Death Sutra

Chapter 1044: Killer

All the way from Nancheng to the stone fort on the mountain, Zhang Wei can feel the whole city's expectation and fanaticism tonight's competition. The daring casino even publicly sent people to the streets to take guests. "Who wins, who is born, who is dead." , you can all bet, come, make a fortune, once in a hundred years!"

Zhang Wei’s disdain for the casino’s bragging is deeply impressed by the volatility of the people. The competition between the one-step king and the dragon king is not the final battle. Whether it is winning or losing, it still costs a lot of money and a long time to solve the remaining strength of the other side.

However, for the hundreds of thousands of residents in Saitama City, this is a decisive battle. The result will determine who belongs to Yuyu City and even Jinpengbao. It seems that the troops of all parties outside the city are only furnishings, and will disappear overnight without the failure of the master. trace.

Zhang Wei does not like this phenomenon.

He bluntly said his thoughts to the One-Step King. "The attention of the city owner has attracted too much attention. This is very bad."

"What's wrong?" Shangguan fell in front of a stone pillar, as if a skilled craftsman was wondering where to engrave the first chisel.

"There is still a lot of things to do after the competition. It needs to be done step by step. But the people under the mountain seem to think that this is the end. They will be in a hurry. I hope that the king will not be affected too much."

"Your courage has become smaller." Shangguan cut his head and looked at the military division. A long time ago, he was wondering if he chose the wrong person. Now the feeling is getting stronger. "At the beginning, you were very supportive of the battle." Completely eliminate the Dragon King."

"This time, the Dragon King was still very weak at the time. I also made a small mistake and made many mistakes. Now I have to correct the mistake and treat the Dragon King as a close opponent." Zhang Wei admitted his mistake, but his tone was not Repentance. In his view, the past is just a reference, and smart people always look to the future.

"Now you haven't seen the Dragon King." Shangguan cut a look at the sun in the west, and he immediately had to go down the mountain. At this moment, he hopes to talk about his own ideas. Zhang Wei is not the right target, but the most qualified listener. "He is still a killer. No matter how hard he works, no matter how high his position is, he is still a killer in his bones. This means he believes in the knife in his hand, the army. Although strong, always outside the body, the knife is part of the body."

Zhang Wei greeted the eyes of the One Step King - in Jinpeng Fort. He is the only one who dares to do this - found that the king is not the same today, the enthusiasm of the mountain seems to have quietly attacked Jinpengbao, even the most stubborn stone has been affected.

Shangguan fell to the stone pillar, as if it was the Dragon King himself. "He wants to compare with me. He always thought that even if the army occupied an absolute advantage, even if there was no participation of the Central Plains. Even if there was no deep hatred in his heart, he still had to find ways to compare with me. Remember He personally killed Master and killed his master by himself. It was like a road. He has already walked more than half. Even if he finds that the direction is wrong, he still has to go to the end. He wants to kill me by himself. Only so can he Counting the end."

Zhang Wei secretly wondered if he had not returned to Shibao for a long time, or because the weather was gloomy, why was breathing so difficult? He felt that his chest was like an old bellows. He didn't know how many squeezes he could withstand. "The Dragon King is a killer." He believes in the judgment of the One Step King. After a pause, continue: "The king is also a killer."

Shangguan fell not immediately answered, and the left palm was shot out. It was still about a foot away from Shizhu and quickly recovered.

The slamming sound of the slamming sound, the square stone pillars of one arm were broken into two.

Zhang Wei’s eyes are slightly stunned, revealing a hint of surprise. He won’t be martial arts, but he has seen a lot of map secrets and said: “The stone pillar is broken and the ground is not trembled. The king’s master is not only powerful, but also uses it more. It’s superb, not a waste.”

Shangguan fell more proud of this opportunity before the release of the palm, and did not give the enemy a chance to respond, but Zhang Hao can say that this is considered awesome.

Shangguan fell and said: "Yes, I am also a killer."

Zhang Qiangqiang suppressed a sigh in his chest, but his breathing was a bit thicker. "Just this time?"

Shangguan fell a sneer, and Zhang Hao’s appearance as a teacher was sometimes very annoying. “This kind of thing can’t be met. A year ago, I would not bother to compete with a traitor.”

That is a world that Zhang Hao can't understand. He doesn't want to go into it too. "After the arrangement after the contest, does the king want to hear it?"

Shangguan fell to nod, the contest can only calm the desire of the heart, but can not satisfy the huge ambition, he still needs Zhang Wei.

"I imagine that the king will kill the dragon king tonight." Zhang Wei looked at the one-step king and continued to say after confirming: "The dragon army will be in chaos, at least one general will surrender, and two or three generals will wait and see. Surrender, only alone - I guess he does not want to surrender, just afraid that the king will not let him go."

Du Guzhen used to be the general of Jinpengbao. Later he went to the Dragon King. One of his arms was cut by the Jinpeng killer.

Shangguan fell slightly, "I certainly will not let him go."

Zhang Wei prefers to buy, but he cautiously did not say anything, for a one-armed general is not worthy of annoying Wang, "Pang Jing is a trouble, he hopes that the Lord and the Dragon King can die together, killing the Dragon King does not meet the Western Region of the Central Plains. Generally speaking, I can't expect him to help Jinpeng Fort in the future."

"Do you want more gold?"

"Well, I don't think Pang Jing is that kind of person. He is a bit smug."

"Then we should leave all the gold and use it for another."

Zhang Wei even appreciates the current one-step king, but he is quick to decide. "Okay, I will make arrangements. In this case, Jinpengbao needs to find another supporter in the Central Plains."

Jinpengbao’s operation in the Central Plains was not a year or two. It was already started before the first generation of the single-step king. The Shangguan cut can therefore ask such a sentence, “Who do you think is more appropriate?”

"After that, I have to go to the Central Plains in person. If I choose one in advance - Princess Huaping may be the best candidate."

"Oh?" The One Step King was a bit surprised.

"Pang Jing and the princess should not be a husband and wife. Since Jinpengbao can't get Pang Jing's favor, it is better to specialize in the princess. As for the generals Pang Ning and Zhong Chang Shi Yan, they belong to the Central Plains party, and the virtual and the snakes can. It’s not easy for them to offend another faction. There is no festival between Xiao Wang and Jinpengbao. It’s easy to get his understanding when the Dragon King is dead.”

The Central Plains seems so far away, and the one-step Wang thought that this is why he needs Zhang Wei. There must be someone who thinks about these temporary useless futures but it is very important. "Just do what you say."

"The next step is the North Court. The order to assassinate the Shulitu has been sent out and can be completed within one month."

"Why not be faster."

"It’s better to catch up early, to complete the assassination in one month, and the news of one month has passed to the Central Plains. Jinpengbao has been dispatched for nearly two months. When Luo Luo defeats the Shulitu remnant and unifies the grassland, the Central Plains will urgently need to The Western Region has established a powerful king. By that time, the king will take the right to the left, and killing the Dragon King will be a trivial mistake."


"Using these two months, the king has to completely remove the dragon king Yu Yu, so that the Central Plains understand that Jinpengbao is the only hegemon of the Western Region."

"I hope that your money is not white."

"As long as you are willing to bid, it is easier to buy people than you think. Of course, some people will fish in troubled waters. Some people will count on them, but there are several people who really betray the Dragon King. Do the intelligence the Lords they provide useful?"

"Hey, Dragon King is not my opponent. I don't need this information. I also know what he wants to use. He will find a sword in the dark to find the enemy. It is very clever, and he learned a few tricks from the stone room of the sword lane. Will be used on me."

Zhang Wei knows that he should have confidence in the one-step king. He does believe that the martial arts of the king is the first in the Western Region, but he does not want to make mistakes in ignoring the enemy. "All my plans are based on the foundation of the Dragon King tonight." Up, as long as he is alive, even if only one breath is left, many of his subordinates will not accept the purchase, even the most determined betrayers will be shaken, those who are afraid of the living Dragon King."

"He will definitely die." The single step king said coldly, dissatisfied with the doubts of the military division.

"If Miss... will not be an obstacle." Zhang Wei had to ask this sentence. Like most people, he could not understand the love of the One-Step King.

"I hope not." Shangguan’s tone was slightly gentle. “The old man led him outside the city. If there is no accident, he will always drag her to tomorrow.”

Zhang Wei is responsible for formulating some of Jinpeng's most important plans, but there are still some things that are not within his understanding, such as the old man.

Shangguan fell and felt that there was no need to keep it secret. "The old man pretending to betray me, is there such a messy guy, isn't it useful?"

Zhang Yi’s heart was at the same time, and he was very admired. The first person who was assassinated by the old man was the Tianshan Zongdao, who deceived everyone. He was really useful, but it was also very untrustworthy. “The king can restrain him. What?"

"His life is in my hands." Shangguan fell simply to answer, but it was not intended to conceal the military division, but because it involved complicated martial arts, Zhang Wei could not understand.

Zhang Hao suddenly felt a loose feeling. He always felt that the dragon king’s self-confidence was for a reason. But the one-step king even bypassed everyone and firmly controlled the old man. All of a sudden, the odds were greatly increased. If all the information is credible, The old man of the wood knows the martial arts of the Dragon King and is extremely helpful to the One Step King.

"This is the case." Zhang Wei said.

"That's it." Shangguan cut repeatedly.

Zhang Wei did not go down the mountain with the One Step King. When he went to the middle of the mountain, he asked the guard who was a Jinpeng killer. "Do you like the competition?"

The **** was extremely astonished at the issue of the lord. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "All the martial arts and all the training I have learned are from the back. I can compare, but I will be very nervous. I am sure I can't talk about it."

This is the answer Zhang Hao wants. In his view, the one-step king and the dragon king who are keen on the battle of the contest are not really killers, but more like the losers among the killers.

This is why there are only two people in Jinpengbao who have become hegemonic fighters. Zhang Huan concluded from this.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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