Death Sutra

Chapter 106: Whisper

The Jiachen apprentices are so excellent, Jinpengbao is reluctant to let them fight each other in the monthly test. Therefore, 50 young people are carefully selected and a “small flag camp” is established. The three courtyards located south of Mudao Lane It is managed by five experienced killer masters, and Tie Hanfeng is one of them.

The teenagers in the small flag camp are no longer apprentices, but they are not official killers. They are called “brown belt killers”. They can wear black clothes embroidered with golden Dapeng and brown belts on the waist. The most important thing is , began to receive a fixed remuneration, one hundred and two per month, there are additional rewards when performing tasks.

They still need to be tested, and the people who pass it can officially obtain the title of killer.

The selected teenagers were very happy, but the excitement quickly disappeared. As a brown belt killer, their tasks in the first few days were not challenging. They were nothing more than trivial tasks such as running errands and standing guards. I still have to be bored when I am in the fire.

The first major task of Xiaoqiying was to serve as a perimeter guard at the Flower Show.

There is a garden in the north of the city, the famous Bodhi Garden. The pond in the garden is planted with only four colors of lotus flowers within a thousand miles. The blue, blue, yellow and white are open at the same time. It is very famous.

This year's flower is particularly good, Meng invited many relatives and friends to enjoy the flowers, Ms. Meng in the Jinpeng Fort is rare to return to her family once, the natural field is not small, but she does not like those murderous killers along with the left and right, so the designation of "small flag camp" Fifty brown belt killers acted as guards, and in her opinion, the murderousness of the children should always be weaker.

There is still no difficulty in this mission. The teenagers even have a wooden knife. The only advantage is that they can enter the city and may have the opportunity to see the rare lotus.

The flower viewing will last for many days, and the family in the city will have a feast, and Mrs. Jin Pengbao will be proud of his presence. Under the guidance of the killer Master, the teenagers will check the surrounding environment and stop the idlers. When there is nothing wrong with it, Just hide behind the stone and be an invisible guard.

Gu Shenwei did not see the four-color lotus. His duty was to carefully patrol the designated area until someone took turns, returning to the dark house and sitting with a group of silent and hateful teenagers, occasionally Have a whisper with someone who is familiar with it.

The shadow of the murder has never completely disappeared, and the hatred that has been provoked by Jinpengbao has taken root, and only a sharper knife can be suppressed.

On the seventh day of the flower viewing ceremony, Mrs. Meng returned to the famous Bodhi Garden in the place to ask her family and the son-in-law of the city's surname. The next day she will leave for the return to the stone fort.

Gu Shenwei not only can't see flowers, but even people can't see it. He is responsible for guarding a rockery on the edge of the garden. There are many other kinds of flowers in the mountains. He hides in it and is wary of enemies who will never come.

This is one of the safest places in Saitama North City.

But this day a small accident happened.

The two girls fled the endless banquet, sneaked out to hang out, walked up to the rockery, sat on a stone bench and rested less than a squad in the flowers.

Gu Shen has long known that the ten sons Shangguan, like her mother, went down the mountain to see flowers, but she did not expect her to appear near her.

He is a brown belt killer, so he does not move and does not interfere with the interest of the host. In fact, he should sneak away from the place and go to a farther place to patrol, but he stays in the wrong place and participates in the owner untimely. Our disputes have set themselves up as enemies.

Shangguanru and Shangguan rain seemed to drink more wine, and the laughter was light. They did not notice the hidden flowers in the flowers behind them. They both received longer killer training than all the apprentices in Dongbao, but never experienced non-experience. Death and death, so do not have the kind of instinctive alertness.

The voices of the two people are soft and soft, not like Gu Shen’s memory of the ten sons and the rain son. It sounds like no difference to two ordinary intimate girls. He is even curious as to whether they are still wearing men’s clothing.

The two did not have a fixed topic. From the flowers and trees along the way to the daily small things in the fort, I thought about where to say, and slowly involved some privacy, the voice is getting lower and lower, Gu Shen suddenly found himself in the middle of it. It is very inappropriate to continue listening. Once it is discovered, it is more difficult to explain.

"Yu Gongzi, the boy named Meng has been peeking at you."

"Hey, I am sitting next to you. He sees you clearly."

The two girls made a brisk laugh together, as if they were itching each other. "I hate that kid, Yu Gongzi, you don't care about him, okay?"

"I won't take care of him. He is so big. He is as spoiled as a child in front of his grandmother. It looks disgusting."

"Hey, the old lady is just like him, so even my mother has to stare at him."

"He didn't fall into my hands. If he dares to smile at me, I..."

"How are you?"

"I hit his **** with a scabbard and let the old lady give him a donkey."

Shangguan laughed and laughed and said, "You don't dare, you don't dare."

"There is nothing to dare, there is nothing in this world that I dare not do."

Gu Shenwei couldn't help but snorted in her heart. When Shangguan rained, she was bragging. When Mr. Guo blocked a group of "thieves" in the house, she did not see her courage to say a word.

"Hey, you are so courageous, how can you get married in someone else's home in the future?"

"I don't marry."

"I heard that Qiyun has already asked the matchmaker to find your husband's family."

Gu Shenwei remembers that when he was a Shangguan Yu, he was one year old. If she married, it would be a good thing.

"Don't listen to people saying, I don't marry. Like a son, do you want me to marry?"

"Hey, I don't want to have any use. Mother said, girls have to marry when they grow up."

"No, I know that someone has never married for a lifetime. You said, as long as you say a word, I will always be with you. If you marry, I will accompany you, if your husband dares to bully you, I chase. Killing to the ends of the earth, the great-grandmother could not save him."

Shangguan laughed even more. "How old is I, do you say this?"

"It’s very fast, 13 years old this year, and you will be married in two years."

"Hey, you are not allowed to talk nonsense, but I am a ten son. In the future, I will open a government office and lead the killer team. Whoever dares to marry me, I will kill his family first."

Shangguan rain also laughed, very happy, "The best, I will be your military division, help you command the killer, help you become the one-step king."

The two "ambitious" girls chatted more and more, and Shangguan suddenly felt that there was something missing. "If there is wine, it is good to have flowers and flowers."

"Don't drink, your face is red."

"There is a sweet wine that is not intoxicating."

"You wait, I will pick it up."

"No, I will talk about it casually, let's rest here."

Shangguan rain did not know what to do, Shangguan screamed in a whisper, no more words to stop, Shangguan rained down the mountain quickly, Shangguan such as stunned Xiaoqu, the voice is getting lower and lower, and finally only the gentle With a soft breath, she fell asleep.

Gu Shenwei secretly breathed a sigh of relief and decided to leave immediately. If it was discovered, not only could the rain son not spare him, but Shangguan would probably be angry and angry, so he slowly moved his footsteps and walked quietly through the flowers to the foot of the mountain.

There was a little disappointment in his heart, because he couldn’t hear the word "Xiannu" in this intimate conversation. In fact, when he was working hard in Shangguan Yu, Shangguan must have forgotten the slave who played with her. Second net.

Before he reached the foot of the mountain, he saw a group of teenagers walking towards the rockery, headed by a 17-year-old noble son.

"The two of them went here, I saw it."

"Where there is, there is one or two lying on the stone bench."

The rockery is very short, and the teenagers saw Shangguanru through the gaps in the flowers.

"It’s ten sons. You know the color of the clothes. She wears black and the one wears blue."

"Right, people in Shibao love to wear black. I heard that only high-ranking talents are qualified to wear."

The teenagers whispered in a whisper, and the noble son dismissed the truth. "What a young man is a little girl, dare to laugh at me in front of so many people, see me to teach her."

"My grandfather, let's just say that if you play, you don't want to mess with her. The people in Shibao can kill people without blinking."

"Others are afraid of her, are I afraid of her? Go, coward, don't follow me later."

"The coward" retired, other young voters are good, but no one dares to go up the mountain. Finally, a young boy has an idea. "Little ancestors, you don't have to worry about it. In the past, when you kissed her, we will serve you. Let everyone see who is the real 'son.'"

"My lord" and "Little ancestors" activities activities with arms, sighing the next sentence "squatting", stepping toward the mountains.

Gu Shenwei quietly returned to the original position, thinking that the rain son is coming back soon, Shangguan should wake up when he heard the footsteps, do not need him to intervene, the noble son is obviously the young master of Mengfu, it is estimated that with the Shangguan Relatives such as brothers and sisters do not need a brown belt killer.

He thinks so, but things are not done like this.

Your son is a bit of martial arts, and he is light-footed. Shangguan is so asleep after drinking. He has never been awakened. When he is in the rain, he is not too slow or slow.

Gu Shenwei holds a wooden knife. He has a hundred reasons not to take care of this. A little joke between relatives will not be life-threatening. If he rushes out, he will only get into trouble.

There was more trouble, he thought, but the footsteps could not help but move, out of the flowers, standing behind the Shangguan, the wooden knife is ready to go.

The opposite side of the grandson stood in front of the stone bench, and the body had already bent halfway. Suddenly he felt a chill, looked up and saw the boy holding the knife. His face was as cold as snow and ice, and no one would doubt the murderousness of the cockroach.

Your son is afraid, this is the garden of his family. He has no reason to be afraid, but he is still scared to move, as if the statue is normal, his face becomes pale, the sweat oozes from the forehead, gathers into a drop and falls to the ground. .

Shangguan opened his eyes and saw the twisted and horrified face. He was shocked, picked up his arm and slammed it.

Meng Wugongzi rolled over and rolled down the mountain.

(Seeking for advice)

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