Death Sutra

Chapter 1034: Famen

It is clearly the technique of the wooden knife that he secretly created. How can it be a dead man? Shangguan is puzzling, but she knows that Dragon King will not lie on such things.

The four sangha blue sounded the melodious morning bell, which seemed far away. The Shangguan was awakened and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, monk, I am distracted."

The sky is already bright. The scene last night is still clearly left in Shangguan’s mind, especially the look of the hunter before the lotus girl’s departure, and the question of the Dragon King’s anger, which is the look she has never seen on the face of the Dragon King. Even when the two people had the strongest hostility, she had never seen it.

The law has always been serious, and this time is no exception. Looking at Shangguan Ru, a long sigh, "You are not distracted, you are thinking about what you should think."

Shangguan shook his head, "but I don't think."

"Take a stroke with Lian Qing, let me see your own knife."

Li Qing, who was sitting on one side, immediately jumped up. He listened to Shangguan’s introduction of the situation, and was as confused as her. He was a little more curious. What is a set of martial arts? How can the founder think of an idea? Any other opinion?

This is really a rare thing. Lian Qing is eager to find out the truth and is more active than Shangguan.

Shangguan hesitated and got up. "I don't have a wooden knife."

Lian Qing pushed out the door and walked under the tree in the courtyard. He respectfully arranged the ceremony, then jumped up and folded a branch with moderate length and thickness. The palm of the hand was like a shovel. After a few times, the branches and leaves were cleaned up. "This can be used as a wooden knife."

Shangguan Ruru walked into the yard, and Fa Chong followed behind her and stood at the door to watch.

The weight and shape of the branches are not the same as those of the Jinpengbao wooden knives, but they are barely usable. The Shangguan smashed two times and said: "There were swords in the hands of the women at the time. My original purpose was to break the sword."

Lian Qing scratched his head and was about to fold another branch and changed his mind. "I don't know how to make swordsmanship. I use King Kong to point it. It may be more like a sword."

Lian Qing is very excited. King Kong refers to his martial arts shortly after his new study. He has long wanted to try it out.

Shangguan nodded, "The lotus woman stabbed my heart with a sword. I made a judgment when her sword was just moving, so I still had a move. Of course, the move is not important. The dead have no attack on the sword. The power is extremely fierce. I should be empty, I hope to resolve the power invisible. Well, let's start, please take the first move."

Lian Qing couldn't help but nod. In fact, she was only half-baked. He heard the word "sports" and immediately jumped up and held his right elbow with his left hand. Make a fist in the right hand and stretch your index finger. Just a short drink, and a point to the official, this is a good negotiation, so he does not say so much to avoid.

Shangguan’s left foot retreats, and the branches in his hand are pierced at the same time, just in line with the fingers of lotus green.

Lotus green index finger is in the middle of the branch. I only feel that if there is no resistance in front, then the road is like a broken bamboo. The branches are like frozen water. Under the pressure of external forces, it becomes a powder.

Lian Qing involuntarily made more power, and the index finger in the blink of an eye has broken through to the Shangguan.

Shangguan is like a micro side. I still hold a short branch in my hand.

Lian Qing didn't want to make all the effort, but the skill was poured out uncontrollably, so that he couldn't take his footsteps. He passed the Shangguan as if he had passed through and walked a dozen steps forward before he was in front of Fa Chong. I barely stopped, looked at my fingers, and looked back at Shangguanru. I was puzzled. "Oh, this is... What is going on?"

Shangguanru was greatly surprised. "Yes, this is what I want to achieve, but the sword of the lotus girl is not quite the same as I imagined. She seems... like..."

It seems like what Shangguan can't describe.

The law nodded and turned back to the Zen Room. Shangguanru and Lianqing followed, and they felt that the sorghum seemed to have an answer.

The law rushed on the futon and closed his eyes for a moment. He blinked and asked: "In the face of the most powerful swordsmanship in the world, you are showing empty, I am afraid this is not your own idea?"

Shangguan Ruan slammed his head. "I just felt uneasy about this. In fact, I have a lot of ideas... from the old man."

Lian Qing couldn't help but confess: "This old man is really a bit of a skill, little girl, your wooden knife can not only be used to crack the dead man's swordsmanship, but also all martial arts are effective, just... you have to take it with you. A lot of wooden sticks."

Shangguan smiled. "I don't want to fight with people everywhere." Then she turned to Fa Chong. "The old man told me a lot of martial arts. A few words are particularly impressive. When I think... how to deal with the dead. When it was passed, it was used. He said, 'With Taoism, the world’s martial arts are nothing more than yin and yang. The two instruments change, and thousands of routines are born. The yin and yang are opposite each other. When learning Wu, they look at each other. However, it is necessary to use the gram, which is why some people have been martial arts for a lifetime, and the moves are meticulous. When everyone exercises alone, everyone is applauded. When they go on the court, they are defeated. It is because there is no mutual gram."

Lian Qing nodded unconsciously. "It makes sense. For example, King Kong pointed out that when practicing, the masculine is the foundation, but when it is against the enemy, it must be..." Lian Qing promptly shuts up and finds that he agrees with the evil demon outside. I was so afraid of my heart that I hurriedly bowed my head and recited the scriptures.

Fa Chong also nodded. "The dead have been attacked by swordsmanship, so you will do the opposite. - Show them empty, give up their lives, let the other side use the old, not defeat."

"Well, that's what it means, is this a dead man?"

Fa Chong did not see the dead man’s sword and refused to watch it, but he already understood the problem. “Yes, not.”

Shangguan is frowning.

Law Chong asked Lian Qing: "Monk, what is your meditation?"

Lianqing replied reverently: "A short quarter of an hour, but an hour is really bad."

“How to get meditation?”

"You need to hold the ring, the ring is the law, not from this door, not into the Zen."

The law rushed to Shangguanru. "The air is like meditation. You know that it is good, but you can't do it all at once. If you want to practice this trick, you have to have a corresponding method."

Shangguan Ruozhong suddenly realized that he would stay in the woods for a while and then say: "It turns out that it is only a truth to show that it is empty. I understand that others understand, and the old man is clear. But when they face the dead, they are all I can't do this because they don't have a way, and the method I use is...the dead man."

"I hope that you call it the Great Swordsmanship. The South Kovalan is the meaning of the ancient sayings of the deceased. In the eyes of the ancients, enlightenment is the only way to go." Fa Chong did not see the entire dead. But I have a rough understanding of the last piece of essay.

For Shangguan, it doesn't matter what it is called. It turns out that the Dragon King is right. She did use the dead man.

She thought that she had created a completely different martial arts, but in order to achieve her goal, she unwittingly borrowed the sword of the dead.

Jinpengbao martial arts practice does not emphasize the mystery. Shangguanru’s martial arts foundation is partly from the old man, but more is the scriptures in the sword, and those words are entangled with the slaves. It has already been deeply imprinted on her mind. In the process of trying to understand the slaves, she also understood the dead.

The truth is so simple, Shangguan wondered why he had not seen it.

"But I have never killed anyone, how can I practice it... Dajue Jianjing?" Shangguan, if he already believed in the interpretation of Fa Chong, only did not understand this place.

The swordsmanship is clearly stated, and the geeks are also explained in depth. The swordsmanship cannot be practiced alone. Must be gradually upgraded in the process of killing.

"If death is a kind of consciousness, then consciousness is also a kind of death." Fa Chong said. The Dajue Sword does not conform to the Dharma. He only clarifies a truth in the Shangguan. "The Dragon King and the Lotus Girl kill the sword. You can not kill it, and you can achieve the same goal."

Shangguan seems to understand and understand. Lian Qing is confused. "Can you kill and not kill? How do I still have a home and a Zen? Continue to be a robber?"

Fa Chong is not polite to Lian Qing. He grabbed the wooden fish hammer around him and knocked on his head. "How did the French old monk tell you?"

The lotus root immediately swollen a large piece. The painful tears are coming out quickly. Shantou said: "Master said that when he was born by a robber, he went up the mountain. The world is confused. He walks down the mountain. I understand that although the same way, the dragon king and the lotus girl are addicted to the roadside. The scenery, parked in the middle of the mountain, will not be realized for a lifetime. Shangguanru is constantly climbing, and there is always a summit."

"That's not necessarily."

In a word, I will turn Li Qing into a myth from Xinxi, and I will ignore it and think carefully.

If Shangguan feels that he understands, he salutes the law and says, "I couldn't do it before I said good things."

The law nodded and closed his eyes.

Shangguan retired from the Zen room, slammed the door, went under the tree, and lost the loss. She defeated the Dutch woman and proved that she had the strength to stop the Dragon King in the next contest. But the law gave her a reminder: the higher the martial arts, the confidence The more you are, the more confident you are, the deeper you are obsessed.

She used to have no confidence in the "knowledge" of her own "knives". She never used it on any occasion before playing with the Dutch woman. Now she is considering whether she should use this martial arts to prevent the Dragon King from competing with her father. Will there be such a day: I can't lose the wooden knife in my hand, rely on it to solve all the problems?

At that time, she will also stop at the mountainside.

There is also a lotus girl. Shangguan can't accurately describe the situation to the monk. The lotus girl is already old, but she does not inherit the same as Lin Qing, but she is still standing still, and the look of the lotus girl. It seems to imply what, Shangguan did not understand how to read.

She walked out of the hospital. When she left the hospital, she heard a voice saying, "Lord, Lord, save you and help me."

Shangguan looked around and found a monk sitting on the ground. He looked strange. He didn't think until the other hand moved forward. This is a disabled knife who went to the front of the club to help. "Gao Yang, you are Gao Yang."

"The Lord still remembers me." Gao Yang smiled slyly, but the fierce face on his face did not decrease too much.

"Are you here okay? What do you want me to do?"

"All the Lords have given me, I am all good, only a small thing. I wanted to be a monk. I was influenced by a vulgar person. He was Shi Qingjue. I heard that Tieshan is now a military sergeant. I always thought I want to thank him in person, but I can't see it, my legs and feet... Hey."

Shangguan, if you understand, "Do you want me to help you?"

"The great grace of the Lord, I have not repaid, and I have no such request..."

"It doesn't matter, the Tieshan camp is not far from here. I am speaking for you. What does the military teacher Shi Qingjue say to him?"

"I just said that Gao Yang is missing, I hope to see him again."

Among all the problems faced by Shangguan, this is the simplest and most relaxed one, so she has no reason to refuse, and she does not know the true meaning of Gao Yang.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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