Death Sutra

Chapter 25: Exposure

It is not easy to find out who is returning to the day. Gu Shenwei has very little contact with the other five teenagers, and can't directly ask questions. He can only secretly observe and analyze.

A few people were first excluded. The slaves, the slaves and the slaves were formerly Hanji slaves. Later, they took two boats and cast them on the slaves. It seems that the slaves could not hand over important items to the three.

The only remaining ones are Xinnu and slaves, who have been his faithful followers when they were alive. Xinnuo is relatively small, and she was scared of diaper pants in the heart-washing hospital. If he kept the day, he would definitely confess.

In this way, only the suspicion of slagging is the biggest.

The slaves and Gu Shen are the same age. They are a precocious and relatively convergent teenager. When they are flattering, they are just right, which makes the other party happy, and at the same time does not make themselves appear too mean.

Gu Shenwei thinks that the more he wants to be a slave, the person who returns to the white sorrow. If there is no direct evidence, he can't find him a showdown. Especially when the showdown is not good, Gu Shen does not want to have a way to kill another person. Open the secret of the day, you may wish to wait and see.

However, Gu Shen has always had a jealousy in her heart. She does not know how to write a slave. Therefore, she will not know what is written on the day. The slave will probably not tell him, but he has mastered a secret. This secret can be maintained. How long does it take?

Gu Shen continued to secretly observe the every move of slavery until it was interrupted by something he could not think of.

After nearly a month after the resumption of the payroll, it may be that the storm has been settled, and the young lady asked the teenagers to ask her for peace.

The six teenagers were still taken away by Xue Niang. The new hospital management was smooth and not only blocked, but also very humble about the attitude of the eight-grandmother.

In the Eighth House of Lords, the teenagers and other servants have experienced a stormy curse, accusation and crying.

Because of the death of Han Shiqi, the daughter of Datoushen was also affected. The slaves and the slaves were brought by her. At least there was the responsibility of oversight. The cause of the assassination was so ugly. It was like the young lady who intended to sacrifice herself and please her husband. The killer.

This is certainly not a fact, but it does not hinder the spread of the wind and the wind.

The lady felt that she had been wronged by the big day, especially the husband’s Shangguan anger turned out to be cold to her. It was this daughter of the bandit who brought bad luck.

The lady shed tears behind the screen, accusing everyone of being ungrateful, even claiming that she would return to her father tomorrow, and let the big **** punish everyone here.

It was not easy for Xue Niang and several close-fitting rings to persuade the lady.

Gu Shenwei looked at the ground and thought that the young lady did not agree: the matter has passed for a month. She did not leave at that time. At this time, she could not go, not to mention Jinpengbao. Even the daughter of Datoushen could not come and go.

This is a pampered, stupid woman, not as much as one of her sister Gu Cuilan, Gu Shen is secretly judging Luo Ning tea.

On this day, after the servants repeatedly swear allegiance to the loyal lady, everyone else can leave, but Gu Shenwei was appointed to stay.

The person giving the instructions is Xue Niang.

Gu Shenwei was not too surprised. He had waited for this day. Xue Niang once admitted that she had taught her internal skills to the slaves and took all the responsibility for causing the slaves to go into flames. There must be a reason.

After the crowd dispersed, Gu Shenwei followed Xue Niang to the backyard and had the opportunity to enter the room for the first time.

In a room, a thick screen has been set up. The lady is sitting behind, and the rings are all dismissed. Only the girl who is blind and blind is waiting around. She can listen but can’t say she can’t read or write. , is the best person to keep secrets.

After treating the female slave in a cruel manner, she treated it as a confidant. The young lady did not feel any contradiction at all.

Xue Niang ordered the slave to swear, then said to the lady behind the screen: "It is him."

After the screen was silent for a while, the young lady seemed to be looking at the teenager in front of her, although she could only see a shadow of the shadows across the screen.

"I really killed the madman?" Miss could not remember the boy who had practiced martial arts in the courtyard, only the impression of his crazy laughter.

Although Gu Shenwei was prepared, she was still surprised by the directness of the lady. The killing of the slaves must not be acknowledged. "Not me, I..."

Xue Niang kicked under his threat, her toes were as hard as the fingers, Gu Shenwei only felt that the internal interest was stagnant, and the latter half could not be said.

"Shut up." Snow Niang ordered coldly, then eased her tone and said to the lady behind the screen: "It is him, never wrong."

"He also let the madman die like an accident?" There was no anger and accusation in the voice of the lady, but it was a bit curious.

"He is a little smart."

"Insidious and poisonous." Miss said the words in a word, but did not bring the slightest feelings, as if lying outside the screen is a ferocious wild dog, supported by her, subject to her.

"Yes, sinister and sinister, it is the person Miss wants."

For a while, no one in the room spoke, Gu Shenwei’s brain was spinning fast, what did the lady want to be “insidious and poisonous”? What benefits can he get from it?

"That's him." Miss finally spoke. "But make sure he is loyal."

The daughter of the Big Head God is not too stupid. The usual vows of the servants only exchange her happiness, and she can't change her true trust.

"This is easy." Xue Niang said confidently and turned to Gu Shen to start asking questions.

"Have a slave, say your real name."

"Yang Huan."

"Hey, you call Yang Huan, it’s a coincidence that you have been a slave after entering the fort."

"Yes, it's very good, but this is my real name."

“Where did you live?”

"Shu Le City, the owner surnamed Lin..."

Xue Niang kicked another foot under his threat. "I dare to lie in front of me and say, what is your relationship with Zhongyuan Gu?"

Gu Shen was shocked in his heart and he was seen.

It must have been that he taught the secret of the slave to reveal the secret, but Xue Niang knew that he was related to Gu, but did not confess to the eight chiefs.

Many things are gathered in Gu Shen's mind. Like a cloud of clouds, he has to make a quick decision, a bold decision.

"Miss forgives sin, Xue Niang sins, the little slave lie, the little slaves have to..."

"Less nonsense, tell the truth."

"The little slave is indeed called Yang Huan, and his father Yang Lan is the head of the family."

"A son of a teacher can also learn from Gu’s family to pass martial arts?"

"Home..." has already thought of acting in accordance with the identity of a servant's son, paying attention to changing his self-proclaimed, but almost telling his father, "the family's martial arts function, the slaves of the slaves, and the loyalty of the master Gu Lu It is called the master servant, but it is a brother. Therefore, the exception was awarded the family's internal strength and the knife and the gun. The father also gave me some privately, but only the fur, the little slave also did not get home."

"Listen to be a bit like the truth, I have to try how many 'leathers' you have learned."

Xue Niang's hard palm pressed on Gu Shenwei's back neck, and a burning inside broke into his body violently, ramming straight, and forced the belly of Dantian.

Gu Shen's internal strength is shallow, and the yin and yang have just trained to the first level. They are far from being free to use, and they are steeply oppressed. They wait for the master's hard work and spontaneously resist and expose the roots.

Compared with the strength of Xue Niang, it is too weak, like a glass of water pouring into a raging fire.

Gu Shenwei only felt that the whole body was shocked. Dantian seemed to burst in an instant. He didn't understand anything, and he fainted.

When he woke up, he heard the lady curiously asked:

"Is he dead?"

"No, he didn't lie this time. He did only learn the fur. The slaves looked for such a half bottle of vinegar and they really blinked."

Gu Shen was a little bit in the heart and a little blushing.

"Say, what purpose do you have in the Jinpeng Fort?"

"I want to avenge the blasphemy." Gu Shen said, "I want to make the voice sorrowful. It is not difficult for him. The person who listens thinks that he is talking about Yang Lan. He thinks about his true father. Gu Lun.

"It’s eight masters who kill you."

Xue Niang’s voice was cold and not affectionate. When she heard her, the young lady behind the screen suddenly gave a short laugh, as if she had heard a joke, but she was embarrassed to laugh.

"No, I was killed outside the village, and the person who killed him was a killer. This killer is... the hand of the eight masters."

"You might as well avenge my husband, so that I can return to Tieshan." Miss said quietly.

"Miss! Take back your words. You are now a member of the Shangguan family. You will never change your life after you have never changed your life."

Xue Niang's tone is very strict, as if reprimanding a little girl who is not sensible, and her usual respectful attitude is like two people, there are not many outsiders, she does not have to pay special attention to the master and servant.

The young lady did not regard Xue Niang as an ordinary servant. She snorted dissatisfiedly and did not have an episode. He whispered:

"I don't need to say it, of course I know."

Xue Niang turned to the slave, "If I hear you chewing on the tongue, I will leave you alive and leave the cliff."

"Don't dare, the little slaves didn't hear anything, the little slaves were loyal to Miss and Snow Maiden, and God can learn."

This series of "small slaves" will destroy the last trace of self-esteem in Gu Shen's heart. "Gu Jia Xiao Shaoye" has nothing to do with him since then and will never come back.

This also does not need to choose, still do that Gu Jiaxiao young master, can not find the whereabouts of his sister, can not report the death of the door.

"Hey, by yours, you have been fighting for a hundred years, but you are not a host of eight fingers. Who is the killer of your father? Is that Han Shiqi?"

"No, the little slave still doesn't know who the enemy is."

Xue Niang walked around Gu Shen for two laps and observed it carefully, as if a savvy businessman was looking at the goods to be bought.

"You want to take revenge, it is not impossible, but now you have to stop, you are not allowed to act privately, and you are not allowed to investigate. If you perform well, Miss naturally rewards you, do you understand?"

"Understood, the little slaves are willing to go to the fire for Miss and Snow Maiden. There is no such thing."

"From today, you have to learn to use Wuyuan as a substitute for the slaves. After one month, I will send you into Dongbao as an apprentice. In the future, you will become a Jinpeng killer. If you can’t succeed, you will be self-contained. If you dare to have two hearts Dare to have a slight violation, your father's end is your end. Remember, Xue Niang wants to kill, there is no need to conspiracy, and there is no need to inform."

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