Death Sutra

Chapter 217: Eavesdropping

Wei Ling Miao proved how strong a person's endurance is. Gu Shen tortured him with the time to kill forty people and squeezed everything out of his mouth.

Three years ago, Wei Ling Miao came to retreat.

The parents of Wei Gu’s family had a wrong door. The Gu Lu’s retreat to the Western Region was even worse. Wei’s father and son wanted to interrupt the marriage.

Wei Ling Miao did not know that the target of the assassination that he participated in was actually the father-in-law's family, but he soon discovered that there was no block. He only asked for a request. Gu Cuilan was his woman and he was to be enjoyed before he died.

Gu Shen opened the Wei's belly, cut a piece of meat from a small piece, and finally confirmed that it was not him who hired the Jinpengbao killer.

"Nobody knows, even the official anger does not know, only the one-step king knows everything, maybe my father knows a little, kill me, please." Wei Lingmiao has been bent on his death, even at the expense of selling his father. .

Gu Shen turned and summoned the Dapeng bird. After these days of contact, he found that the Dapeng bird could understand the whistle, so he communicated with it in this way.

Red-top Dapeng jumped in the air, his claws tore open the tent, and fell in front of Wei Ling’s body, staring greedily at his eyes.

Wei Ling wants to die, but he still can't help but fear, the last strength in the body, lifted his right arm in front of him, this hand has been gently stroking over the body of countless women, now only the bones and incompleteness of the forest The flesh and blood.

Before the leopard of the Dapeng bird came, Wei Lingmiao was already dead.

Dozens of cars are lined up, Gu Shenwei did not cut the board to see, only by weight can know that these cars are different, with the help of Dapeng birds, the car will drive the digging deep pit in.

When I pushed to the 30th car, there was a person coming out. Gu Shen immediately pulled out the knife and regretted that she was too big. I thought that when I started, I was forty-two people. When I arrived here, I was still forty-two people. In case someone comes from the front to meet Wei Gongzi.

But this person is not a man.

Xu Yanwei has never recognized that the demon in the camp is an acquaintance. He is even more frightened by the Dapeng bird. He shook his head into a ball and only shouted "Don't kill me."

Gu Shenwei recognized her by voice. "Why didn't you die?"

Xu Yan slightly raised his head and squatted for a while. Wow, he cried out, and jumped up and hugged him, crying even more, and his nose and tears licked him, and he couldn’t say a word.

Gu Shenwei had to push her away and asked her why she didn't die.

"I, I went to bed with a guard. He said that today and tonight are the last and last day."

Xu Yan twitched and twitched, and the Nancheng career for many years gave her an instinctive sense of danger. The words of the guard caused her suspicion. When everyone dug, I hid under the car and saw it with my own eyes. The sisters were slaughtered without any guard.

"I should have listened to you, you are here to save me, are you?"

Gu Shenwei did not answer, and he still had a lot of work to finish.

Xu Yanwei hated to grow up in Huan’s uncle, but she was afraid of the big bird, afraid of dying, she could only stand far away, and kept screaming at how happy Huan’s grandfather was, how stupid he was.

All the vehicles were pushed into the big pit, and they were smashed, and then nearly 100 bodies were covered. With the help of the Dapeng bird, this life was a lot easier. It used this as a game and smashed it on every corpse. A few mouthfuls, and then thrown into the pit, Xu Yanwei has to retreat a few steps, still repenting, but the voice can not hear clearly.

Filling the soil, the sky is already bright, Gu Shenwei let go of the large group of horses and camels. If someone comes here to find clues, they will go far and wide along the hoof.

Then he broke the jar and put a fire.

He has to leave immediately, the problem is how to solve the problem.

He didn't want to save people. It was an accident that Xu Yanwei could survive. The Dapeng bird appeared for a while, and the guards always found that the woman's body was wrong, and she could find and kill her soon.

She saw everything, the only thing she didn't know was that there was gold in the vehicles.

Gu Shenwei walked over and held the knife in his hand. Xu Yanwei’s sensitivity to danger had been exhausted. He was delighted to rush and made a series of vows, claiming that he would no longer make his own claims. "I listen to you, Listen to you all."

It is not her tears and vows to save Xu Yan’s life, but Gu Shenwei suddenly came up with a plan, in which Xu Yanwei may be useful.

The two men rode on horses and returned to Cheng Shunyuan Road day and night. Gu Shen was accustomed to this kind of hardship. Xu Yanwei never had such a bump. It was strange that she did not complain, she insisted on her teeth, and did not even propose to rest. .

There is still a small half-day trip from Tieshan Camp. Gu Shen is in the wilderness and bids farewell to Dapeng Bird to make it fly far.

Red Top Dapeng is not willing to follow the slow-moving human beings. Gu Shenwei hasn’t said anything yet, just making a wave of posture, it rushes into the sky, and the blink of an eye disappears.

Gu Shenwei felt that the big bird was a bit ruthless, but Xu Yanwei admired the five bodies and cast the ground. "It turned out that it was raised by you. Hey, you are simply...the **** is the next."

Xu Yanwei’s eyes changed a little. The tyrannical man always had an indescribable appeal to her. Gu Shenwei dispelled her illusions. “You stay here, dry food and water for two days, no matter what. Go, don't allow fire to catch the attention of others."

There is no shop in front of the village, surrounded by bushes and weeds, there may be beasts nearby. If it was in the past, Xu Yanwei must ask clearly, what to stay here? Who will protect her safety? When will you pick her up? Now she just nodded and said that she would never violate the order.

In the evening, Gu Shen sneaked into the big camp and did not return to her own camp. Instead, she carefully touched the account of Shangguan’s anger. He could not waste such a great opportunity to kill one of the most important enemies and blame the big head. God or Xiaoyuetang.

This is a plan he has long thought of, killing the four masters, Shangguan Ruo and the name of the green face, gave him great confidence, and felt that he could take revenge.

It’s not easy to avoid a killer leader and a green face. Gu Shen didn’t close her eyes for a few days, but the enthusiasm of revenge supported him, and circled the tent a little bit to find the hidden face. Location.

The lurking position of the green face is a bit out of Gu Shen’s expectation. He did not keep the top of the eight masters, but squatted next to a larger account, wearing the same cloak as the tent, and wrapped the whole person. inside.

The reason why Gu Shenwei can find this name is because of a gust of wind blowing, the top of the account is regularly ups and downs, and only that place is inconsistent with other places.

What is the blue face hidden in the top of the big head god? Is Shangguan anger wanting to be unfavorable to his father-in-law? Gu Shenwei immediately understood that he had guessed wrong. Qing Qiao did not stay with his master because the Shangguan anger was talking about secrets and he did not want anyone to hear it.

Anyone has the possibility of betrayal, even if it is the face that has to die from leaving the owner.

Gu Shen originally wanted to assassinate the green noodles. At this time, she changed her mind and went around the blind corner of the face. After carefully coming to the Shangguan anger account, she kneeled on the ground and gently stabbed it with a dagger. Above, I am listening.

There are two people inside, Shangguan anger and Zhong Heng, the voice is very light, Gu Shenwei can only hear a few words intermittently, then he returns to his camp, there is a knifeman, waiting for him to come back, nothing Said, nodded at him and left immediately.

Gu Shen just fell asleep when she closed her eyes. He had to hurry and clear the fatigue of the past few days.

He changed his mind, did not kill the official anger, and the words he heard made him come up with a more ambitious plan, perhaps killing more people who went to the official house.

The next morning, the killer Yang Huan, who was “filled” by the swordsmen in the account for many days, was finally awake, and the gifts for Shibao were ready and ready to leave.

Shangguan’s anger did not show up, Zhong Heng came once, Gu Shen told him that the gold had been hidden, and that the wind had passed, and Zhong Daren did not raise objections.

Wei Gongzi and his party died in the most remote places. It took a few days for the news to reach the Taishan camp. Gu Shen finally ran ahead of the rumors.

The gift that Datou God prepared for her daughter not only had rare treasures, but also 20 female slaves. This was specially purchased at the request of her daughter. It is said that Luo Ningcha felt that Shibao was too deserted and hoped that there would be more people around.

On the evening before the departure, Gu Shenwei went to see the 20 female slaves, and then appointed one person to go with him. The main book and the guards were tacitly informed and immediately released. The female slaves also cooperated. On the killer, ask with an unskilled Zhongyuan dialect.

Gu Shen had two horses, and each of the slaves and the female slaves left the camp. It was a bit strange, but no one asked, neither of them belonged to Tieshan, and no one could do nosy. .

Xu Yan suffered a lot of suffering. She hid in the wilderness for two days. The wind screamed and the dry food only ate a few mouthfuls. She didn’t dare to sleep more. When she heard the hooves, she got into the grass until she heard it was happy. The voice of the uncle climbed out.

"Who is this?" Xu Yan asked in a strange way.

The female slave was also very surprised. "Go back, go back to the big camp."

Gu Shen pulled out the knife and stabbed it cleanly. The female slave pounced on the ground and almost no bloodshed.

Xu Yan’s eyes widened, but he did not dare to call, and the whole fist had to reach into his mouth.

"Change clothes."

Gu Shenwei turned his back, and Xu Yanwei felt that things were different, but she made up her mind and asked nothing, and everything was decided by the grandfather.

In the middle of the night, the killer Yang Huan came back with the "female slave" and left her in her own account. Only when the gift-giving team departed the next morning, they "returned" back.

The female slaves in the same place think that she has changed a bit, but everyone bought them from all over the place, and no one will publicize because of such small things.

Gu Shen is planning to send Xu Yanwei to Jinpengbao, both to hide the mouth and to ask her to do something.

Gu Shenwei thinks this should be easy because he overheard two important messages from Shangguan's anger:

The Central Plains really wants to start with the big gods, and within a few months.

Eight less masters have betrayed his father and Jinpengbao.

(Seeking for advice)

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