Death Sutra

Chapter 229: Trapped

Xinnu opened the door and Gu Shenwei woke up.

Xinnu felt that he had already obtained the understanding of the slaves. From then on, he would not be contaminated with "evil". His face was much better than before, but this time he became flustered again. "Not good, not good. ”

Gu Shen sat up in a sly manner, and the hand had already held the hilt.

"Washing, washing the hospital, we enveloped and surrounded them." Xinnu's fragile psychology could not withstand this crisis, and the body shook like a sieve, waiting for him to finally calm down, and the slaves in front of him were gone.

Xinnu described it too exaggerated. In the hospital, a total of ten yellow belts were sent to the prisoner. The attitude was very polite to stand outside the courtyard, asking to see the killer Yang Huan, the Dutch woman is negotiating with them.

Gu Shen did not know which of his own things had leaked out of the door. Just as he walked out of the gate, a prisoner pointed at him and said, "Yang Huan is out, let us take a trip."

"what's up?"

"If you go, you will know." The tradition of washing the hospital, never letting the cause be told in advance, let the interrogated person guess his own heart.

Gu Shen is indeed a lot of things that need to be speculated, so he doesn't want to go to the hospital. "Wait a minute, I will ask the lady for a cry."

“No.” The sentencer’s tone is blunt, “Let other people say it to the eight-grandmother.”

"Apologize, I am responsible for protecting the safety of the lady and not being able to leave the job."

Ten of the inmates held the knife together. They received the order. In any case, they would bring Yang Huan back. In their opinion, this matter was a breeze, and even a bit of a chicken knife was used.

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman also held the knife at the same time.

"Who, is it loud and noisy in the early morning?" Xu Yanwei came out and naturally stood between the two people.

Her current name is Wan Nv, and the prisoner does not know her, and she swears: "Let it open."

Xu Yanwei rushed to the prisoner and smiled. He said in the softest voice: "Please let me go to the side first."

This smile made the ten sinners all in one heart, giving birth to almost the same thought: if the woman was put back to torture, it would be very beautiful.

But they quickly bowed their heads and let them go to the side.

Not only they, Gu Shenwei and others also gave way to the side, Luo Ning tea covered in the veil came out, and the person who led her by her side turned out to be the official.

"Who are these people? What are you doing at the door?" Luo Ning tea is not used to someone blocking the way.

"We are the heart-washing hospital..." When a prisoner just said a few words, he was interrupted by Xu Yan. "Let's go, Miss did not ask you, what did you answer?"

The prisoner was red-faced but did not dare to attack.

Xu Yanwei turned to Luo Ning tea and said, "Miss, these people claim to be the heart of the hospital. I don't know what to wash here."

"Then ask them, this house is too old, wait for me to move away in two days, just wash them."

Xu smoke smiled and gave him a gift. When he turned around, he was cold and frosty. "Miss said, let you wash again in two days."

"We are not going to wash things, it is to arrest people!" A prisoner can no longer resist, take a step, the narrow knife pulled out half, in Jinpengbao, few people dare to disrespect the heart wash.

It happened that there were two bold masters standing opposite him.

"Someone wants to kill me!" Luo Ning tea exclaimed exaggeratedly, stepping back and slamming back, several shackles hurriedly held up, Shangguan said, "Who dares to disrespect the gossip", people have been rude In front of the inmate, the narrow knife in his hand was on his neck.

The prisoner suddenly realized that he had overdo it. He was caught by the other party and hesitated how to deal with it. Other companions reacted faster than him and pressed him down. "Zhang You, you are crazy, dare. Pulling the knife in front of the ten sons and eight grandmothers."

The scene began to be a bit confusing, and the Dutch girl made a look. Gu Shen returned to the hospital and let a group of women stop at the door.

Ten of the inmates withdrew their faces, and after a while, the captive of the knife pulled himself to sin at the door, until the evening was forgiven.

Shangguan, if he knew in advance that the Xinxinyuan had to catch the slaves, came to stop in the early morning. She and the gossip were enemies, but formed an alliance in this matter.

Forgive me for sending people to arrest the slaves without fear, because he caught the south screen.

Shangguan only knows about the situation. She has seen the little boy who looks beautiful and has a deep impression on him. "I was caught last night at Wangcheng Lane. It is said that he has admitted to assassination of Meng Mingxian."

Chu Nan screen did not listen to Gu Shenwei, and he always stayed in the North City. He missed the real long sword, and he also missed the acquaintances in the building.

Gu Shen knows that she is not going to sell herself, but his biggest problem is not lying, what others ask, or answering it truthfully, or shutting up, it is easy to forgive this old slicker. Exposed to the feet, Gu Shen is more worried about Xu Xiaoyi, the kid may not be able to withstand the torture of the heart-washing court, but Shangguan, if he got the news that Xu Xiaoyi did not fall into the net, he would not be martial but very clever, and I don’t know where to hide.

Shangguan, in private, asked Huannu if he let Mengnan screen kill Meng Mingxian. Gu Shen said that Shangguan had been thinking for a long time and said: "The troubles of your time have been aroused, and the people of Mengjia must Revenge, I am going to plead with the second brother, you stay with the gossip, she can protect you."

If Shangguan did not ask why the slaves killed him, perhaps in her mind, this is another thing that Huannu has done for himself.

Gu Shen is not going to break through naturally. He just thinks that the world is changing fast. Last night he had to use force to force Luo Ning tea to hand over the board. In a blink of an eye, he relied on the protection of this savage grandmother.

Around the Huanu, the various people in the stone fort have launched a fierce battle.

Forgive me to catch the slaves, not only to please the Meng family, but also to blame the vines to lead the responsibility to the head of the ten sons, Yushe seized half of the site of the South City, Shangguan has thus become a public enemy in the eyes of his brothers.

In contrast to it, Mrs. Meng naturally does not want her daughter to be involved, but she did not publicly express her position, but let the Shangguan solve the threat himself.

Now in the Shibao, the main thing is that the two masters are on the official day. Forgiveness and Shangguan’s turn to him as a lobbyist, neither of them wants to offend, perfunctory for three days, only to give a sentence, "This kind of thing, It is best to have a statement."

Shangguan is considered to have a slight advantage. Although the South Screen has admitted to killing, he is not willing to reveal a word about the ambassador. The oldest prisoner in the hospital can't open his mouth.

In the three days when Shangguantian was hesitant, it was supposed to be a forgiveness. As long as he grasped the slaves, he was not afraid of him not to recruit, but he couldn’t think of it. The biggest obstacle in front of him was actually eight. Little grandmother, he really wants to tell this stupid woman that everything he does is for her husband's Shangguan anger, if she still has a little bit of reason, she should hand over the slave.

The idea of ​​Luo Ning tea is very simple. Huannu and the lotus girl have just returned to her name. Whoever catches people is not able to go with her, even if it is the flag of her husband’s Shangguan anger.

And she is very proud of her ability to protect the killer. Every time I see the slaves, I don’t forget to remind him. “Do me to trouble things, know how many people have been offended to save you?”

Gu Shen is searching for the intestines, re-arranging the vows that have been said before, and offering them with gusto. The Luo Ning tea likes this. It is as sweet as it is, and even several times, the ring is written down, and the slaves are guaranteed to be effective.

Gu Shenwei was trapped in the main courtyard of the Eight-Lord Master. Even the door could not be released. Forgive me with all the power. As long as the slaves showed up, they would be held.

Luo Ning tea feels the deliciousness of power, and his appetite begins to grow bigger. "When the husband returns, let him dedicate these women to the king, I will not do this kind of thing like Mengjiazi. I have my help." The husband will become the leader of the Tieshan and the one-step king. When you see who can still swear at me, you will be idle, and you will be idle, and give me dozens of tricks. I have to keep it."

Gu Shenwei has time to think about the Miss, he has a lot of troubles now, the first one is to save the South Screen, he negotiated with the daughter, both of them think that it is impossible to act rashly, forgiveness is likely to be set The trap was waiting for the slave to jump in.

The second is to solve the problem of no magic.

Although the text on the last piece of wood is missing, it does not affect the initial practice. Shangguan and the Dutch woman have already started practicing, and only Gu Shenwei can't start.

The harmony in his body became a stumbling block.

Gu Shen was rejected when he was sent to Dongbao for the first time. The reason was that he had practiced internal strength and conflicted with Jinpengbao. The "No Book" is the source of Shibao Wugong. Naturally, he is more aggressive. The first few paragraphs are repeated. Emphasize that those who have already practiced outside the door must disperse their own skills before they can practice the magical powers. Otherwise, they will have the fate of life.

Now that the crisis is in jeopardy, Gu Shenwei dares to disperse his efforts. Moreover, he still has a secret. He hopes to avenge his family before he recovers his skills. It is not a day or two to practice the martial arts. He is reluctant to give up this opportunity.

This is really a torment, with the supervision of the heart-washing hospital, Gu Shen is difficult to walk in the fort, not to mention the lure of the single-step king.

At the end of July, Gu Shen’s long-awaited event finally happened. Overnight, the power pattern in Shibao was greatly changed. Gu Shenwei discovered that all his troubles and conspiracy can be solved with this big event. .

The Tieshan battalion was attacked by the Central Plains. When the news came, no one believed it. Until the messengers ran into the city of Saitama one by one, everyone accepted the fact that the war really broke out.

The slavery thing suddenly became insignificant, no one came to arrest him, nor did he need to protect him.

Yesterday was still the opposite of the forgiveness of the head and Luo Ning tea turned into an ally on the same boat in the blink of an eye, the fate of the big **** and Shangguan anger directly affect their fate in the stone fort.

It is a pity that the allies have not had time to communicate with each other. The news came from the front to make the whole city of Saitama surprised. Jinpengbao’s eight-speaking master was angered and betrayed his father-in-law and turned to the Central Plains.

Luo Ning tea can not believe **** his father will be his husband, she does not even believe that the big head will die.

For Gu Shenwei, this is a godsend opportunity.

(Seeking for advice)

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