Death Sutra

Chapter 1035: Go crazy

The woman was missing. Gu Shen expanded her search to Nancheng. She also found several suspicious details. After a few steps, she did not end. .

He is familiar with the Tibetan woman's hiding routine, just as he is familiar with how to walk in the next few steps. Suddenly, the Dutch woman seems to have changed all the habits, so that he can't figure it out and can't track it.

At dawn, the guards finally found the dragon king who was alone. Gu Shen led the crowd to Xiaoyuetang. This was his last attempt, and he was very sure that he would not find the lotus girl here.

Xiaoyuetang fell apart, just turned into the street, Gu Shenwei saw the Xiaoyuetang escaping from the emperor, both men and women.

He left the guards at the alley and went deep into it.

There was a wolf in the yard, weapons, clothing, boxes, and various pieces scattered all over the place, and lost the Xiaoyuetang of the sect of the sect. There was no difference between the panic and the ordinary people. Everyone was robbing valuable things and then desperate. The ground fled, as if behind the devil eating.

But no one ** them, even the old man, actually let go of this great opportunity, has not appeared.

In the hall, there are also a group of Xiaoyuetang ** sturdy, about forty or fifty people, all the women, because of their existence, this house can also be called "Xiaoyuetang".

Even these people are gradually decreasing. If the Dragon King came in, I am afraid that after dawn, there will be no more.

Han Ling moved a chair and sat next to the position of the prince. There was no light in the room. Her whole face was in the shadow. The voice revealed her identity. "I didn't expect it to be like this. ?"

"This is not the end."

"It’s not for the Dragon King, it’s for us.” Han Ling stood up and walked a few steps forward. "This is retribution." She said, her face was slightly excited, as if she found a great secret, "The Imperial Masters made an overnight order." The North Court was in chaos, and Xiaoyuetang was destroyed overnight. Hey, the ** are running out, we think that there are still two or three years of life, but only a few days. Xiaoyuetang’s enemies are quite a few. They haven't reacted yet, and soon they will be awake and know that the opportunity for revenge is here."

Dozens of people ** hold their breath, it seems that the enemy has already reported them, and everyone in the house can't live for a moment.

"The princes are still not dead." Gu Shen reminded.

Han Ling laughed and looked back at the people. "The Dragon King is not a Xiaoyuetang **, will say such a thing."

Gu Shen took a step forward and sighed: "Don't die in front of me to live, these words are left to you."

Han Ling was taken aback and stepped back three steps. He couldn’t make a sound with his mouth open.

Behind her, a whisper said: "We can join the Dragon Army."

Han Ling didn't laugh, but the voice still disdain. "The Dragon King only collects useful people. What use is it for us?"

"Is there any use, I said the calculation." Gu Shen is Shen Shen.

** They heard the hope from the words of the Dragon King, but no one made a statement. After many years of edification of Xiaoyuetang, they did not know what to do even if they changed their minds.

Han Ling tried to test: "Dragon King thinks we are still useful?"

"First tell me, what happened to the Royal Master?"

Han Ling slowly nodded, but did not explain it. After waiting for a while, he ordered: "Take them up."

** They obviously know who "they" are, more than a dozen ** led out, Han Ling said to the dragon king: "Seeing them, the Dragon King may understand what is going on."

Xiaoyuetang ** came in more than a dozen wounded, and when he entered the house, he threw it on the ground.

The injured person was lying in the doorway and looked different. Several men were normal, panic and confusion on the face, and they were even more afraid when they saw the Dragon King. Other women showed different places, some smirked. Some wood, some whispered, and one did not come to the ground to gasp, as if taking a little breath will immediately die.

These are the Xiaoyuetang ** that has been picked up by the old man of the wood, and has become a waste.

Han Ling walked to the middle of the injured and pointed to several male ** saying: "This is the person brought in by the wild horse. I have not received all the training of Xiaoyuetang. To be honest, I don't think they can count on this door."

A male ** pleaded: "I am not Xiaoyuetang **, let me go, let me fend for myself." Then, with other men, climbed outside the door.

"They don't know how terrible it is outside." Han Ling said coldly, it didn't stop, but no one could climb out of ten steps and quickly lie down and never move again.

Gu Shenwei did not even see how Han Ling was poisoned.

Han Ling pointed to five female **, "They are Xiaoyuetang **, the old man is very hot, not only to pick their ribs, but also to ruin the martial arts, so they become like this, there are two I have committed suicide."

The women who lost their martial arts were crazy.

The trick of Xiaoyuetang training killers is to find ways to push them into a crazy situation. After that, those who can still maintain some rationality are initially qualified. When the skill is lost, the suppressed madness regains the upper hand.

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "The martial arts of the princes are still there, and they have not weakened at all."

"I know." Han Ling was at the scene. Although he did not see the leap when the Yuzhong Division left, he heard the details on the way back. "So I can't tell the Dragon King what is going on. Different, she got started very late, but her skill is much higher than ours. She is an exception, but I don't know the extent of the exception. I, and her Xiaoyuetang, who has seen the contest with her own eyes, can only confirm one. The matter, the squad is not the same as before, and no longer qualified as a sergeant."

The look of the lotus girl was passed by Gu Shen. He couldn’t see a little madness. On the contrary, the Dutch woman who had left the sword at the time was calm and self-satisfied. It seemed to be more normal than her usual indifference. Perhaps this is Han Ling. The difference seen is also the reason why Xiaoyuetang ** abandoned the imperial division.

"From now on, you can only kill people with my permission." Gu Shen said.

Han Ling glanced at the disabled females, and they were puzzled. "Dragon King is willing to accept us?"

"Well, you are still Xiaoyuetang**, just obey my orders."

For a group of people, at this time, they have already bowed to Xie En. Xiaoyuetang is only watching each other. No one has made a gesture of surrender. Han Ling asked: "Dragon King will let Sun Shen doctor give us antidote? The teachers became like this, and her secrets probably couldn’t be asked."

"It depends on whether you do your best."

Han Ling finally reacted and slowly fell down. Her ** was followed by mistakes and looked very stubborn. It seems that the meaning of this squat is not completely clear.

Gu Shen knows that his demands on these people cannot be too high.

"The first thing, find the scattered **, tell them that Xiaoyuetang has been merged into the Dragon Army, and those who are willing to join can return to Xiaoyuetang."

"Yes." Han Ling promised to be very simple, obeying the order is the habit of Xiaoyuetang.

"The second thing, to get the squad back, no matter what it looks like, as long as it is still alive, she is the Xiaoyuetang sect."

"Yes." The ** were all killed, and no one raised any objections.

"The third thing, Yu Zhongshi said, there is a ** know the antidote formula, among you?" No one snorted, Gu Shen continued: "Take her out, help the Sun God doctor ""

"Yes." ** promised more happy.

When I returned to the Guard House, the sky was already bright. Fang Wen heard about the Dragon King’s finding someone in the city alone last night, and carefully avoided mentioning it. “The next match is the Dragon King’s confrontation with the Shangguan. Jing said, after this pass, no one can stop the Dragon King from fighting with the One-Step King. He seems to be looking forward to the final match."

"Yeah." Gu Shen responded, the military division did not know much about martial arts, so I still don't know how difficult it is to deal with Shangguan. Her swordsmanship can really restrain the dead man--Gu Shenwei still can't accept Shangguan such as stealing. The fact of the sword score, if she said clearly before the contest, he would not be so angry.

"The old man is really a big problem." Fang Wen did not notice the heart of the Dragon King. "He screamed at the Dragon King and poured all the dirty water on the Dragon Army. Fortunately, Pang Jing did not believe this kind of ghost, but Yu Yucheng The idlers are convinced of this. At the moment, the rumors are all over, everyone is going crazy for the 10,000 rewards, but they are afraid that the Dragon King will intervene in secret. This is only half a day, and at least ten people will explore the Dragon King. True intention..."

"Add another bounty to the bounty." Gu Shen said.

Fang Wen is laughing, he is waiting for the Dragon King, the Dragon Army also has a million gold rewards wood old man, probably blocking a large number of people's mouth, "I immediately write a notice, within an hour, guarantee The city knows all the time, seeing where the old devil can run. However, I still hope that the dragon will solve this trouble, so that the fat water will not flow outside the field, even the gold stolen by the Central Plains can be bright and honest. came back."

"Yeah." Gu Shen was perfunctory. He no longer thought about how to find a lotus girl. He did everything and thought about it. He was thinking about how to deal with Shangguanru's wooden knife.

The invisible sword of the lotus woman could have made the Shangguan as preventable, but she did not use it. Gu Shenwei’s internal strength has not yet reached this level, and she can only find another way.

The time left for him was less than three days.

Fang Wen is still reporting the situation of all parties, praising the Dragon King for sending Shangguancheng to the Tieshan military camp. "Tieshan will really recognize him. It is said that he called out the title of "Iron Gun King"..."

Xu Xiaoyi rushed in with breathlessness, because he ran too fast and his face turned red. "Big news, big news..."

"What's wrong?" Fang Wen was interrupted by people who didn't like his long story and asked dissatisfiedly.

Xu Xiaoyi only looked at the Dragon King. "The Central Plains people just called me and said that the ten sons decided to withdraw from the contest. Pang Jing wanted to ask the Dragon King. Would you like to advance the last match?"

Gu Shenwei stunned, and did not understand what Shangguan was doing, but he was already ready to face the one-step king, so he nodded.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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