Death Sutra

Chapter 174: Night talk

Shangguanfei has never been to Nancheng. He is not interested in that place. The dirty narrow alleys and rude crowds are enough. He would rather stay in the stone fort and fall to the north city, so that he has a kind of abandoned. a feeling of.

There is also competition with his sister, which makes him very embarrassed. If he wins, people will say that Jigongzi is a brother and a boy, and he will take it for granted. If he loses, there will be people who will move out of the Shangguan twins and have the wrong gender.

In short, no one valued him, father, mother, brother and sister, even servants, there is only one son in the eyes.

Midnight has passed, Shangguanfei still did not enter the house to sleep, stay in the courtyard with two killers with wooden knives, the scene of the killing just seen upstairs shocked him, his sister’s unhindered demeanor made him more happy. Hate.

He poured his emotions on the wooden knife and kept slashing and cutting. The two killers stepped back and forth. Suddenly, he was tempted, and the killers were pretending to be unable to resist.

Shangguanfei threw away the wooden knife, and the suffocating gas in his chest became thicker and heavier. He wanted to scream and scream, and he was afraid that others would hear jokes.

The two killers remained vigilant, and before the owner felt the danger, the two had already rushed to his front, the wooden knife was in front of him, and the killer could kill with any weapon.

Shangguan flew back and saw a masked man wearing a full black suit.

The uninvited guest squatted on one leg and did not speak.

"You two, come back."

Shangguan Fei issued an order coldly, and the killer slightly nodded and left the courtyard. They were responsible for protecting the owner, but they did not interfere with the owner's private affairs.

"The killer Yang Huan saw the nine masters."

"Ten sons let you come? There is something she can't say, I have to make you look upstairs."

Shangguanfei has been waiting for this slave. In fact, he is looking forward to seeing the slaves, because he has the power to kill him in his hands. This is his first time to participate in the secret conspiracy, and The most important person, seeing the unwitting prey, he was so excited that he trembled.

"The slaves came this time and have nothing to do with the ten sons."

"Hah, you are a killer, not a slave. You are not allowed to claim it again." Shangguanfei enjoyed the feeling of being commanded on the high side, especially the person who was in front of him once belonged to himself but was taken away by his sister.


"Well, then are you coming to see me for yourself?"

"For myself, it is also the safety of the nine young masters."

Shangguanfei couldn't help but laughed. This slave always talks like this. In the past, it relied on this to please the younger sister. "What do you want to grab me? The last few casinos? Or... her killer. Not enough?"

When Gu Shenwei showed up on the upstairs, she did not think about how to get the trust of the nine lessers. The words disclosed by Shangguan made him have an idea, although this would sacrifice another person, "No. It has nothing to do with the ten sons. Some people want to assassinate the nine masters, and this plan is going on."

Shangguan Fei’s heart was shocked. Although Huannu’s slaves were on both sides, they would not dare to make up lies at all times. “Go ahead.”

"The big and the young left some swordsmen, the first one is called the Toon tooth. These people intend to take revenge for the Lord. The goal is to be the nine sons."

"Haha." Shangguanfei laughed again, but the laughter was a little dry. "You mean a knifeman? Impossible, the knifeman sells his life for money. You just saw it. They are not loyal people. You are in Shibao. Killing me, I have killed more things, and I have never heard of a knife customer revenge, and rushing to the new owner is almost the same."

This is the soft underbelly of Gu Shenwei. There is no evidence for speculation. However, he believes that it is easier to convince the Nine Sons. "I got the exact news. The swordsmen led by the Toon can start in the second negotiation. When the Lord appeared in the South City, he was under the threat of a knife."

"They are not afraid of death?" Shangguan Feixin had a few points. The tone of Huan slavery made him take this information seriously. The knife array of the training of the tough teeth also frightened him.

“There are always a few swordsmen who are different.”

Killing the son of the One Step King and fleeing to the ends of the earth will also be chased and killed. The Toon tooth naturally understands this truth, but Gu Shen has seen the fearless look from the eyes of the old knife.

"Do you mean that the swordsman my sister has raised will harm me?" Shangguanfei still can't believe it.

"It has nothing to do with the ten sons. The toon tooth is only using the ten sons to temporarily stand up and find opportunities to approach the nine masters."

Shangguanfei bowed his head and said that he had been waiting for the slave to flatter his flatter. He did not expect to hear such important information. Then he remembered some things. "That's the tooth, and the knife, isn't you personally recruited?" ?"


Shangguanfei was born with a warning, and regretted that the killer was sent too early. As long as the mouth is open, the killers will come out, but the martial arts of the slaves have seen him...

Shangguanfei stopped thinking that he flew farther and farther. "You saw the swordsmen have different feelings in the morning?"

"Yes, so I think, instead of letting the enemy hide in the dark, it is better to keep them under the eyes and look at them at any time."

Shangguan Fei slightly widened his eyes. He remembered that he had heard similar words. He forgot to come from his father or a certain teacher. "The result, do you find that they want to kill me?"


"Just because I have a knife on my older brother?"


"Then they should kill you too. Many people have seen it. You have also added strength to that knife."

Gu Shenwei kept talking, then looked up and looked at the nine lords who were afraid of anger. "They will kill me because I am a nine-minded person."

Shangguanfei wants to laugh, and feels that he should maintain his dignity. For such a ridiculous statement, I don’t know what kind of reaction I should make. The old killer and the old gentleman taught a lot of useless knowledge, that is, they have not said how to refute one. The strange talk of a daring slave, "Are you my own?"

Shangguanfei was always asking questions this evening, which made him deeply annoyed, but there was still a strong question in his opening.

"Yes, I am a nine-minded person. I have never forgotten that the eight young masters originally sent me to you."

This is another sad thing about Shangguanfei. He doesn't care about a slave. The indignation is the rudeness of his sister.

As long as it is a little better, she has to **** away. The anger in Shangguanfei’s heart almost broke through the head. He looked at the slaves and recalled the past experience. Yes, this slave is always respectful in front of himself, although occasionally I will be timid, but I have never looked down on myself. What I hate is that my sister and Yu Gongzi, especially Yu Gongzi, and my sister, even dared to slap on the son of the One Step King.

Huannu once inserted a narrow knife into his brother's chest, which is a symbolic act in the tradition of Shibao.

"Why don't you come to loyalty early?"

The voice of Shangguanfei still seems indignant, and Gu Shen’s tight heart has finally loosened a little, and his purpose is to be achieved.

"Because I am still on the side of the ten sons, if there is no such urgent information, I will not come to see the nine masters tonight."

"But you will still be on her side, will you dare to leave her? She will kill you as a traitor."

"Some things I should not say."

"Say, since you claim to be my own, there is nothing that can't be said before me."

"Ten son... she is a woman."

Shangguanfei simply rushed to embrace the slaves. Why can't everyone see this simple fact? From the one-step king to the darkness in the dark streets of Nancheng, she regarded her as a boy, as if she could inherit the throne, but she is a woman anyway. "Hey, what about a woman, now a woman in Shibao Be at home."

Shangguanfei even had a grievance against his mother.

"Can a woman eventually marry, go to the family of the surname, and I am the Jinpeng killer, never leave the stone fort."

Shangguanfei suddenly realized that this slave was trying to keep a trail for himself. He was smart. The nine lords felt that the suffocation in the chest had finally dissipated a bit. Yes, as long as you wait a few more years, everyone will be like a slave. See the facts and recognize the situation, and understand who among the twins is the son of the true one-step king.

"I understand, look at the mouth tightly, and let go." Shangguan Fei said with an enthusiasm, remembering the means of squatting, and letting the slaves see the true thoughts of the masters, let them guess the suspicion, and use the torture to hammer the loyalty. .


Gu Shen got up and slowly retreated to the wall roots, and his heart pounded. He did not specifically swear allegiance.

"Wait." Shangguan Fei called, remembering that there are important things that have not been talked about with the new loyal slaves.

Gu Shen left from the nine masters after four days, did not wait for the level to open, directly climbed the boundary wall, crossed the river into the south city, found the lotus girl, arranged tasks for her, and then returned to the north when the level was just opened. If you go to the official position, you are ready to go to the negotiations.

The 鲲社 stronghold is full of festive atmosphere, the swordsmen are very happy, they have made meritorious deeds, and the war is coming to an end, and the living people have the opportunity to enjoy the rich rewards.

In the big battle last night, there were nearly 200 casualties in the company. The company lost only 30 people. The victory was perfect. The Shangguan rain could not conceal the inner excitement, and even the attitude towards the slaves was harmonious. Many, when he said that he would take most of the knife, she did not have a word of objection.

Gu Shen called for the Toon, and let him organize the knife and prepare to participate in the negotiations.

As the past is stable and efficient, it is the only person who can be indifferent to the victory of last night. Gu Shen carefully observes the behavior of the old swordsman and hopes to add some evidence to his own guess.

The gynecological tooth itself has no flaws. Only a little has caught the attention of the young killer. He found that more than 20 knives led by the dynasty tooth in the rouge forest have experienced many brutal **** battles, one has not died, and no one has ever been. Escape, they are loyal to the old knife, just like the Jinpeng killer loyal to the Shangguan family, after becoming the backbone of the company, there is no request for increased compensation.

Those who don’t love money have a deep hatred and hate, and Gu Shen draws conclusions based on his own experience.

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