Death Sutra

Chapter 1115: Night attack

Five people leaped onto the roof, stood upright and looked into the courtyard. One of them waved, and the other four dispersed. When they reached the position, they crouched on the roof. Only the waving person gently pulled out the single knife and jumped into the courtyard.

The knifeman listened for a while outside Gu Shenwei's room. He raised his hand and shot several hidden weapons through the window. Then he listened again, slammed his body and slashed the knife to the person behind him.

Shangguan had observed that the intruder had been there for a while and found that Gu Shen had no reaction, so he understood that there was no one in the room.

The skills of the sneak sneak in general, the knife method is not bad, and the recruits are all embarrassing, apparently hope that the quick fix.

Shangguan’s accompaniment to the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the singer sneaked away from the first three strokes.

The knifeman did not immediately fix himself, but instead he retired and the knife in his hand danced into a ball until he leaned against the wall and whispered: "Okay."

Shangguan looked up at the roof and asked, "What is better?"

The knifeman was shocked and couldn't help but raise his head. The roof clearly harbored four accomplices. When he heard the signal, he should help him down. Why didn't he move? Suddenly, suddenly, the body was soft and sat down under the window.

When the window opened, Han Fen jumped out and bowed down to the knifeman and smiled: "I want to hurt people with your medicine?"

Shangguan looked at Han Fen in surprise, shook his head with a smile, the woman was difficult to understand, the vigilance was very high, and the intruders were discovered early in the morning, so they secretly entered the room of Gu Shenwei and waited for the rabbit. It’s too simple for Han Fen to hide the drug.

"Who are you?" Shangguan asked.

The knife's lips were closed and the head twisted to one side, refusing to answer.

"I have a way to let him speak." Han Fen stretched his tongue and added a lip, as if the person in front was a delicious meal.

The knifeman will lower his head and still not snoring.

"Take him into the house, don't wake others up."

Most of the people in the hospital have actually been awakened, but they are very cautious, have no lights, and have not come out to watch the fun. Soon after the war in Saitama City was over, they still maintained a strong war.

Han Fen opened the door and took the knife into the room. Shangguan’s resistance to the drug was not so strong, so he waited for a while outside.

Han Fen ignited the oil lamp on the table, and turned around the knife who was kneeling on the ground. He whispered in his mouth: "burning heart Dan, breaking the intestines, grinding soul pills..."

The knife's face has changed. Just listen to the name and know that these medicinal herbs are not good people.

"I don't have so many easy-to-use medicines." Han Fei was very sorry. "Gu Shen did not let me make too many poisons. He said that there are several kinds of self-defense, so I will kill and smoke." Hey, hey, hey. Yes. I am so smart." Han Fen's eyes are shining, making the knife more uneasy. "I will give you a set of clouds and rain, but - 嘻嘻 - Tied you up so that you can't even touch the woman's side, haha..."

The knifeman didn't know what the "clouds and rains are pointing", but he heard ominous from the woman's crazy laughter. His face became more and more blue. "You, don't you mess around, have the ability to fight alone?"

"Have we just been alone?" Han Fen squinted. "Your medicine has no effect. My medicine has made you fall. What else can you say?"

"I mean more than a sword and a fist." The knifeman said with conviction that he was completely a layman to the drug and was caught. Very no face.

"I really don't want to face, you said that you are better than you?" I also said that you are more than a child, do you dare?" Han Fen snorted, I think this person is really unreasonable.

The knifeman finally understood that the woman in front of her was sick, so she turned her eyes to Shangguan, who was at the door. "Your character is extraordinary. Is it using the Yuqing faction?"

Shangguan nodded and wondered. Her mind was much more powerful than she was six years ago. She could not seal the other's acupuncture points. This is an extremely rare thing. "Which discipleship are you from? What is the intention of breaking into the emperor's embassy?"

"There is no more nonsense. If you want to kill, you will not reveal a word."

Han Fen flexed his muscles. "Let me come. I haven't had anything to play for a long time. I am so strong that he can stay for two or three days."

Gu Shen made a walk from the outside and looked at the Shangguan with a look. Then he said to Han Fen, "Go and clean up the roof."

Han Fen gently clap his hands. "The corpse powder can be used this time."

The knifeman was so scared that he watched Han Fenxing go out of the room with great enthusiasm and his eyes fell on Gu Shenwei. "You are the Dragon King?"

"I used to be the Dragon King. Now it is just Gu Shenwei."

"Oh, it’s you, we are not good at learning, we are in your hands, there is nothing to say."

Gu Shenwei went to the table and picked up the knife from the ground, let him sit on the stool, then took out a few white storks from his arms and threw them on the table.

The knifeman glanced at it. "Yes, we are the ten-party devotees, come to the Dragon King to avenge, you kill us, there will be other people to come to you, the ten-party teaching ghosts will not scatter, will definitely entangle the end."

Gu Shen is sitting opposite the knife. "The four people are still not dead."

Swordsman, "Don't die?"

"Now I haven't died yet, but the corpse powder is also effective for the living. If you wait a little longer, they will..."

The knifeman has repeatedly adjusted the atmosphere, and always makes no effort. Shangguanru’s centering is nothing, and Han Fen’s drug cures him. “What do you want?”


"Let the crazy woman come back, me, I tell the truth."

Gu Shen is sitting still, he has to listen to the truth first.

The knifeman was uncomfortable and confronted with Gu Shenwei for a moment. Suddenly he said: "We are Xiaoxun's men, and you are calling her to stop."

Gu Shen gave a short whistle to her lips. Han Fen came in for a while, and she was puzzled. "There is nothing on the roof. What do you want me to pack?"

"You lied to me?" The knifeman blurted out. "What happened to your four younger brothers?"

Gu Shenwei ignored him, but turned to ask Shangguanru, "Do you think that his martial arts is a bit familiar?"

"Well, familiar, like... the number of wooden old men, are they Yuqing disciples? No wonder they can break my mind."

Seven turns and seven 窍 窍 指 是 是 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木Actually, I thought out a few sets of martial arts against the old man and the dragon king, and passed them on to the disciples.

The knifeman resisted the fixed heart, and other kungfu had been captured without being displayed.

As the facts were revealed, the knife squad was fearless and upright. "Yes, we are disciples of the Yuqing school."

"A good decent person, one will vote for the ten-party teaching, one will owe allegiance to Xiao Yu, do you have other masters?" Gu Shen said.

"Ten sects and Xiao Yu are both blind, and we will not betray the teacher. In the downside, we will not change our name and do not change our surname. The Yuqing faction is also..."

"Since you are a disciple of the Yuqing school--" Gu Shen stood up and said to Shangguan: "There are four people in the corner, I was stunned. They are famous disciples and they are handed over to the official residence of the Huaixi Pavilion. Let them deal with them."

"This method is very good." Shangguan said.

"Don't wash the corpse powder? I have a lot of it." Han Fen was disappointed.

The Yuqing disciples who called Zuomang did not feel good at all. They cried out in a desperate manner: "Dragon King, Yuqing School and you are Jianghu grievances, how do you like to report to the official?"

"Since you have not challenged me according to the rules of the rivers and lakes, but sneak sneak attack, it is a small thief. You claim to be a member of the Ten-Party and Xiao Yu, I can't tell the truth, I have to report to the official."

"I am really a disciple of Yuqing." Zuo Mang no longer wants to hide the secret. "We have set up a Dragon Slayer, which is going to seek revenge from the Dragon King..."

"you guys?"

"Hey, we Yuqing faction... Hey, it’s fine to tell the truth, there are all the characters in the Dragon Slayer. The court said that those killers are not your subordinates. They can be overtaken by the people, and the elders are timid and afraid. But we are not afraid. Even if all five of us are dead today, there will still be someone coming to the door tomorrow."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, you take me to the Dragon Slayer."

"Ah?" Zuo Mang was stunned.

Gu Shenwei and Shangguan asked: "Is there any news on Pang Jing?"

Pang Jing is arranging Gu Shen as a regular servant in the meeting, and I don’t know what the result is.

"Pang Jing sent people, and said that Yan Yan is willing to see you, but today is not good, and tomorrow, there will be arrangements to send people to send letters."

"Then I am just free today. You said that this is a river of grievances, then we will follow the rules of the rivers and lakes."

Zuo Mang bowed his head for a while, finally made up his mind and looked up and said: "Well, just follow the rules of the rivers and lakes - don't use the hidden weapon, don't use the medicine, there is no sneak attack, the real knife is really a gun, life and death. You put some of my younger brothers Let me go, I will take you to the Dragon Slayer."

"Han Fen."

"Oh." Han Fen reluctantly responded. It is better to let people kill than to kill people, but still go out of the room and go to the four Yuqing disciples.

Shangguan asked, "Are you someone who pretended to be a ten-party teacher to follow him?"

Zuo Mang shook his head. "No, the people of the Dragon Slayer will have different opinions. Only our Yuqing faction dares to do it."

Shangguan Ru smiled at Gu Shen, "It seems that the ten-party teaching really mixed into the capital."

Gu Shen nodded, and in the heart, Su Shi returned to the building like him in the middle of the night, but he still reported the trip yesterday to the official. He killed a ten-party sect of the fake seller yesterday. Only Su Shi saw it with his own eyes.

Han Fen jumped into the room in two steps and smiled. "Dead, all dead, hey, Gu Shenwei, you can really make a joke. This time you can use the corpse powder."

"You, you... I am fighting with you!" Under the wrath of Zuomang, he gave birth to a force, and he stood up, swayed twice, and fell to the ground, his eyes full of anger.

Gu Shenwei knows that he has not killed anyone. Although he is not good at acupuncture points, his shots are extremely measured and he is unlikely to be too heavy.

He jumped to the wall and took two palms in succession. The wall collapsed and revealed a big hole. The smoke was not scattered. Gu Shenwei had already rushed in and pulled out the knife.

"Oh!" Han Fen's face was pale. "I forgot Huo Yun."

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