Death Sutra

Chapter 215: business

In the end, Wei Lingmo did not see Shangguanru. In his heart, only the image of the eleven-year-old girl and the descriptions of many people who added the leaves and leaves were left. The 50 beautiful women could not heal the regrets in their hearts.

Gu Shenwei saw the red top Dapeng.

That was the second night of the departure of the departure team. The boundary of Jinpengbao had not yet been set. The camp was set up on the side of the road. It was said that the magic bird was infested in this area. Several sons were interested in hunting, and it was not until the dark. Did not look at anything.

After everyone was asleep, Gu Shenwei quietly left the camp and wandered around. He had a strong hunch and Red Dapeng could find himself.

When the Dapeng bird came, a wind of sand was rolled up. A black feather was hidden in the night. The red feathers on the top of the head were dark and unclear. Only the red eyes were shining with a strange light. I can see it all the time.

Gu Shen took it to the camp, told her about it, and then told it to stay away from the crowd.

The Dapeng bird seems to understand and understand. It took a long time to find this human being. When he saw it, he did not have any special enthusiasm. He only used a long profit to squat on him.

Weigongzi’s fleet is extremely large. There are only 50 vehicles for carrying prostitutes, one for each person. These women sleep late and late, which greatly delays the speed of travel. Wei Ling is not in a hurry, every night. It took a lot of time to go to the eastern boundary of Jinpengbao and spend nearly ten days before coming to the camp of Jinpengbao and Tieshan.

The battalion was stationed near the mountain pass in the northeast. At the beginning, Gu Shenwei and Shangguan Ru and others were besieged here and almost could not get out.

Datou and Shangguan anger received news early that the son of the governor’s official had to go through this place and had already made arrangements. The passers-by of Yuyucheng also used this as the destination.

Wei Ling Miao stayed in the big camp for three days and was treated with grand hospitality. He was also very generous and shared 50 beautiful people. In those days, the men in the big camp were like the stag stag, sniffing around. Smell the taste of a woman and shoot at all occasions.

Bighead likes this tone and regards it as wildness and strength.

The first time I met, people with a little bit of eyesight can see that this coalition camp belongs to the Tieshan Great God.

The big-headed **** is huge and crowds the space of everyone, especially his son-in-law.

Among a group of welcoming guests, Gu Shenwei almost did not see the figure of Shangguan anger, until the big-headed **** turned and smashed out like a chicken, and all the talents found the gloomy eight-year-old master who had been standing in the father-in-law. By the side, it was only blocked by a huge arm.

Shangguan anger has always hoped to be able to ** portal, but did not expect to leave Jinpengbao, it will fall into the hands of a person who is even more arrogant than the one-step king.

The big-headed **** has no concept of sharing, and there is no tradition of equal sitting. Since Shangguan’s anger is his son-in-law, he has to obey his instructions unambiguously.

There were a hundred killers and 500 swordsmen under the roar of Shangguan. They couldn't compare with the thousands of troops in Tieshan. The big-headed **** did not even ask for his opinions. He attributed this team to the Tieshan sequence and began to order the monopoly.

Shangguan anger is not without rebellion. Every time he opens his mouth, the big-headed **** will use the hard and heavy fists of the boulder to beat the son-in-law's shoulders. He laughs and says, "We are a family, what are they?" Working with me, presumably is also the truth, no matter what, annihilating Xiaoyuetang, credit is also yours, if not for my daughter, I am willing to take care of this business?"

After several failures, Shangguan anger can only hide dissatisfaction in his heart. He can't compete with the big-headed god, and even a little afraid of his father-in-law. Even those killers and knives, and the big-headed gods are also stunned. Who dares to disobey this giant's command?

Shangguan anger can't ask his father for help, and even deliberately conceal it. This time, the siege is a test for him. If he is even arrogant, he will be even more insecure.

Gu Shen knows the ambition of the big-headed god, and the gang is not a long-term solution. The careless Tieshan leader, like the Jinpeng Fortress, wants to add a "king" title to himself and is the real king.

This small road in the northeast used to be a wilderness. It was a place where hooligans gathered. Nowadays it is too flat to be governed by the ancient times. The big heads are under strict orders. They are not allowed to swear by the old gangsters, and they dare to violate the criminals and kill innocent people. It is widely publicized to attract migrants to settle here.

Along the way, Gu Shenwei saw several villages that had begun to take shape.

The purpose of the big-headed **** is to confront the Xiaoyuetang for a long time.

Gu Shen hopes that the more powerful Tieshan, the better, but he is more concerned about another person.

He has seen the eight masters alone, but he did not see Zhong Heng until the last day of his stay.

Zhong Heng wore the black clothes of the Jinpengbao killer and sneaked into the tent in the middle of the night. When he came in, he said, "A big business, Yang is not interested in it?"

For Zhong Heng, who is good at winding around, it is a rare behavior. It is a trick that Zhong Heng is good at, and Gu Shen is deliberately treated with indifference. He did not accept this sentence, but asked him, "Do not wear official uniforms. Is Zhong Daren still used to it?"

"Hey, just a dress, you can wear it."

Next, the two chatted for a while, Zhong Heng retelled the old words and asked the killer if he wanted to do a big business.

"Business can slow down, I am coming to listen to the secret of Zhong Daren."

"One thing, my secret is business."

Every governor of the city will charge a huge amount of "peace". The defending appetite is particularly large. How to safely transport these money back to the country has always been a big problem that has plagued successive officials. The money is almost open in Saitama. The secret, but in the Central Plains is a taboo, if you sway the money, you will be impeached.

You can't use the money house like a gangster who wants to wash white. There are millions of two silver coins. No money house can turn around, and it is hard to hide it.

The current Ducheng official, Wei Wei, came up with an idea. He asked his son to come to Yuyucheng. On the surface, he was having fun. In fact, he had to smuggle the bribes that had been obtained before his father left office.

"But the company's more than one million two have not yet been paid."

"This is the place where the Wei family and the son are smart. The entire Yuyu City knows that the ‘Peaceful’ has been confiscated, and even more, the Weigongzi will lose the money.”

"But where is the silver hidden?"

Gu Shenwei has been staying in the sending team. Although the size of this team is not small, the vehicles carrying prostitutes account for more than half, and Wei Ling Miao’s luggage is not much.

"This is my 'last secret'. Those silvers have actually been replaced with gold, and they are under the **** of the beauty."

Gu Shenwei suddenly realized that the cars were specially made. The bottom plate was made of gold. The outside was wrapped in thin wood. Xu Yanwei and others could never imagine that the car they were riding was so valuable.

"Why is Wei Gongzi going back to the Central Plains with 50 prostitutes? Isn't this more swaying?"

"The Central Plains and the Yuyu City are far apart, and the swaying of this side cannot be passed over there. Before entering the sphere of influence of the Central Plains, the Weigongzi will sway these swaying..."

Zhong Heng made a beheading move.

Gu Shen has seen more blood and conspiracy, still feel that Wei's father and son are too poisonous. "Zhong Daren knows this secret, I am afraid it is also the cause of the murder."

"Oh, there is no way, the governor of the city needs a slave who does his dirty work, and does not want this slave to know too much, slaves, knowing this, and there is no way to shirk. I originally wanted to get 100,000 silver. Coupled with the usual inventory, it was reclusive in the Western Region, but unfortunately even this little wish can not be achieved."

"It seems that Zhong Daren is interested in these gold."

"I don't know the fortune, everyone can take it." Less than a month ago, Zhong Heng was still in the city's patrol city. After a few days in the Tieshan camp, the style of speech had already moved closer to the gangsters, and then he exposed. With a deep smile, "Isn't Yang is not interested? You let me go, I want to repay you with this news."

Things are simple, but Zhong Heng hopes to use the killer to get rid of Wei Ling, Gu Shen is wondering why this time is so direct. "I am still young, my appetite is not big, I can't swallow so much money, Zhong Daren has fulfilled his promise. Tell me the secret, things will stop here, not to mention that there are eight young masters, and it is not my turn to do this business."

Zhong Heng knew that the killer would have this question. His strategy today is to be open and honest. "The eight masters have his difficulties. The big-headed **** is keeping a close eye on him. The killers are also under surveillance. He wants to do this. Business, but I can't move."

After seeing the performance of Weng Yu, Gu Shen knows that Zhong Heng is not vocal. "Adults can also do it themselves."

"I? There are several masters around Weizi, and people like me are close to death."

"Okay, I picked it up."

Zhong Heng originally prepared a lot of rhetoric. He convinced the killer so quickly that he was a little surprised. "How many people do you need? The killer can't use it. The knife master can easily assign it without any attention."

"No, I am prepared."

Gu Shenwei’s words sounded like a group of helpers in the dark, Zhong Heng’s sorrowful admiration, nodded and admired. “From the five-day journey, the fast horse’s words only take two days, there will be a station in the Central Plains, and the Weigongzi will Before killing the prostitute before, and then moving forward, Yang is best to get started."

Gu Shen also nodded and said, "The adults have given me such a big business, how can I return?"

"Don't say, Yang Laodi probably doesn't believe it either. The two achievements can satisfy me. I am now penniless. To be honest, my heart is not so solid. Hey, there are eight less masters. He will provide protection and support, so he has to take it. 40%, the remaining four achievements are yours alone."

This is a generous branching scheme. Shangguan’s anger is the original owner of the killer Yang Huan. He even agreed to the same share. Gu Shen could not help but think about one more layer, but he still agreed, not for the gold, but because of Wei. Wonderful.

He wants to kill Wei Ling, he can't sleep every night on this road. He thinks about it. He has to kill Wei Ling and ask the reason why Zhongyuan Gu is going to kill the door.

Zhong Heng said that Wei Gongzi just happened to run into the assassination. Gu Shen did not believe it at all.

(Seeking for advice)

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