Death Sutra

Chapter 267: charge

The horse trotting through a meadow, without any blockage, turned over the woods, and built the Jinpengbao camp at the entrance to the valley.

The swordsmen are arranged in a tight four or five rows. The dragon king is riding in the forefront. The waiter is holding the black blood flag. Others must stare at the banner transformed from the robe. Only he must follow the dragon king firmly.

The horse was stunned with a screaming sigh of relief, spurting a white air, four hooves, and stepping on the loose soil. They had rested fully, and they were looking forward to the owner relaxing the reins and trying to run wild.

The knives have been drinking and drinking for two days. In this backcountry, the only fun can only come from the mellow nectar, the enemy is far away, why not enjoy it? Fighting hard, is it this?

Some of the swordsmen who got up early and got a little hangover were not awake, and they saw a ticket from the outside of the camp. "Hey, come again, don't fill them down, not a hero."

A thin layer of smog shrouded the four wildernesses, and the black flag flying slightly in the morning breeze looked nondescript. "This is who, unlike the swordsman in the city."

Gu Shen took up the narrow knife. This kind of knife is too short to be suitable for horseback riding. He pulled out a protective knife from the back of the waiter. The length is five feet and four inches. The handle is nearly one foot long. .

He looked back at his own soldiers. No matter how many shortcomings these swordsmen had, they were born warriors, eager to fight, eager for blood, eager for glory, for them, without the encouragement of language, just point out the direction of the enemy.

He patted the horse's buttocks with a knife, and the horses spread their four hooves and gradually accelerated to the enemy camp.

The more and more rushing horseshoes finally woke up a few early-knifes, even the pants were not tied, desperately ran to the tent, and the heartbreaking screams floated throughout the camp. "The Dragon King is coming!"

"Kill--" Gu Shen’s screams of Gao’s screaming over the screams in the camp, the tail is prolonged, and gradually becomes a clear whistle. The swordsmen spit out the whip, and the screams in their hearts rush out. It is a thunderous general sound.

The knives in their sleep suddenly woke up and heard the sound. They only felt that they were enemies in all directions. They had already fallen into a trap. Most people didn’t even take the knife, rushed out of the tent, and fled around and fled.

This is the rule of the swordsman. When you can make meritorious deeds, you must rush to make meritorious deeds. If you encounter danger, you must first run. The dead knife will never receive the money. No matter how weak the live knife is, there will always be people hired.

Gu Shenwei knows their temper well.

The cavalry with a sword-like sword was like a huge spear, and it was deeply pierced into the camp of Jinpengbao. The tent was torn like a skin, and the panicked crowd splashed like blood.

All the way to the end of the camp, Gu Shenwei immediately turned the horse head, this charge is very perfect, the swordsmen are observing the order of the Dragon King, basically no team left, only a few people have been stumbled, are swinging swords, killing the enemy Man, ran to the dragon's black blood flag.

The first round of the charge will tear the camp into two pieces. After the turn, the second round of the charge will be the right hand west. The tent is denser.

In the tent in front, a group of Gu Shen is familiar with the figure. A full set of black clothes, a small number of people are covered with faces. Each person holds a narrow knife in his hand. The body is slightly tender and the iconic brown belt is attached to the waist.

This is the brown belt killer of more than 30 small flag camps, slightly higher than the apprenticeship, and has not yet won the title of official killer.

At this moment, Gu Shen can understand the strong fighting of the Daxueshan swordsmen. When I saw the black man with a narrow knife, his first reaction was to switch to the Wufeng knife, jump off the horse, and these younger generations. We have a lot of comparisons.

But he is not the killer of the loner, but the dragon king who led a assault battalion, and more than one hundred people follow him.

"Kill--" He screamed again, the swordsmen's shouts were higher and lasting than the first time, and the epee was cut down. No matter people or things, as long as they blocked the road, they would be cut into two.

For the first time, the teenage brown belt killers encountered this kind of battle. How did their training compare with hidden opponents? They never saw the fierce cavalry flooding, if it was an experienced old killer. They will run faster than the swordsmen. They will turn around and judge the situation until they are safe. But these teenagers are hesitant between welcoming and fleeing.

Mercedes-Benz's war horses don't give them time to think. Hundreds of iron hooves slam the life and dreams of the brown belt killers into the dirt. Some people leaped high and slammed into the dense forest of swords. Out, like a lonely boat, swallowed by huge waves.

A few other swordsmen fell, Gu Shen took a look, did not lead the team to meet the rescue, but once again changed direction, rushed toward the west of the camp.

After three times of assault, the sky was completely lit, and there were more than a hundred swordsmen riding behind the dragon king. The dozens of swordsmen who landed could not catch up with the black blood flag, waving the epee to chase the knife knives who had not had time to run away.

Groups of swordsmen fled and fled, only a few people grabbed the horse, and others ran wildly.

There was a wolf in the camp, and it seemed to be swept by the hurricane. Gu Shen was chasing the legs and continuing to catch up with the fugitives. The battle is not over yet. The number of people in Daxueshan is too small to be able to smash the enemy, but also try to kill them in Jinpengbao. Create a climate of fear.

The fleeing knives also recognized the direction and knew that the East was safe. The dozens of horsemen in the forefront ran out of several miles, and a group of hikers were killed in the spurs. The swordsmen had already got impatient and the friends called. The sound makes them more irritated.

Fifty stalks of the epee fell, and only a few people fled on horseback. Most of the others were killed and a few people resisted.

More knives rushing to escape, no intention to fight, desperate to attack the blockade of money, can run and run, can not run or plead for mercy, or fight for a fight.

When the cavalry led by Gu Shen was rushed, the two sides were fighting fiercely. He still did not dismount the battle, but continued to catch up until he saw the T-junction as the western boundary of the Yuyu City, only to turn back and kill. Knife.

Countless bodies are like a huge snake, one after the other on the road.

Back to the ambush location of the hikers, the battle has ended. The surviving more than 30 swordsmen are looking at the body, and when they encounter breathing, they are killed by a sword.

A wounded person was left behind by them.

This man is wearing a black suit and a red belt. It is a rare killer in the Jinpengbao army.

Shangguan Qingqi was injured in his right leg and could only be supported by his left leg. He leaned forward and stood still. He knew that his life was coming to an end. His heart was a little nervous, and his chest and abdomen were empty. The internal organs seemed to be missing, but they all disappeared. On the surface, it can still be calm, even a trace of pride.

His surname is Shangguan, and as a knife master, he should maintain dignity in front of a defector.

Gu Shen gave the long knife to the back knife waiter, jumped off the horse, and the swordsmen made way for him.

The killer and the knife master have nothing to do in the stone fort. There is only a very unclear impression between them. The Shangguanqingqi is a bit old. His peak period has passed, and the killing is still very good, but he has lost his keen instinct.

Gu Shen pulled out the narrow knife and went to the Shangguanqingqi to stop before five steps. The knife master had stood alone for a while, the left leg was a little numb, and the body could not help but sway, as if showing fear, he was deep. Shame, so I want to say something to save, "traitor, you will always..."

The narrow knife that passed through the throat did not let him say the whole sentence.

Shangguan Qingqi covered his wounds with his hands, and the blood flowed down the fingers. He didn't feel the pain, but he was getting colder and colder. The heart sank like a stone, and the darkness quickly drowned the nostrils.

At the entrance of the Jinpengbao camp, dozens of swordsmen put their epee on the ground and waited for punishment. They did not follow the black blood flag and violated the order of the Dragon King.

"The fallen horse is not guilty." Gu Shen is forgiving everyone, the swordsmen are happy, can't wait to get their sword back, they are not afraid of death, they are afraid to lose face in front of their companions.

In this campaign, Jinpeng Baodao killed more than 200 people, was captured more than 70 people, hundreds of people fled, leaving half of the military camp and a lot of supplies, Da Xueshan lost more than 10 people, is a big victory.

The captives gathered in a pile, pale, and the legend of the dragon king and the magic bird murdered in their minds, but in this time there was no dark clouds drifting through the sky, even if they died, the eyes could be preserved.

"Go back and talk to the One Step King, I am coming, tell the knife in the city, don't kill for money."

The Dragon King threw the head of Shangguan Qingqi to a prisoner. The captive almost fainted, and with the support of the people around him, he could barely stand.

The swordsmen gave way, and the prisoners realized that they had saved a life, and they trembled and walked out of the camp. Afterwards, they ran away.

A young swordsman came with a brown belt killer's body, tears in his eyes, hoarse and said: "Dragon King, this is my brother."

Jinpengbao likes the children of Daxueshan, and abducts a large number each year, trains them as killers, and then kills their former relatives.

"He was killed by Jinpengbao." Gu Shen took the eyes of the body and swept the sorrowful swordsmen. "We will take revenge for him."

"Revenge! Revenge!" The swordsmen shouted in unison as a symbol of the end of the first battle.

Gu Shen looked up to the hillside deep in the valley. He also had hatred. It used to be his home. The ruins of Gu’s manor still stood in the same place.

Three days later, the panic spread over the entire Yuyu City, and Jinpengbao doubled the salary and could not recruit several swordsmen.

Five days later, another army came in, thousands of people, stationed in the West Gate, and separated from the Daxueshan camp for half a day. Both sides were very cautious, busy building a strong camp, sending scouts to test each other, no one Launch a large-scale attack.

Gu Shenwei is waiting for the arrival of the big troops. He wants to know what Jinpengbao is waiting for.

Ten days later, the main force of Daxueshan arrived. The party that started from Shule City was waiting for others to arrive. The scouts came to the news, and the army on the side of Jinpengbao had also increased to three or four thousand.

A big battle is brewing. The military division is not ignoring the dust. When it first arrived at the camp, it asked for a separate interview with the Dragon King. He didn't like to fight, and he didn't like it very much, so he proposed a strategy that everyone could not accept.

(Seeking for advice)

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