Death Sutra

Chapter 1151: Sacrifice flag


--go-->The day is going to light up. Cheng Jiuye ordered Zhuang to carry out his own golden ring machete. He knows that this thing does nothing in front of the real master, but it is like a banner, holding it in his hand. In the air, it will add confidence to many people. ¤Website: .zai.¤

This is an unprecedented adventure. After the success, it will also receive unprecedented returns. Cheng Jiuye is full of satisfaction and is hard to understand for those who are still hesitant.

Hui Lin, the head of Shaolin, played a retreat last night. He even claimed that the family was not suitable for such a thing. He was willing to send all the disciples to the city, and he and other other squatters stayed behind to listen.

Cheng Jiuye performed well and said that he understood the difficulties of Hui Yuan, but he issued a hint to several important leaders: After the completion, Shaolin Temple did not get much benefit.

The Golden Ring machete arrived, and the four Zhuangkes were lifted with a pair of planks. Cheng Jiuye shook his hand in a wave, and a candle on the table was broken into two pieces. The guests cheered in unison.

"Please dig out." Cheng Jiuye is not proud of his martial arts. The opponent's touting is even more unintentional. He sits in the middle of the main position, and his sword is on his knees, waiting for the heads of sixty-one. With the helper.

For many years, Cheng Jiuye has tried his best to play the role of the heroes of the rivers and lakes. This means that he has to pay more attention to etiquette than anyone else. Even if he visits the cockroach and thief, he has to sit side by side. Today, he wants Sitting alone, he will keep this habit in the future.

The head and the helpers sneaked in, all of them looked at Cheng Jiye seriously, taunting his current position, and then according to the status of the two sides, they are very familiar with this.

Hui Yuan also came, although the Shaolin Temple monks refused to charge, but at the time of the issue. The head still has to show up for a few faces, the dissatisfaction of Cheng Jiuye’s heart is slightly lower.

"All the martial arts fellows." Cheng Jiuye stood up, the machete was on the ground, and the golden ring rang, as an opening statement. "Today we must do something together. Since ancient times, the rivers and lakes have not heard about the temple, but our loyalty. The heart is not less than the official, even more."

Sixty-one people nodded and agreed.

"There are ancient Housong and Zhuhai Xinxinjun thief to save Zhao. Isn't that what we are doing for the people in the rivers and lakes? It is famous in the world, and it can be said that the rivers and lakes have nothing to do with the pilgrimage?"

The people nodded hard and the fighting spirit was more high.

Cheng Jiuye has spent a lot of time communicating with the gangs. Therefore, I decided to make a long story shortly. "A lot of people have asked me before, I want to know what the palace imprisonment was a month ago. Today I will tell you the truth. When the son is already killed, the behind-the-scenes ambassador is the Queen Mother." Ping princess these two women!"

Someone has already heard about this, and some people have been convinced until today, but they all show their indignation. With the help of many people, many people took out the words "smelly girl" and "rotten scorpion". Hate has risen and the murder has moved.

"Revenge!" Someone shouted, these two words quickly replaced swear words and became the word of mouth.

This is exactly the effect that Cheng Jiuye expects. When the voice is weaker, he screams: "I don't want to say anything else. Revenge is revenge, but everyone can rest assured that we are not alone. There are people in the DPRK who are behind the scenes." They are the most trusted ministers of the Son of Heaven. As long as they get rid of the two women, they will stand up and sort out the dynasty."

"Does such a big thing, does Cheng Jiu have evidence?" asked a voice.

Cheng Jiuye followed the sound and saw the last person in the right hand queue peeping his head and found that everyone looked at himself and scared back.

Cheng Jiuye said coldly: "Zhao Bangzhu wants evidence, that is not to believe that it is under, Jizhangmen, you give a statement."

A total of 61 martial gangs, the status is mixed, Cheng Jiuye certainly will not persuade, it is too time-consuming, will leak secrets, he tempted among the nine sects, and finally determined that Shaolin, Lushan, Taishan three parties are available, the other six The faction is not too weak or timid, such as the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, simply taken away by him.

The small martial art usually attaches to the big martial art. After the three factions and Cheng Hao set the plan, the rest of the work will be handled by them. Yum’s helper Zhao Baisheng is the Lushan faction.

Zhao Baisheng was originally a disciple of the Lushan School. After he became a self-reliant gang, he specialized in selling salt. He sent gifts to Lushan every year. He was always convinced and always asked for help. He never asked Dong.

Ji Fuwei stood up and was a little embarrassed. "Zhao Bangzhu, we are Jianghu people, pay attention to a 'letter' word, I believe Cheng Jiye, I hope you can believe him too, some words are not easy to say now, you will be self-willing Understand that in general, Cheng Jiye’s words will not be wrong."

"Yes, I have a lot of mouths, we are not the government's case, what evidence is needed." Zhao Baisheng immediately changed his attitude, can't wait to draw his own two mouths, "Cheng Jiuye forgives sins, I am a salt dealer, do not understand the rules, But you can rest assured that my brothers and I will know a word, where do you mean, where we rush."

Cheng Jiuye laughed happily. "Jianghu Yishi does not say vain, what is the sin of Zhao Bangzhu? You, Tianyiliang, we will set off and join the same road in the city. The soldiers will attack the Royal Palace and the Huma Palace at the same time. You can rest assured that the city The door will be open, and the government will not intervene. Only Yu Linjun is a trouble. When it is time, it is impossible to fight with it. Everyone will show their merits and rush forward as soon as possible. As long as the first evil, Fu Linjun will fall from the wind."

This plan is very simple, but everyone only looks at the meaning of Shaolin, Taishan, and Lushan. The three heads do not raise objections, and they naturally will not repeat the mistakes of Zhao Baisheng.

The plan has already been completed in advance, and Cheng Jiuye immediately assigned tasks: Taishan’s head, Miao Sanwen, and Lushan’s head, Ji Fuwei, led the way, and led more than 20 disciples. The former’s goal was to be Princess Huaping, the latter Ben Palace, Shaolin head Huiyuan Township Chengjiazhuang, Cheng Hao brought the remaining groups of people to support.

The dawn of the sky is slightly exposed, and everyone in the hall has been arranged properly. There is only one thing left to be done by Cheng Jiye. "The soldiers will go out and sacrifice the flag first, and bring people to me!"

With a command, the lodgers dragged the two prisoners into the room, and everyone was shocked to see them. The two men were clearly the two of Zhou Yuqing and Zhou Huaiyu.

After two weeks of standing and not being embarrassed, the face was embarrassed, and it was apparent that he was admitted.

In fact, many people have noticed. Sixty-one seats in the hall were not full, and there were three empty ones. One of them was the location of Zhou Huaiyu.

"Hey sent Gan to be a dog in the Queen's Day." Cheng Jiuye began to declare his crimes. "Yu Yuqing was alone in the village last night, and Zhou Huaiyu was out of the way. He wanted to hijack the head of the mountain. I am ready for the Jizhangmen. A little trick, the second life will be caught, just to bring the flag!"

Cheng Jiuye raised the machete, and the golden ring was sharp and squeaky. Most of the people in the hall had little to do with the sects. Naturally, they would not feel sympathy. They pulled out their weapons and shouted in unison: "The flag!"

Zhou Huaiyu's face is gray. The difference between a thought, he obeyed his brother's words, but the result was defeated, even the opportunity to explain.

Zhou Yuqing did not care, standing up, staring at the left front of Ji Fuwei, waiting for the sound to rest, he said loudly: "Wake up. The news that you want to rebel is no longer a secret, and the city is waiting for you. You are going to die." ""

Cheng Jiuye issued a disdainful laughter and said: "Is it true that all other factions are brave and innocent? Telling you is no problem, I am also worried that the city does not know what to do, the emperor is killed, the chicken is screaming, The audience has long been resentful. The people in Beijing are even more angry. As long as they shake their arms, they should gather, and the Yulin Army is not afraid."

"Fart, killing the Son of Heaven is Xiao..."

Cheng Hao makes a look. Ji Fuwei stepped into Zhou Yuqing's body, and the long sword broke into the back. He even cut off his friend's tongue. Zhou Yu's mouth was **** like a note. He bit his teeth, didn't call, didn't move, and stared at it. Ji Jiwei.

Ji Fuwei felt a panic and stepped back. He said loudly: "I used the blood of the sect to sacrifice the flag, and I made the first sword."

Cheng Hao strode forward and cut the second knife. He controlled the strength and left only a shallow scar in front of Zhou Yu's chest.

Zhou Huaiyu was so scared that she slammed on the ground and trembled for mercy: "I am not a disciple..."

Zhou Yuqing turned his head and glanced at his brother. He shook his head. Although he couldn't use the infuriating, but the clothes had been cut by the big knife, he pulled his hands and tore the clothes. He leaned on the upper body and put his hands on his hips, waiting for the next knife.

Zhou Yuqing was not afraid of death, but everyone was somewhat timid. Cheng Hao made another look at Taishan’s head. Miao Sanwen held a long sword and said, “What are you waiting for, everyone is going to kill the traitor? Walking the dog too late."

More than a dozen people came up with the sound, but they were about to start, but they were interrupted by a guest.

The guest rushed in and rushed in. "The owner, the owner, and the eleven swordsmen of the Locke came to visit, and they have already entered the village."

Everyone was surprised. This action deliberately pushed out Luojiazhuang. I didn't expect them to come in at this time. The eleven swordsmen were almost all the power of the Luozhuang family.

Cheng Hao was even more surprised. With a wave of hand, several Zhuangkes towed the Zhou brothers, but the blood on the ground could not be wiped off. Cheng Hao said to Miao Sanwen and Ji Fuwei: "Please take the two people to set off." I and Hui Yuan master stayed with Luo Jianjian."

The two heads led the way, greeted the department, and left the back door of the hall to go around the village.

There were still twenty heads and helpers in the hall, and they all ordered the disciples to come in. Soon, the hall was full of people, and the 11 swordsmen of Luo’s family also came in.

Eight swordsmen stayed at the door, and three swordsmen entered the hall. The leader in the middle was Luo Pingying and Luo Shaoxiong in the left hand. Between the grandfather and the family, he had already made a choice. Today is to prove his determination.

Cheng Haodao did not leave his hand, slightly nodded and said: "Rare passengers, Luo Jia hidden customers come to visit what is expensive?"

Luo Pingying looked down at the blood on the ground and said, "Call the dragon king Gu Shen."

Cheng Hao said, "He is not here."

Luo Pingying snorted, Luo Shaoxiong said: "The grandfather, no need to cover up again, did you not reconcile with the Dragon King yesterday? He invited us to compete here, you call him out, don't care."

The grandson said so, Cheng Hao was furious, and he refused to give up, and laughed a few times. "You were cheated by Gu Shen..."

The voice did not fall, and there was a sudden riot at the door. A Luo Jiajian guest said loudly: "Despicable villain, make the hidden weapon, start!"

(The two days in conceiving the next novel, the writing is a bit dragged, the draft is late, sorry, within two or three days, I will adjust it as soon as possible.) (To be continued...)--over-->

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