Death Sutra

Chapter 1045: Variety

The sun has not yet fallen in half. Gu Shen walked out of the study room in advance, and his face was paler than usual. He smelled a strange fragrance and turned to look at it. He found two pots of unknown flowers under the steps.

He vaguely remembered that the two pots of flowers had been there all the time, but he had never paid any special attention before—no matter how careful the observations were, there would always be omissions. He thought of it and felt a trace of exhaustion.

Fang Wen came to hear the news, and gave a deep ritual, then carefully looked at the Dragon King, and even reached out and tried to touch it. Fortunately, he closed his hand in time and smiled slyly: "Is the Dragon King ready?"

Gu Shen nodded. He was the Dragon King. He always seemed to be in the chest. He must not commit the mistake of Shangguanru. She showed hesitation and weakness before the ministry. The result was almost to murder.

Fang Wen is a sigh of relief. Although the face of the Dragon King is worrying, the whole body has a very calm self-confidence. The military division is deeply infected, and the sorrow is swept away. "The Dragon Army is also ready." If Jinpengbao is willing to admit defeat, everything is too peaceful, but if there is a slight change, it will be suppressed. Oh, in fact, Jinpengbao is not a piece of iron. As long as the one-step king is dead, there will be a large number of people who will announce the surrender. I have compiled a list. Dragon King wants to take a look?"

"No, the list is reserved by the military division." Gu Shenwei already knows most of the names, not very concerned, as long as he wins, there will be more people who are not on the list surrender.

Fang Wen was anxious to inform the Dragon King of the response plan, and stopped without saying a few words, because the Dragon King’s mind was obviously not on this. The Dragon King is concentrating on preparing for the war. Fang Wen is categorizing this as something he does not understand. He will swallow the rest of the words and say, "Is there a command from the Dragon King?"

Gu Shen shook her head absently, and Fang Wen felt that the Dragon King was a bit too calm. I hope that he will return to normal immediately after the contest.

"Wait, come with me." Gu Shen changed his mind. Fang Wen was killed and found himself deviating from the Dragon King and knew nothing about his thoughts.

The two did not take a few steps, Hu Shining rushed. "The beginning of the South Screen and the slaughter dog leave the house, need to send someone to protect?"

"What do they both go out to do?" Gu Shen was slightly surprised. In his impression, the two men did not seem to have much contact.

Hu Shining glanced at the side of the news, and briefly said the story of Tie Ling’s disappearance last night.

Fang Wen has forgotten this thing for a long time. In his opinion, regardless of the overall situation of the Dragon King guard, it is really not worth looking for, let him feel peace of mind. The Dragon King’s opinion is similar to him.

"They are guards, they don't need protection from others, and they are nervous tonight. Don't make another birth."

"Yes." Hu Shining retired, he is not the kind of person who chews his tongue, but his heart is very dissatisfied with Tie Linglong and others, he believes that the Dragon King has understood what he meant.

When I came to the entrance of the courtyard, Fang Wen was taken aback. During the period, Ai Ai said: "The Dragon King wants to see the Queen, I... I will wait outside."

Gu Shen waved. Signal the military division to go in with him.

Although I had a feeling when I saw the Dragon King, it was only then that Fang Wen clearly saw that there were some important changes in the Dragon King who had closed the day, and he was still patrolling outside, and he had not seen the true meaning of the change. .

Xu Yanwei is standing in the small courtyard and chatting with the maids. I don't know what she said, and she teased five or six people to cover up and snicker. When she saw the Dragon King, the laughter immediately subsided and the maids stepped back. One of them entered the house and informed the Queen.

Xu Yanwei stared at the face of the Dragon King, as if it was stained with dirt. "Dragon King, you should drink some chicken soup to make up a supplement, and then soak up the sun, lick your face, let us how these smeared women live. what?"

Fang Wen coughed twice in a majestic manner, indicating that she should not talk indiscriminately. Xu Yan immediately said with a cold face: "Dragon King, what you brought is talking, but I have not read the book, I can't understand it at all."

Fang Wen is extremely embarrassed. Since the marriage proposal failed, this is the first time he has met with Xu Yan. I did not expect her to be still vengeful.

Gu Shen did not say why, just as the queen came out of the door to welcome the Dragon King.

The Queen of the Queen is more beautiful than the image in memory. Fang Wen is stunned and stunned. He squints at Xu Yanwei and immediately hangs his head and finds the most difficult article to recite, so that he should not distract himself. Attention.

Xu Yanwei looked at the red face of the military division and also coughed twice for revenge.

"Unexpectedly, the dragon king is approaching, and the courtiers are not ready to dress up.

The husband and wife should be so polite, the queen can be really bad, Xu Yan thought.

This is the queen of the princess, when it is not rude, the party is secretly praised, and the article that is being recited is forgotten.

In contrast, Dragon King’s performance is much colder. “I have something to tell you.”

Gu Shenwei walked into the room. Fang Weng hesitated for a while. When he saw that the door was closed, he dared to go in with his courage. He stood at the door and did not dare to move. Even the air inside the breath felt like a kind of Hey.

The Queen sent her to leave her maid, leaving only one smoke, because there was an outsider standing at the door, so she did not sit down, but stood in front of the Dragon King, waiting for him to speak.

Gu Shenwei is the only person sitting. He wanted to leave this thing after the contest, but he couldn't stand the free time before the departure. So he decided to solve it in advance. Anyway, things are not complicated.

The woman in front of her is both familiar and unfamiliar. Gu Shen wants to do everything possible to stir up a wave from her heart, but the result is nothing. "I want to hear you talk about Shangguanhong."

Several people in the room were taken aback. Shangguanhong is already dead. What does Longwang mention him? The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Fang Wen regretted that he followed up. Even Xu Yandi put away a smile and quietly stepped back.

"Shangguanhong?" The Queen is more unexpected than anyone else. "He... he was a pity. When he was in the palace, he used it very hard. He didn't expect to vote for Xiaoyuetang. The result was that he died under the old sword. It is also a sin. Let's go."

Fang Wen felt that the Queen's answer was very good, but he felt a threat from the silence of the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei stared at the Queen. Everyone has several lines of defense. The Queen’s defense is even more than the average person. “No, Shangguan Hong died very badly.”

The Dragon King finally opened his mouth, and his face did not change. Instead, he stood up and said, "I hope to talk privately with the Dragon King."

Fang Wen is a jump in the heart, the queen retreats, and it is no wonder that no one can hold the secret in front of the Dragon King.

“Just think of it as 'private’ now.” Gu Shenwei said that he was always looking away. Inexplicably remembered Xue Niang, the woman who had been dead for a long time, often interrogated the slaves before her death, and forced him to nowhere to go.

The Queen’s Queen glanced at the door and heard it calmly. “I told the old man to kill Shangguanhong.”

When this statement came out, Fang Wen’s leg was soft and almost sat on the ground. He had nothing to do with this matter, but he took all the timidity of the queen on himself. I did not ask for her export.

Xu Yanwei was taken aback and said, "How is it possible? The old man has never been..."

The Queen of the Queen looked at Xu Yanwei with pride and contempt, and seemed to be accusing her of hypocrisy.

"It has nothing to do with her." Gu Shenwei said, a little anxious, hoping to end things quickly. "You don't have to look for informants. Everything is what I guess."

This is not like the style of the Dragon King. This is tantamount to giving up the initiative, and then how to deal with the Queen. His legs can support the body again.

"Oh." The Queen did not reshape the inner line of defense. In fact, she knows the Dragon King quite well. She already understands the general situation of the whole thing. "It’s a dragon king, it’s all right, and even your own queen doesn’t let go. Everything. It’s all in your expectation, isn’t it?”

Fang Wen is really hoping to remind the Queen that she is not the best way to deal with the Dragon King, but he does not even dare to look up and stare at his toes and feel dizzy.

"Don't overestimate me. I just think that you will do it again in the happy sea." Gu Shenwei is the only person in the room who keeps calm.

After the Queen’s face was involuntarily red, when the Dragon King led the army to fight against Jinpeng Fort in the South China Sea, she privately decided to arrange a retreat for Shi Guo, and he planned to escape to the Xiangji with the young Shi Wang when the situation was urgent. The country, seize the right to rule there.

After the event, the Dragon King did not make any indications, and did not expect the punishment to stay today.

The Queen’s mood was rather relaxed. “Let the Dragon King guess. Yes, I gave the two chapters to the Shangguanhong because he said that only by learning the profound martial arts can I work for me better. Killing... a few monks. I was deceived by him. He thought about revenge for himself. He didn’t take my things to heart. He threatened me with this, let me send him a message, I I have done something with the Dragon King, but I never thought about betraying the Dragon King, so I had to find a way to kill him."

Xu Yanwei was so surprised that she opened her mouth. She always thought that she was sharp-eyed. I didn’t expect that so many things happened right around me.

"You bought the old man with a book?" Gu Shen asked.

"Well, Mu Laotou is obsessed with martial arts and is not interested in other things. It is better than Shangguanhong."

"Wooden old man first came to you?"

The Queen squinted and nodded. "He convinced me that this is my biggest mistake..."

Wood old man was originally good at confusing people, plus seven turns of magic sound, the martial arts king will not be able to resist, in the view of Gu Shenwei, this is not a mistake.

"There is no way to learn from the first chapter. It doesn't make much sense for the old man to get the last two chapters."

"I don't understand this. Anyway, the old man wants these two chapters very much."

"Very good." Gu Shen stood up and found that it was a bit useful to solve this problem in advance, at least he had more in mind.

The question was over, and the Dragon King walked to the door. The Queen was puzzled, but his heart was uneasy. "Please ask the Dragon King to sin against me."

Gu Shenwei stopped and said to the party that he was stunned: "Please ask the military to draft a script, and I will abolish the queen."

The queen of the queen was black in front of him, and he barely stood up under the help of Xu Yanwei.

Fang Wen was looking up and feeling black. He suddenly understood what changed the Dragon King: In the past few years, the Dragon King has been trying to reduce his killer temperament. At this time, he is all back, and he becomes a cold and ruthless killer. The heart is full of killing **, but the appearance is covered with a layer of calm.

The Dragon King did not show a move, and the rumor of martial arts would feel a chill from the bottom of his heart.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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