Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 75: Three become tigers

    Xu Rendong didn't sleep for a long time, and was woken up from her dream. The film club actually died again, and this time it was a particularly tragic death. That sissy club member B was like a burnt gingerbread man. He was stuck behind the kitchen door and couldn't even pull it out.

    The rock monk expressed his intention to recite a scripture. Accompanied by the cry of the president and Lengyan member C, the rock monk began to surpass the gingerbread man. The kitchen instantly turned into a mourning hall, and everyone silently retreated.

    Everyone gathered around the table and looked at the time, five in the morning. Too many things happened that night, and everyone looked haggard, as if they had aged ten years overnight.

      She threw her hair into the trash can viciously, and said irritably, "Damn, I'm about to be bald! Why is this copy so difficult! Does it still make people live?"

    Xu Rendong was awakened several times and was in a very bad mood. He glanced into the kitchen and said coldly, "The copy is not difficult, mainly because there are too many pig teammates."

    Everyone nodded in agreement. This four-member film company has contracted all the death places so far, and they are all made by themselves, it is simply a suicide squad. The key is that if you commit suicide, just commit suicide, and forcibly increase the difficulty of the whole team. Not only the toilet can't be used now, but even the microwave oven is useless. Although that ghost is afraid of chocolate, there is simply not enough chocolate. If you drag it on, let alone ghosts, the daily physiological needs can suffocate everyone to death.

    Xu Rendong folded his arms and his face was solemn: "Let's talk about elevators and buttons. Do you have any ideas?"


    The unnamed passersby looked at each other very hard, and finally shook their heads.

    Xu Rendong looked at Lian Qiao: "How about you?"

    Lian Qiao stared at the balding girl thoughtfully. Xu Rendong shouted again: "Lian Qiao?"

    Lian Qiao came back to his senses: "...I have an idea, but it's a bit risky."

    Xu Rendong said that you really have no idea of ​​not being dangerous. He was used to Lian Qiao's routine, but everyone didn't care much about it. The hair-loss girl grabbed a handful of hair irritably: "Tell me what to do first?"

    Lian Qiao shook his head: "I can't say it, it will increase the difficulty. You just need to cooperate with me."

    Someone questioned: "You don't even want to say a plan, how can we cooperate with you? Why do you risk our lives?"

    Xu Rendong was almost laughed at by him, and sneered: "Don't listen to him, do you have other plans? Otherwise, we will sit here and wait to die?"

      , if the difficulty of the dungeon increases, not only will we suffer, but you will also die!"

    Xu Rendong was too lazy to pay attention to him, and was about to ask Lian Qiao how he wanted them to cooperate, but suddenly Zhong Xiu gently answered: "Then die."

    There was no anger, sarcasm, or other emotion on her face, she even seemed sincere, as if she really thought, what's the big deal? Is it worth fighting over this?

    Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Zhong Xiu, a soft-spoken woman, to say such a thing.

    Only Lian Qiao, looking at her eyes gradually revealed a subtle emotion.

    It's so similar.

    When she said that sentence, her demeanor and tone were exactly the same as Xu Rendong at the beginning. That world-weary feeling, that kind of indifference that doesn't take one's own life seriously, that kind of peace of mind that seems like everything in the world is no longer worthy of nostalgia, and it doesn't matter if you die now...

    I heard that when two people are together for a long time, they will become more and more like each other.

    Of course, Xu Rendong is not like that anymore. He was like a priest who stepped down from the altar, put down the Bible, and took off his ascetic robe. He was stained with the fireworks of the world, and there was a gentle smile in his eyebrows and eyes.

    Since they got to know each other, he has become more and more alive. Become more like a "person".

    This is what Lian Qiao is most proud of. But at this moment, he actually saw the former Xu Rendong on Zhong Xiu—

    What does this mean?

    This means it's time to be jealous.

    Suddenly, the kitchen door opened. The rock monk came out and saw the complicated expressions on everyone's faces, and couldn't help but say in surprise: "What are you talking about, so serious?"

    Zhong Xiu said: "We are talking about what to do next."

    The rock monk pulled out the chair and sat down at the table. He rubbed his forehead tiredly, but still asked, "How do you say?"

    Everyone looked at Lian Qiao in unison. This time, the person who had questioned before actually no longer objected, but just waited quietly for Lian Qiao to speak.

    Lian Qiao glanced at Xu Rendong, and Xu Rendong nodded to him.

    Lian Qiao took a deep breath and became serious: "I will tell the story tonight. Everyone has a good rest during the day and nourishes their spirits. At night we have a big battle."

    According to Lian Qiao's instructions, everyone went back to the house and went to sleep. The three of Honeysuckle returned to the room, Zhong Xiu said that he wanted to take a shower, so he went to the bathroom.

    Xu Rendong leaned on the head of the bed, sorting out her thoughts. Lian Qiao pricked up his ears, and when there was the sound of water in the bathroom, he rushed to the bed, like a large dog, resting his head on Xu Rendong's shoulder, and the warm breath rushed to his face.

    "Honeysuckle honeysuckle, aren't you curious what story I'm going to tell tonight?"

    Lian Qiao's chin was a little sharp, causing Xu Rendong's shoulders to hurt. He shook Lian Qiao's head, adjusted it into a comfortable position, and rubbed Lian Qiao's hair: "Why don't you call me brother?"

    "Because the three words together are not easy to say, and they are not intimate!" Lian Qiao pouted, "This is not the point! Ask me, what good idea did you come up with?"

    Xu Rendong couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you say spoilers will increase the difficulty?"

    "That's in the case of 'three people become tigers', saying it will summon the boss ahead of time. But now..." He glanced at the bathroom and laughed, "Now we It's a two-person world!"

    Lian Qiao's hair was so fluffy that it tickled Xu Rendong's cheeks. He rubbed Lian Qiao's hair, and his mood softened again: "Then tell me, what good ideas have you come up with?"

    Lian Qiao smiled slyly: "Hey, let me give you a hint first, let you guess!"

    Xu Rendong said: "Okay."

    Lian Qiao turned off the light and let Xu Rendong get into the quilt to hide, pretending to be scared. Xu Rendong did so. The bed was dark, hot and stuffy. But how to pretend to be afraid?

    Xu Rendong thought about it and said seriously: "Hey, I'm so scared."

    There was a chuckle at the end of the bed. Soon, Lian Joe covered his mouth and stopped laughing. Xu Rendong guessed what trick he was up to, and suddenly felt cold under his feet, and the quilt was lifted by a corner.

    …what is this for.

    Just when he thought Lian Qiao was going to get in, something cool touched his ankle. Xu Rendong kicked out subconsciously, and actually kicked in the air. Xu Rendong was stunned for a moment, only to feel the cold air running down his ankle, into his pants, along his calf, over his knee, and gradually upward...

    A strange feeling I have never experienced before. Xu Rendong couldn't help thinking about a lot of things, and his face was quietly hot. He knew that Lian Qiao was deliberately doing something bad, so he couldn't help being a little annoyed, and called out softly, "Lian Qiao."

    This low voice is a stop.

    When Xu Rendong is unwilling, Lian Qiao will definitely stop at the end and will not force close to him - of course, except for the time when his emotions are out of control.

    The coolness really didn't climb up, but the gap in the corners got bigger and bigger. The wind blows in from his feet.

    Xu Rendong felt Lian Qiao's approach, like a big cat pounced on its prey. This kind of imagination made him a little nervous and a little looking forward to it. He felt that he shouldn't think so much, but he couldn't control it. Annoyed, he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and turned on the light. The lights came on, and a furry head emerged from the bed.

    Xu Rendong silently looked at Lian Qiao lying on top of him: "Are you making a ghost movie or a gross movie?"

    Lian Qiao said solemnly: "I am a classic horror movie, haven't you seen it?"

    Xu Rendong said: "I haven't seen it."

    Lian Qiao poked the tip of his nose and said with a smile: "I haven't seen horror movies, but I've seen a lot of raw movies."

    Xu Rendong: "..." Even knowing that Lian Qiao was deliberately teasing him, Xu Rendong still blushed. He turned his face awkwardly, exposing the roots of his red ears in front of Lian Qiao.

    Small blushing earlobes are a crime. Lian Qiao's eyes darkened, he pressed his body down, and said with a low smile, "Brother Honeysuckle, I don't watch **** so much. Are all your adult films so seductive?"

    Xu Rendong was annoyed and pushed him slightly panting: "Go down! Go to sleep!"

    "I don't." Lian Qiao wrapped around him like an octopus, buried his head in his neck, and sniffed the smell of him. Like a coquettish big cat.

    "I like the smell of your shower gel." Lian Qiao said softly, "What I like more is that we have the same smell. This makes me feel that I am very close to you, let me I feel like I belong to you and you belong to me."

    Xu Rendong's heart softened again.

    Lian Qiao lightly rubbed his lips against his earlobe, and whispered in his ear: "Honeysuckle, I want to kiss you."

    How can the sensitive part of the earlobe stand up to this provocation. Xu Rendong was disturbed by his rubbing, in a trance, he only felt that his whole body was hot. His body was so soft that he couldn't exert his strength, and he couldn't even push him away.

    Xu Rendong recalled the time he was kissed by Lian Qiao, and he felt dizzy.

    It's not a bad feeling though.

    I don't know when my breath is sweet. Xu Rendong lowered his eyes, turned his head slightly, and said "um".

    After receiving the promise, Lian Qiao raised the corner of his mouth and leaned over gently. The hot breath brushed against the skin, making the faces of both of them itchy, and the apex of their hearts also hot and itchy, extremely restless.

    Suddenly, the bathroom door was opened. Zhong Xiu walked out while wiping her hair: "I've washed it, do you want to..."


    With a loud bang, even Joe rolled to the ground!

    Zhong Xiu: "???"

    Xu Rendong lifted the quilt and got out of bed cleanly. As soon as his feet landed, he suddenly felt something strange somewhere in his body, and his expression changed immediately. He picked up the quilt from the bed and wrapped it around him. The whole person was wrapped like a silkworm chrysalis, and he walked away from Zhong Xiu with a blank expression. walk by.

    "I'm going to shower."

    Zhong Xiu: "???" You wrap up like this to shower? Are you cold or hot?


    Zhong Xiu looked at Lian Qiao in astonishment, then looked at the bathroom where the sound of water sounded, with a confused expression on her face.

    What happened during her absence?

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