Death Sutra

Chapter 1070: Stone monument

The memory is like a steel needle piercing my mind. She feels that she is walking slowly in the dark with a torch. Every time she takes a step, the light expands a few feet. Suddenly, the strangeness of Zhou has become familiar. The fog has not completely disappeared, and it is still a few steps away.

"I know this place." She said, her eyes were full of sorrow, and only a slight alert was revealed when she turned slightly.

"You have been here, stayed for a few days and nights, remember?"

She doesn't remember the woman who talks, she doesn't like the other person, but she can't get rid of it. She still needs to ask for help. "You said... are you called Shangguan?"

"Well, you used to call me ten sons."

"You are a woman, how can it be a 'son'?" Her question was as dull as her gaze. After she said that she even forgot her own. "Six killed the temple, I copied a book without a book."

She spoke out the past scenes and seemed to never lose the relevant memory. Han Fen claped and smiled: "Yes, that's it."

"Who are you? Why are suede smiles?" Her tone was harsh, but she did not show a bit of vigilance.

Han Fen sighed in disappointment, put away a smile, and looked at Shangguan as if he was helpless. "I just remembered me..."

“Who am I?” she asked, the fire of memory in her head could only illuminate a small area around her, looking back, and the place she had traveled was still dark.

"You are a Dutch woman." Shangguanru has forgotten that this is the first time that he has made the same answer. Every time he can immediately lead to association, but after a long time, she has to repeat it again.

The soldiers finally rushed in and they have been watching for a while. Confirm that there is no threat at this place and wait for more companions.

Once the first step is taken, fear is no longer an obstacle. The soldiers are divided into two paths, passing by three women. Pounced on the main hall of the highest point of Jinpengbao.

An officer stopped, and the officer was deeply envious, "Shangguantou."

Only one kind of person can be humble when he speaks this title. "Are you a man of the country of Xiangji?" Shangguan asked.

"Yes." The officer also carries the temperament of a slave, which is probably the habit he will never be able to throw away.

"What are you going to do?"

"Find out all the people in the castle and listen to the Dragon King. But..."

The officer’s words were interrupted by a soldier. The soldiers rushed out of the hall. "Dead, all the people inside have committed suicide."

The spiritual masters who kept the secrets of the Taoist books kept their vows, did not use martial arts or reveal secrets under any circumstances, and ended their lives before the enemy arrived.

The officer was not particularly surprised. He had long foreseen that there will be many dead people in Jinpengbao today. "The body remains in place, don't move, guard the hall, and no outsiders are allowed to enter." The soldiers took the lead and the officer changed into a humble tone. For example: "Please ask the Shangguan head to hand over the two women to me. They killed the dragon soldiers..."

"It's **** it!" Han Fen squirmed.

The army coughed twice. "I am not malicious. I just want to bring two to see the Dragon King."

"Let the Dragon King come to see us." Han Fen went up two steps, staring at the officer with a straight eye.

The officer stepped back two steps to avoid the two bad eyes. Another officer grabbed it and screamed: "What more to say, the Dragon King gave the Shangguanjia to Daxueshan, and naturally the two women will be handed over to Xiangji. Country, let's kill and ask again."

The first officer became more and more embarrassed. Regret should not rush into the six-killing hall too early, just then, in the distance came to declare: "The Dragon King is coming."

The first thing that Gu Shenwei saw was the stone tablet. The words carved on it were not too big, but they were very clear - the six rounds of reincarnation were inexhaustible. Then there was a small group of people who had a dispute.

Han Fen waved excitedly. "Dragon King, hello, hey, I am looking for the royal master."

Gu Shen is the first to see Shangguan.

As a survivor of a broken family, she seems too calm, and with the past two judges, she calmly looked back at the Dragon King's gaze, nothing in the dark scorpion.

She is safe, and the identity of the national head of Xiangji alone is enough to ensure her safety. Even the most snowy Swordsman of Jinpengbao has never thought of seeking revenge for her.

But her calm has nothing to do with it.

“Is the taste of revenge successful as you imagined?” she asked, her tone calm and a bit ridiculous.

Gu Shenwei refused to answer this question and turned his eyes to the woman.

The Dutch girl obviously didn't recognize who he was, and she was not interested in the people around her. She just stared at the stone tablet and shook it gently, as if she was silently reading the words above.

"You killed four Dragon soldiers?" he asked.

The Dutch woman turned a deaf ear, Han Fen smiled and said: "The four fools only, the dragon king has such a lot of people..."

Han Fen’s words provoked the anger of many soldiers. Like the deceased, they all came from the country of Xiangji, and they wanted to take revenge, but they dared not reveal it in the face of the Dragon King.

"Han Fen, telling the reason for killing." When Shangguan was in a nosy business, it seemed to have restored a few old days.

Han Fen scratched his head and felt that the reason was not important at all. "There is nothing to say. They think that the three prostitutes are not enough. They will come to the squad and the priests will kill them."

Han Fen said abbreviatedly, but the meaning is very clear. Four dragon soldiers, only three nieces, they probably drank too much, they were looking for a woman on the street. I didn’t expect to meet Xiaoyuetang. Master.

The officer of a fragrant country screamed: "The nonsense, the four of them are patrolling there, and there are others who are killed..."

"Other people are killing me, what's the matter?" Han Fen didn't like the tone of the officer. He raised his right hand and shook it twice. "Do you believe that I killed you?"

Gu Shen asked the Shangguan: "You were there?"

Shangguan shook his head. "I found them afterwards, but I believe Han Fen." Then she smiled. "The Dragon Army is the winner. There are many people in the city who want to please you."

"Retreat." Gu Shenwei said.

The soldiers did not immediately execute the command of the Dragon King. The officers of the country of Xiangji fell down on one knee. "The Dragon King, the country of Xiangji participated in every battle, and now there are no more."

The soldiers of the country of Xiangji are mostly slaves. However, the former officer in front of him was a nobleman. Gu Shen was able to recognize it. This has not been a trouble for a long time. "Retreat." He issued an order for the second time.

First the soldier, then the officer. All obeyed and acted silently, and the daring aristocratic officer received a lot of attention.

The courtyard of the Sixth Hall was empty, and there was no killer to stop the woman and the enemy from entering the temple of Shangguan.

"She can think of some things in the past, but I can't remember it, forget it for a while." Shangguan said.

Gu Shen sighed. Looking around, ask: "You want to commit suicide here?"

Shangguan wants to laugh, wants to disdain, but finally does nothing, faintly said: "The best here."

"Nobody wants to kill you."

Shangguan looked at him. "You are so smart... My father is dead, my brother and uncle is dying. What am I still doing? They used to want to betrayed, but they gave up, not my idea, the son of the eldest brother. Shangguan Lie, he said that resisting vain is not good, but only arouses the hatred of you and Daxueshan. Waiting for you may save the slaves in the stone fort."

Shangguan did not want to say these words, and did not even think about seeing the Dragon King again. But when the words were exported, more thoughts formed language uncontrollably. She looked eastward. "I thought my father was killed, many people. I will avenge him, but I heard that the Jinpeng killers who are present are running fast, Shi Qingjue is safe and sound, people kill and kill. But it has nothing to do with my father."

Gu Shenwei noticed that Shangguanru began to call "my father" instead of "one-step king". "I was there at the time. He died very calmly. Many people didn't even recognize him as a one-step king."

"Oh, if my father died on the day of the end of the contest, things may not be the same. The image of the one-step king will not fall, it may be higher, the killers will not fall apart, the Shangguan children still have fighting spirits... This is your arrangement Ok? Deliberately let my father die in the hands of the unknown?"

"You overestimate me."

"Maybe." Shangguan sighed, influenced by the lotus girl, and looked at the stone tablet. "That's it. I always want to tinker with it. It doesn't make sense. You know it in the four sangha blues." What is it?"

Gu Shenwei shook his head.

"Wooden old man, I saw the old man, he stood on the cliff, and obviously had a chance to escape. He chose to jump forward, as if it was just for fun. He has endured for so long under you and my hands, just regained his skill. It didn't take long to commit suicide..."

"That can't be considered suicide. He has no way to go. He chose not to commit suicide, but to die."

"Yes, that's it." Shangguan said with a smile. "Death is more important than a lifetime. Mu Laotou and Lian Qing are dead and will be remembered by countless people. My father is a one-step king, but he is dead quietly. The prestige of generations is useless. I don't want to be vigorous and I don't want to be silent, so I want to die here, just... I haven't thought of a good way."

Han Fen has been listening to it. At this time, he said, "If you let me recommend it, it is best to take the poison. When you talk about the day, you will pass without knowing it, and there are many kinds of poisons. You can pick them casually."

"I want the one with the least pain."

"no problem."

The two asked each question and forgot the lotus girl and the dragon king.

Gu Shenwei greeted the woman's gaze and confirmed that she was recognized at this moment.

The whole paragraph of memory suddenly reappeared, as if the rising sun was shining, illuminating the whole world. The lotus girl was not too late to be surprised. She looked at the pale youth, and her mind was thinking of another teenager - the sharp-faced slave He had already been forgotten, and now he has been in the face of the Lotus for nearly eight years. He is as good at rhetoric as he was at the time. He said that there is only one sentence: "Revenge for me."

(At last, it’s better, the cough is not over yet, but I don’t have a fever anymore. I’m sorry, I didn’t have an earlier notification. Thank you for your concern and support. I’m starting to resume the update from today, or one day, two after the first month. More.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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