Death Sutra

Chapter 24: Present

The case of Jinpengbao killer Han Shiqi’s death soon came to light, and how to deal with related people has become a headache for many people.

The eight lords of the Shangguan anger were unfavorable, and there were already enough things that did not go well. Han Shiqi was the killer in his hospital. The two murderers were the dowry slaves brought by his newlywed wife.

Half rely on all sorts of gossip, and half rely on his own analysis, Gu Shen can roughly guess what happened in the suffocating three days.

When the slaves were arrested, the other six teenagers were immediately sent back to the salary court and were imprisoned again. The news was not available. Only one meal was given every day. The two bodies were not treated, and they began to rot. The taste gradually spread throughout the yard and drilled. The room where the teenagers live.

For three days, they all spent time in fear, whiplash and crusade, and each of them uncovered the hard battle, and one silently awaited the final verdict. This is the last time that several "worship brothers" trust each other and support each other.

Gu Shen is especially nervous in his heart. He doesn't know what the slaves will offer.

The shackles of the slaves in the underground court of the heart-washing court have already scared him. Under the torture of all kinds of tricks, most people who are older than the slaves and strong will will confess.

Until noon on the fourth day, the West Gate was finally opened, and the payroll hospital ushered in a new hospital.

The first thing the new hospital took over was to open the East Gate and handle the two bodies.

The corpse had already produced mites, and it was disgusting to watch. The teenagers were elated and lively and seemed to show that they were forgiven.

Sure enough, after the room of the corpse was thoroughly cleaned, the new hospital announced that the salary reserve would be reopened, and the teenagers would continue their old duties and everything would remain the same.

In fact, everything has changed.

The new hospital refused to live in the payroll hospital, and went early and late. When the time was gone, the gates were locked firmly. The young people’s actions were more restricted than before. Even the young lady was asked to cancel the morning, and the water in the fort was cancelled. The guards were also strengthened, and all the empty buckets that were temporarily unused were removed.

One of the first wounded ushered in after the reopening of the pay hospital was a former Han machine slave. He suffered a much heavier torture than the teenagers, but he picked up a life and other wounded. They were thrown into the cliffs, and only he slowly recovered.

However, the Hanji slave became silent. He often did not speak all day. He lost his backing and lost his position. The future is unpredictable. One night, he just got up and walked, and he used his belt to hang himself. Hanging on the door frame of the West Gate, dangling, was discovered the next morning.

His death was not shocked. No one asked. The teenagers threw the body into the cliff. Some even complained that the front yard was not thoughtful enough. Since he wanted to commit suicide, why not jump directly from the cliff?

Another day, the teenagers saw the body of the slaves, and they were lifted to the ghosts by the two black men.

Gu Shen, who has long been acquainted with the dead, did not hold back, vomited, and other teenagers also turned back, pale face, and did not eat all day.

Within two days, Xie Nu was also arrested. The boy resisted too much. The killers had to kill him directly. The corpse was thrown in the wilderness. His confession was not important at the time.

The slaves took everything in the heart-washing hospital, except that the younger brother did not mention others.

He confessed that the assassination plan was made by himself. When the sharp knife was nailed under the bed, and then the man was pulled by the slave, he rolled over and went into the bottom of the bed to kill the enemies who were enjoying themselves.

Everything is in line with the fact that Han Shiqi’s things have been found in the slaves.

Not only that, but in the end, it was found out that the slaves and the slaves were originally the orphans of the Daxue Mountain. Because the struggle between the internal peaks and the death of the parents was only sold as a slave, the one who killed the flying eagle at the T-junction The dragon's fit is basically the same as the brothers, but it belongs to different peaks.

Daxueshan and Jinpengbao have always been inconsistent, and they are dead.

Gu Shenwei is a person who does not understand Daxueshan very much. The powerful foreign enemies are currently killing you and living inside.

The origins of the brothers added a hint of conspiracy to the death of Han Shiqi. The six teenagers in the payroll were once again questioned and asked to explain their own lives.

This time they did not take them to the heart of the hospital, but the teenagers have long been a bird of surprise, and once they have asked, they have clearly explained the experience of more than a decade since their birth.

Gu Shenwei certainly can't tell the truth, and it is too difficult to make a temporary make-up. So he borrowed the life of the slave, so that he became a servant of a Western businessman. Once he encountered a robber with his master. Being defamed as a slave.

Before the death of slaves, the words that were said before the death were repeated, and Gu Shenwei had to re-touch it. The result was very successful. In the end, he even believed in this experience.

The only problem is that his words can't stand the testimony. The difference between his appearance and the sharp face is too obvious.

However, no one went to find a Western businessman who was confronted thousands of miles away. Gu Shenwei secretly worried about it for ten days and confirmed that he had successfully passed.

The storm gradually subsided, and no one doubted that there was a third accomplice, and there was still a force in the dark to make this case end as soon as possible, reducing the scope of the impact.

Gu Shenwei’s contradictory signs observed in the torture room are not wrong. The thin and heavy knife’s main name is Shen Forg, the master of the heart-washing court, and the relative of the eight-man lord’s wrath. He represents the interests of the nephew and uses his hands. The power of the power is small.

The thin and short Mr. Guo is from the White House in Dongpu. Although he has no relative relationship with any of the young masters, he is recognized to be close to the five masters and he wants to expand the case to combat the influence of the eight masters.

The four words "five-eight do not" are almost universally known in Jinpengbao. It is said that the mothers of the two young masters are in the same situation, and they pass their hatred to their sons after death.

In the above view, the eight-man lord Shangguan anger won this round. The key is that the one-man sergeant did not want to go out of control. A killer was assassinated by two teenagers. The place was inside Jinpengbao and spread out. It is a big scandal.

The Jinpengbao Lord is not willing to pursue it, and naturally no one will dare to make a living.

However, the position of Shangguan’s anger in his father’s mind was so low that he couldn’t be lower. The eight sons were not only unable to take charge of a killer team, and even managed the housekeeping in their own home. This made the One-Step King extremely disappointed.

Jinpengbao is not a piece of iron. It is not helpful for Gu Shenwei to understand this. He is now trapped in the payroll hospital and deals with the dead every day. There are only five chilling partners around him, and they rarely talk to each other. .

After marrying ten teenagers with the young lady, it took more than a month to die, and even four people died. Even in the Jinpeng Fort, which is a "dead person", this is also a high-spirited proportion, and the teenagers are filled with one. The stock is full of pessimism.

It is in this case that Gu Shenwei found herself isolated.

The other five teenagers often hid behind him, whispering behind him, and showing a fear to the slaves.

This makes Gu Shenwei very inexplicable. He has not bullied anyone, nor has he betrayed anyone. He also lives at the bottom of Jinpengbao. He does the lowest level of work. He does not understand why he has become an alternative.

Many days later, he realized that he was different.

Although his manners are disguised, he is still different from the children in the mountains. He does not sit casually. He habitually washes his hands frequently. He recognizes the words. He always stands on his waist when he walks...

He will also be martial arts, not as good as the killer in the fort, but the teenagers are not his opponents.

He is not afraid of ghosts calling the cliffs. He often goes there alone, sometimes practicing, sometimes sitting, and others are afraid of this place. In addition to throwing the body, they never take a step.

When the evil slaves of the evil spirits died, only he stayed with him. The slaves and the slaves once wanted to exorcise him. As a result, they were assassinated by their own "middle evils". They thought about it, and even the earliest dead slaves seemed to be related to the slaves. At that time they were always together.

This is the idea of ​​the five teenagers. Gu Shen was a bit annoyed at first, but soon relieved, and this is also good, he can practice without interference.

The more than a month that entered Jinpengbao was the hardest time of his life practice. Since the whereabouts of the quick success method was unknown, he had to pin all his hopes on normal practice.

It is not too late for a gentleman to avenge himself. He has given up the idea of ​​revenge as soon as possible.

As long as no one recognizes the identity of the young master of the family, he can wait patiently until Hehe is doing his best. Ten years is not enough for 20 years. The enemy is still young and will live to that time.

On the tenth day of the reopening of the payroll court, the teenagers who were obviously more and more afraid of the slaves were "sent" to him with an unexpected joy.

On that day, the hospital did not receive the injured. The new hospital locked the Dongyuan Gate and left. Gu Shen used this opportunity to go to the ghost to call the cliff practice, and then went back to the hospital to eat.

The other teenagers are hiding from him, so he usually goes back to the house to eat. This is no exception, but this time he has one more thing on his bedding.

A piece of white, with words on it.

Gu Shen almost fell the bowl in his hand to the ground.

He rushed over, put down the bowl, picked up the white scorpion, and looked at the first line of words, knowing that this is the quick way to get together.

He read it greedily, refused to eat, and refused to think about the origins of day.

After reading it, Gu Shenwei was disappointed.

This is indeed a quick method such as a fake replacement, but far from his imagination, "fast", if the normal training and harmony, the need for yin and yang to reach the ninth floor, in order to meet the dragon and tiger, according to the rapid success method, you can Any level of yin and yang is combined, but the power is not the same.

The words on the day are very clear. Both the yin and the yang reach the third level. After the combination, the power of the yin and the yang will reach the fifth level. If you want to be invincible, you must practice more than seven layers.

It is said that it is a quick success. In fact, the speed is limited.

The father Gu Luan has been practicing for decades, and the yin and yang are the fifth layer. Gu Shen has just trained to the first level and wants to learn something. I don’t know what year and month.

However, Gu Shenwei still carefully hides the white cockroaches, thinks about it, finds out, and uses the afternoon time to turn the above-mentioned syllabic words back and forth, and then tear the white scorpion into pieces and throw off the cliff.

From then on, there was no written record in Gu's family biography, and there was only the mind of the only descendants.

Now, Gu Shen has time to think about who will return the day.

This person is naturally one of the other five teenagers. He keeps important items for the slaves, even if he is tortured in the heart-washing court.

Gu Shen has to find this person.

As for whether it is grateful or removed, it can only be suspended.

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