Death Sutra

Chapter 1114: Persuasion

An official of Xiao Wangfu and several family members sent the guests out of the city. Before leaving, they said very politely: "The two can actually live in the palace, and don't need to go back and forth."

Su Shi made a few words and looked at the people who were riding away. They could not help but sigh: "Which is true, what is false, it is really impossible to see."

Nearly three more, the Huaixi Pavilion was silent, Gu Shenwei and Su Shi once again missed everyone.

"Do you think Xiao Wang is not true?" Gu Shen had already returned to her room at this time. Su Shi came to wash her feet with diligence, and reached out to try the water temperature and put it on the bedside.

"It was okay, but he fainted that trick... It was a bit overdone. He was not worried about the assassination of the emperor, but he did not want to talk about it with Gu Gongzi."

Gu Shenwei understands why this young man will become a competent officer of Shangguan. He is both simple and intelligent and can accept new things quickly. It took only two days to learn to observe and judge himself.

"He succeeded. Others thought that Xiao Wang was a friend with me, but he didn't have more than one princess tonight, and I wasted a lot of time. Fortunately, he didn't let us go hungry like a princess."

Su Shi smiled and then showed a trace of doubts. "Don't Xiao Wang really participate in the conspiracy, so deliberately conceal it?"

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "It may be like he said. He wants to stay out of the way."

Su Shi once again said, "It’s really impossible to judge whether it’s true or false. Fan Da Ge will definitely be awkward in these days and will plead guilty to people everywhere.”

"Well, he has done a good job."

Gu Shenwei lifted his feet, and Su Shi immediately took out his handkerchief and wiped it clean, then took the water basin and left the room.

"Real and false." Gu Shen whispered to himself, he thought how long it was for six years, and it was only six years since he escaped from Jinpengbao to defeat Jinpengbao. It is long enough to change everything.

He put on his shoes again, and he practiced for a while in the house. Then he blown off the oil lamp and sat silently at the table. He touched the third and passed the room quietly. Going out of the wall, not far away, climbed the wall of another house.

He didn't jump in immediately, even if he didn't fall on the wall, he used his fingers and the toes to cling to the wall, like a big gecko, licking his head, only revealing one eye and peeing inside.

Not long after, Gu Shen returned to the ground. I took a half circle around the wall and once again climbed the wall. This time I was slower and more cautious. I couldn’t see him moving a little further.

This is the gable, the top is the roof, and Gu Shen, who has been careful, made a cough when she made a careless move.

On the original roof, suddenly a section actually moved and one looked up. Looking at the direction of Gu Shen, but did not rush to start. Instead, he turned and jumped into the courtyard and landed silently. He was a master of good work.

Gu Shenwei jumped in behind the person.

The man is knocking at the door, the voice is not big, short and long is very regular.

The people in the house did not seem to fall asleep, and they immediately opened the door when they heard the sound.

Shangliao personally lit the lights. The people who live in this yard deserve his trust. Compared with Gu Shenwei, who lives in the valley, he looks old and looks more determined. His former weak temperament has not been left. This is the result of years of war training.

Standing at the door is the first south screen, the appearance is still as beautiful as before, just relatively indifferent, as if I don't know the guests tonight.

"Dragon King please sit." Shangliao mouth called "Dragon King", but did not act like a courtier.

Gu Shen was sitting opposite, did not speak, he was invited by Tie Lingling, if not, he did not intend to contact more Westerners.

"The war in the Western Regions is not over yet." Shang Liao is not a guest. He has never been the loyalty of the Dragon King, and he is not a friend. "Everyone ran to the Central Plains to call the tribute, just to go back and fight again."

"This is in line with the heart of the Central Plains." Gu Shen said.

"It is a disaster in the Western Region."

"I have been away from the Western Region for six years." Gu Shen reminded that he had a lot of wars in the past, and now certainly can't go back to quell the war.

"Yes, the Western Region has been turned upside down, so the Dragon King is best not to go back." This is what Shang Liao wants to say. He left the country that has not yet stabilized. He came to the Central Plains for a long time. The biggest purpose is not to see the emperor but to stop the Dragon King. .

"I didn't think about going back."

"Dragon King does not want to, other people think; Dragon King does not want to, I will think later."

Gu Shenwei has already understood the true intention of the other party. "Do you worry that the people of Saitama will take me back?"

"That is the purpose of their trip." Shang Liao's look is too serious, as if he is exposing a big conspiracy. "Dragon King will not think that Shangguan is still a little girl six years ago? She is the smartest and most A woman who has a heart, is not such a person, and can't keep the city."

"What about that?" Gu Shenwei of course understands how much it costs and effort to survive and thrive in a troubled world. The change of Shangguanru is natural. In the view of Gu Shenwei, she has always had this potential, but she has no chance. Show.

Shangliao was silent for a moment and then began to tell a story:

Three years ago, Zhong Heng, Shang Liao, and Du Guzhen also besieged Yu Yucheng at the same time. Finally, they ended up with unexpected surrender of Du Gu, so that some people suspected that the Dragon King had exerted influence.

This is of course not a fact. In the Lushan Valley, there is no news of the Western Regions. Occasionally, only a few words have been heard. At least it has been a year and a half, and the time is over.

Shang Liao is very convinced that Shangguan has used the killer power.

In the early days of the war, Shangguan had publicly promised that even if the city was destroyed, the killers and the green faces in Jinpengbao would never be used. The trust and neglect of the forces of all parties were successfully obtained. In fact, as early as in the dark, the troops were deployed. There are lurking killers.

Zhong Heng has the weakest strength and has no assassination value.

Shangliao has a protection of the first Nanping and Tie Lingling, which makes the assassin unable to approach, and even arrested three killers. They confessed that they were sent by Shangguan as personally.

Only the solitary singer was too careless, and was killed by the killer. Then the party was on the scene, and Xiaoli took advantage of it. He pointed out that there are only two ways to go to the solitude: either die without succumbing, the army is dispersed, and Shangliao is the only one; or declares surrender, and 璧Yucheng teamed up, although there is no chance to be a king, but can be a stable general.

You can only choose the latter.

"Now, there is also a killer supervision around the solitary general. He is completely afraid, but he still can't get trust." Shang Liao is very sorry for his opponent.

Gu Shen quietly listened to Shang Liao’s remarks and said, “If you change to me, you will use such a means. No one is qualified to set the rules for war.”

"I didn't blame or derogate the meaning of Shangguan." Shang Liao's upper body looked slightly and looked a little urgent. "Just tell the Dragon King what kind of person she is now. In order to achieve her goal, she can do everything." After a pause, he added: "She is just like you and me. The Dragon King is alert to me, and he can't care about Shangguan."

"What do she want me to do back to the Western Region? Six years, even if you remember me, you will hate me because I caused all the wars."

"The Dragon King is too self-effacing. Some people hate you, but that is a minority. In fact, you are now the **** of the Western Regions. According to the word of mouth, the old King of Khan is Vulcan. You are the Lord God of the Emperor. Red Dapeng flew directly to Tianting, and opened the territory for the old Khan Wang. As for the soldiers who died in the war in these years, they were all subordinates who were called by the old Khan Wang."

Gu Shen is dumb, this kind of legend is very ridiculous, but it is not impossible. He used the gods to spend the crisis and the ordinary people still eat this set. "I actually want to fight for the old Khan."

Shang Liao smiled. "There is no way. The old Khan Wang has lived for a long time. Even the Westerners have a heavier view on him. In short, the influence of the Dragon King on the Western Region still exists. This is what the Shangguan wants. She will try to find ways. Bring the Dragon King back to Saitama City, use your name to **** the Tongtian Pass from the hands of Xiaowan, and then invade the Shule and the South and go to the sea to build a big empire."

This is the plan that Gu Shen made for the year and Fang Wen, and the dream of every king in the Western Region.

"I won't go back to the Western Regions." Gu Shen stood up and he heard enough. Shangguan, of course, would have her own thoughts, but Shang Liao seemed to be paranoid, and his ambitions were naturally pushed to Shangguan. on.

"Dragon King guarantee?" Shang Liao also stood up and leaned forward more clearly. "Shangguan will use all means to persuade the Dragon King."

"I won't make any guarantees to you." Gu Shenwei's voice was a bit harsh. "You shouldn't call me Dragon King anymore, and I believe that with or without my help, you are not the opponent of the Shangguan."

Shang Liao froze, and there are still some doubts on his face. He feels that the Dragon King has not fully understood his meaning, or that he has been confused by the Shangguan.

Gu Zhiwei went to the door and said to the south of the screen that has been silent: "Can you be fine?"

The handsome face that was indifferent to some disappointment suddenly showed a smile, with three-point childishness and seven-pointing, and he couldn’t help but feel that he had been watching interesting things but he was not laughing. "Good." His voice is more enthusiastic than his expression. More, obviously, he has completely abandoned the ruthless sword, "You can be a bit old."

"I am still young, don't let me find you next time."

"I have never been good at this, and Tie Ling is doing better than me."



Gu Shen left the door and Shang Liao stood behind the desk and was stunned. The Dragon King, who was obsessed with the Shangguan, was easy to understand. The Dragon King who talked with Chunan Screen was like a mystery.

These two people are all mysterious, Shang Liao thought, originally intended to use the South Screen to persuade the Dragon King, now it seems impossible.

Gu Shen returned to stealth. Shang Liao’s words did not have much influence on him. On the contrary, Su Shi’s feelings echoed again in his mind. “Real and false.”

Four more have passed, the stars and moons are bleak, it is the darkest moment, Gu Shenwei, who sticks to the wall, looks up and sees several figures jumping into the courtyard where the Yuyu State Mission lived. He thought that it is not just the night. alone.

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