Death Sutra

Chapter 1071: Recognition

The raging memory is fierce, and it goes as fast as a flash of lightning. The lotus girl suddenly sees the people and things around her. She knows that her memory has a problem, and her awake state can only be maintained for a very short period of time. time.

There are too many things to do. She remembers the slaves, remembers the hatred in her heart, but there are conflicts in the memory of the front and back. She is not sure what level of martial arts she is in. The youth in front of me is a mediocre joy. Slave, for a while, is the dragon king with swords and swords.

She hesitated that she should not immediately shoot, even this hesitation is becoming blurred, and she has to retreat into the darkness.

The last woman in the lotus concentration is sober, telling herself over and over again: Your martial arts has already surpassed him. The next time you have to shoot directly, you can take a shot and shoot...

Gu Shen looked at the hatred of the woman's eyes and gradually disappeared, leaving only unnecessary voids.

Shangguanru and Han Fen are still discussing various methods of suicide. He said: "You can't commit suicide."

Shangguan was slightly stunned and then smiled: "You can't manage me."

"She, you have to be responsible for her." Gu Shen pointed to the Dutch woman.

"It’s my fault to be a woman like this, but I can’t help her, only you...”

Gu Shen ended the conversation in the simplest way. "She wants to kill me, I can't leave her with her."

Shangguan looked at the lotus girl in surprise and found that her lips were moving fast and whispering something.

Han Fen posted the ear and repeated the words. "It’s a trick, a shot, a trick..."

Gu Shen went to the hospital.

There was no scene of blood flowing into the river at the entrance of Jinpengbao. During the time when Dragon King left. One of Shangguan’s children did not die. The Daxueshan swordsmen held weapons and were dejected. Some people were extremely excited and rarely tears.

"Let the Dragon King decide, he said how to do it." See the Dragon King and return. Some people suggested that hundreds of swordsmen immediately came up, and all the same thoughts were in mind: only the Dragon King can solve this problem.

On behalf of the crowd, Long Xiaoshi explained the situation to the Dragon King. "Long Tianguan, not to mention that there is a Jinpeng killer is his son who has been missing for many years..."

Long Tianguan was in his forties, with a pair of eyebrows and eyebrows. Gu Shen recognized him. He knew that this was a brave swordsman and was injured several times. He never retired in any battle. At this moment, he burst into tears and pointed at the opposite person. He said, "Dragon King, you are the same, he looks exactly like me, do you need any proof?"

The person pointed by Long Tianguan stood in the killer group, with no expression, indeed. He also has eye-catching thick eyebrows and towering cheekbones, except for being younger. It is almost re-enacted according to the look of Long Tianguan.

Long Xiaoshi frowned and whispered: "In fact, there is not much like it. It is all... some people have a lot of mouths. As a result, Long Tianguan looks more and more like it. He is noisy, and several people claim to have discovered his son. The scorpion. Made us unable to do it."

"Da Xueshan has been fighting with Jinpeng Fort for many years. How did it not be discovered before?" Gu Shen asked.

Long Xiaoshi sighed and looked at the companions around him. "In fact, some people have recognized it before, but they are still fighting at the time. If you can't manage these, even if you recognize them, they are all dead bodies. You can't just leave your hands on it? Now... ... Jinpengbao was completely defeated, and people were alive... Hey, because he lost his son, Long Tianguan’s wife committed suicide. No wonder he would be excited. In fact, he hated Jinpengbao most.”

"What happened to the people in Shangguan?"

Da Xueshan swordsman suspected that the Jinpeng killer was a descendant of his own family. He couldn't bear to start, but they also opened up a few dozens of Shangguan's children. This is the most headache for Long Xiaoshi, and he whispered: "No way, These killers rushed to be killed, claiming that they must not die behind their masters, they can not recognize relatives..."

The killers on the outskirts of Jinpengbao have almost escaped. Most of the people who are willing to stay in the fort are the most loyal green faces. They are willing to live with their masters.

For this group of people, the swordsmen disagreed. Long Xiaoshi was worried about one thing. "I can't give the Shangguanjia a chance to make a comeback. It will be a good time and will be endless."

Long Tianguan’s gaze rarely left the killer who was similar to himself. At this time, he wiped his tears and said, “The one-step king is dead. Who can lead the Shangguan’s resurrection? My son has been killed once, I Can't watch him kill for the second time."

Long Xiaoshi was quite angry and screamed: "This is not your own thing, the whole snowy mountain..."

"There are not many people left in the whole snowy mountain. Do you have to kill each other?" Long Tianguan ironed his heart to save his son, and he was not alone. Many old swordsmen nodded and stood. On his side, his eyes swept over the green face of Jinpengbao to find every familiar feature.

Gu Shen had to make a decision immediately. The four peaks of the Da Xueshan were unified for only three or four years. The former hatred was far from invisible, and any dispute could make the split reappear.

"Firstly, everyone will be held incommunicado. How to deal with these people must be decided by the peaks of the Daxue Mountain. As for the slaves of Jinpengbao, all of them will be demobilized, and one will not stay."

This is a temporary expedient, but there is no better way. The Shangguan family and the loyal blue-faced killers were taken in the stone fort, and the slaves came out of the gate in groups, and they were frightened and scared until they entered the north city. A little peace of mind.

The Wufeng patriarchs, elders and warlocks, including the dragons and clouds, went up the mountain and they decided to discuss the common decision.

Gu Shenwei did not participate, he completely handed this power to Da Xueshan.

The butcher dog came back and thanked the Dragon King for giving him a chance to avenge him, but he did not kill Pang Jing. "I am a Central Plains person." He said that there was a hint of helplessness in the tone, and there was a hint of pride. "It is enough to scare him." Shi Yifan used his big pleadings to me. I handed Pang Jing to him. I hope that Pang can appreciate the feelings and not transfer the hatred to the sect. I can only do this. In short, I can’t go back. Central Plains."

"The world of the Western Region is wide enough."

"Yes, but I have to resign to the Dragon King."

Gu Shenwei has already foreseen that there will be such a scene. The death of Tu Yu and Mu Laotou has a great impact on the slaughter dog. He obviously has lost interest in the rivers and lakes. "Where are you going?"

"In addition to the Central Plains, I have to go anywhere. Maybe it is the country of Xiangji, huh, I want to know what it is like to be free. The grace of the Dragon King is too heavy. I can’t repay this life. I can only learn the old man, shameless. one time."

Gu Shenwei does not think that the dog is owing something to himself. This old knife is not the same as others. He has no entanglement with Jinpengbao. He is purely to experience the "life of the rivers and lakes". Of course, he has the freedom to leave at will.

Others may not have this freedom, especially Shangguanfei.

He hesitated for a long time before going up the mountain to ask for the Dragon King. It was not doubtful of the necessity of this trip. It was purely out of fear, and he hoped that it would be delayed for a while.

He came to "negotiate" with the Dragon King, but he couldn't help but get the bottom line when he met. "As long as the Dragon King does not kill me, how can I do it? I don't want the title of the One-Step King. I will give it to anyone who loves the Dragon King of the Shangguan family. If you want to distribute it with my mother to the country of Xiangji, we will never stop. Back to Yucheng."

"What have you heard?" Gu Shenwei chose a small yard in Xibao, not far from the main hall, and was able to get news of the Da Xueshan swordsmen at any time. Two hours have passed and the negotiations have not yet ended.

Shangguanfei heard a lot of things. No one seems to be good for themselves. "The swordsmen of Daxueshan don't know how to deal with the children of Shangguan."

"You are not in it." Gu Shen gave a comfort. Shangguanfei once fought side by side with the Da Xueshan swordsman. He had already resolved hatred and even got a lot of swordsman's favor.

"I understand, I can tell the truth. I am still a little scared. No matter what decision Daxueshan makes, I will definitely not take revenge, but not all swordsmen will believe it, so I still hide a little better, especially the title of 'Independence King'. I am not interested at all, I believe that no one in the Shangguan family dared to inherit this title, in short, the Dragon King..."

"One person can inherit the king."

"Who has such a great courage?" Shangguan Fei was shocked. "Even if the Dragon King is willing to show his mercy, the Snowy Mountain Swordsmen are not willing."


When I heard the name, Shangguanfei unexpectedly couldn't close his mouth. "Of course... the one-step king was alive... but... the king... don't he want to change his family name?"

"A surname is nothing, nothing can be changed."

Shangguanfei patted his head and suddenly wanted to understand. "I support Chengdi. He is still the grandson of the big-headed god. It is most suitable for him to inherit the name of the one-step king."

"There is not enough support for you."

"I promise that everyone in the Shangguan family will support me. I will convince them. No, I will inform them. Who can dare to say no words? I don't need the Daxueshan swordsman to do it. I will give him a knife first."

Shangguan Fei resigned to see his brother and uncle, the more he thought on the road, the more he felt that it was a good idea to succeed Shangguancheng as the successor.

Gu Shenwei came to Zhengtang, and more than 70 important figures in Daxueshan still struggled. For them, the biggest problem is not how to deal with the Shangguanjia children, but the one-step king has died. Jinpengbao has been broken. Is Daxueshan? There are also major threats.

The two factions are exhausted, so it is very gratifying to see the Dragon King coming and hope that he can end this fight.

"Shangguancheng?" Some swordsmen who just came to Saitama City were very strange to this name. Soon they learned from other populations that this is a child of five or six years old. It is said to be the favorite son of Shangguan before his death. illegitimate child.

"Is he still called Shangguancheng in the future?"

Gu Shen gave a nod to say yes, and then said: "Since then, Jinpeng Fort and the One Step King have nothing to do with the killer. Shangguanjia will not train the killer."

The ideas of the swordsmen have changed, but they can't make a decision right away. Gu Shen left the hall and asked them to discuss it again.

Fang Wen is just going up the mountain at this time, holding piles of books and papers in his arms. "I calculated that if Dragon King wants to fight with the Central Plains, it will take at least ten years of preparation time. The key is to firmly control Shuli. In the picture, only by the power of the North Court, the war side has the possibility of winning."

Gu Shenwei has not said that he wants to fight in the Central Plains. However, Fang Weng has already seen clearly: Dragon King still has to avenge, without hate support, Dragon King will collapse.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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