the rock monk shook his head with headphones, immersed in his own little world. The rest were sitting or standing, with different expressions.

    After some self-introduction, everyone explored separately, and finally gathered in the sun room on the top floor. Outside the glass curtain wall was still bottomless darkness, and the wild wind roared, making people feel cold. Fifteen chairs are arranged in a circle, and a piece of paper is placed on one of the chairs.

    Xu Rendong went straight to the chair and picked up the note. The note is still the same: Courage training camp instructions: 1. The theme of this issue: the deepest terror in the heart. 2. Activity content: Please turn off the lights at 00:00 every night, share a ghost story in the glass room, and face the horror in your heart. Share at least one story each night. 3. Friendly reminder: The story cannot be repeated, it will die. The story can't not be scary, it will die. 4. I lied to you.

    Xu Rendong repeatedly browsed the content on the paper, while summarizing the information he had obtained so far.

    We must tell ghost stories every night. This is a mandatory requirement. If we can't do it, there will be an earthquake. If the ghost story told is scary, it will come true, and the ghost will come to the reality to kill according to the setting in the story, but if the story is not scary, then the narrator will become an ice sculpture and shatter on the spot.

    In this way, either a new ghost is added every day, or it is dead on the spot. Whether or not the ghost story holds true, the difficulty of the dungeon increases exponentially. The most important thing is to start. Xu Rendong was so miserable in the last reincarnation because the stupid president picked a very difficult **** start. The setting of "Monster Street" is simply incomprehensible. Even if you use a puppet to escape, you will still be killed by Freddie the second time you fall asleep.

    The thought of this made him angry.

    After everyone circulated the note, the note spontaneously ignited again, turned into ashes and scattered with the wind. The president immediately said: "Anyway, let me try the water first? If something happens to me..."

    Xu Rendong stepped up and kicked him directly to the ground.

    President: "???"

    Everyone: "???" Why did you do it without a word?

    Xu Rendong spoke calmly in the eyes of everyone's fear and suspicion, and said earnestly: "Don't say such things, it's not auspicious. Don't you know what it means when three people become tigers? I want to curse myself and invite you Close the door and curse to yourself."

    Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and the president also opened his mouth, sitting on the ground and forgot to stand up.

    Lian Qiao felt that this scene was very familiar - oh, I remembered that in the copy of the Russian nesting doll, the honeysuckle boss also came up and kicked the rabbit over. At that time, the rabbit was sitting on the ground like this, He looked up at the big man in confusion.

    …The big guy is still a bad temper.

    But think about it, the big guy makes a lot of sense! Three people become tigers, which literally means that the lies rumored by the three people will become true. In the ghost world, it is not impossible that the FLAG that is exported will be harvested in seconds.

    It turns out that the boss is saving people!

    Lian Qiao looked at Xu Rendong with pride in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he praised me, we, and Jia Rendong a hundred times in his heart.

    Xu Rendong ignored everyone's astonished eyes and announced calmly, "I'll tell you the first story. If you want to ask why, it's because I'm a Jiuguan boss."

    Everyone was stunned by his domineering declaration. After thinking about it, it was really awesome that they could live in nine stages, and they didn't dare to speak.

    So Xu Rendong successfully overthrew the boss and became the first ghost story teller.

    How to start this time, Xu Rendong already has a general idea. The hour hand just moved to twelve o'clock, all the lights went out instantly, and the glass room fell into absolute darkness again. Everyone couldn't help exclaiming, Xu Rendong took a deep breath and began to tell his story.

    "A long time ago, there was a little boy who lost his mother. As in all fairy tales, his father soon married another woman, and with his stepmother came a lovely sister, My name is Marlene..."

    Xu Rendong chose the story of "The Juniper Tree" told by the rock monk, but he did not copy the original copy, but changed his mind a little.

    In the darkness, everyone sat in a circle. Xu Rendong slowly circled and walked behind everyone. His voice was low and hoarse, from far and near, as unpredictable as the gust of wind beating against the window.

    Everyone listened attentively to this ghostly tone, and they all felt cold on their backs, as if something was creeping up their backs.

    "...the stepmother said, 'The apples are in the box, you can go get them yourself'. The little boy listened to his words and stuck his head innocently into the box. At this moment, The stepmother suddenly slammed the lid on the box—"

    Xu Rendong just came to the glass door, he grabbed the door frame and slammed the door hard. The crowd was completely unprepared, and was so frightened by the loud noise that some people even fell off the chair with their legs weak.

    Xu Rendong listened to everyone's rapid gasps with satisfaction, and continued to describe in a creepy voice: "The little boy's neck was crushed by the box like this. Poor boy, his The head rolled into the box, and blood spurted out of the severed neck, soaking the whole head red, like a red apple."

    Everyone: "..." I understand the truth, but why is the sound effect so good!

    The story continues. Xu Rendong walked farther and farther on the deliberately scary road, scratching the glass with his fingernails and making harsh noises, and strangling someone's neck with his sleeves, telling him that a gold necklace just fell from the tree.

    Finally, the story is about to enter the climax at the end.

    "This vicious woman is feeling guilty about killing her stepson. She has been restless all day, and after listening to her husband and daughter, she decided to meet this magical the birds..."

    Xu Rendong's voice was getting lower and lower, he drifted quietly behind the crowd, his fingers slid across the backs of everyone, causing a burst of trembling. In this immersive 5D ghost movie, everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

    Xu Rendong: "Then, a grinding disc fell from the sky—"

    Just then, all the lights came on!

    Xu Rendong was taken aback for a moment, the chair held high in his hand stopped abruptly in the air.

    How come it's over? He also wanted to randomly select a lucky spectator and smash it to death on the spot. Speaking of which, I don't know who this lucky audience is...

    Xu Rendong looked down and met the fearful eyes of the president.

    The next second, the president's face was pale, and he fainted with a "bang".

    Xu Rendong put down his chair silently, spread his hands and said, "You all saw it, I didn't do anything."

    Everyone: "…"

    Xu Rendong secretly regretted, knowing that he was the president, he would turn on the lights and turn off the lights, smashed a chair directly, and could pick up a doll for nothing. loss.

    The more he thought about it, the more he lost, so much so that when he returned to Lian Joe's side, he looked resentful.

    Lian Qiao: "..." Boss, why are you so irritable today.

    The other three members of the film club quickly stepped forward to help the president up. Two women and a man greeted the president at the same time. The scene was very touching. Everyone present couldn't stand it any longer, and turned their faces away in embarrassment.

    The rock monk said: "This is the end?"

    Xu Rendong said: "It should be. The task is over, go back and rest." After thinking about it, he added, "By the way, if you see the box, don't stick your head in it. "

    Lian Qiao suddenly stretched out his hand and said weakly, " that kind of box?"

    Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and their expressions changed instantly. In front of the glass door that had been empty, a black lacquered wooden box suddenly appeared. The box looks similar to the treasure chest in the game, about the size of a suitcase. Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and the same thought occurred in their hearts:

    Ghost stories come true!

    Xu Rendong was not surprised by this, but was very happy. This can save the time of explaining, and everyone should have a deep understanding of what "three people become tigers" mean.

    When everyone came to the wooden box, they suddenly heard a "creak", and the wooden box actually opened the lid by itself. It was pitch black inside, and it was impossible to see the inside from any angle. Someone took out their mobile phone and turned it into flashlight mode to shine in, but the wooden box was like a black hole, swallowing all the light, and it still looked dark.

    Lian Qiao was surprised: "Hey, black body?"

    Xu Rendong gave him a surprised look, and Lian Qiao explained: "This is a physical concept. It means that once the light enters the black body, it will be refracted countless times, and finally all the light will be refracted by Trapped in the black body, it cannot be captured by the human eye from the outside world. Therefore, from the outside, the inside of the black body is absolute darkness."

    Everyone's faces showed a look of amazement, and Zhong Xiu also praised: "You are so knowledgeable."

    Xu Rendong is used to Lian Qiao's knowledge reserve, so she is very calm. Unexpectedly, Lian Qiao frowned again, touched his chin and thought, "But the black body shouldn't be this structure, it doesn't conform to the laws of physics..."

    Xu Rendong said with a smile: "There are even ghosts here, you are still entangled in the laws of physics?"

    Even Qiao thought about it and said with a smile, "You're right.

    At this time, someone suddenly reacted: "Fortunately, there are no ghosts in the story you just told! Otherwise now..."

    Everyone suddenly realized, and became afraid after realizing it, and they all praised Xu Rendong's wit. Xu Rendong glanced at the director of the film club. The poor child had just woken up under the hug from the left and the right. After being kicked so coldly by the big guy, he rolled his eyes and fainted again.

    …Is it so delicious?

    Xu Rendong recalled the brave performance of the president in the last reincarnation, and soon understood: he was acting.

    Sure enough, the president's second fainting caused strong dissatisfaction among the three members of the filmmaker. The **** member B came over angrily, pointed at Xu Rendong's nose and scolded: "Why are you like this! Why are you targeting our president? Are you jealous that our president is tall, handsome and popular!"

    …This is really a beauty in the eyes of a lover.

    Xu Rendong glanced at the president on the ground, thinking that your president is not as good-looking as we are. Completely ignoring himself and turning on the 800 times lover filter.

    The member B raised his orchid fingers and cursed for a while. Xu Rendong became a little impatient. As soon as he frowned, he saw Lian Qiao picking up a chair, staring at member B coldly, and threateningly: "If you scold one more sentence, I will let you go to the sky."

    The member B was stunned, and with a pale face, he retreated to his partners, and stared at them resentfully with the other two girls, trying to kill them with his eyes.

    Xu Rendong felt that this was not good, so he said to everyone: "I'm sorry, my friend is not very good at controlling emotions."

    Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the boss is still tolerant.

    Xu Rendong said again: "So you are polite to me. If you scold me, he will beat people."

    Lian Qiao threw the chair to the ground, and the milk made a fierce "Ow".

    Everyone: "…"

    The rock monk suddenly laughed and patted the two of them on the shoulders: "You guys really have personalities, I like them!"

    After such a farce, everyone is a little tired. Especially Xu Rendong, who has not rested for four or five consecutive days. After finally sleeping for a while, and being chased and killed by Freddy in a dream all night, the whole person was not well.

    He was able to faint, mainly because of physical exhaustion.

    Xu Rendong would never admit that he was passed out by Lian Qiao's kiss. Just kidding, this doesn't fit his personality as a Jiuguan boss!

    Anyway, I can finally sleep well tonight. Xu Rendong lay down between Lian Qiao and Zhong Xiu, and said "good night" in a happy mood. He fell asleep almost as soon as he touched the pillow, and it didn't take long for a restless paw to touch his collarbone.

    Xu Rendong kicked Lian Qiao down without hesitation.

    Lian Qiao: "Hey! Boss, I was wrong!"

    After a while, Zhong Xiu: "Honeysuckle, are you asleep?"

    Xu Rendong slept in a daze, raised her foot, and kicked Zhong Xiu down.

    Zhong Xiu: "???"

    Lian Qiao: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!    

    The night was finally quiet.

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