Death Sutra

Chapter 23: Criminal chamber

When the teenagers went to the lady to ask for peace, there was no indication that Han Shiqi’s death was known. There were two slaves missing, and the young lady did not notice. Only Xue Niang frowned and asked, and the six teenagers were speechless and dissatisfied. Shake his head, but did not ask.

Back to the salary court, Hanji slaves still did not notice that two people were missing. Until near noon, he wanted to find a slave and a slave, and then finally found out that there were only six teenagers left in the courtyard.

"What about people?"

Hanji slaves were very surprised. Someone who disappeared in Jinpengbao was impossible for him, so it was unimaginable.

The teenagers still face each other with no words.

Han machine slave turned from amazement to anger, picked up the red wooden stick, and went to the teenagers with no head and brains. "Dare to carry me a ghost! Dare to carry me a ghost! You are all a group, the two little rabbits Did the nephew go with the third brother?"

The teenagers did not know when they avoided.

The courtyard was full of joy, and the East Gate was pushed open. It was not the slave who sent the dying, but a group of black people. The dress was slightly different from the killer. The belt was not red, green and yellow, and there was no body. With a knife.

Seeing these people, the expression of Hanji slaves was even more alarming than seeing the killer. The redwood stick in his hand fell to the ground, his mouth wide open, his knees bent involuntarily, and he couldn’t say a word. I don’t know if he wants to bow or not. fall.

The people in black clothes are silent and don’t introduce themselves. They are swarming up, and the Korean machine slaves who are smashed into soft mud quickly leave. Some people will lock the West Gate, which has never been locked, and the East Gate will be Locked outside.

No one explained to the restless teenagers that they are now imprisoned in the payroll, and apart from Gu Shenwei, others know nothing about the crime.

There are also two wounded people sent from the day before yesterday. Usually, everyone does not enter the room of two people. At this time, they ran together. They wanted to prove to Jinpengbao that they are still useful.

No one delivered food at noon, this is a bad omen.

The two wounded people did not last long. They died after the day was gone. The door to the west gate of the ghost called Cliff was locked. The body could only stay on the raft and become a little stiff.

"I didn't do anything, we didn't do anything, didn't we? The trouble of Hanji slaves won't hurt us, isn't it?"

The boy who called the slaves suddenly spoke. For a long time, no one spoke. They just felt uneasy, but they didn’t know what happened. Only Gu Shen could guess, but he would not reveal it in one sentence.

"Snowy will save us, we are all ladies, let's swear." Another young boy, a tired boy, looked at his partners with hopeful eyes and wanted to get some confidence from others.

The teenagers nodded desperately and suddenly they breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Shenwei also nodded, but my heart thought: Miss and Xue Niang will not save them. If they have this idea and ability, they will not let them stay in the salary camp to serve the dead. In the eight main courtyards, they need slaves. But still did not leave them.

The day when the daughter of the big-headed **** screamed in the rain, it ended when she got on the sedan chair.

In the evening, the black belted black man came again. This time there were only two people, one of whom gave a brief order to the panicked six teenagers:

"Go with us."

The youngsters were embarrassed, but they dared not ask, and they went out of the payrolls honestly. This was where they wanted to leave, but now they are like a home.

Gu Shen is still calm, even a little optimistic, the yellow belt is not tied to anyone, probably just want to ask about the situation, the fact is very obvious, a killer is missing, two slaves suddenly disappeared, anyone will be one after the other two Things are linked together and no one will doubt the people left behind.

Gu Shenwei’s idea is not entirely correct.

The yellow belt is the inmate of the heart-washing court. The teenagers are brought here, and the welcoming of them will be a very formal interrogation.

The Washing House is not far from the payroll hospital. It is only separated by a small courtyard that is not known for use. It is also called the ghost garden. It is the place where Jinpengbao is in charge of punishment.

Gu Shenwei once wanted to come to this yard to find the whereabouts of her sister. Now she knows that she has come and came. The cell where the prisoners are being held in the heart of the hospital is all underground. The guards are strict and the outsiders can never snoop.

There is also a "prisoner" in the killer organization, and Gu Shenwei feels ironic.

The teenagers were taken to a underground torture room. The utilization rate here seems to be very high. The area is full of greasy sludge. The teenagers have sent away several dying people sent to the hospital. They are all covered with this. The kind of sludge, when the slaves were still alive, said that the mud was mixed with human flesh, and his judgment was close to accurate from the incomplete limbs of the dying.

There were many strange instruments in the room, and there were chains everywhere. In one corner, a prisoner was unable to hang on the wooden frame, and there was no human form. When he made a noise, the teenager exclaimed in unison.

That person is a Korean machine slave.

In the morning, he was still in charge of the hospital, and he was already qualified to return to hospital and died.

A teenager fainted on the spot, and two people stayed in the same place, and they couldn’t move in one step. They dribbled out of the liquid in the trouser legs.

There are more than ten people standing in the torture room, not just the yellow belt of the imprisonment, there are others, some even don’t wear black clothes, they don’t care about the fear of the teenagers, whoever can go into the heart-washing hospital Keeping them calm will surprise them.

Gu Shenwei felt that her legs were shaking, and there was an impulse to turn around and escape.

He is a descendant of Gu Zhong of the Central Plains. After the official residence, the playmates in the Central Plains were the sons of the generals and ministers. The torture is a legend to them.

How can it fall to this point? Is it not enough to break the family, but also want him to personally feel the most shameful death?

No one thought that there was a young master of the family, and he would not understand the feelings in his heart. The prisoner skillfully bound the six people on different wooden shelves, and began to perform whipping without asking a question. When the whip goes down, the tired slave who fainted past screamed like a pig, and then the screams rang.

No one dares to resist.

This is the rule of the hospital. No matter what you have done, you have not done anything, and you have to take a penalty. The whipping is already the lightest.

After the whipping, the inmates ordered the teenagers to speak, but did not say what they wanted to know.

The teenagers rushed to confess, and said everything, even if they once gave the Korean machine a tea, they said that they thought that the person who was involved in the accident was the hospital of the hospital.

Next, the inmates asked the teenagers to talk about the missing slaves and the slaves, which led to a bunch of fine details.

Although they are all nonsense, the people who are in prison are still not revealing. They just want to find loopholes from these nonsense and see who is the real insider.

Before the sentence was still soft, the whip was beaten down, but the fear of Gu Shenwei disappeared. The pain of the flesh was just pain, which was insignificant compared with the pain hidden in his heart.

However, he also yelled and confessed confessions. This is the first time he has entered the torture chamber. The first time he faced the prisoner, but his heart was surprisingly clear and clear, and all kinds of tricks were clear in his eyes. He wanted Pretending to be no different from ordinary teenagers, while observing in secret.

The people who ask questions are all small, and the real power is only two people, all standing in the distance, it seems that things are not related to themselves.

One of the yellow belts in black is tall and thin, and the complexion is gloomy. It is obviously the governor of the heart-washing hospital. The other person is wearing a gray robes, very short and thin, and has a thoughtful expression on his face, like a scholar.

They are not equipped with the iconic narrow knife of the killer.

The interrogation was over, and the people who took the penalty were relegated to one side. It turned out that the two people were open to judgment.

"They can't say anything, the two slaves are acting alone." The thin yellow belt is the first to talk, and the teenagers are loose.

"Well, it seems to be the case, but don't care too much. Some children are also very insidious, especially when there are adults to teach them." The thin, gray robes casually said, with a smile on his face. It seems that he is not talking about things, but pointing out a general fact.

"It is also possible that these children have not entered the for a long time, and there are not many adults. It is easy to find out the people behind them. You said, Mr. Guo?"

The gray robes, known as "Mr. Guo", showed a very clear expression of surprise. "The knife master, you misunderstood what I meant. I just thought that I can't easily believe these little guys. Han Shiqi is a killer. A teenager, it seems unlikely that he wants to count him."

Han Shiqi is a real name, and most of the Jinpengbao killers are not famous, so there is no need to use fake names when performing tasks.

Shen knife master and Mr. Guo have had differences. The former seems to want to make big things small, while the latter wants to dig deep.

Gu Shenwei reminded himself that if he can live out of the ghost garden, he should inquire about it. Every contradiction inside Jinpengbao may help the revenge.

The interrogation was carried out intermittently, but there was no focus. The prisoner seemed to be in the east. Gu Shen had a feeling that this was intentionally arranged. Every time the teenagers mentioned Xue Niang and the eight grandmothers, the prisoners would not Asked, the clever teenager has already realized something, and no longer mentions the things in the eight main houses.

I don't know how long it took. Shen Zhou and Mr. Guo left and returned several times. The two did not open their mouths any more. They did not show any differences and contradictions, but no one else would blame each other.

The eight lords of the Shangguan wrath have also come once. This is Gu Shen’s second time to see the enemies who have smashed the door. The distance is farther and the chance of revenge is even worse.

Shangguan’s anger only looked at it. He left without saying anything. During the period, he nodded to the main knife and turned a blind eye to Mr. Guo. Mr. Guo was respectful and respectful.

Probably at midnight, several black people rushed in without saying hello, threw a thing on the ground, and immediately quit after the sinking of the knife master and Mr. Guo.

That thing is a living person, looking up, the first person to look at is Gu Shenwei.

The slave was arrested.

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