Death Sutra

Chapter 1150: Old man

The Huaixi Pavilion is quiet, and the courtyard where the Shule State Mission is living is quiet. No matter what Gu Shen said, it is not like what is going to happen. Tie Linglong looked around and assuredly Leave.

She prefers this kind of life, and there are too many intrigues in the King's Palace. Shule Wang is a man with ambition and incompetence. He will come up with new ideas at any time. No one can persist, and finally he is firmly held by Kang Wang Shangliao. Hands.

Tie Lingling couldn't really raise interest in this. She just wanted to keep the life of this half-brother. As for who she was, she didn't care.

The Dragon King is different - in her heart, Gu is still the Dragon King - although he is always hiding, but he has a well-thought-out plan, he has long made plans, and he is always dangerous with him, and will always have a solution. The premise is that you have to open your eyes, and the Dragon King will not take into account the lives of small soldiers.

Tie Lingling turned into the alley, did not stop in the fifth room of the right hand, but continued to move forward, until the people at the end of the lane, only looked back and jumped into the wall.

Someone is tracking.

Tie Lingling secretly sneered, she waited for such a thing, no surprise, no danger is too boring, she hid under the wall, holding a not easy single knife, and immediately released, she still prefer to use yin fingers.

Xiaoyuetang’s main Han Hanxian is dead. No one can use the **** to control her. Even the Dragon King can’t find any reason for opposition. Tie Lingyu is ready.

The tracker was more cautious. After a while, he jumped to the wall and waited for a moment to jump.

The target is still in the air, and Tie Ling is pointing out. Aspirations must be won.

The tracker's martial arts and reaction exceeded the expectations of Tie Lingling, and he did not change himself. Instead, the sword is pierced in an instant, so that the tricks are the same.

Tie Lingling first made a move, but the enemy's sword was longer. She could point the target, but it might be pierced. When the enemy is on the side, there is no time to consider which option is better. Tie Lingling can only avoid it sideways. Lost the best chance of sneak attack.

The two of them did not say anything, just three strokes under the corner of the wall, and they were so hot that they wanted to immediately kill each other.

After three moves, Tie Linglong found himself at a disadvantage. The swordmanship of this man was surprisingly strong and seemed to be stronger than the first screen. Moreover, the rigorous approach is not the same as that of the Western Region martial arts. Tie Lingling is difficult to adapt at one time. It is too late to rely on the yin and yin to get close to the enemy.

The tracker was also very surprised, thinking that the Western Regions and even women are so sullen. You can't be soft.

"Who is outside?" The courtyard of this family is very small. The bedroom is a dozen steps away. The owner hears the sound and cries out. "My family is so poor that I can't even eat. I stole it at another house."

Tie Linglong and the tracker stopped at the same time, and fell in the shadows. There are only five steps apart.

The host murmured a few words, as if he was urging his wife and children not to worry, he was tired, and he was not willing to go out to check out in the middle of the night. "It may be that the cat catches the mouse, sleep and sleep."

There was no sound in the room, and then the buzzing sounded again.

Tie Lingling wants to pull the knife, but she knows that as long as she has a little action, the other party will attack, and then wait, the result is still the same, she is in trouble.

The long sword stabbed, the distance of the five steps was the same as never existed. Tie Linglong could retreat, and then fell into passiveness until she was stabbed. She bit her teeth, sideways with her left shoulder to the sword and her right hand to pull the knife. It is better to be seriously injured and to compensate for the disadvantages on the weapon.

The Dragon King once said that the advantage of a little bit is also an advantage. This is why the sword is always more powerful than the bare hand. As for the difference in strength, there is no need to use anything.

The next thing was even more unexpected. The long sword actually passed by, only scratching the clothes, leaving a very shallow scar, and she smoothly pulled out the single knife and pointed to the enemy's chest.

She stopped the knife in time, because it was not necessary, the follower was sneaked from behind, the body was stiff, and there was no resistance to her knife. After a while, the sword landed and the man fell forward.

"Don't let people sleep?" The master was awakened again, angry, and put on his coat, grabbed the pole at the door, pushed the door to watch, the moonlight leaked, no one, no thief. There aren't even one mouse. "His mother, you run fast."

Tie Linglong took the long sword, and the other person carried the tracker. At the same time, the wall went out. Tie Ling slammed and waved, and took the man and the prisoner back to the real small courtyard.

No one in the room, Tie Ling was shocked, touched two times at the door, and his heart was slightly safe. There were three scratches on the door frame, which indicated that he was not dangerous. This is a small trick set by the two. Outsiders can't understand.

She was finally able to ask the savior that appeared in time. "When did you come to Beijing? Why are you following me?"

The young man put the captives in his hand on the ground, tore off the two robes and plugged his ears. "I have been there for a while, I have been monitoring the Huaixi Pavilion and found that you are being followed, so... I also followed."

Tie Ling looked at her head and looked at the young people in the darkness. He felt that his voice was not the same as his own memory. "When are you going to become more powerful than me?"

The two often used to compete, and Tie Lingling was usually superior. Now she has the combination of Hehe Jin and Yu Yin, but she did not expect to fall behind.

Nie Zeng listened to her voice, still feeling flustered, but her tone was calm and calm. In the past six years, he was not only martial arts but also a mature will. He gave me several famous teachers. I have been practicing, and this person’s attention is on you. I am just lucky enough to attack.”

Tie Lingling’s eyes are still there. Nie Zeng’s attack was just a sneak attack, but there was no warning before the move. If the move succeeded, the enemy did not even have the chance to react. This is not a fluke.

She shook her head and let go of many doubts in her heart. Suddenly she remembered one thing. "What are you doing to monitor the Huaixi Pavilion? Is it... a few days ago, you killed four Qingcheng disciples and also assassinated the lotus girl. wrong?"

Nie Zeng hesitated for a while and then nodded. "It's me, but unfortunately, Han Fen is very alert. After that, I set up many organs in the house. I have never found an opportunity."

"Do you have a hatred with the lotus girl?" Tie Ling's eyes widened and she felt that Nie Zeng was like a person.

"I have no hatred with her. It is King Khan. He wants to avenge the old Khan. He said that only then can he get the blessing of the old Khan in the Spirit of Heaven."

Tie Linglong had some understanding of the events of the year, and the reunion surprises slowly became vigilant. "So, are you coming to the Central Plains to be an enemy of Gu Da Ge?"

"I don't have this idea, I am not his opponent." Nie Zeng hanged his head in Huo Yun's room. The two had once made a move, and Nie Zeng had to admit that after six years of hard training, he still couldn’t catch up with the Dragon King. “So I told the Khan Wang that I came to the Central Plains alone, and immediately returned to the grassland after I succeeded. We don’t want to Let the Dragon King know the details."

"Do you want me to keep it secret for you?" Tie Linglong exchanged the long sword for the left hand. The right hand is pressed on the handle and she will not make a big mistake.

"I hope that you can keep it secret, but it is up to you. I am very happy to see you again. Yes, the Huaixi Pavilion is not safe now. There are seven or eight people setting up an ambush there. This person is one of them, I can only be there. You must be careful outside the hall."

"Seven eight? How can I not find one?" Tie Ling was not surprised.

"They found out that you immediately evaded it, I guess their goal is the Dragon King."

"You are not going to help the Dragon King?"

Nie Zeng shook his head. "I can't help him. He doesn't need my help. Well, goodbye."

Tie Ling's hand loosens the handle. I feel that my vigilance against Nie Zeng is really ridiculous. "I haven't thank you yet."

"Nothing, just a coincidence." Nie Zeng walked out of the room. He didn't want to say how many times he looked at her window while monitoring the Huaxi Pavilion, not to mention seeing her with Xiaochu, how much he was. Reassuring and disappointing, I can't even mention the name of the first screen.

Tie Lingling stood silently for a moment, sighing softly, walking to the prisoner's side, turning him over and using his long sword to reach his heart. "The sword is good, but it is not enough to kill people with martial arts."

The captive's eyes could not be seen in the darkness, but he did not seem to be afraid. Tie Lingling remembered that the other's ears were blocked. So he picked up the cloth with a sword tip. The head was not so good, and the captive ears were cut. "Oh, I can't help, I don't know how to make a sword, it's so dark, but this is your sword, you can't blame me."

The captives still don't talk, and they don't move. Tie Ling whispered: "Nie Zenglian has learned a little bit. It seems that Khan spent a lot of money on him. The lotus girl can be a little dangerous."

Tie Ling shrugs her shoulders. She doesn't have much affection with her daughter, Han Fen, so she doesn't care about their life and death, raises her sword, prepares a sword to stab the prisoner, and then goes to the south screen.

"Slightly wait," said a voice behind.

Tie Ling turned around and the man held her wrist to stop the indiscriminate sword.

"Gu Big Brother, you are finally back." Tie Lingling took a sigh of relief, his heart was a little confused, want to say something, closed his mouth, and finally asked: "You just arrived?"

"I have been there once, let Xiaochu take Liangzhuangtou to Xizhuang, 30 miles away. I went to the Huaixi Pavilion to find you. I circled around and found no trace of you. I just came back. I think we are missed."

"It should be." Tie Lingyu hesitated, but the captives in front of him could not explain. He had to say: "This person is following me and wants to kill me. Someone secretly shot me and saved me. I see that person... It seems that Nie Zeng ""

"Nie Zeng?"

"It may be that I am wrong."

"Well, don't worry about him first, you go to chase Xiaochu, he will mark you on the road."

Tie Ling nodded, turned the long sword, handed it to Gu Shenwei, and walked out of the room, chasing the south screen.

Gu Shenwei will sit on the ground with the captives. He will not acupoint. Naturally, he will not solve it. He can only adopt the simplest and rude method. The right palm is pressed against the prisoner's back and enters a strong instinct to break through the acupuncture points.

The captive wow spit out a lot of blood, the acupuncture points were solved, and the people were seriously injured.

Gu Shen turned to the captive and threw the long sword on the ground. "Which one is the Luo family?"

The captive looked at him with hatred and did not say a word.

"Go back and tell Luo Pingying, go to Chengjiazhuang to find me, there should be an end."

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