Death Sutra

Chapter 1064: frank

Pang Jing was furious and jumped up and slammed into the top of the tent. The chair fell to the side and pointed at Zhang Wei. "What do you say? 100,000 cavalry? War?"

Zhang Wei cast a helpless look at the Dragon King. It seems that the two have a tacit understanding. The Central Plains people are bad children who don’t understand the rules. Then they wave down. "The huge people are in a hurry, sit down and talk, things are here, everyone is still It is better to discuss a method."

Pang Jing just thought that the changes in the Western Regions would not affect himself. I didn’t expect Jinpengbao to slash in the back. The 100,000 cavalry naturally did not grow in the ground, but from the North Court.

Pang Jing immediately found that he had overreacted. This is a tripartite negotiation. It is a stupid move to expose the bottom line too early. It will make the Dragon King feel fearless, so he laughed a few times and shook his head: "Ha ha, Yu Yucheng is really changeable, I There is nothing to keep up with. In fact, there is nothing to discuss. Tomorrow, I will take 20,000 Central Plains troops to escape. When you are tossing up, I will come back."

Pang Jing looked down at the fallen chair, and was even embarrassed. He was even more troubled than the 100,000 cavalry who was approaching. He was so big, he never helped himself to raise anything. Occasionally he encountered this situation and he was close to himself. Followers do not even let the owner feel that the chair has ever fallen.

Zhang Wei and Dragon King are looking up at him. Pang Jing coughed twice. "It’s too boring here. I’m going out and going. Anyway, this is something between you. I can’t control it, I can’t get it, wait for you to discuss. Give me the results, just let me know."

After all, without waiting for the two to open, Pang Jing stepped out of the tent and slammed the curtain heavily, and the whole tent was shaken.

The guards and the followers stood in the distance and saw the master coming out. Someone immediately came to serve, Pang Jing did not raise his hand, he thought he was quiet.

The dragon king's guards are like a statue that can't be moved. Pang Jing did not regard them as living people, but slowly walked in front of the tent.

When he first came to Saitama City, he was full of ambition. Things were also very smooth. Unconsciously, everything was out of control. Not only did he fail to kill the Dragon King in accordance with the princess’s instructions, but he also lost the surface loyalty of Jinpengbao. The death of Luo Qikang was a major blow. In this regard, Pang Jing still feels heartbroken, and the death of the old man cannot calm the anger.

One defeated, Pang Jing silently lamented that 100,000 Beiting cavalry arrived, no matter who wins or loses. Zhongyuan’s strategy in the Western Region will be temporarily frustrated. After returning to the capital, he can find a hundred reasons to excuse himself, but the credits and prestige he once imagined have never been with him. He has become the incompetent emperor. .

From the very beginning, he was wrong. He thought that he not only underestimated the Dragon King and the One Step King, but also set too many goals. After the death of the beloved, it became irritating, and it was wrong again, so that the master of the situation in Saitama City gradually degenerated into a bystander.

Pang Jing self-reflected in the guards, hoping to find a strategy to turn the tide, occasionally looked up and saw two people slowly approaching.

That is the girl guards around the beginning of the South Screen and the Dragon King. Pang Jing allowed himself to go down a little, once again sighing that there will be such a perfect appearance in the world. By contrast, the so-called first beauty of the Western Region, Luo Ning Tea, is just a grumpy temper. A stupid shrew. Fortunately, the first screen is not the type you like, and you can avoid a possible sad thing.

Probably found that the negotiations have not yet ended, the South Screen and the girl turned direction, and soon disappeared into the night, Pang Jing suddenly remembered. It was not a girl who left with the South Screen, but a small man who often followed the Dragon King.

Pang Jing couldn’t remember the name of the little man, but he still remembered the desperate expression on the face when the man left the tent, so he suddenly realized that the little man had died and was killed by the first Nanping and the girl’s meaning of the Dragon King.

Pang Jing was stunned, and the skin passed the last chill of the spring festival. In the past few days, there have been countless deaths and injuries in Yuyu City, and some have happened to him. I don’t know why, he feels this time.

He made the final decision and thought that some things might be worthwhile.

He returned to the tent and found that the chair was still in the same place, so he stepped forward and smiled and sat down. "A beautiful night, I hope I didn't interrupt the two negotiations."

"A huge person will lead the army to leave Yuyu City tomorrow?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Haha, I am not afraid of the two laughter. In fact, the Western Regions have no such powers. The mobilization of the army is a very troublesome thing. It requires the consent of several generals from Loulan. When everything is properly arranged, 100,000 iron riders will probably go. It’s sealed. I’m still waiting, maybe the two have reached a compromise and everything is too peaceful.”

"Dragon King refused." Zhang Yuping looked at Pang Jing lightly, as if experienced teachers were observing whether students were cheating.

"Sorry, I went out, what did the Dragon King refuse?" Pang Jing asked in surprise.

"Dragon King refused to retreat. He said that the Dragon Army, as the most important ally of the city of Saitama City, has the obligation to help the dragons turn over the clouds against all foreign enemies."

"This is reasonable." Pang Jing agreed to nod. "The question is is the 100,000 cavalry being the enemy of Saitama?"

Gu Shenwei also noticed the change of Pang Jing. The Central Plains nobles quietly lowered their posture and seemed to have changed one person. "In any case, the dragon turning clouds is the first city owner of Yuyu City, naturally taking over Tongtianguan and Thousands of riders, as for the 100,000 cavalry that Mr. Zhang said, want to enter the customs is the enemy, stop outside, just a cavalry."

"Why is this negotiation not related to Tieshan and the One Step King?" Pang Jing was a little surprised.

"The former owner of Tieshan had no right to ask questions, but after the dragon turned into the city, Tieshan looted the four sangha blues, kidnapped the one-step king, and wanted to pick up the thousand riders. The dragon army could not sit and watch."

The Dragon King would have played officially, and it was no worse than the old fritters of the Central Plains. Pang Jing couldn’t help but nod. "It makes sense. All actions of the Dragon King are within the power of the city."

Zhang Wei stood up, he has completed the task, and also achieved the goal, no need to listen to the insincere rhetoric, "I have to leave, the Dragon King is a reasonable person, presumably will allow Jin Pengjun to pass the thousand ride."

Zhang Huan’s words are ironic, because Qianqianguan is still under the control of Jinpengbao, and he wants to pass the customs without the permission of the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei also stood up and formally said: "Well, I represent the owner of the city of Yuyucheng, allowing all Jinpengjun to pass the thousand rides, provided that no provocation is allowed."

Zhang Wei nodded slightly and turned to go. Pang Jing did not get up and said, "I want to leave something to talk to the Dragon King. Will Mr. Zhang not misunderstand?"

"Of course." Zhang Wei gave an ambiguous answer, walked out of the tent, and after a while, the sound of the hooves sounded outside.

Pang Jing sighed. "Zhang Wei is not coming to negotiate. It is a demonstration."

Gu Shenwei sat down again, ah, Zhang Xin knows that the Dragon King will never let go of the One-Step King. He knows that Jinpengbao is currently in a weak position. If you don’t add a little chip, you will lose it quickly. He wants to stabilize the military and wants to restore the equality of the two kings, so the 100,000 cavalry of Luo Luo will be displayed in advance.

"I don't know what the Dragon King thinks. I think this is very simple. I will fight tomorrow. I will eliminate Jinpengjun and Tieshan in one fell swoop. What is the one-step king, Zhang Wei, and Jinpeng killer, all the way to get rid of the roots. The 100,000 cavalry is borrowed, and the borrower is gone. They naturally retired." Pang Jing had an idea.

"The Central Plains is not hoping that the two powers stand side by side?"

"Time shifts, Jinpengbao publicly colluded with the North Court, why should the Central Plains support the one-step king?"

Gu Shen was sneer in his heart. Just less than a year ago, Zhang Wei brought back the larger Bei Ting army, and he did not see the Central Plains express his anger. "The huge people are willing to join hands with the Dragon Army?"

"I can immediately order, transfer all the soldiers in the rear, 20,000 Central Plains army, the Dragon King can be free to dispatch."

Gu Shenwei thought for a while. "The proposal of the huge people is very good. There is a problem. The east of Tieshan is until the thousand rides. There is no soldier in the Dragon Army. We are fighting with the Jinpeng army. Tieshan is frightened. Will take the one-step king all the way to escape outside, kill Zhang Wei but miss the one-step king, nothing to do."

“Is it easy to convince Tieshan?”

"I just don't want to take risks."

Pang Jing smiled. The Dragon King was as suspicious as ever. He wanted to convince him to believe in himself. It was not a few words that he could succeed. "Dragon King is worried that the 20,000 Central Plains army is not well controlled?"

"Since the huge people are clear, I don't have to be confused. I trust the Central Plains army and don't trust you."

Pang Jing nodded and accepted. "This is what it should be. I am competing with the Dragon King for the property of Meng's family. I am carrying a secret of the princess and Luo Qikang. The Dragon King should not trust me, but can I explain it?" ”

"Please." Gu Shenwei is a bit curious.

"Ponzi is a big family in the Central Plains. My sister is the Empress Dowager. My brother is the general who has the power to dig into the wild. The wife is the Princess Huaping who is in power." Pang Jing introduced the family as the opening remark, then sighed, right. There is no smugness in the illustrious origin. "But I am nothing, I have dozens of virtual titles, and I will not be lower with the pilgrimage, but I still have nothing. I said, Someone listens but no one takes it seriously. Everything I do is seen by someone but it doesn't have any effect. I am a proud and playful object."

Gu Shenwei did not speak. He believed that in the eyes of most people, Pang Jing had no reason to complain. He lived a life that everyone expected.

"The trip to the Western Regions is an opportunity." Pang Jing did not think so much. He only wanted to express his meaning clearly and completely. "I want to prove my ability. After returning to the Central Plains, I can get real power. I need power. Just like the Dragon King wants revenge, for this reason, I can give up the task of the princess, and I can forget the killing of Luo Qikang. As for money, it has never been something I value."

"So you, like Xiao Wang, must defeat the 100,000 North Cavalry and get a military."

Pang Jing spread his hands, this is his decision. He wants to be frank as never before, in order to gain the trust of the Dragon King. This is the core of his entire plan. "The enemy of the Dragon King is not just the one-step king, the source is in the Central Plains, the commander It’s a princess, maybe there are other people. In order to show sincerity, I am willing to hand over the princess to the Dragon King and let the Dragon King revenge quickly.”

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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