Death Sutra

Chapter 216: Interrogation

Datou Shen also prepared a large number of gifts for her daughter. Shangguan’s anger also had to express her family’s anger. Therefore, when Meng Mingshi and other people who left the line left, Gu Shenwei stayed and he was responsible for escorting the items.

Wei Gongzi took the 50 beautiful women on the road, and saw that he would never leave his hometown. Xu Yanwei was sad and sad. She hated the place where she grew up, but she did not expect it to be full of affection.

Along the way, she found every opportunity to chat with Gu Shen, from the joy of the beginning to the sullen, and finally to tears, Gu Shenwei looked in the eyes, but she made up her mind not to look back.

"Take care of Xiaoyi, you are a good person, and he will be assured that he will follow you."

Gu Shen was called "good guy" for the first time. It was really uncomfortable. As a killer, the word sounded like a kind of irony, but he just nodded. He was a listener and rarely spoke.

"Now you are not my master, I can tell you that you are the best person I have ever seen."

Gu Shenwei understands habitually, Xu Yanwei wants to please himself at this moment, probably for his younger brother Xu Xiaoyi, so he said very straightforwardly: "As long as Xu Xiaoyi is still searching for news for me, I will protect him."

Xu Yan stood up slightly and seemed to lose his temper. In the end, he just whispered: "You don't know who you are."

Gu Shenwei secretly sneered, he is a person who wants to avenge, nothing more. He once felt that Xu smoke is of some use, but will not force her to serve herself, and will not fight for her allegiance over and over again.

After Zhong Heng said the secret, Gu Shen saw that Xu Yanwei was seen off the next day. She was indifferent to her crying, but she felt that she was too unlucky. The selected man did not have a reliable, and her road would come to an end. Well, I have already left Saitama City, and I have fulfilled my biggest wish.

Gu Shenwei stayed in the first two days of the camp. He followed a master book to view the piles of gifts. The next afternoon, several unfamiliar swordsmen asked him to drink. As a result, he was drunk and vomited. Everywhere, it has become a laughing stock in the entire camp.

In the evening, he quietly went out to camp, and tied two horses at the agreed place. One horse was riding, and the other horse was carrying water, food and weapons.

Gu Shen stayed in the camp for his sword. When needed, there would be a black mask to pretend to be like him, so that the Tieshan gangster thought he was still in the camp.

Not long after the departure, Red Top Dapeng flew, brought a gust of wind, scared two horses, almost fell the rider, Gu Shen had to wave to make Dapeng birds fly higher.

He wondered if it was faster to ride on a Dapeng bird. So the two horses were tied to a small tree, and two black cloths were found, blindfolded in the eyes of the horse, and ran forward again, only to call the Dapeng bird to fly down.

Gu Shen tried a lot of moves, sneak attacks, pleadings, orders, threats. The most successful one was to catch the feathers on the back of the Dapeng bird and immediately got smashed down. He finally understood one thing, this bird is Will not let anything ride on the body.

It likes this human being. He has a familiar taste from childhood, but that's it. It doesn't be a pet like a cat or a dog, and it won't be dominated by people riding a horse.

It also has no master, and will not recognize the Lord.

"Well, you are free, willing to kill me with me?"

Dapeng birds habitually looked at humans and suddenly vacated.

Killing a stamp is its favorite thing, even without learning.

Gu Shen chased after the horseback, and ran day and night, and found the roadside camp on the fourth day after Wei Ling’s departure.

Wei Ling chose a camping place in a desolate place, and there was no smoke within a hundred miles.

Gu Shenwei immediately hid it and went to the night. Second, he came to the camp nearby. He explored it on the periphery and found two dark whistle. He did not disturb them. Instead, he interspersed from the middle and observed the situation inside the camp.

In addition to the fifty beautiful women, there are forty-two people in the team, including twenty guards, and the other are chores.

In the center of the camp, there was a bonfire. Under the supervision of several guards, more than 30 men were digging a big pit. They could not see people. They only saw dozens of cockroaches throwing themselves out.

More than a dozen women stood on one side and heard laughter from time to time. They still don't know who this big pit is for.

Not long after, the people in the pit jumped out, dropped the shovel, and laughed at the women, as if digging the pit was just a moment of whim.

Then, other women were also called out, and then the massacre began.

Most women did not have the opportunity to scream, even if they had no time to change their expressions, they fell to the ground and were in the same position.

Gu Shenwei has been peeking in the distance. He wants to wait for the guards to return to the tent to relax their vigilance and then start to work, to be an enemy forty-two, and do not want to let go, the only way is to secretly assassinate.

I have carefully observed these guards and have already figured out their details.

However, his plan was disrupted by the Dapeng bird. The strong **** taste is irresistible to it, and it will fall from the sky without waiting for it.

The wind and sand began to rise, and the people on the ground looked around to find the source of the wind. No one raised their heads until the first screaming screamed, and other talents reacted and they fought back.

Gu Shen immediately acted and quietly returned to the two whistle positions, killing all four guards. The four men were standing up to the riots in the camp and did not notice the proximity of the killer.

He did not rush into the camp to compete with the Dapeng bird, but ambushed near the manger. If this group of people is still sensible, they will run here.

Unsurprisingly, after the Dapeng bird killed more than ten people, the rest of the people finally understood that the manpower could not fight the magic bird, so they ran around and most of them ran to the horses.

Gu Shen gave three people and pulled out the knife.

The crowd was flustered and suddenly there was a killer. No one responded. I thought it was a companion. Five people fell. Other talents knew that the Dapeng bird had a helper and was busy returning to escape. There were several guards. Martial arts are not weak, but once they are born, they no longer want to move their swords. They just want to escape.

The three people have jumped on the horseback and panicked. They did not solve the stiff rope. The horses were more scared than the human beings because of the arrival of the Dapeng birds. They jumped and screamed and shook the people on their backs, not waiting for Gu Shenwei. Hands-on, dozens of horses have stepped them into meat.

After two quarters of an hour, the second massacre ended, and some people ran farther, and they were all caught up and killed by the Dapeng bird.

This is not Gu Shen’s assassination in expectation. It takes less time than planned. He quickly counts the bodies. In addition to women, there are forty people. There are two living people left. One of them is Wei Ling, the son of the governor. No appearances from beginning to end.

The Dapeng bird is very happy, open wings, double claws drifting away, like a clumsy barbarian dancing funny dance, and like a teenager who has just left childhood, venting excess energy.

Gu Shenwei came to the front of the main account and listened to it through the curtain. Suddenly, he stabbed in and quickly withdrew three steps.

The tip of the knife was pierced from the tent, sliding down, cutting a large hole. Then, the knife man fell out. He also wanted to kill the curtain, but it was slow for a moment.

Gu Shenwei cut a knife on the neck of the body and walked over into the account. The outside bonfire was still very strong, which allowed him to see the situation inside.

Wei Lingmiao was sitting on the couch, and even the masked killer smiled. "It’s a powerful bird. You can tame such a strange animal. It is really admirable."

Gu Shenwei pulled the cover, and Wei Wei’s look changed slightly, and it returned to normal in a flash. “Is it Jinpengbao, or is it a society?”


"That is private vengeance."

Gu Shen nodded.

"Hey, Zhong Heng really is a savage, he hurt me."

"He is not dead."

Wei Lingmiao looked up and laughed, as if the poet had thought for a few days and finally came up with a strange sentence. "Hey, it seems that I am a small man who is a big man. Do you know that he strongly recommended me to you, saying that you are born with anti-bone, It’s worth wooing. I didn’t expect him to give me a sharp knife. Well, how did the defender offend you? I hope that I won’t grab your woman.”

Wei Ling wants to lead the killer to talk more. He knows that if there is anything that can resolve hatred, it is money, just as he has a lot of things.

"My surname is Gu, called Gu Shenwei."

Wei Ling’s face turned pale and could no longer be restored. “You...this is impossible.”

"I have to ask you a few questions."

"No, it was my fault to not save your sister at the time, but I always wanted to avenge her. My father is also, he wants to avenge your family. When I return to the Central Plains, I will encourage the emperor to send troops. It will take less than a year. I smashed Jinpengbao, and I brought a lot of gold and silver, just to buy the dignitaries..."

Gu Shen told him to go on until the patient was exhausted. He thought that watching the enemy's flustered would have a thrill of revenge, but no, the killer's instinct told him that it was a waste of time.

"Three years ago, what did you come to in Yucheng?"

"I, let me meet."

Wei Ling is lying, Gu Shen clearly remembers clearly, at that time, Gu Jia was to send the lady all the way to the Central Plains, never mentioning the grandfather will come to meet.

He lifted his knife and cut off a finger of Wei Wei.

Wei Ling wonderfully saw the knife light flashing, saw the finger jumped lightly to the ground, and then felt the pain, then the most real fear, "kill me, the Central Plains will not send troops, you want to report to the family alone. Enmity?"

Gu Shen did not know that his face was becoming awkward and painful. "Why are you killing my sister? She is your unmarried wife."

"No, don't listen to Zhong Heng's nonsense..." Wei Ling's first reaction was to deny, but this sentence is tantamount to acknowledging Zhong Heng's words. "I, I didn't know that it was your sister at first. I really do not know."

Wei Ling cried, and could no longer find a reason to be calm.

"Also let someone **** her, is it after you?"

"No, I don't... they are killers. Like you, I can't help. They don't listen to me. Really, let me avenge your sister. Believe me, I can bring the army of the Central Plains."

Gu Shenwei lifted the knife. For the first time, I didn't want to smash the enemy. I just wanted to slowly torture the man in front of me.

"Cautious, spare me, the original intention to eradicate Jinpengbao, this is true! First is the big head God, then the one-step king."

"In this case, it is even more useless to stay."

Gu Shenwei’s knife slowly stabbed.

(Seeking for advice)

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