Death Sutra

Chapter 266: Black flag

Overnight, the Snowy Mountains gathered more than 3,000 swordsmen, many of whom were women and children who could barely pick up the epee. The five patriarchs checked and eliminated many, leaving more than two thousand people.

The confidence of the people in Daxueshan has never been so high, and they feel that the future war will be like a broken bamboo.

The old patriarch of the Shenshen Peak, the dragon eagle, changed his mind and was willing to follow the left of the Dragon King with all the remaining ethnic groups.

Gu Shenwei still decided to let him stay in the town, publicly announced that Long Yingying will be the agent of "the head of the dragon, the king of the five peaks" in Daxueshan, the general manager of everything, every three months thereafter, must be forward line Provide at least one hundred swordsmen until the death of Jinpeng Fort.

Gu Shen forgives all surviving dependants and orders them to either leave immediately or swear to join Daxueshan and break the original gangs. They are scattered within the five peaks. Many speculators immediately escape and see the situation. I am willing to stay.

After spending a total of three days in front and back, Gu Shenwei could not wait any longer. The commanding patriarchs selected a total of 200 swordsmen in proportion, prepared for four hundred horses, enough for five days of rations. He had to personally lead this. The Pioneer Camp was killed in advance to the border of Saitama City, occupying a favorable position.

It happened that on the evening of the same day, the news of the success of the Shule country and the Daxueshan came. The Shule military camp asked Daxueshan to send messengers the next day to discuss the details of the borrowing and to agree on the specific route. The Shule army should follow the supervision.

Once the agreement is signed, there is no way to violate it. Gu Shenwei and the 200 swordsmen set off in the middle of the night, and rushed through the blocked level before signing the agreement.

The Shule army thought that the war between the two sides had ended, and the guards slackened. They did not expect that there would be assaults. They could only watch the one-person rumbling gallop.

After dawn, Da Xueshan sent several messengers, with a large number of gifts, explained to the Shule Army coach that it was a group of fleeing gangsters.

Daxueshan Pioneer Camp follows the trend of the mountains, first to the east, two days later to the south, two days to continue eastward, all the way to the wilderness, the last day, in order to bypass the eastern level of the Shule country, they also climbed over A rugged hill.

On the afternoon of the seventh day, the Pioneer Camp finally reached the east of the Shule country. It was a shortage of horses. It was the most powerful swordsman sitting on the horseback. It was also crumbling. There were only half of the 400 horses left, and some people had to share a horse.

Gu Shen ordered everyone to rest on the spot, and then personally took the three swordsmen to detect the enemy.

Jinpengbao has assembled an army and occupies an excellent valley.

However, this army showed sloppy and hasty everywhere. The camp was only built in half. A large amount of wood was piled on the ground. The soldiers were all temporary hired swordsmen. They held swords and swayed the sword. No one wants to do the nailing. Rough work.

Gu Shen did not see the scout along the way, until two or three miles from the camp, only to find more than a dozen swordsmen gathered in a fire.

The knives complained about the chore they had, and they missed the wine that couldn't be finished in the camp, and then they could brag about it.

"Scrapping a big snow mountain swordsman with one hundred and two silver, I have to make a thousand and two thousand, and give me a lifetime for the rest of my life."

"Take it down, by your knife, it’s good to keep your life. Even if it’s really for you, it’s 10,000 yuan. If you don’t have a month, you have to throw it to the people’s lane. Don’t you say that you always like that?”

"Haha, well said, if it is me, I don't care what the big snowy mountain Xiaoxueshan, looking for the killer, his head is worth 100,000, even if you stay in the lane, it is enough for a year."

"The killer Yang Huan."

"Snow Mountain Dragon King."

"Magic Swordsman."

"The head of the dragon, what is the king."

"This turtle, there is only one head, and the name is quite a lot."

Everyone laughed, not knowing that "Guisun" was hiding in the grass outside a dozen steps.

Gu Shen made several gestures after the three swordsmen who were rushing. The three were puzzled. He had to whisper: "Don't move, wait for my whistle and kill."

The swordsman nodded immediately.

Gu Shenwei went around and pulled out the Wufeng knife built by the blacksmith Daga, blowing a short, slight whistle.

The swordsmen did not immediately rush out, but waited for a while, as if they were unifying, then leaping out of the grass, waving the epee, and cutting the knife to the fire.

The knives were alert when they heard the whistle, and they pulled out the knives. But they stared at Gu Shen for this side. The three swordsmen screamed and rushed out from behind, which really scared everyone.

The swordsman was extremely brave, and he broke into the middle of the swordsmen and slashed.

After getting along for nearly a year, Gu Shenwei still can't accept this kind of play. I hope that the voices of the swordsmen can be smaller and they can take care of each other.

The swordsmen slashed their swords, and Gu Shenwei waited for this moment. They quietly pulled out the grass and wandered around the knife. Every three or four steps took a stroke. The Wufeng knife was unstoppable, and most people still did not respond. When they came over, they were cut down. Some people attacked the sword and even the weapons were cut off.

After a while, the three swordsmen killed one or two people each, the killer had already killed eight, only one live mouth, scared the legs are soft, throwing away the single knife, plopping down, desperately hoeing, "Yang Ye, Yang Lord, Dragon King, forgive me, I am Xiao Ning."

The Daxueshan swordsman despised the people who had surrendered to the timid and raised the epee together. Gu Shen stopped the hand and stopped them. He did not remember the name Xiao Ning, but wanted to ask a statement.

"Do you recognize me?"

The knife guest Xiao Ning straight and squatting, like an orangutan, his hands kept patted on his chest, eagerly said: "I, Xiao Ning, Dragon King, you don't remember? I am the knives of the 鲲社, to the ten sons. When you have been a guard, you have played several hard games with you."

"Well, you are my enemy now."

Xiao Ning remembered the big words that the knives had just said, and his face was white. "Yang Ye, Dragon King, I was forced, Jinpengbao levied the whole city knife, I have a small old man, no way, Really, I am willing to follow you, you accept me."

The knives only recognize the money. The so-called levy is all a lie. Gu Shen is not broken. He asks: "How many people are there in the camp?"

"Six hundred? eight hundred, there must be eight hundred, all the swordsmen in the city, every month, three hundred and two silver hired, every day people come, I did not expect, I did not expect Dragon King to come so fast."

"Who is the commander?"

"Commander?" Xiao Ning was a bit strange to this title. After a moment of sighing, he said, "A knife master in the fort called, called Shangguan Qingqi."

Gu Shenwei is very familiar with Shangguan Qingqi. He is a close relative of the one-step king. He is the brother of the fire-fighting court and specializes in killer apprentices. The knife method is said to be very good, but Gu Shen has never seen it.

Shangguan Qingqi is in charge of the knife, indicating that Jinpengbao is more contemptuous of Daxueshan, and the swordsman is the object of training apprentices.

"Is there anyone else to turn tonight?"

"No, let us all of us, keep one night." After saying this, Xiao Ning suddenly realized that this would put himself in danger, and added: "There will be people to inspect, not necessarily when, but not necessarily, but there must be."

Gu Shen ordered the three swordsmen to leave, and the bodies were thrown into the grass to hide them. They were strictly guarded by Xiao Ning. If there were any inspectors, let Xiao Ning respond.

Nearly 200 swordsmen at the rear are still resting. Gu Shen wakes up a few people and lets them join the three swordsmen in front.

He is also very sleepy, but he can't sleep. As usual, he thinks about the upcoming battle. This is a bigger assassination. Perhaps it is more suitable for a sneak attack. It is a little difficult for the Snowman Swordsman to do this kind of thing. They are brave enough to go forward, sometimes too brave, like to fight each other, it is easy to fall into the trap.

About three or so, Gu Shen wakes up everyone, eats quickly, then throws away all unnecessary things, including dry food, clear water, tightens the horse's belly, and goes lightly. More than 50 people who lost their mounts do not participate in the charge. Gu Shenwei Let them set off in advance and go to the designated place to ambush.

Gu Shenwei has a back knife waiter, who is full of two long-handed knives and personal belongings for the Dragon King. According to the instructions of the Dragon King, he took out the black robes that the five patriarchs jointly offered, and firmly tied them to a seven-footer. On the long wooden stick, act as a banner.

The sky is still dark, and the swordsmen can only see the swaying of the flag.

"Everyone, bite the whip across his mouth."

The first command of the Dragon King was very strange. The swordsmen were inexplicable, but they regarded the Dragon King as a demigod and did not hesitate to execute orders.

"Not allowed to scream, whose whip fell out of his mouth and took the sword."

"Capture the sword" is a kind of punishment with strong humiliation for the Da Xueshan swordsman. The epee is taken away. Only after killing an enemy with bare hands can the weapon be retrieved. Even during this period, even if it is ridiculed, Nor can you fight back.

The swordsmen solemnly nodded, although they felt that the taste of the whip was not good, they still bite tightly.

"Being dawn, I will start the charge. I will call 'kill'. You can spit out the whip. How loud is it when you say it." Gu Shen said loudly: "You will all see this flag, follow it, kill. It doesn't matter, the order I gave you is to follow it until the end of the battle, I don't care if you kill a few people, the left behind, oh."

The swordsmen lifted the epee in a brush, biting the whip in their mouths, and making a squeaking noise in their throats.

More than 140 swordsmen, under the leadership of the Dragon King, rushed to the Jinpengbao camp to rush the horse.

The fire is about to go out, the knife guest Xiao Ning and several swordsmen are still there, seeing the large snowy mountain swordsmen in the dark, Xiao Ning's face is almost green, kneeling on the ground, the mouth is called "Dragon King", shaking all over Not stopping.

He can't get the sympathy of the swordsmen.

"Festival flag." Gu Shen ordered.

Xiao Ning did not understand the meaning of these two words, and did not even know that it was related to himself, but the fear in his heart suddenly rose like a flood, blocked in the throat, and could not be said in one sentence.

The waiter jumped off the horse and bite the whip in his mouth. He couldn't say the same thing. There is no need to say that he put down the black flag and laid it in front of the knife. Then he raised the epee and cut it.

Xiao Ning looked at the whole process, and his heart seemed to float a bubble, getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger, and finally slamming and breaking.

The head fell and blood sprang on the flag.

The swordsmen who kept the fire with the swordsmen learned the way of their companions, biting the whip and turning over the horse.

The morning sun was weak and the earth was scattered, avoiding the flag of the Snowy Mountains.

The black battle flag is covered with red blood, and the head of the weak is inserted at the top.

The first battle between Da Xue Shan and Jin Peng Bao is about to begin.

(Seeking for advice)

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