Death Sutra

Chapter 26: Xi Wu

Gu Shen left with Xue Niang to study martial arts on the same day.

The two are not masters and apprentices, nor are they friends, but they are taught seriously and one learns hard.

Gu Shen is very clear in her heart. The goal of Xue Niang and Miss is not just to provide a killer apprentice for Jinpengbao. They firmly hold his handle and definitely have other pictures, but before they make a final request, he will have a temporary Security.

This is really a strange combination. Gu Shenwei claimed to be Yang Huan. The revenge of the spearhead is likely to point to the eight lords of the Shangguan wrath. The Luo Ning tea, which is the eight-grandmother, did not even care. Xue Niang did not go deep into it and easily believed this. Set of rhetoric, and he, a murderous year of killing, but rely on two women with a ghost to ensure their own safety.

There is one more thing that is beyond the expectation of Gu Shenwei. It’s not just him who follows Xue Niang’s martial arts.

Jinpengbao’s naming of female slaves is similar to that of male servants. It is also a word selected from “Thousand Characters”. The only difference is that the suffix is ​​“female”.

One of the ten virgins bought by the big-headed **** was one of the ten virgins who bought the martial arts with Gu Shen.

This is a silent girl. If she doesn't look too serious, she can be called a beautiful woman. She always looks like a meditation, and she is alert to everything around her, especially paying attention to listening to Xueniang. In a word, observe every movement of Xue Niang.

From the perspective of Xue Niang, the Dutch woman is an excellent disciple.

Gu Shen had never mentioned her to the distant slave.

The sharp-faced teenager mentioned how other girls are, but there is no lotus girl. This is extremely rare behavior for the flaunters who like to talk about it.

Xue Niang's method of teaching martial arts is completely different from that of her family. On the first day, she did not demonstrate a trick. She let the two "disciples" of men and women fight, not until the point, but to fight.

Gu Shen was kicked down by the sudden kick of the first move. Only then did she understand that the Dutch woman was really moving, and she understood that the slaves had been injured often.

The Dutch woman does not have the foundation of martial arts. It is only with good savvy and a sturdy spirit that she will follow Xue Niang in a few days.

Gu Shenwei still wants to hide his strength at the beginning, but in the end he has to make every effort to make the first layer and the strength all play out, in order to be barely tied.

The Dutch woman did not practice her internal skills at all, but her experience in combat was much richer than that of Gu Shen.

Only for less than half an hour of practice, Gu Shenwei has been sweating, and the atmosphere inside Dantian is surging.

Xue Niang always pointed at the side, but most of them were directed at the lotus girl, and the slaves left on the first day, she did not give advice until the end, or the order:

"Forget the tricks you have learned and practice your inner strength. If you want to enter Dongbao and live to be a killer, you have to practice hard."

That afternoon, Xue Niang went to serve the lady, and let the Dutch girl teach the slaves to "Vohu Boxing."

I can’t beat a girl of the same age as myself. It’s enough to have a face, and I’m going to learn boxing with her. It’s even more so that Gu Shen’s self-confidence, especially the attitude of the woman’s indifference, is not much to say, like Very reluctant.

However, after returning to the payroll in the evening, Gu Shen’s experience was unexpected.

The new hospital took the initiative to speak with Huannu, and encouraged him to tell him that he would not have to deal with the wounded in the hospital.

The other five teenagers also wore a sly smile and greeted the return of the "worshiping brothers". The tired slaves even helped him to smash the cockroaches on his body. The attitude changed greatly, making Gu Shen unable to accept it for a while.

His focus is on slavery.

As always, the slaves are also good, but there are not many words. They often say a sentence when they are going to be cold, giving people a feeling, as if he is the leader of a small group.

Gu Shenwei decided to temporarily put down the day, he must concentrate on learning Wu, both to enter Dongbao as a killer apprentice, but also to deal with the two women.

Jinpengbao seems to be a King Kong mountain. It is indestructible. When you look at it, you can see small cracks. Gu Shen has already touched a few, but it is not enough for the revenge industry. He will continue to deepen until the intersection of all the cracks. At the office.

Gu Shen is now able to practice martial arts in a bright and straightforward manner. In addition to eating and sleeping, he will spend almost all his time practicing martial arts. Even if he returns from Xue Niang, he will go to the ghost to call the cliff to practice and work together. He wants to waste the ten. All the time in the coming year will be recovered.

Xue Niang is eager to hope that the two teenagers she will recommend will be outstanding in Dongpu, so the supervision is extremely strict, and even the internal strength of the slaves is rebuilt. She is also a replay of the tragedy of the slaves.

Xue Niang is not like Gu Lun. When she teaches internal strength, she is gradual and steady, and she is not seeking for stability. She is almost violently promoting the slaves to improve their internal strength.

Gu Shen is practicing a peace and harmony in front of her every day. She pokes a finger on him from time to time. Every time she hits a different acupoint, she enters a hegemonic heat to help him get through the meridians.

This is naturally beneficial to the practice of internal strength, but it is also very painful. In a few days, Gu Shenwei has been all over the body, and can not find a comfortable posture at night.

It’s even more painful to have a daily training with the Dutch women. This silent girl has had an inexplicable hatred from the beginning of Huannu, and she waited until she was alone to help him practice his internal strength. .

Gu Shenwei has never been so hated.

He was very upset about this, and it was followed by an anger and disappointment. He wanted to press the lotus girl.

When studying Fuhuquan, this goal is difficult to achieve. Gu Shen is not very good at fists and feet. It is nearly two months late for the girl under the snow, but after ten days, Xue Niang teaches the knife, the situation is Not the same.

The date of Dongbao’s annual recruitment of new apprentices is approaching. In order to keep up with the progress, Xueniang must teach as much martial arts as possible in a short time. She reminds the slaves and the daughters:

"Practicing martial arts, the fists are the foundation, the body is light and healthy, and then learning other weapons naturally, but the fists are just the foundation. Don't expect to use it to fight with people. No matter how good your fists are, hold a sharp blade. It will make you stronger. Someone defeated the sword and the sword with bare hands, because the strength difference between the two sides is too big, not the fist is better than the weapon. Remember, you must be a killer, killing people, your opponent is not You choose, but are appointed by the customer, so you should never think of winning the knife with a fist. Only the knife wins the knife and the knife wins the box."

Xue Niang's own practice is the iron finger, which is not suitable for her theory. But she is not a killer, she does not want to be a killer, and she serves the lady in the deep house compound all the year round. It does not need a sword.

Gu Shen is very familiar with the family, but he has said that he can't learn from home, so he deliberately hides.

Fortunately, Xue Niang does not care. She teaches the actual knife method. There is no fixed routine. There are a total of eighteen styles. Each type is very simple, or it is cut or stabbed or stabbed. It is rarely changed, but after practicing, Xue Niang asked the two to combine the eighteen styles themselves, and they could evolve countless new recruits.

Xue Niang said that this set of knives is the "Tieshan Knife Method", which is one of the martial arts of Tieshan gangs.

Gu Shenwei feels that the Tieshan knife method is not as good as his own knife method, but he wins in the easy-to-learn and understands the change. He occasionally adds one or two strokes to the family knife method when he combines the eighteen styles, and even the connection is smooth, sometimes there is an unexpected effect. .

For the Dutch woman, this is a difficult time. Before that, she didn’t even take the real knife. It’s just a few days to familiarize with the posture of the knife and the force method. Therefore, she is far away from the fight. Behind, sometimes the gap is too big, Xue Niang had to personally enter the game against the slaves.

The Dutch woman became more silent and gloomy. Gu Shen saw that she was already practicing the knife every time she came, and she still couldn’t leave her hand when she left.

Gu Shenwei’s progress in Hehe’s strength is also very fast. One month passed, he even smashed two levels, and both yin and yang reached the second level.

Since entering Jinpengbao, Gu Shen has never felt so good, and the confidence of revenge has greatly increased. Although he is now separated from the final goal by a thousand mountains and rivers, he can already see the highest mountain.

He wants to be the strongest killer and avenge his killers.

When the daughter of Datoushen is bored, she will come to see the martial arts taught by Xue Niang. Of course, she still has to be separated by the screen. Many of her habits in Tieshan have been forced to give up. Only this one insists that not only men other than husbands are forbidden to see her. Even the general women in the fort can't see her true.

It is said that the lady wants to wear a few layers of yarn to her mother-in-law every day. It is not difficult to understand why the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law is so bad.

When Gu Shenwei and the lotus woman practiced the Iron Mountain Knife Law, Miss sometimes commented a few words, saying that the four people who are close to the body will use their words to recall the happy time with the young lady.

From these memories, Gu Shenwei discovered that Miss Wu is not a martial art. Tieshan is not a real place name. Where is the camp? The place is called Tieshan, and the Snow Maiden is not a real breastfeeding woman. She is When she was a few years old, she joined the gang.

The day when Dongbao recruited the killer apprentice just entered the autumn, and the first frost of the year was lowered the night before, the sky was gloomy, and the air above the peak was very fresh.

Xue Niang personally took the slaves and the lotus girl to the East Fort.

There are many buildings in the fort, and the lanes are like a labyrinth. If it is not led by someone, it is difficult for outsiders to walk, and the time for entering the castle is not too long. Xue Niang knows the complicated path. Gu Shen is not surprised.

Dongbao and Xibao have the same number of courtyards. Xue Niang took two people into a small yard. Like many places in Jinpengbao, the small courtyard after a hundred years of wind and rain has been defeated, but behind the long table. The registered Mr. is still majestic, and people feel that the strength of Jinpengbao is not in the house.

Mr. Mean looked up and glanced at it. This is the first new apprentice. There is no ink left on his book.

"Which hospital?"

"eight less masters."


"The lotus girl."


Mr. Ming asked questions, the content is complicated, and even the martial arts that have been learned are recorded one by one. The problem is all Snow Maid's answer. Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman only need to wait quietly.

Everything went well, and the Dutch girl became the first killer apprentice to record this year.

At this time, two or three new apprentices came again, and the small courtyard seemed a bit crowded.

It was Gu Shenwei's turn. Everything went smoothly. The name of Huannu was written on the book. It was only the last few items. When asked about the martial arts, there was a flaw.

"Have he learned internal strength?"

"Well, I learned a little about the introductory method." Or Xue Niang answered for him, his brow slightly wrinkled.

The recorded Mr. bowed his head and crossed out the records under the name of the slaves in the book, then raised his head and said:

"He can't enter the East Fort."

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