Death Sutra

Chapter 175: negotiation

The remaining temperature of the house burned last night is still there. The messy bodies on the street have not been cleaned up. The two communities are going to negotiate the armistice. For the people of the North City, this is a matter of course. The residents of Nancheng are worried. Understand which play the singer of this group is going to sing.

The casino selected for the negotiation is small and unnamed. The owner is called Sa, so it is called the Sajia Pavilion. Since the early morning, there are swordsmen who gather here. They are all wanderers who have no ownership. The purpose is different, and some want to come. Look at the excitement, some want to take the opportunity to find a job, and some people do not believe that peace can be easily reached, ready to fish in troubled waters.

Half an hour before the afternoon, the people of the two clubs arrived at the same time almost at the same time. One party was elated and gloomy. On the one hand, the color was gloomy. The surviving swordsman hated it hard. It seems that it is not for negotiation. It is to be desperate.

Shangguanfei sent all the knives, a total of 50, commanded by seven killers, will be separated from the two factions of the water and fire, no one is allowed to enter a narrow lane of long and narrow, whether it is a merchant, or a household, a I was thrown out of my home early in the morning, and the swordsmen held the ends of the narrow alleys.

Both sides of the opposition sent a number of swordsmen who were not equipped with weapons to check the security situation inside and outside the Sajia Pavilion. After no objection, the representatives entered.

Gu Shenwei did not bring the same weapon. He walked into the alley from the side of the company, and entered the casino under the watchful eyes of everyone. The representatives of the company also arrived at the same time.

Gu Shen did not know the knife, and the other party did not introduce herself. The task of the two was very simple. They were seated across a long table, and the three killers were at the door. Two documents presided over the negotiations.

Gu Shenwei thought that the negotiation meeting was very brief. As a result, the other party was a real person. Every detail of time, place, and name was entangled. Gu Shen was really worried that she was surrounded by traps.

The negotiations took a full amount of time, and the two sides finally confirmed that the temporary armistice began at the time of the afternoon of this afternoon, and continued for thirty-six hours. The second day of negotiations was held at the afternoon of the day, and the two parties participated in the event. Hosted, the location is still in the Sajia Pavilion.

The negotiations were finally over, and it was less than a quarter of an hour after the truce came into effect. The representative of the Yushe took a sigh of relief and held the scroll with the agreement. He rushed to the outside and did not even say anything.

The two instruments also ran fast, leaving only three killers to watch the slaves, and then left and closed the casino gate from the outside.

Gu Shenwei retired to the corner of the table, took out the sword that had been hidden there from under the table, turned and faced Ye Silang who came out from the back room.

Both of them are waiting for this moment. Several times of confrontation, temptation and invisibility have been made, and the two have been tired and no one has spoken. The words have been said, for a person who is about to be killed by himself. Language is not only redundant, but also an insult.

They also pulled out the sword and took a step at the same time. There was no hatred in this duel. The purpose of both sides was the same, killing each other, nothing more.

Ye Silang’s gaze swept to the beam, where the lotus ambush was.

The nine-time master Shangguanfei also met the requirements of Meng Wugongzi and Huannu, and put in two people. The swordsmen did not find them, and the three killers received orders to turn a blind eye to them.

Two killers deal with a swordsman.

The Swordsman took another step and made accurate calculations for each of the following moves. The enemy thought that he could repeat the sneak attack of Rouge Forest, and they would regret it.

Gu Shen stood in the same place, bowed her head, and even closed her eyes, like a coward who waited.

Ye Silang spurs out a sword, and there are still a dozen steps away from the killer. Suddenly, the person has entered seven steps, and his body is bent like a new moon. The sword in his hand is like a rising moonlight.

At the moment of the sword, the entire body of the swordsman is rotated to the right. Only a water-like blow can kill the first killer. The sword will then turn to the top of the head and greet the top-down sneak attack.

If everything is as he expected.

Gu Shenwei's body was dumped forward, the right hand was holding the sword in the backhand, and the arm was close to the side. The tip of the sword was only one or two inches beyond the head. It seemed that he was trying to resist the deadly attack of the swordsman with his head.

The tip of the sword greeted the tip of the sword, and instantly touched it. It was immediately separated. Gu Shenwei was like a fist in the head. The body tilted from forward to backward, and even a few steps back, it barely stabilized the figure.

Gu Shenwei did not die, but the sword in his hand broke into several pieces.

The sword in Ye Silang’s hand is good, but the man is dead. He died from a sword falling from the sky. He has already thought about the law and he believes he can do it.

As a result, his sword did not pierce the flesh and blood, but slammed into another sword.

The master has a move, there is a retreat, the weapon hits the target and withdraws, and never bears the dying struggle of the enemy at the last moment. Ye Silang’s sword should stab the throat of the killer and then turn to the top of the head, but the two swords collide. The power that came from it exceeded the expectations of the swordsman.

Everything is well prepared, a few points for the offense, a few points for the change, a few points for the defense, and Ye Silang's calculations are not different, because the blows are all messed up.

The long sword broke the sword of the killer, and then changed to the assassin above, the move did not change, but the speed was slower.

What the lotus girl needs is this little time. The sword is lightly hit on the top of the swordsman and borrows ten steps.

The duel of the recent month is closed, there is no audience, only two killers and a swordsman.

Gu Shen held a broken sword in her hand, keeping a non-standard horse step, a ridiculous posture and a serious look.

The lotus girl stood on the other side, the black coat was masked, the sword pointed to the ground, and the blade was smooth and practiced without contaminating a drop of blood.

Ye Silang raised his long sword, like a statue standing on the ground. As long as he used a little more force, he seemed to be able to pull out a hole in the roof.

The swordsman made a slight movement and fell straight forward. His eyes were empty and there was no trace of love and hate.

Gu Shen rushed over, grabbed the swordsman's hair, cut off the skull with a half-sword, and then fell down with the body, the movement was skilled and smooth, that is, Tie Hanfeng could still live and witness the eyes, and did not pick up the problem.

Swordsman, peach blossom, affectionate, ruthless, killer abandoned, no longer touched.

Gu Shen gave the broken sword to the lotus girl, took out the black cloth in her arms, wrapped the head, and took out a narrow knife from under the table, and nodded the lotus girl.

The Dutch woman packed up a few swords on the ground and jumped back to the beam.

Gu Shenwei took the baggage of the head and held the armistice agreement, went to the door of the casino and knocked on the door.

The three killers opened the door and made way for the road. It seems that the people who came out will surely be slaves. They did not show any accidents. They are also apprentices of Jiachen. They are very familiar with Huanu, regardless of the original plan of the owner. The three believe that the person who survives must be a juvenile killer.

The application time has arrived and the armistice has officially entered into force.

At the corner of the street, the representative of Yushe was far from looking. When the killer came out, he immediately jumped on the horse and galloped away. He didn't care about the outcome. The only task was to deliver the news in time.

The situation outside is a bit too big. The swordsmen who have been in the mountains and seas have already gone by more than half. The rest of the people are also excited to whisper, as if something has happened.

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On the first night of the negotiations, Shangguan rushed to launch a counterattack. The squadron used his own way to heal his own body and launched a raid at the last quarter of an hour before the truce took effect. The goal was no one could think of the Shangguan rain.

More than 50 swordsmen, with red belts on their foreheads, wearing masks worn by children on their faces, holding long-bow arrows, suddenly appearing at the headquarters of the Shushe, standing on the roof and the wall, against the rain son and staying behind Several killers opened the door.

Time is just right when the representative of the company is out of the casino.

The swordsmen shot three rounds of arrows and immediately retreated. There was no fighting, and one person was not injured.

The Mustang and others struggled to protect the rain, but there was still an arrow hitting her chest.

When Gu Shen was rushing back to Yushe, the alley outside the house was crowded with people. Some people recognized the killer Yang Huan and called him: "Revenge? Count me, one person is five hundred and two!"

This sentence caused a commotion in the crowd. Many swordsmen had similar thoughts. They smelled **** smells and gathered like moths. They didn't care about life and death.

Gu Shen was crowded through the crowd. There were dozens of knives in the courtyard of the company. The gyro was guarded at the door of the hall. When Gu Shen was passing by, he sneaked into his body and whispered: "The people have been sent to inform the ten The son, fifty people protect her."

Shangguan will definitely go to Nancheng desperately. The arrangement of the gyro can be correct. Gu Shen nodded and walked into the hall, putting the head and the agreement on a chair.

The Mustang lined up with the other three killers, kneeling in front of a low couch, with a narrow knife on hand, hearing the sound behind him, turning back together, the wild horse grabbed the narrow knife, and the wide open eyes were filled with anger.

The leaders of the two young killers stared at each other for a while, and no one started. The Mustang seemed to have received hints, let go of the narrow knife, move to the side, and let out a place.

Gu Shen squatted in front of the couch with one leg and looked at the girl lying on it.

The arrow is still stuck in her body, her chest is weak and undulating, and her man’s Shangguan rain is pale, and it miraculously shows the unique charm of the girl, without a trace of unruly and arrogant.

She stared at Huannu and watched it for a while. She didn't seem to know this person. She gradually changed her eyes. The memories that are about to leave are back to the front. Many emotions such as anger, grief, joy, grievances and so on have also re-emerged. Heart.

The rest of the time is so short, she doesn't know what she should do with this last energy, whether it is left to a wonderful friendship, or used to vent the hatred in the heart.

When Shangguan rained, he raised his hand and grasped the hand of the slave. This was the only strength she had left. The two men did not have a single sentence, but suddenly they understood all the other thoughts.

The two are like a person who falls into the water, holding a wooden board together to rise and float, and want to monopolize the life-saving things, they want to kick each other.

Gu Shenwei finally confirmed that Yu Gongzi planned all conspiracy, in order to let the slaves die, even at the expense of the company.

The doubts in the heart of Shangguan Yu have also been explained. The raid of Yushe is not accidental. It is this slave, this hateful slave who controls the arrow that hits his chest.

"She is yours."

When Shangguan Yu said in a weak and inaudible voice, only Gu Shen can understand what she said through her mouth.

(Seeking for advice)

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