Death Sutra

Chapter 1201: Fame

Young people don’t make a few sensational events, they can’t stand on the rivers and lakes. This is especially important for disciples who are decent and decent. They are too focused on him, full of expectations, and ready to be disdainful. ready.

Soon after the first appearance of the purple crane, it was found that it was too difficult to do "big things". The rules of the rivers and lakes were intertwined. If you were not careful, you would offend a certain martial art. The famous disciples are usually famous for killing robbers who are not evil. Their deaths are all happy. There is almost no trouble.

The young Taoist originally took this road. He called several friends to act together. The friends kept outside the cottage. He rushed in and went out. The things went unexpectedly smoothly. The Jurassians did not resist anything and found the Taoist murderous. Immediately, the birds and beasts were scattered. The three lords of the martial arts were mediocre and courageous, and they were even less arrogant.

Zihe real people finally killed them. At that time, he knew that people were awesome. Friends accompanying him not only cheered, but also proclaimed the heroic deeds of the day. If he showed hesitation and sympathy, he might get A reputation that is too soft.

He declared the guilt and ordered the three lords to make a move. It took less than ten strokes to end the squatting action.

"Ten swords broke a village", this is the reputation he got at the time, can only be said to be in the middle of the law, there is no special surprise, the propaganda of friends can not be said to be unhelpful, and even exaggerated the martial arts of the three villagers, describe them Into the wicked and wicked, the process of the contest has also been added to the leaves, becoming extremely thrilling, but this way of fame is too old-fashioned, and the response in the rivers and lakes is limited.

The general person has such a reputation will be satisfied, with the deepening of the age and status, the story of the ten swords breaking a village will be more fascinating, enough to qualify as the identity of the purple crane, but he is not satisfied.

He sees through the truth of these legends: the real thief is not only martial arts, but also knows how to behave in the world, secretly squandering money, and has direct and indirect links with major sects. Therefore, such a situation often occurs. The famous disciple is famous for annihilating a small village in a certain place, but he is talking with the thief and saying that he is a brother.

The purple crane is never cynical. He thinks that everything is right, and fame is no exception. He has to use the rules when he wants to be the head. Make your reputation even louder.

Shortly after the celebration of the victory between Zihe and his friends, he disappeared for three months. He returned to Lushan and asked the old predecessors who had even ignored his disciples. He did not ask martial arts - the martial arts of these people. It's not worth mentioning - just ask the legend, how the legendary figure got a great reputation.

The purple crane that has re-entered the mountain has changed its temper. He was arrogant and conceited, and provoked trouble everywhere. He took advantage of the power of the sects and the outstanding martial arts. He quickly found out the "bad name". Although it was not enough to publicize the rivers and lakes, many people predicted that this priest was walking. On the evil road.

The old predecessors of the sects were all shocked after hearing the rumors. I clearly teach the right way to teach the rivers and lakes, how can the younger generation understand it as a misconduct?

The "bad name" of Zihe's real people is getting louder and louder. Many friends leave him. The sects of several sects are very serious about punishing him. Even the sects have sent news to enforce the rules.

At this time, the purple crane really changed the former, and personally went to the door to apologize to those who had already offended, soft words to comfort, give money, teach martial arts, draw a knife to help, snow night visits and so on. All kinds of dating tricks are used.

This is the realization of the Zihe real person: the so-called "big things" depend not only on the event itself, but also on the original basis of the person who works. The lower the foundation, the bigger the "thing" is. The killing of several robbers by famous disciples is a matter of course. The righteous act, the weak woman with no hand-binding power, is the murderer for the vengeance and humiliation, but it is enough to go down in history.

The foundation of the school is too high. While protecting the disciples, it also became a kind of burden. The Zihe real person first stung the reputation and then recovered. He found this trick to be very effective. The same means of making a relationship, once only to ordinary friends, but now can be exchanged for life and death.

Those who have been offended by the Zihe real person have been very surprised by his repentance and apology. Only some people will do further "tests", and most of them immediately forgive him and consciously and unconsciously spread his reputation for him.

There are also very few people who are not blinded. Zihezhen has a reputation for hypocrisy and reputation, but it has little effect.

Zihe real person has successfully become the head, and he has never blamed himself. In any case, he has never done anything really harmful. However, this kind of practice is not fair and bright, and the subtleties in it are hard to tell, and there is no way to tell the disciples. Teaching, he can imagine how disappointing and frightened Zhou Yuqing will be after listening to the truth.

Therefore, he is still 80 years old, he still has to personally solve the hatred of the apprentice.

He did not go to monitor the Locke Swordsman, but quietly followed Yi Rong's Ji Fuwei, who secretly made a move like a killer and killed the apprentice's great enemies. As for the local snake, it looks like a good man, and the purple crane is too lazy to be too lazy. Investigation, easy to remove.

Now he has to solve Ji Fu Sha, using the tricks of youth.

"It turned out to be you." Ji Fu was shocked first, and soon calmed down. "No wonder I can escape my surveillance and kill people quietly. It turned out that the old gods personally went out."

"Killing? Killing someone?" The cover of the real person is more intense than when he was young. If Zhou Yuqing is awake at this time, he must believe that Master is not the son of Jishan.

"Don't be confused. There are no outsiders here. You can kill the head of the Lushan School. Why don't you even kill me?"

"The leader of the Lushan School? You mean Ji Xiaowu? He is dead? What happened? Whose hand?"

"You." Ji Fu feels that he has been insulted, with a clear anger in his voice. "Hey, you can be much better than Zhou Yuqing, and you know how to count."

The real person looked blank and seemed to be too accidental. He couldn’t support the old body. He sat down on the bed and thought for a while. He suddenly looked up and said, “Ji Fu is in danger, and the burden of the Lushan faction can fall on it. Your shoulders are up."

Ji Fu was furious and his right hand clasped the hilt. This old thing actually thought... "Get up, I want to teach you the tricks."

"Is it awkward?" Zihe really didn't seem to listen to these four words. "Is it yesterday that you secretly stabbed my apprentice a sword?"

Zhou Yuqing was suddenly counted, and he did not know who was the hand. The purple crane real person had already guessed that it would be Ji Sangong.

Ji Fu shook angrily: "It's me, it's a pity that the head doesn't allow me to kill him, and I don't want to offend you now."

"Ji Fuwei is not a qualified head." Zihe said calmly, still refused to get up. "In the capital, he misread the people, listened to Cheng Hao, and almost brought the Lushan faction into the abyss."

"That's not his fault, many sects..."

"Many? The sects are not fooled. As far as I know, Shaolin Temple and Longhushan have not. They only sent a small number of disciples to participate in the riots. It is easy to get the understanding of the court afterwards. The Lushan faction needs me to be a coordinator to see. Xiao Wang."

"The conspiracy is all about the conspiracy of these guys."

The purple crane really smiled. "Yes, it’s all conspiracy. Is the Lushan School the first day to know that the rivers and lakes are sinister? Did Ji Xiaowu not be ready when he took over the head?"

Ji Fu shakes it. He understands the intention of Zihe’s real person, and the hatred is deeper, but he can’t pull out the long sword in the sheath.

"He is not a qualified leader." Zihe said, "You are, you have suffered setbacks, you know what is forbearance, yes, I remember your grievances with Luojiazhuang, and the changes you have made over the years." In the eyes."

Ji Fu Sha is a glimpse. In that farce, the final name was Yang Yuanshuai. He and another actor Gao Jin had long been forgotten, and he did not expect the Zihe real person to remember.

"If he is not qualified, he is also the head of the Lushan School. It is my younger brother. You avenge your apprentice. I also want revenge."

"I am sorry to have killed Ji Fuwei, but I still advise you not to rush to identify the enemy, and do you really think it is the best time to revenge?"

Ji Fu Sha is no longer a reckless impulsive youth. He knows that the Lushan faction is facing a huge crisis. He must get the royal scorpion and get the happiness of Xiao Wang. He thought and thought, the hand is loose and tight on the hilt. Would you like to share the royalties with the Lushan faction?"

"It’s not just the Lushan faction." Zihe is very sincere, because he is telling the truth, "There is no sect in the rivers and lakes, so I have to keep everyone, as long as Yu Yu is in my hands, I will be with you." It is offered."

"Dragon King? What do you want to do? Xiao Wang clearly said that he wants his head."

"Hey, Xiao Wang is not ready to go to the throne. He is frightened. It is normal to make a wrong decision. Let's not have to comply with everything."

"You are not going to kill him?"

"Killing can't solve the hatred, it will only force Gu Shen to take risks." Zihe really blinked.

Ji Fu’s hatred is once again high, but the retreat is also very fast. Yes, it’s just too simple to kill this old fox. He actually has an advantage. He has no relationship with Gu Shenwei. He wants to win first. To Yu Yu, the sect will be pushed out of the circle of power of Xiao Wang.

"Don't think this will be the case."

"Of course, the sects will find a real murder with the Lushan faction."

Ji Fu Sha did not want to talk to Zihezhen again, still holding the hilt and slowly retreating to the door.

Zihe real people looked at him, the face of aging is unpredictable. He knows that the Lushan faction is the enemy of the sects. He also knows that hatred has always been an important part of the nine sects. Ji Fuwei is actually one. A qualified head, wait until Ji Fu shakes the throne, and like the younger brother, bow to the situation and slowly weaken hatred.

"Don't bother to find the royal coffin." Zihe real person reminded, "I believe that Gu Shenwei, you will get more benefits."

Ji Fu shakes no snoring, he will soon go to see Gu Shen, this is an agreement that the two have already made.

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