Death Sutra

Chapter 228: Father and son

On the night when the three young masters escaped from the dungeon, Gu Shen was preparing to use force to force Luo Ning tea to hand over the last piece of wood.

In the middle of the summer, the insects gradually stopped, Gu Shen dressed in a full set of night clothes, sitting on the bed thinking about how to start with Luo Ning tea, suddenly heard a sound of a clear whistle in the distance, this is the stone fort The signal of the killer intercommunication message.

Gu Shenwei pulled out of the house, and the daughter of the rotation protection lady almost appeared at the same time with him. "You stay." Gu Shenwei said, jumped onto the roof and ran to the inner house.

The whistle stopped quickly. I didn't wake up a few people. I don't see much reaction in the house. Only those who are familiar with the rules of the killer and patiently observe can see that there are black shadows from time to time, all going in one direction.

Gu Shenwei knew that Shangguanyun had escaped from prison at this time. He had sent the fretsaw for five days. The three young masters did not know what to think about and delayed the action for so long.

Gu Shen made a temporary change of mind, and sneaked all the way to the courtyard where Shangguan fell, and Luo Ning tea, who had a beautiful dream, did not think that he had escaped a disaster.

Gu Shenwei has been waiting for Shangguanyun to act, which is more important than getting the Book of Nothing.

The guards around the One Step King are not as savvy as Gu Shen. The whistle just transferred some killers, but he is still step by step. After observing every possible ambush point, he climbs onto a roof and shrinks into a shadow. Among them, it merges with the ridge.

Is Shangguanyun directly avenging, or is there a long-term plot, or even simply fleeing? Gu Shen has only seen the three majors twice, and he has little understanding of him, but he is extremely certain that Shangguan Yun will choose the first option.

There is no better opportunity for revenge than this time. Gu Shen hopes that Shangguan Yun can do it for himself. At the very least, he will try to find out the details of Shangguan.

If it was three years ago, Gu Shenwei had to kill the enemy by hand, but now he sees his revenge as a killer and is more willing to kill people in the safest way.

Gu Shen was observantly observing, but still did not stare at the trace of Shangguanyun. When he discovered the three young masters, he did not know how long the other party had stood under the tree in the middle of the courtyard.

Shangguan Yun was still wearing the old clothes in prison, holding the trunk in one hand and looking at the "hot room" where his father lived.

The killers responsible for the guards also found anomalies. They couldn’t ask questions, and they wouldn’t scream and scream. Three people, the scabbards, the fan-shaped distribution, slowly approached Shangguanyun from behind.

Shangguan cloud does not move, it seems to be ignorant, until the killers are within seven steps to start, he is the first to counterattack.

Shangguanyun unfolded his arms and slammed his back, bringing a gust of wind, rolling up a few fallen leaves on the ground, and the dense leaves of the trees followed.

The killers were hit by the blades, flew out, fell heavily on the ground, and never got up again.

Although a little far away, the moonlight is not very bright, Gu Shenwei still sees at a glance, the killers are not dead, just fainted, or was a point.

Shangguan Yun still does not want to kill, Gu Shen is thinking, probably still rely on himself to clean up the mess.

This small battle has alarmed many people. The shadows are coming from all directions. Just a few steps away from Gu Shen, standing two killers, fortunately, their attention is on the Shangguanyun in the courtyard, no Notice the lurkers who are close at hand.

"Retreat." There was an order in the hot room. This is the voice of the one-step king. The killer who came around quickly retreated. It was as neat as when he came. It was only the two revenge hearts in the courtyard and the roof. people.

"Your heart is still so soft."

The one-step king opened the door and wore the large robes. His look was majestic, but he was already showing a late color. Gu Shen was extremely tall in the impression that he was still very tall. Even when he met last time, he still seemed to be able to fill the whole house. Now, Looking from afar, it is a thin old man who is supported by a strong old man.

Let's start now, don't drag, don't talk nonsense, the killer on the roof really wants to control the Avengers under the tree, put this idea into his mind, but unfortunately, Shangguan Yun is still open, the voice is full of hate The intention is to waste the most precious opportunity.

"The parrot is dead."

"Parrot? Man or bird?" Shangguan fell a bit impatient, as if a defender had been waiting for a long-awaited opponent for a long time. After the meeting, his opponent's first sentence was not sharp, and he was greatly disappointed.

"You don't remember her?"

"The woman? I remembered, for how many years her son had wanted to kill her father, do you still love her?"

"Not once." Shangguan Yun's sleeves swelled like balloons, and the leaves creaked. Everything within a few steps seemed to be eager to float.

The one-step king does not retreat and take a step forward. "It’s just like murderousness. It’s not as good as Dongpu’s apprentice. Don’t you blush? Shangguanyun!”

Shangguan Yun took the shot, and countless stones rushed to the One-Step King under the wind.

The joy of Gu Shenwei only lasted for a moment, and immediately understood that this was just a sham. The stone and the Shangguan fell by, hitting the door and window, and the sound was amazing, but there was no real lethality.

Shangguan fell almost contemptuously at his son. "One more month, you will never lose the chance to kill me. Are you not tempted?"

In the face of his father's enthusiasm, Shangguan Yun calmed down, his voice returned to its former appearance, gentle and peaceful, with a little cynicism, Gu Shenwei could even imagine his mischievous smile on his mouth, so he began to consider whether it was The do-it-yourself kills the one-step king.

"There is always opportunity. You can always kill me. Isn't it soft?"

"Ten is all my dreams."

"Haha, ‘cross to become king’, do you still believe in the ghosts of Peng Xianren?”

The superstition of the Shangguan fell from the Pengxian people. Gu Shen remembered that Shangguan Yun had said that the one-man king had practiced martial arts with the gnome. He couldn’t help but wonder why the Shangguan fell without killing slaves. Because of the daughter's words and let go of a killer, this is not like the one-stop king has always been a party.

"Peng Xianren is a liar, but fortune telling is still very accurate."

"Big brother is dead, and the fourth brother is dead. Even the Peng Xianren who gave you fortune telling are dead. Is your dream still not awake?"

"I know, it doesn't matter, my son can regenerate, but that boy, his heart is hot, I hope that one of his sons can be like him."

The father and son actually talked about the slaves, and Gu Shenwei's heartbeat was slightly accelerated.

"Oh, the son like a killer, the first thing is to kill you first to win the throne."

"Is the Shangguan family afraid of this kind of thing? I am afraid that my son's heart is not enough, and I can't keep the title of the one-step king."

"So you have to torture me, forcing me to be as cold and bloodless as you are?" Shangguan Yun's voice became severe, and Gu Shen remembered the appearance of the three young masters at this time, almost exactly the same as the one-sided king.

"Yes, among all the sons, you are most like me, not only looks, but also the temper is the same as when I was young, so I indulge you to wander through the rivers and lakes and guide you into the building, thinking that you will continue along my path sooner or later. Unfortunately, you are too addicted to a comfortable life, and you will really fall in love with a woman."

"You are not allowed to mention her!" Shangguan Yun's cuffs bulged again.

"Why not? That woman, called a parrot, isn't it? I started to think of her look. The skin is as tender as water. She has been pleading in my arms. It is still fresh at the beginning. It is a bit annoying when I listen too much. I give She has a little lesson..."

The gust of wind swelled, and even the killer hidden on the roof felt a wind.

But as Gu Shen began to anticipate, Shangguan Yun missed the best opportunity, and perhaps never had the best time. Shangguanyun chose to challenge the door directly, instead of cautious assassination, showing the madness of desperation.

The four green faces suddenly appeared, as if they were directly drilled out of the wall, and the sword was blocked in front of the one-step king, and then disappeared.

Shangguan Yun really moved the murderous machine, a move missed, the second move was issued immediately, but just moved a finger, it was hit by the green face falling from the sky.

The man who had been hiding under the green surface of the tree was dead, but his knife was slower, he did not cut his head, and only made a deep scar on the enemy's chest, which was fatal to himself. .

Shangguan Yunyi hit the face of the green face, the mask shattered, the assassin was like a fallen leaf, the body receded backwards, paused in the air for a moment, and fell heavily on the ground.

The blood on the chest ran out, and Shangguan Yun’s legs were soft and squatted on the ground. No one could kill the One Step King. Even in the case of his loss of skill, there was a loyal and green face to protect.

"You are the only one who has two chances to kill me." Shangguan fell coldly and his son could not speak. "You should be thankful, and the killing of my work has weakened, unlike before." I want to kill and kill. But, seeing that you finally started killing, I am very happy. I saw that your martial arts did not improve. I was so stung by the green face. I was very disappointed. Cherish your own hard-won life. Go back to the dungeon and let me see you again."

Shangguan Yun shook twice and slowly fell down, his head resting on the body of the green face.

Gu Shenwei waited for a long time, until the Shangguan fell back into the room, the killers handled the scene, and when the night was about to end, he carefully returned to the Eight-Down Lord's Court.

Want to kill the one-step king, must circumvent those green faces, Gu Shenwei has not figured out a way.

It was the turn of the "protection" Miss Huannu, but the Dutch woman nodded to him and said that she could still hold on to her class. She never asked the slaves to do what they were doing. It was an ideal assistant.

Gu Shen began to consider whether to ask the woman to help before going to sleep. There is still a month, the one-step king will resume his skill, miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Gu Shen will not forgive himself, at least try once, if you can The one-step king led the inner house... The thoughts drifted farther and farther. He remembered that when the big and the young died, the Shangguan fell on the funeral, but the four masters did not receive this treatment.

Gu Shenwei slowly came up with a clue. What he lacked was a suitable bait.

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