Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 74: Three become tigers

    I thought I could get a good night's sleep tonight, but I never expected that at two o'clock in the morning, Xu Rendong was called up again.

    The film club quartet has made a fool of herself again.

    When the honeysuckle trio arrived, a large crowd of onlookers gathered outside the film team's room again. It was still a familiar recipe and a familiar taste. The familiar president rushed over and was kicked away by Lian Qiao.

    Unlike last time, this time there was no woman covered in wounds screaming on the bed. It was still the cowardly and delicate member A who had the accident, but the scene of the crime was changed to a bathroom. A headless female body was lying on the toilet, her hands were hanging by her side, her neck was like a broken faucet, gurgling blood out, making the toilet and floor tiles everywhere, bright red and dazzling.

    The way of death of member A is exactly the same as that of the little boy in Xu Rendong's ghost story, everyone changed their faces when they saw it.

    "Shit, isn't it a box? How did it become a toilet?!"

    "Can't even go to the toilet? Then what should we do! Damn, I want to pee now!"

    "Although it's miserable, but I want to laugh a little..."

    Xu Rendong looked at the president helplessly: "What's going on this time?"

    Everyone: "?" Why do you say it again?

    The president wiped the blood and tears on his face: "She, she got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and then her head was pinched off by the toilet lid..."

    Xu Rendong glanced into the toilet, it was clean, and there was no head: "Where's that?"

    The president said in shock: "There was a hand inside...and dragged the head down..."

    "Hand?" Xu Rendong was taken aback, "How come there is a hand?"

    The president did not answer. Xu Rendong looked at the other two people in the film company, and they turned their heads silently, with embarrassed expressions on their faces. After a while, **** member B whispered: "She didn't dare to go to the toilet alone, and the president joked that you're afraid that there are hands in the toilet..."

    Everyone: "..." You are really talented, and you dare to make such a joke at such a time.

    Lian Qiao touched his chin and said: "It seems that three people become tigers really are 'three' people become tigers, not only the ghost stories told at twelve o'clock will come true, as long as there are three The ghost stories that the individual has heard will come true.”

    Everyone: "...Isn't this **** harder!"

    Xu Rendong felt helpless and gave the president a gloomy look: "What are you talking about with the hands in the toilet?"

    President: "Because we were watching "The Night of the Soul" before we came in..."

    Xu Rendong: "?"

    Lian Qiao explained for him: "A ghost movie, played by Stephen Chow."

    President: "That's right! "Return to the Soul Night"!" Hearing this, he instantly regained his spirit, "You've seen it too, what a coincidence!"

    Xu Rendong: "..." How many ghost movies did you watch before you came in?


    As soon as he thought about it, he couldn't help but glared at the president: Sure enough, he should have killed you in the first place!

    The president was so frightened by Xu Rendong's murderous eyes that his legs softened, and he knelt directly to him. Immediately, the show started again. While beating his chest, he cried, "It's all my fault! I killed her! I'm not a competent president! Woo woo woo..."

    Xu Rendong was too lazy to pay attention to him, but saw Lian Qiao staring at the toilet with a thoughtful expression. He suddenly turned his head and asked, "Is there any chocolate?"

    "I have it, I'll get it." A girl went back to her room and brought two pieces of chocolate, "What do you want chocolate for?"

    Lian Qiao said: "Do an experiment, you all get out of the way."

    Xu Rendong showed puzzled eyes, Lian Qiao smiled at him: "I'll seduce."

    Xu Rendong understood instantly, nodded, and took two steps back with everyone, only to see Lian Qiao bent down, apologized to the female corpse, and then slowly put the female corpse down on the floor tiles . He took out a piece of chocolate, then imitated the corpse of a woman, lying on the toilet seat and poking his head in.

    Almost the moment he probed, everyone felt a flash in front of them, and a pale hand came out of the toilet and went straight to Lian Qiao's face!

    Everyone was shocked. Fortunately, Lian Qiao's reaction was very fast, and before the hand touched him, he ducked back. There was still a "fuck" sound in his mouth. Xu Rendong was nervous, and was about to step forward to help, but saw Lian Qiao raised his hand and threw the chocolate to that hand. The moment the hand was hit by the chocolate, everyone clearly heard an eerie scream. Immediately after that, the hand seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid, and hot steam came out from top to bottom, gradually tired, and shrank into a strange-shaped piece of meat, which fell back into the toilet.

    Everyone was shocked: "What happened?" "What happened just now?" "What is the principle? The ghost was actually killed by chocolate?"

    Xu Rendong pulled Lian Qiao up from the ground, looked him up and down, and confirmed whether he was injured: "Are you okay?"


    Xu Rendong was speechless for a while, and wiped his face with a towel. The crowd asked curiously, "Why are ghosts afraid of chocolate?"

    Lian Qiao was surprised and asked: "Have you never watched "The Night of the Soul"?"

    He looked around, everyone except the film club shook their heads, including Xu Rendong and Zhong Xiu. Lian Qiao explained: "'You need to use plastic wrap to catch ghosts, and chocolate to kill ghosts', this is a classic line in "The Night of Returning to the Soul". Doesn't Xingye still have a pot of flowers that can be used to find ghosts... You really didn't read it Ever? Childhood?"

    Everyone looked at each other. Xu Rendong pondered for a moment: "What do you mean, ghosts who come from ghost stories to reality will completely restore the setting of the story?"

    "It should be." Lian Qiao nodded, "However, it seems that the difficulty will also increase, otherwise the toilet lid will not be able to trap people."

    The crowd fell silent. The rock monk sighed: "Isn't the story behind it getting harder and harder to tell?"

    Xu Rendong said: "Anyway, let's go back to rest now." He hadn't slept enough, and was sleepy again now.

    Everyone agreed and left the room.

    Xu Rendong thought about it and turned back. The three people in the film club were crying and collecting the corpse for member A, and when they saw Xu Rendong coming back, they were so frightened that they immediately turned off their voices. Especially the president, who had to kneel when his legs became weak.

    Xu Rendong grabbed him by the collar and picked him up, and said coldly: "From now on, you are not allowed to speak. If you dare to say one more word, I will sew your mouth with a needle. .You should have seen it..." He wanted to talk about a movie coming out, which made the president feel a little bit of a picture, but he got stuck for two seconds and couldn't come up with it. He had no choice but to answer in an embarrassed yet arrogant manner, "...that movie."

    The president didn't know what to do, his face paled instantly, and he nodded again and again.

    Xu Rendong was very satisfied with his response, and threw him to the ground casually and left gracefully. Zhong Xiu, who had been watching silently for a long time, suddenly pulled Lian Qiao's sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Is he like this normally..."

    Lian Qiao asked: "What do you mean?"

    Zhong Xiu didn't know how to describe it, so he struggled for a moment and said, "That's it... If you see who is not pleasing to the eye, you will do it on the spot, openly and secretly wanting to kill others, and you don't hide it at all..."

    Lian Qiao Xin said how could it be, our honeysuckle is gentle, kind and lovely, and she looks so good, she is like an angel. But thinking about the various actions of the boss Ren Dong against the president, Zhong Xiu seems to be right...

    Lian Qiao was suddenly blessed, and he was so handsome that he cried bitterly: "Yeah! He's just a scumbag! It's the same at home, and he punches me if he doesn't like me a little bit. Kick kick, every day, I have violently me! Woohoo, I ca n’t pass this day ... You were right when you left him ... "

    Zhong Xiu's expression changed, as if being stabbed by an invisible needle, she said gloomily, "Really... I'm sorry."

    Lian Qiao: Huh? ? ? Why are you apologizing for his domestic violence?

    Who do you think you are! Why are you apologizing for him!


    When everyone left, in the movie club room.

    The president leaned against the wall sullenly, and the other two members looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

    Although they knew that the body would disappear automatically even if it was left behind, the dead member A was their friend after all, and he died in the bathroom next door. I feel hairy.

    After briefly handling the corpse, the three of them remained in the same posture for a long time.

    Gay member B comforted: "President, don't blame yourself too much. No one wants this kind of thing to happen. As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy..."

    Leng Yan member C mocked: "Are you going to give him a bowl of noodles?"

    As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rumbling belly in the room. The president touched his stomach awkwardly: "I'm really hungry."

    Gay member B shyly said: "Then I'll give you something to eat."

    Leng Yan member C showed disgust: "You are disgusting or not."

    Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the president quickly settled the situation: "Okay, don't quarrel." He instructed member B to cook three bowls of instant noodles, while he stayed in the room to appease member C.

    Although member B was a little reluctant, he still listened to the president's words and went obediently. He came downstairs alone, and the kitchen was silent. Although the lights were on, it was even more deadly and empty.

    The member B felt a little nervous, and just wanted to cook the noodles as soon as possible and return to the warm little Sun President. He quickly found three packs of instant noodles, poured his head into the pot, but couldn't light it when he tried to light it.

    No gas?

    He studied it for a while, and he couldn't figure out what was going on even if he couldn't cook. So he went to look for a hot pot again. He remembered that someone had boiled water here during the day. But now the kettle is gone, maybe someone who has no public morality took it to his room.

    How about this? Can't even eat instant noodles?

    The member B had an idea, and suddenly remembered the method of cooking instant noodles in the microwave oven on the Internet. He reopened the three boxes of instant noodles, added water and seasoning, then slammed the microwave off and pressed the start button.

    A warm orange light glowed in the microwave with the sound of "hum--". Member B watched the three boxes of instant noodles swirl in the microwave, and had a warm feeling of returning home.

    Meanwhile, BAM!

    The door behind her slammed shut.

    Member B was so frightened that he shuddered. He swallowed and wanted to look back to see what was going on behind him, but his back was hairy, and he was afraid to look back due to fear.

    Nothing will happen, I just died, it is impossible to have an accident so soon...

    He comforted himself silently in his heart, staring straight at the microwave. Hot steam is gradually coming out of the instant noodle paper cover, and it is estimated that it will be ready soon.

    It's coming soon, two minute...thirty seconds...

    It's a little hot, why is this kitchen so stuffy all of a sudden. Oh, no windows, no ventilation. It is estimated that the door was blown by the wind just now... The door will be stuffy when it is closed...

    His eyes were fixed on the timer, and his heart followed silently: 10, 9, 8…

    How to get the three cups of instant noodles? Gotta find a plate...

    Tick, tick, tick, tick, the timer hand finally came to the number "0". However, the expected "ding" sound did not appear. The instant noodles in the microwave were still spinning, and the orange-yellow light was hot and dazzling.

     Member B was taken aback for a moment, then reached out and twisted the timer. The timer has indeed reached the end. He tried to twist it in the opposite direction again, but it still wouldn't work.

    …what’s the matter?

    The room was getting hotter and hotter, and beads of sweat began to ooze from Member B's head. The anxiety in his heart began to ferment frantically. He was short of breath, and he simply smashed the jar and went straight to the door of the microwave oven. Only a "click" was heard and the microwave was turned on.

    A heat wave came, accompanied by the tempting aroma of instant noodles. Member B's stomach also growled.

    There doesn't seem to be anything unusual, I must be thinking too much.

    As he put the instant noodles on the tray, he laughed at his own thoughts. When he came to the door, he freed his hand to turn the doorknob—

    "Hi!" He retracted his hand in pain, and the tray in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. The instant noodles were all overturned, the steaming soup was spilled all over the place, and a few noodles were also stained on member B's trouser legs and shoes.

    However, he didn't care about the noodles, just looked at his fingers in horror. His fingers were scalded into several blisters in an instant, and even a piece of skin fell off his fingertips! But this is not hot by the instant noodles, the instant noodles can't have such a high temperature.

    He moved his gaze to the doorknob in disbelief, startled.

    The copper door handle turned red! The skin on his finger was still stuck to it, and it was slowly curling and carbonizing, and finally turning into a small black thing.

     Member B was choked by fear, unable to even cry for help in his throat. He took a few steps back trembling, bumping into something, and then let out another scream.


    He jumped up from the heat, hurriedly touched his lower back, and even touched blood on his hand. There was also a big hole in the clothes.

    What's going on, what the hell...

     Breathing hotter. Every breath he took in was like lava, burning his respiratory tract all the way. He soon felt out of breath, grabbing his neck and breathing heavily. The light in the microwave oven had turned blood red at some point, and even though the door was open, the empty tray was still spinning, and the cabinet was still making a low-pitched "hum-" sound.

     Member B jumped in front of the microwave oven, twisted the **** desperately, and tried to turn off the microwave oven. The **** was also terribly hot, and his fingers made a "sizzling" sound, and even white gas came out. But at this time he couldn't care about the severe pain in his fingers, he tried all his strength to turn the knob, but no matter how many times he tried, the microwave tray kept spinning.

    The hot air burned the vocal cords, and he could no longer make a sound. Covering his neck, he stumbled back to the door, trying to kick it open. The door didn't move at all.


    There was nothing he could do, he had no choice but to go out and slammed into the door—


    He was glued to the door, making a roasting sound.

    “…” Member B rolled his eyes from the heat, and almost lost consciousness for a moment. But the more pain, the more sober he became. He could clearly hear the sound of his skin and muscles being scorched.

    It hurts...why is it so painful...

    Hot steam kept coming from his body, and the water kept evaporating. Before long, he no longer had the strength to struggle, and his whole body was stuck to the red-hot door, turning into a scorched and fragrant teppanyaki.

    Meanwhile, on the second floor, in the movie club room.

    Leng Yan member C sat down beside the bed and accidentally kicked something. She bent down and picked it up, surprised: "Hey, why is the electric kettle here?"

    The president came over, took the kettle, and said casually, "Isn't this in every room?"

    Leng Yan member C was a little suspicious: "Really? How do I remember that when we came, there was only one kettle in the kitchen..."

    The president was playing with the electric kettle, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. He paused for a moment, and finally smiled: "How can there be only one kettle in such a big villa? By the way, why hasn't he come back? This little idiot can't even handle this trivial matter, right?"

    Hearing the doting title of "little idiot", Leng Yan member C instantly sank.

    The president didn't seem to notice her change, with a properly worried look on his face: "I'm a little worried, I'll go down and see him."

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