Death Sutra

Chapter 105: Kill

The world of Luo Ning tea turned upside down after she married Jinpeng Fort.

The etiquette she received from childhood, the rules of men who did not see her husband, suddenly became a haunt of ridicule. She once regarded it as the right to take the request, the decision to kill and decide, and suddenly she was violently deprived, but she survived on her own. Can't ask for death.

She remembers every humiliation in the house, and the revenge is like a mortal entanglement, which makes her tossing and turning around the night. She is not stupid. She is much smarter than Gu Shen’s imagination. What she lacks is vision and strategy. It is missing from the education she received from childhood.

"Say it."

Luo Ning tea ordered that Gu Shenwei heard the enthusiasm and expectations.

"Meng's foundation is the business network all over the world, all relying on the protection of Jinpengbao, this business network can be smoothly spread, Meng can only enter the gold. The big gods obey the agreement, never touch the Jinpeng flag The caravan, but look at the results, his only daughter, but was deceived by the Meng family, across the Jinpeng Fort, the Meng family can not see the figure of the big god, give them a lesson, let them understand the Tieshan powerful……"

"Don't say it." Miss's voice suddenly became harsh, as if Huannu said something wrong, but Gu Shen knew that her words had touched her.

"Insidious and poisonous." Miss added another sentence, but the voice was illusory, these four words seem to automatically pop out of her mouth, not pointed.

"It's the person Miss wants." Gu Shen added, both of them think of Xue Niang's judgment on Huannu.

"This kind of words is not allowed to talk about it later."

"Yes, Miss." Gu Shen knew that she should shut up, and her ability to comprehend was better than he expected.

"The Liu Xuan, I can't kill him."

"I have already thought of a good way." Gu Shenwei is waiting for this sentence, and then put the plan that she and the woman set down.

"Insidious and poisonous." Miss repeats these four words, there is no scornful meaning, but it seems to be realized, "Wait for news."

Before Gu Shenwei retired, she asked the lady to tell her eight oaths of allegiance to allegiance. Anyway, Shangguan’s anger will sooner or later know that it is better to speak out.

Gu Shenwei returned to Dongpu, and her heart was deeply grateful to Mr. Zhang Wei, who was studying in the library. He learned a lot of truths. The knife and the killer can only kill one by one, but the money and the counselor can have a batch. Killing people in batches.

Those days waiting for the news, Gu Shenwei and the lotus girl are uneasy, the young lady is not very trustworthy, in case of temper, she is likely to be bad.

The Dutch girl sneaked out of Dongbao to see the killer in the middle of the night, and slowly spread it. She lost many friends and got a lot of scrutiny. Gu Shen got some relief, no one believed in their relationship, but he The repeated "leadership" status has once again been in jeopardy.

When the news finally came, Gu Shenwei had already waited for her heart to burn. When the weather was dark, she started to act. First, she kidnapped the so-called purple slave, cut off his ten fingers, tortured all the information, and confirmed that he was just inadvertent. I found out and said something about polishing the narrow knife. Liu Xuan did not tell him anything.

Gu Shen killed the purple slaves and smothered the other three apprentices who were closely related to the purple slaves.

At the same time, a group of Jiachen apprentices were inspired to launch the last large-scale action in this year's murder, killing dozens of other people and smashing the assassination of the slaves.

Because there have been no strong characters in the apprentices, Jinpengbao took the opportunity to stop this meaningless killing, send more than half of the **** apprentices to the cities of the Western Regions, and serve as mercenaries, spies, servants. .

After the strongest apprenticeship, the apprenticeship was considered to be the weakest.

The news that Liu Xuan was shackled was spread in the fort a few days later. Except for a few insiders, no one thought of this matter related to two young apprentices.

Rumor has it that Liu Xuan’s color is daring, and he intends to **** the maids around his eight grandmothers. After being smashed by the eight-grandmother, he even stripped off his clothes and ripped off her veil. He almost humiliated the hostess, and many of them struggled to resist. Eight little grandma is innocent.

Eight less masters got the news and returned home. They immediately ordered the staff to pick Liu. They started playing from the toes and hit three hundred sticks. After the lower body had been smashed, they broke the skull with a stick.

It is said that before the paws were tortured, the eight-year-old grandmother had already slashed Liu Xuan’s eyes and cut off his tongue according to Tieshan’s punishment.

Therefore, there was no confession of Liu Xuan in the incident, but it was not important. The maids who were raped, the eight-year-old grandmother, the savior’s ring, and the first guardian murderer who heard the news all pointed out that Liu Xuan was naked at the time. The heart of derailment is revealed.

The reputation of the eight-grandmother was even more impaired, but she was dying for a few days, and she won some fame, and she was overwhelmed by excuses. From then on, she stopped being in the house, and the Shangguan was angry and angered. Two female killers were guarded in the backyard. The killer has since been banned from the backyard.

The servant who was raped was arranged by the Dutch girl and was one of the ten virgins who had been dowry. She seduce Liu to enter the room and yelled after he took off his pants. In the eight mains, she and the hostess It is the only insider.

Miss's performance was unexpectedly good. Gu Shenwei began to seriously consider how to help her defeat Mrs. Meng. If it succeeds, it will not only be the victory of Luoning Tea, but also greatly help to remove an important source of money from Jinpengbao.

On the third day after Liu Xuan’s rod was smashed, the second day after the death of Dongbao, the slaves and the daughters were summoned by the eight masters.

The location of the call is the lobby of the front yard.

The eight masters seemed to be a bit sloppy. He was the master of the killer, but every time he was on fire in the backyard, he was riddled with family trivia. He couldn’t think of the two respectful teenagers in front of him. He was the instigator who killed Liu Xuan. He summoned the two to have another purpose.

"She only trusts people who are married with her."

This "her" refers to the eight-grandmother. The tone of Shangguan’s anger is full of helpless anger. The sinking eye sockets are sparkling with repression. If the wife is not the daughter of the big-headed god, she does not have such a pair of skin bags. He really wants to kill. And always remove the scourge.

"In the future, you two will take turns to be guards, ten days and one round, and you can take time off during the monthly test."

This is not within the plan of Gu Shenwei to the young lady, but the two are still immediately accepted, and thank the master and the grandmother for their kindness.

Shangguan anger is particularly concerned about the slaves. He does not believe any man now. The 16-year-old boy does not believe it. Moreover, the slaves grow tall and handsome, and there is no childishness in the body.

"You swore to the younger grandmother."

"Yes, the master forgives sins, and the little slaves have received great grace in the Tieshan camp. They have vowed to protect the young lady."

Shangguan’s anger is unclear about the situation of these dowry slaves in Tieshan. He has to temporarily suppress his suspicions. He has to say that his wife has thousands of things. It is impossible to seduce men.

"Be good, your two futures are not small."

At first, the two teenagers thought that this was the story of the eight masters. When the summer came, they knew that the Shangguan was angry. The apprentices were destined to be a group of extraordinary killers. Jinpengbao had arranged for them to be different. fate.

Shangguan’s anger left a slave alone, suggesting that he will report all suspicious behaviors in the backyard when he is in the future. “No matter who you have vowed, you must remember that the real master is me.”

Gu Shen was kneeling on the ground, crying and crying, expressing loyalty to the official anger, saying that he had known everything from Master. If there was no support from the master, he would have lost a few lives. Now this life is full. It is the master, and it will be used for others only if it does not violate the interests of the master. Even so, the owner will know everything.

This is a difficult scene. Gu Shen has to disguise his true feelings, smearing and smearing it, and even he can’t recognize it. Only then can he really say these things that are against the heart. He has to thank those who live with the slaves. .

Shangguan anger like the king generally accepts his second loyalty, cold and frank, noble and cordial, which is one of the educational contents he received from childhood, and is imitated and strengthened from his father and brother.

After this incident, he believed that he had already held the boy in his hand. Although there are many killers in Jinpengbao, there are few that deserve to be paid attention to. Huannu is one of them.

Gu Shen has made another big step on the road of revenge. What he needs now is time. The life that Xue Niang left for him is getting shorter and shorter.

When Gu Shen is the guardian of the backyard, he will also play the role of "conspiracy teacher."

The Shangguan anger made a special transformation of a room with a solid lattice wooden wall in the middle, and a portal to the ear room, which completely separated the lady from the outsiders and avoided gossip.

Gu Shen gave the knowledge she learned from Tie Hanfeng and Zhang Wei to the young lady without reservation, helping her to analyze the struggle of the women in the house.

"Miss need alliances, pay attention to those who are reprimanded by Mrs. Meng, especially those whose status and status do not match. They must be hateful, but they do not dare to attack, and those who are favored, in order to invite pets, they have to pay a huge At the cost, once they are not rewarded, they are also betrayal seedlings. But don't act rashly, just observe, until the big head God has acted, the lady has the capital to win the allies."

Miss told a lot of things inside the house, Gu Shen heard the dizzy, did not expect the battle between women so complicated, not at least easier than the Nancheng rivers and lakes.

Of course, the master servant can't always talk privately. The most trusted rings of Luo Ningcha are usually present. They are responsible for compiling some reasonable lie reports to the eight lords. Gu Shen also reports this, and the content is completely consistent with the 丫 ring.

Shangguan’s anger has never been skeptical. He believes his wife’s loyalty and asks for the details of the report to be a test of his subordinates and an instinct to collect intelligence as a killer.

Fortunately, Gu Shenwei only served as a ten-day guard. The Dutch woman spent twenty days. By the end of the month, the two were separated from the control of the young lady and joined a new organization to obtain the title of “brown band killer”.

Gu Shen planned the confrontation between Tieshan and Mengshi in secret, and did not expect that before these ideas were passed to the big **** by the lady, they first had a conflict with Meng.

(Seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

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