Death Sutra

Chapter 244: Flow flower

Flowing flowers carrying common bows and arrows, the strange thing is that there is a sword hanging under the waist.

Gu Shenwei looked at him and wondered how he had offended the marksman. How did he find his own? "When you make a great contribution, who will give you a reward, forgive me or Madame Meng?"

He snorted with disdain. He looked a little excited, and he tried to stay calm. He was judged to be the same as the hidden teenager in the weekdays. "I am not like you, willing to be obedient to the ten sons. I am There is no master, just do things for yourself."

"It turns out that you are a wild dog."

"Oh, I always think that the effort on your lips is better than your sword."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, why don't you do it? You don't look like a killer."

For a moment, the eyes of the flowing flower seem to shoot out the fire, penetrate the darkness, and force the slaves to the opposite side. "Just killing you can't make me hate, I have to let you know why you die."

"Listen to listen." Gu Shen is very willing to delay the time, the lotus girl will come back at any time, only she can save herself.

"I've been protecting you all the time." When he said this, he licked his teeth and seemed to be chewing and chewing.

"The person who saved me in the governor's government was really you."


"The person who stabbed Ye Silang in the rouge forest is also you."

"You remember it."

Gu Shenwei will certainly not forget that when he and Ye Silang made the first duel, his heart was not particularly bottomless. Suddenly a mysterious swordsman stabbed Ye Silang, causing the duel to end, which helped him. A busy, but he can not think of it, the person who will shoot is a streamer, "sealing the flow of flowers" and even the knife method is general, how could it be superb swordsmanship?

Is it a lotus girl...

Gu Shen was hit hard in her heart, and her head was dizzy. She had to stand on the wall and barely stood.

"You start to understand." Flowing flowers like a cat that is afflicting prey, showing a cruel smile, with a crazy urgency in the voice, as if wishing to cut the other's chest and see what his heart is broken into.

"The master of the lotus girl is also killing you." Gu Shen became hoarse for the voice, saying that these words almost exhausted all strength.

At that time, when the great disciples came to steal the magical powers, there were many deaths in Nancheng. The earliest one was the son of the lotus girl Wu Ling was killed in the brothel, and the sword wounded through, Gu Shen At that time, I looked at the sword of the "Dead Man", but afterwards I took the responsibility to the Xiaoyuetang and the Great Waste.

"The old thing, shameless, long ago damn, I really regret to kill him too late." Even if it has been so long, Liuhua is still resentful.

Gu Shen was silent for a while, and he had to slowly understand the facts thrown out by the flowers.

"It turns out that you have always loved her."

In fact, the signs have already existed. When the slaves and the wild horses broke down and were in a weak position, the lotus girl would pull the flowers together. He should understand at that time, but Liuhua once assassinated her, and no one would believe that these two people would secretly Have an affair.

"Always love, love forever, never change, if it is not for her request, I will not protect you."

Gu Shenwei could no longer support it. The chill that came out after the practice was coming early, but he had to sit down slowly and his mind was in chaos.

It is not only embarrassing to hit him, but also a huge disappointment. He thinks that the only credible person has a secret. The relationship between the lotus girl and the Liuhua must be very close. Otherwise, she will not easily turn the "Dead Man" script. Grant, that should be only the secret between the two of them.

But he himself did not admit the relatives of the Dutch women, hiding a lot of secrets, but the Dutch woman never showed concern.

"You must be thinking, 'The lotus girl loves me very much, will let Liuhua protect me,' right?" The tone of Liuhua is full of sarcasm. He will slowly taste the revenge and victory that finally arrived, so he is close to the slaves. It’s good to see the other’s hiding in the dark.

Gu Shenwei didn't know what to think. The Dutch girl occasionally showed some kind of feelings beyond the partnership, but it was fleeting. Now it seems that she protects the slaves, more like... conspiracy.

"I hope that you don't be so passionate." Huanuo does not speak, and Liuhua says it himself. The sword and blood are always the lowest form of revenge. Language is the weapon of heartache. He really can't bear to skip this stage. "She Said that the darkness is a friend of the weak, you are hiding behind the ten sons, she is hiding behind you, I am hiding behind her, in order not to cause other people's doubts, we planned to assassinate together, hey, shooting her two arrows is my life. The toughest decision. Now, as long as you die, no one will discover our true purpose."

"There is no magical power." Gu Shen said in a mutter, or it, all conspiracy and tricks are designed for it.

"She has got her hands, so you have no value." Is there any way to pull out the sword, is it more revengeful than killing the slaves with the "Death Man" sword? This is the strange martial art first discovered by Huannu, and it is most appropriate to die on it.

"Why did she not do it?" Gu Shen asked coldly. After shocking the past, what he left was only the fact that he had already known: there is no person in the world who believes, and his initial feelings about the woman are correct. He has so many words that he never mentioned to her, probably for this reason.

"She has a strange idea and wants you..."

Just said here, Liuhua’s body was eccentrically up, as if he had been tickled, but he didn’t smile, but slowly turned and slowly fell.

The Dutch woman stood behind him, holding a sword in her hand, and her expression was as cold as usual. "You should not come here."

Liuhua has been unable to speak, and even has no strength to change the expression on his face. Only his eyes show a trace of confusion and sadness. Death is in front of him. All the memories that appear in his mind are related to the girl who killed himself. When she was left out and bullied, she only expressed her friendship in private, and suggested that he concentrate on learning bow and arrow. From then on, he had voluntarily tied his fate with her and secretly hid behind her.

This is a difficult road, full of painful swamps and thorns of thorns. The martial arts apprentices are the feast of the killer master and the strong. No one can escape, but he can endure the torture imposed on himself but cannot watch. Even hearing of her humiliation, it is hatred that makes him secretly spend twice as much effort to improve bow and arrow until the apprentice killing begins.

Everyone said that "sealing flowers" killing people is reporting their own hatred. No one understands that he only kills her.

Then Huannu appeared, and Liuhua believed that she had made a trick. It is unacceptable that the two people are getting closer and closer. From the eyes of her silently watching the slaves, he sees the familiar things, it is he who looks at her. The subtle emotions that will arise.

Defamation is even stronger than hatred. Every time, when he follows the unsuspecting slaves and performs the functions of the protector in disbelief, he must suppress the impulse to shoot an arrow with great will.

Now that everything is over, he finally couldn't hold back and stood in front of her. Perhaps this is indeed his own mistake. The eyes of Liuhua turned into a bleak moment. He experienced the revenge of the language and could no longer taste it. The thrill of blood.

The lotus girl smashed the body of the flower, and threw it out from the arrow. The outside was the abyss. Liuhua was the killer of Jinpeng and had the same destination.

When she was doing these things, Gu Shenwei looked at her all the time. She only said one beginning, but there were too many confusions that bothered him.

"Flower flowers are very like you."

"We don't accept male disciples."

"It turned out that you joined the Great Wilderness Gate." Gu Shenwei gradually understood the cause and effect.

"Snowyman likes me very much." The Dutch woman replied plainly, as if the relationship between the two had not changed.

"But the Great Wilderness Gate has perished."

"The Great Wilderness Gate is just a branch of Xiaoyuetang."

Gu Shenwei smiled, "I can't think of it, you can't think of it, you are still Xiaoyuetang disciple, are they so easy to accept you?"

"Snow Niang infuse the eight hidden places in my hidden white hole, and the church master understands when he comes into contact."

"Hidden White" is not only a pun intended, but also located at the toe. It is a very insignificant acupuncture point. Xue Niang hides the absurdity in this place, which naturally shows the trust of the Dutch woman.

"The owner is that woman?"


There used to be a tall woman who insulted Shangguan and others into the evil spirits. Only Huannu and the Dutch women were spared because they had eight absurdities in their bodies. Gu Shen felt that he was really stupid, so the obvious facts did not appear earlier. I have been waiting for the sickness of the ten sons, waiting for her to steal the magical powers, waiting for her to help you."

"No, she will ask you for help."

"Oh, then I will ask you for help."


Gu Shenwei once again smiled bitterly. He used Shangguanru, and the Dutch woman was using him. The heart was very painful. He suddenly said why the death of the white rain son would have such a big impact on Shangguan. Oh, It turned out that being betrayed is such a taste.

For a long while, he slowly said: "You can kill ten sons several times."

"I have to do it all the time. I spend a lot of time in the vicinity. When necessary, he will save him. Fortunately, he has never used him. Then I know that you don't want to kill Shangguan."

Gu Shenwei no longer speaks and says that it is useless. He did not intend to let the girl know the facts. Now she does not want her to know that he wants Shangguan to die, but not to kill, but to conceal the "truth". Let her go to the fire and die, I did not expect Shangguan to give him the seventh chapter is correct, the one that the lotus girl gave him is fake, the person who is enchanted by the fire is actually himself.

The lotus girl took two hoes on the ground, wiped it on the amount of the slave, and pressed it on the lower abdomen. "You should eat something, it will be more painful in the future."

Knowing that it is useless, Gu Shenwei still couldn't help but ask her, "You have already got the magic of no way, why not escape to Xiaoyuetang to ask for help?"

"There is still nothing to do."

The calmness of the Dutch woman was once a quality that Gu Shenwei highly appreciated. Now it has become the root of his hatred. "Looking at me and dying?"


"In this case, why are you giving me no way to remove the ridiculous powers?"

"The eight absurd fingers are given to you by others, and I will let you go to the fire with your own strength."


"Because of the slave."

(Seeking for advice)

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