Death Sutra

Chapter 1065: handle

"The princess has a handle in my hand." Pang Jing looked at the Dragon King and looked as if he was declaring the death penalty. "This is the basis of our husband and wife's love and peace." In a blink of an eye, he became cynical. "Using this The handle, lightly can make the princess ruined, and the weight will make her suffer the punishment. In short, revenge will be easy."

Pang Jing even showed a slight smugness. Obviously, he had gotten a lot of benefits from the princess.

"I am listening." Gu Shenwei said that she found that she did not have much enthusiasm for this.

Pang Jing shook his head and smiled. He believed that the Dragon King had already generated interest. The coldness was just a cover-up. "For the time being, such an important handle, I can't just hand it over. My request is very simple - a complete victory. Defeat the 100,000 North Court cavalry and take the one-step king to the Central Plains."

Gu Shenwei gently tapped on the scabbard. "With the 20,000 people in the Central Plains, we only have 40,000 soldiers. The North Court cavalry is coming soon. I may be able to call another 10,000 people, 50,000 pairs. There are no odds for 100,000."

"With a small win, the Dragon King is not very good at this kind of thing? For example, last year's battle of thousands of rides."

"That is an accident. If possible, I would rather win more."

"As long as you can win a big victory, the Dragon King said it."

"Well, I have to leave Tieshan and the One Step King in Guan, and then win the thousand rides. As long as I can hold on for ten to fifteen days, I will be able to summon more troops from Xiaoyaohai and Shule, enough for a battle. ”

"This is safe, but can the North Court people not run away?" Pang Jing is not a security, but a major victory, and he does not want the war to end.

"I will release Zhang Wei and Jin Pengjun out. If they want to save the one-step king, they will not easily retreat."

"Well, probably only like this." Pang Jing did not want to push too tight. Moreover, Dragon King’s strategy sounds very reasonable.

"Of course, the premise of this is that you will confess all the truth to me."

Pang Jing’s face changed slightly and smiled awkwardly. “I’m already honest with the Dragon King. Isn’t the Dragon King not wanting to kill the One Step King and revenge? Don’t want to beat the North Cavalry? We are a reciprocal relationship, not just I ask you for help.”

Gu Shen exhaled a heavy breath. "My original plan was like this. I sent an assassin into the Tieshan camp and waited for the opportunity to kill the one-step king. When the one-step king died, the Jinpeng army would collapse, and the 100,000 Beiting cavalry would lose its allies and would naturally retreat. Luo Luo wanted to compete for sweat. It is not necessary to waste military power in the Western Region."

In this way, Pang Jing’s expectation of the second victory of the thousand rides will not exist. "The Dragon King definitely wants to kill the One Step King by hand, but that is your great enemy."

Pang Jing did not quite believe in the words of the Dragon King and felt that he was playing tricks.

Gu Shen thought for a moment, "I have already defeated him. There is no need for me to cut the last knife and let the one-step king die under the knife of the unknown. It is more suitable for me. In fact, there is already a team of assassins. Stand by on the account, you can start tonight."

Pang Jing walked into the tent with confidence. I found myself still not the opponent of the Dragon King. Not only was it very annoyed, but the smile on my face was even stronger. "I just saw Chunan Screen. He is with the Dragon King's female guard. I think they are going to kill the Dragon King?" ”

Gu Shenwei refused to answer this question. Pang Jing didn't care. "Dragon King is a murderer, not just a killer. There are many other means, cold and ruthless. When Zhang Yang is arrogant, the silence is silent, so I thought, Dragon King probably It’s a princess’s opponent.”

Pang Jington paused, and the smile gradually disappeared. "The Princess can be in the capital of thousands of miles away. It is not only the desert and the Gobi, but also the heavy gates and the thousands of troops. What should the Dragon King plan to do? Going into the Central Plains? Once the North Court has stabilized, it is possible to use the grassland cavalry, but this is at least a decade later."

"There are many ways to kill people, and some don't need me to be on the scene." Gu Shen is more like a listener at this moment, and his tone is very dull.

"When others say this, I am joking, I say it from the mouth of the Dragon King, I take it seriously." Pang Jing took a circle and decided to give in to the Dragon King again. "The Emperor was in the grassland for ten years and returned to the capital." At that time, I didn’t know many people. The situation of the situation was very complicated. The Emperor’s life was so thin, I think his life at that time was even more tense than in the North Court.”

The dead emperor once again appeared in someone's story. Unconsciously, his image in Gu Shen's mind became more and more vivid, as if he had had contacts.

Pang Jing had a long pause. He had seen the old emperor. At that time, he was still a teenager. He was born noble and handsome. He became famous in the capital. He shook his head and smashed the past. "The emperor wants to gain a stable position. I must find a backing. He chose the queen of the time. The queen also needed a prince. The other emperors were too arrogant, and the emperor was just like her. Princess Huaping was the only daughter of the empress. It was still small, very naughty and often ran. When I went to the palace to play in the emperor’s residence, the emperor loved her all the time, and the Queen’s trust became more and more.”

The means of surviving in the adversity are almost the same. Gu Shen thinks that the old emperor pleased the little princess to be similar to his own dedication to the Shangguan, but there is not so much hatred.

"The emperor soon became king, and the Empress Dowager died. But Princess Huaping did not fall out of favor, but became more intimate with her brother - very close."

Pang Jing added a tone, stared at the Dragon King, and finally saw a trace of surprise.

Gu Shenwei was really surprised. "You mean..."

Pang Jing nodded. "But the princess is getting older, she can't stay in the palace, and she is too arrogant. She made such a big thing in the name of the red bat woman. The emperor had to marry her. I was designated as Hummer, without any competitors, the Emperor thought that I was the most suitable. My sister was a queen at the time. Naturally, she was very happy to kiss her. She didn’t understand that the Emperor’s fancy was not my identity, but... my preference. ""

Pang Jing didn't look angry. For him, which woman is the same, but when he spoke again, he showed a bit of hatred. "Haha, the idea of ​​the emperor and the princess is very simple, thinking that I like men, so I don't care about this kind of thing. After less than a month of marriage, the princess began to enter the palace frequently. I am a Hummer, and I have to follow it many times. They are getting bolder and even no longer hiding from me. What can I do? I can only pretend that this is a happy arrangement, and happily arrange for them to meet and watch for them."

Pang Jing’s emotions are out of control. This is the first time he has told the people about the painful past. It’s hard to make a self. Gu Shenwei doesn’t want to listen anymore. He only cares about the core facts. “Is this the princess’s handle?”

Pang Jing nodded.

"My father knows this?"

"I guess so, or else why the princess had to kill Gu, she was afraid that the general would leave evidence, and one day Gu Ke would be threatened by her."

"The royal family never lacks rumors, there is no evidence, this is just another rumor."

"What did General Gu leave to the Dragon King?" Pang Jing regained control of his emotions and asked questions with awkwardness.

"Nothing left, the manor was burned clean."

Pang Jing sighed and thought for a while, saying: "If the Dragon King helps me win this war, maybe I can provide one or two pieces of evidence."

Pang Jing closed his mouth, he has already returned to the bottom line, and will never make concessions.

"How many troops can Loulan adjust?" Gu Shen asked.

"No, you can't use Loulan's army. It's the 20,000-year-old soldiers in Yuyucheng. I want credit. Like Xiao Wang, it's definitely not enough for ten to fifteen days. It's not enough. The messenger probably won't catch Loulan. Needless to say, transfer troops."

"I understand." Gu Shen stood up. "After ten days, there will be a battle in Qianqiuan. The commander in Guanzhong is a huge man. The main force is the 20,000 Central Plains army. The Longjun and Shulejun serve as the left and right wings."

Pang Jing also stood up. "I don't want to run away with the Central Plains army like Xiao Wang. I didn't die, but I said that I made great contributions to the Central Plains army. I don't care if I die."

"There is a huge number of people, the battle of thousands of rides will be better."

Pang Jing thought for a moment, "I will go back and transfer all the remaining troops in Saitama City. I hope that Dragon King will tell me a detailed plan as soon as possible."

“Up to three days, the solitary general will work out a perfect plan.”

The common conspiracy can be closer than everything else. Pang Jing found that his hatred of the Dragon King was greatly reduced, and his heart was also settled. He believed that the Dragon King wanted to get the evidence in his hands.

Gu Shenwei sent Pang Jing to the account, and watched the Central Plains man drive into the darkness. The guards quickly removed the tent and extinguished most of the torches.

Tie Linglong led the south screen.

Chu Nanping took the dragon sword given to him by the Dragon King and said: "From now on, I will no longer use the sword. Please ask the Dragon King to take back the sword."

"I can't take back the gift. If you don't use the sword anymore, just keep it."

At the beginning of the first screen, Tie Lingling pulled him back to the side, and it is best not to waste his tongue on the Dragon King.

A black man came quietly and kneeled down on ten knees. "Ready."

Gu Shenwei slightly nodded and said to Tie Linglong: "Through my command, Shulejun is under the control of Wu Zongheng, and the whole army continues to stand by here."

Tie Lingling blurted out: "I went with the Dragon King." Turned his head and glanced at the South Screen, and then saw the Dragon King did not change his mind. He whispered: "Yes, Dragon King. But...but..."

When she was outside, she did not dare to say it, but she clearly remembered that Sun Shenji said that the Dragon King had serious internal injuries and that it would take three to five days before the normal use of skill.

Tie Linglong finally rides on horses. She believes the Dragon King better than everyone else. I believe that the Dragon King must have a good idea.

The guards also got on the horse, followed the two of the junior irons, and the horseshoes rang. Soon, there were only 30 black men left by Gu Shen. They all bowed on one knee and waited for the order of the dragon king.

"Starting." Gu Shenwei said that he would not be on Zhang's shackles, and would not be controlled by Pang Jing. It was not his way of acting.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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