Death Sutra

Chapter 1200: tunnel

Just after the darkness, Ji Fuwei wore it out of the tunnel, took off the dust on his body, looked at the boundless wilderness, frowned, and thought that he would climb back to the city with his limbs, and he could not help but be angry.

The head of the Lushan faction should not do such a shameful thing. Fortunately, he is easy to pass, and more than ten people who come here don’t know his true identity.

“Where to go?” Ji Fuwei did not have a good impression when he first entered the land of the Western Region. The environment that was too empty was a threat to him.

The golden snake of Jinmenguan is a wretched character. Only Jinhu will make friends with him. This time, he can act with the heroes of the rivers and lakes. He was flattered and immediately reached out and said loudly: "This side, hey, there is a road on the ground, they should go out. Not too far."

Ji Fuwei is even more annoyed, thinking that the other side deliberately embarrassed himself. There are indeed a dirt road outside the dozens of steps. It is almost no different from the wilderness. It is difficult to distinguish in the light night. Ji Fuwei just thinks that he does not have to say so loudly.

"Chasing." Ji Fuwei whispered, forgetting that everyone behind him is not a disciple of Lushan, just to raise the voice and repeat the order, the local snake shouted with a louder voice: "Oh, that is not... Isn't that a golden tiger?" Don't chase it."

There were three small black spots on the road in the distance. Ji Fu couldn’t recognize who it was, jumped out in one step, and greeted him with a lighter move.

The head snake looked at the back of the galloping, and sincerely praised: "Good skill, running better than the best scorpion of Kinmenguan, it is not..." It was found that all the people around him were contemptuous, and he closed his mouth slyly. The admiration in my heart is still rising, making up my mind, and then making friends with this person at all costs.

The opposite side really came to Jinhu, a bitter face, and he did not know about the true identity of Ji Fuwei. He only knew that this was a hero who came from the same industry. He was overjoyed and called: "I am here! I am This!"

Ji Fuwei did not find him, he pushed the golden tiger away. With both hands in the fight, they seized the pulse of the other two and immediately realized that they had no martial arts.

A man and a woman, dressed in long cloaks, screamed at the same time, all smashed.

Ji Fuwei released his hand. Cold face turned to Jin Hu, "What is going on? Who are these two people? Shangguanfei?"

Jin Huyi, although he is timid, he is also the number one person in the rivers and lakes. When he greets the heads of the major factions, he can get a nod response at least five times in ten times. Can not be insulted by the nameless generation, "Which is your disciple, look at your face..."

Ji Fuwei shot again and firmly grasped the wrist of Jin Hu. "I ask you, Shangguan Feiren?"

Jin Hu was a martial artist and found the other side to do it. I couldn’t hide it. I suddenly understood that this person had a lot of experience. With the pain coming from the wrist, he almost squatted down and hurriedly said: “Shangguanfei’s stinky boy forced me to take poison, let me bring these two people out. Said to be followed up, met in the Western Region. But I waited for a long time, he did not..."

Sure enough, Ji Fuwei turned and strode back, Jin Huyu wrist, suddenly felt that this person is familiar, seems to be someone he knows, but can't remember it for a while. Looking at a pair of men and women, he whispered: "You can't find Shangguanfei to get the antidote. You two will die."

The woman was too scared to scream, the man whispered: "Grandpa. I have said it several times. We don't know anything about Shangguanfei. A man gives us five or two silver. I said that I took some goods here, but the road is not. Just talk..."

Jin Hu also knows that these two people are innocent, but the anger must take the opportunity to vent, so he snorted heavily, keeping up with the person in front, and thinking hard about who is such a good master of martial arts.

Going back to the tunnel exit, Ji Fuwei's anger was gone, and even a smile appeared to the local snake. "Wang Xiongtai must be very familiar with Jinmenguan?"

A big master actually called himself a Xiongtai. The head and the snake's knees could not help but bend. At the last moment, they forced the control of the squatting impulse. They trembled: "It's cooked, cooked very well, and there are four secret passages in and out of the Western Region..."

"The people I was looking for did not come to the Western Regions. They wanted to go out to the East Gate and go north."

"Do you not hit the North Court people outside the city?"

"Yes, so they have to find a way to go around. Do you know any small roads?" Ji Fuwei believes that Shangguanfei will not rely on Xiaoxun.

"There is a mountain road, not very good."

"It is it, take us to chase, after the event, the rivers and lakes will remember your kindness."

The local snake is overjoyed and takes the lead into the tunnel.

Ji Fuwei sighed and secretly climbed back. If he was not afraid of revealing his identity, he would rather enter the wall and the Golden Gate would be higher and could not stop the leader of the Lushan School.

He can only drill into the scalp, others follow, and Jin Hu stays at the end, and the local wooden door is closed by the way.

"All parties will remember your kindness." Jinhu crawled and thought about this sentence. He always felt that something was wrong. This person is not only martial arts, but also has a small tone. Zhangkou represents "sects", as if he is a martial arts lord. Like.

In the brain of Jinhu, a flash of light flashed, and finally guessed who this person is. The leader of the Lushan School is not the martial arts lord. Many people like Ji Fu’s ambition know that this is not who he is?

Then Jinhu began to complain that he was too smart. Why do you have to know who this person is? The big fight of the famous big faction, the farther away the better, so he made the opposite decision with the local snake: killing also wants to know the head of the Lushan faction.

The tunnel is quite long, and there are still a few turns in the middle. The golden tiger is nothing, but the heroes in front are not used to it, and they are inevitably bumped and touched, and occasionally cursed one or two sentences.

Finally arrived at the end, some people said indignantly: "No longer enter the tunnel, can kill people."

Like a magical spell, the voice of this person just fell, and there was a loud noise from the front, followed by a panic voice. "How did the door close?"

The panic instantly passed from the beginning to the end, and the golden tiger was the most calm, loudly: "Don't panic, which one is the front?"

"Wei Geng."

"It turned out to be Wei brother of Yum!"

"It's me, what's going on here, the person who led the way and the one who surnamed Zhang just went out and the door closed."

It turns out that everyone doesn't know the true identity of the leader of the Lushan School. Jin Hu is more determined to be confused. "Is there no sound?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, you raise your hand to the left and touch it slowly. Is there a stone on the wall?"

For a while, there was a voice of joy in front of me. "With it. But I can't move it."

"Without twisting, press hard."

A glimmer of light came in from the front, "opened up, but gold brother..."

"Where, just come a few times, pay attention to observation." Jinhu crawled when not forgetting the guest, he increasingly felt that the poison that Shangguanfei forced himself to eat may be fake. I feel a lot in my heart.

"It is estimated that this brother is anxious to arrest people. After he went out, he accidentally closed the door." Although he decided not to know, Jinhu still seized every opportunity to flatter. Unfortunately, no one answered, he was alone, and it seemed to be a bit cold. .

Jinhu’s last one was drilled into the tunnel. It was found that the situation was not quite right.

This is a small room with a half candle on a small table, a dim glimmer of light, more than ten people in a half circle, watching something down.

Jin Hu closed his mouth and squeezed it strangely, and his heart snorted.

There are two bodies lying on the floor. One is the Jinmenguan head snake, one is Yi Rong's Ji Fuwei, and there is no scar on the whole body. It seems that he has an emergency and suddenly died.

"It’s the bad luck of his mother." Jin Hu made another decision. He wants to go home. He will leave when he is bright, and he will wait until next year. The recent years have been unfavorable. Since he has been mixed with the major sects, he has encountered too many unfortunate things.

"What to do?" Jin Hu asked, refused to give any opinion.

"Come back, please take a look at the head of the Miao, and definitely have an assassin."

“There are assassins?” Jinhu exaggerated to guard against the posture.

"Zhang Xiong martial arts is so good, certainly not ordinary people." Another person said.

Jin Hu really wants to rush to block the mouth of this person. "The rivers and lakes are hidden in the dragon, the martial arts are high and the unknowns are everywhere, or don't guess, let the body go back."

Everyone nodded. No one wants to do it.

Jin Hu said to the man and the woman: "You two."

The man immediately walked over, but the woman was crying and said: "I, I am afraid."

Jin Hu was about to open the door and the door was suddenly pushed open.

Since seeing the corpse, everyone has been in a state of tension. When they heard the sounds all pulled out of the weapon, Jin Hu reacted very quickly, jumped into the corner in one step, and then recognized the face of the person, and his heart snorted.

"This is not... Ji Sanxia? When did you come?" It is not just Jinhu who recognizes the identity of the person.

Ji Fu Shao ignored anyone, went straight to the front of the body, bent over for a moment, straightened up, and looked at the people in the room one by one. Everywhere they looked, everyone felt cold.

Ji Fu’s gaze finally fell on Jin Hu’s body. “He came to hunt you.”

Jin Hu plopped down, "Ji Sanxia, ​​it is not my business, I was deceived by Shangguan, really, I am at the end, I have not seen anything, Wei Geng, he is in front, I can definitely see What?"

Wei Geng was also a little scared. "Zhang Xiong just went out, the door closed, and I didn't see it..."

"The corpse stayed here, no one is allowed to touch." Ji Fu shook the order and turned to leave the house.

After a while, Wei Geng only spit out a breath. "When did Ji Fu shake to Jinmenguan? Didn't you see the Laoshan school disciple along the way?"

Jinhu stood up from the wall and sneered in his heart. Suddenly, the blood rushed to the top of his head, and he almost went down. His performance was too rude. He has already shown the appearance of Ji Fuwei...

The golden tiger was frightened, and Ji Fu shook him at all. He looked at the injury and guessed who the murderer was. This is going to take revenge.

Ji Fu shook into the official residence and entered the wall. There was almost no one inside. He went straight to the backyard and stood for a moment at the door of a wing. He pushed the door in and said to the person on the bed: "Zhou Huaiyu, don't hide, You avenge your brother, and I have to avenge my brother."

Zhou Yuqing, lying unconscious on the bed, turned a person from behind the bed, not Zhou Huaiyu, who was expected by Ji Fu, but a smiling purple crane.

"Revenge? What kind of hate?" Real people have a well-thought-out.

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