Death Sutra

Chapter 243: chill

Gu Shen did not say that there is a Dutch woman around, he must not be tempted to use things. Shangguan is an excellent example: after the master becomes weak, he will be countered by the servant.

The Dutch woman is not his servant, but one of the most important reasons why she is willing to follow the slave is that he has a calm, ruthless killer trait, and he cannot lose it.

This is a dull screening. It seems that they will meet each other the next morning. Shangguan feels like there is a lot to say in his heart, but after being turned into a real statement, it is simply not worth mentioning. She just doesn’t want him. When she died, she was blocked in the house. She would rather have the knife on her neck and protect the people around her. That's all.

Gu Shenwei put on a full set of killer lines, wrapped in a knife and two swords, sandwiched under the arm, ready to go, once again looking at the dark tweezers, said: "I am gone."

Shangguan nodded and watched the two remaining killers leave. Suddenly he wanted to cry. So he took a deep breath and prevented the tears from flowing. She was a killer, not a child. Even if she could not kill, she would not change. How sentimental.

Although there is a waist card, it is not so easy to escape from the stone fort. Gu Shen has made a plan with the Dutch woman and did not tell Shangguan.

The two first left the house in the first place, and soon found someone tracking behind them. So they circled in the intricate streets and lanes. Gu Shen lost all her internal strength, and she had to take advantage of the terrain to familiarize herself with the terrain. I lost my tail later.

After confirming the safety, the Dutch woman carried the slaves, carefully avoided the night watchman hidden in the dark, chose the secluded path, and circled a big circle to the east cliff of the most east of the stone fort.

At the beginning, in order to kill the red-top Dapeng, which was often troubled, a towering tower was built around the stone fort. The Dapeng bird did not appear for a long time. The one-step king retired no longer asked, and the matter gradually relaxed, most of the towers No one is left unattended and becomes an abandoned building.

Gu Shen chose the Buddha Cliff Tower as a hiding place. First, because there are few people who dare to come here except for the corpse, the second is to go to the nearby Stone Cliff to take something.

The lotus girl settled on the top of the arrow tower and immediately left to execute the second part of the plan: someone had to "escape" out of the stone fort, and to lead the forgiveness, Mrs. Meng and others to the Yuyu City.

In the small flag camp, there are also members of the former "arms and slaves" who are loyal to the slaves and the daughters. They do not know that the slaves are in danger now, so they are willing to help and play a "fug" fake play.

When the lotus girl left, Gu Shenwei came out to the Great Stone Cliff. He hid his most precious things in the stone crevice. It was a bit like a little child playing tricks, but in this stone castle, He could not find other safer places.

"The Dead Man" and "The Book of Nothing" are all in the same place. Gu Shenhe hesitated for a while and put the "Dead Man" back into the original place. "The Book of Nothing" is the magic of Jinpengbao, but the "Dead Man" is For him, if the hiding plan fails, he does not want to provide a secret to the one-step king.

Back in the arrow tower, Gu Shen looked at the deep night through the arrow, and found the "No Book" copied into the paper in his arms. The seventh chapter of Shangguan’s fake is also given to him. Can no longer restrain the embarrassment of the heart, he lost the last chance, so that this time is likely to become a farewell.

Shangguan is his enemies and has sold Jinding Dapeng. This is something he can never forgive. However, she has too much trust and too much cost, which makes Gu Shen unable to feel at ease.

All because there is no internal strength, temporarily losing the influence of the "Death Man" sword, only to make themselves weak, Gu Shen as if to defend, the heart slowly hardened, just beside him, leaning against the wall to make the gods like the gods The short sword sent back reminded him of the hatred of his family.

It took a long time for the Dutch woman to sneak back. Gu Shen lost her mind and practiced no magic. He trained in the fourth chapter.

I don't know how long it took, and a chill made Gu Shen shake involuntarily, opened his eyes and woke up from meditation.

It’s Zhongqiu. Although it’s colder than the mountain, it’s not too trembling.

An impossible thought appeared in Gu Shenwei's heart. He pressed the Baihui point above his head and the acupoints on his chest. There was no reaction. The eight absurd fingers had been completely removed from these two places. Finally, he pressed his finger. Dan Tian.

A burst of pain from the inside out was spread all over the body. Gu Shen almost screamed and screamed, and tried to clench her teeth.

The killer's heart is as gray as it is, and the hidden dangers of the fire are not removed. The eight wilderness forces have been transferred from the two acupuncture points to Dantian. Before this time, he has been unable to retain the internal force, so there is no feeling, today, a weak The internal interest was finally injected into Dantian after several days of operation, and the eight-year-old force was re-energized.

Gu Shenwei feels that all this is really ironic, and she is still full of brains to defeat the grandeur of Jinpengbao. In fact, the small life is precarious.

In the early morning, the Dutch woman and the fake slave slave returned to the stone fort. The apprentice still did not understand the purpose of this weird action, but she was very excited. The woman had to kill him in the back, and the body was thrown at Dongbao, people think he died of apprenticeship.

This is not a perfect plan, but as long as the pursuers think that the slaves and the women escaped from the stone fort, they will not seriously ask the gatekeepers to enter and exit. The two killers will be safe for some time.

The lotus girl sneaked back to the Shengyao Tower when she was young in the morning, and saw the slaves who lost their souls.

"What happened?" asked the woman while wiping her face makeup.

"The eight wilderness refers to my Dantian." Gu Shenwei has been waiting for the return of the lotus girl, the situation of the two is very similar, if the Dutch woman did not completely remove the finger, then they completely failed.

It is the speculation of the two people to remove the eight-year-old finger force without the Taoist power. The invalidity may always exist.

The Dutch woman walked to the side of Huanu, and pressed on his lower abdomen for a while. "I think this is only temporary. If you have no power, you can completely remove it."

"Are you the same?"

"No, I don't have it, but I haven't done it. I think the problem is here."

Gu Shen was flustered for a moment, and was not thoughtful enough. When she heard the reminder of the lotus girl, she was very cheerful in her heart. Yes, it must be the reason for the loose work. He should not give up on himself, but continue to practice hard until he resumes his skill. .

"I was a little scared." Gu Shen was not too embarrassed to admit.

"Nothing, I haven't been able to sleep for a long time before I got the magic."

Gu Shenwei smiled, and the Dutch woman has always calmed down. It is hard to imagine that she will lose sleep because she is afraid of getting mad.

The day passed safely. At noon, an apprentice came over to bury the body. He didn't know anyone on the tower. After dropping the body, he trembled on the edge of the cliff for a while. It seemed to be crying, and then barely stood up. Put on a strong, chilly look and return.

The murderer himself came to bury the body. This is the tradition that Gu Shen created, and it has continued in Dongbao.

In addition, the two knew nothing about the things inside the fort.

In the night, the Dutch woman went out to explore a circle and saw many killers rushing away from the fort. The two men’s voices hit the West successfully. Forgiveness and Mrs. Meng’s two people thought that the slaves and the daughters escaped the stone fort. They sent people out to catch them.

The lotus girl stole a food in the kitchen. After the two had eaten, they practiced without a magical power.

Gu Shen is a little anxious in his heart. The "Death of the Dead" sword method is based on the use of the internal interest, and can be quickly killed as a lightning strike. Only when the internal force is born again can the martial arts be restored and the pursuit of the pursuit.

The Dutch woman is a good killer and assistant, but he can't rely solely on her personal protection. They are partners and they have to protect each other.

For five days, both of them hid in the arrow tower, doing nothing during the day, practicing at night, the Dutch women went out every night to patrol around, bringing back food and sporadic news.

The atmosphere in the stone fort is getting more and more tense. The one who cares for the one-step king is not responsible for the slaves, but the two ordinary killers, who escaped from the Jinpeng Fort.

Gu Shenwei is also very anxious, and sooner or later someone will think of searching for fugitives in the stone fort. He has to recover his internal strength as soon as possible.

He feels that this moment is getting closer.

Although Peng Xianren is a liar, he is still a little real and practical. The method of collectively practicing the "Sensing Secrets" after hypnosis is unique, helping Gu Shen to get through the body's meridians, and it will be of great help to practice any internal skills. .

Every time I finish a chapter without a magical power, Gu Shen will grow stronger in the internal running of the body, although it will disappear after a few weeks, but the duration is longer and longer, there is always a very small one. Part of it stays in Dantian.

The only thing that worried him was that the chill in the body was getting heavier and heavier. From the deepest part of Dantian, he spread the pain of a wave higher than a wave. Once he even fainted, he woke up and found that the lotus girl was replacing He wiped the sweat, he shivered coldly, but his forehead was wet.

This is a struggle against the time of ignoring the fire. He must practice hard and make his skill improve faster. He will press the ridiculous force in Dantian.

On the evening of the sixth day, Gu Shenwei felt particularly good. She still had no practice. There was a faint flow of internal interest within the meridians. This is a good sign that he is about to recover some of his skills and may be able to clear the hidden dangers.

The Dutch woman went out to steal food and listen to the news as usual. Gu Shen left the man in the arrow tower and silently recited the contents of the seventh chapter. Once again, she felt that the "No Book" was incomplete, and there must be chapters later.

This is probably the secret that the single-step king has mastered. Gu Shen puts this idea down, turns around, and sees a person standing on the opposite trampoline, staring at himself, not knowing how long it has been waiting.

"Flower flowers!" Gu Shen was surprised to scream, Liuhua should stay in the South City for the Shangguan, such as in charge of the 鲲社, how come here?

"are you ready?"


"Ready to die, for this day, I have to wait for it to go crazy."

(Seeking for advice)

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