Death Sutra

Chapter 268: Array

Fang Wen is persuading the Dragon King to negotiate with Jinpengbao. This is his core strategy for the early days of the Western Region.

"Now is the best time. Daxueshan has won the first battle and proved its strength. I am sure that Jinpengbao has to agree to talk about it." Fang Wen was excited to walk around in the tent for several days. The exhaustion that came was swept away.

"Let's wait, this is just a sneak attack. We haven't had a confrontation with Jinpeng Fort."

"This is what we said at the beginning, Dragon King, you will not change your mind temporarily?" Fang Wen looked at the Dragon King with suspicion, the master is still too young, lacking the kind of ruthless and far-sighted The temperament of the hero.

"No, I hope to win again and make it easier to negotiate."

Fang Wen is shaking his head. He is pedantic in small things. He can clearly see the big things. "Dragon King, you should know that the more you win, the harder it is to negotiate. The victory will make the Da Xueshan swordsman's confidence expand. How can you agree to negotiate? ”

Gu Shen was silent, and the military officer said that he had been involved in his mind. In the past few months, he has been fighting alongside the swordsman. He has learned more and more deeply about these people. Their hatred against Jinpengbao is no less than that of the Dragon King, and Jinpeng killer. Almost every day, I have added firewood to this hatred, and it has maintained a strong momentum for decades.

This is a large group of wild bisons that can destroy everything on the road, unless the mountains and rivers are in front, it is almost impossible to turn the direction.

Gu Shen is not afraid to talk about panic, but he does not know how to explain to some fighters, and is only a temporary means of expanding strength. The ultimate goal is still to annihilate Jinpengbao. He can understand that Daxueshan swordsman understands No.

"Let me go and tell them." Fang Wen understands the difficulty of the Dragon King. He volunteered to persuade the Da Xueshan swordsman. The experience in Shule City has increased his confidence. "As long as several patriarchs nod, the rest will be easy." It is."

Gu Shenwei still does not speak. The military master knows too little about Daxueshan. The patriarch is not a king. Although his status is high, he has no absolute power. The mountain people execute their orders more because of respect, not obedience. Dragon King, also had to use "the power of God" to let everyone follow him out of the snowy mountains.

"This kind of thing can be hesitant." Fang Wen is a little anxious. Some words he has already said to the Dragon King. At this time, I have to say it again. "Da Xueshan is now sandwiched between Jinpengbao and Shule, and it is dangerous. The whole country is lost. The Shule country is willing to use it as a sharp knife for killing. The most hopeful thing they will see is that both sides are defeated: the snow-capped mountains are completely destroyed, and the Jinpeng Fortress decline cannot be called the king. We can only Surrounded by survival, fill in the loopholes behind you as soon as possible. Dragon King, you know all these things. You have said that you want to fight for the Western Regions, not for private enemies."

Gu Shenwei has never hesitated like this. After thinking about it, it is not like a decisive killer. He admire the military academy very much. He feels that he has not found the wrong person. Fang Wen said that he was in front of Shule Wang and he turned his head and turned. It is necessary to betray the original agreement, and the heart is open and there is no slight embarrassment.

"Just a battle." Gu Shenwei decided, he can no longer hesitate, let the military teacher laugh, "Da Xueshan always have a face-to-face confrontation with Jinpengbao, then I will persuade everyone."

Fang Wen is sighing and can only accept the order of the Dragon King. "This war will win in any case, at least not at all. Otherwise, no one will take Daxueshan seriously, and there will be no discussion."

"This war will win." Gu Shen has a full grasp. He once led two hundred cavalry to break the barracks of eight hundred swordsmen. Now he has gathered two thousand swordsmen, not afraid of the four or five thousand people opposite.

Scouts have been able to find out that the Jinpengbao army is still dominated by swordsmen. It comes from all directions. Many people have low martial arts and are not even qualified to live in the city of Saitama. These days, they have been training in the camp, so the number of opponents is large. But I have never dared to challenge.

The swordsmen who came later came to the forefront. The glory of the 200 pioneers made them jealous and only took a day off. Several patriarchs came to see the Dragon King together and strongly demanded an immediate battle.

"Can't wait any longer, and if you don't use it for ten days, you will attack Jinpengbao." Even the relatively stable one-eyed dragon, Long Xiaoshi, can't wait, and he is full of confidence.

Fang Wen is on the sidelines, shaking his head in the heart, if this battle is won, the biggest resistance to the peace is not Jinpengbao, but the Daxueshan swordsman.

Gu Shenwei waited for another three days, letting the swordsmen from afar take a rest and arrange strict guards. Jinpengbao is the best at assassination and has to guard against it.

Just as Daxueshan was ready to go to war, the commander of the Jinpengbao side was the first to send a challenge book.

The letter was written in a slogan, and it was a thousand words. Only Fang Weng could understand it and praised it. Then he explained to everyone. "After the morning of the morning, the two sides went out to fight in the camp for 30 miles. It means fighting."

The patriarchs are stunned and rushing to be the main attacking force. Everyone wants to take the merits of defeating the main force of Jinpengbao into their own hands.

The commander-in-chief of Jinpengbao is a solitary, famous, and seems to be a Hu person. Gu Shenwei never heard of such a character in the fort. It is rumored that the solitary is the general of Shibao from a small country, in the military array. The aspect is a bit of a skill.

At this moment of the Daxue Mountain, including Gu Shenwei, no one has attached importance to this opponent. Fang Wen praised this person's literary talent, but did not regard him as a great general.

The final battle site is a flat and narrow grassland. The north is close to the towering Tianshan Mountains. To the south, there is a large river called the Peacock River. On the other side, the grassland gradually transitions into the deserted Gobi.

How to fight this, Gu Shen listened to the opinions of many people, and finally decided to follow his own ideas. The Da Xueshan swordsman did not understand the art of war, and Fang Weng had many battles in his heart. They all learned from ancient books. One is more complicated than one, not to mention the simple swordsman, that is, Gu Shenwei also feels dizzy.

He arranged this way: the left wing, that is, the place close to the mountains, arranged the Great Jianfeng, Xiaojianfeng swordsman, a total of about 600 people, the right wing, close to the big river side, guarded by the multi-peak, more than 600 people, More than 400 people in Huagai Peak are sandwiched in the middle. A total of 1,600 people are all cavalry. Each person is equipped with a round shield that can protect the upper body, because the Jinpengbao side is likely to have a large number of archers.

Gu Shenwei wants to participate in the battle personally. This is the duty of the leader of the Snowy Mountain, but under the strong suggestion of Fang Wen, he stayed on a small hill less than half a mile behind.

"This is the confrontation between the two militaries, not the gangs of the rivers and lakes." Fang Wen is bitterly persuading the dragon king. "The coach has to control the overall situation, and there is sufficient reserve power on hand. You can rush to go up with an enemy, and you can't guarantee the whole army." Victory.

After riding the horse, I was able to see the whole battlefield situation, but Gu Shen left only a hundred people to serve as guards and protect the coach's banner. Gu Shen was the blood-stained black robe in the minds of the swordsmen. The sacred object was just replaced by a thicker and longer flagpole.

There are still more than 300 swordsmen staying in the military camp. No one is willing to pick up this seemingly awkward task. It can only be decided by drawing lots.

The Daxueshan swordsmen obey the tradition, the dragon's children and the most brave warriors are on the front line, behind them are other swordsmen of surnames, there is no clear front, and each person decides how much space he needs.

The opposite army is more formal.

Gu Shen is looking far away. Jinpengbao has more people than Daxue Mountain. There are about 4,000 people. The formation is extremely neat. The first two rows are archers. The last five rows are infantry with spears. They only rely on the left wing. The party arranged a team of light cavalry, but the number was small. The visual inspection was about six or seven hundred, and hundreds of flags of different colors and different colors fluttered in the wind.

Commanding war is completely different from being a killer. Gu Shen believes that Da Xueshan will definitely win, but his heart is not very comfortable. He hopes to be at the front line. While watching, it makes him feel that something is not under control. Hard touch does not conform to his habits. In contrast, he prefers to raid and pursue this style of play.

Fang Wen said to him that the art of war is strange and positive. The set of dragon king belongs to "odd" and cannot be used all the time. It is still "positive" to decide whether to win or lose.

Gu Shenwei thinks that the military division is right.

The swordsmen were already a little anxious, shouting loudly to the opposite army, the epee shot on the shield, and the other side knocked on the drums and made waves.

The Jinpeng Fort is a defensive formation, waiting for the Da Xueshan to launch an attack.

“Would you like to bet?” Gu Shen asked the military officer around him. “I can guarantee that a charge will disrupt the position of Jinpengbao.”

Fang Wen is stretching his neck and looking forward. "Not necessarily, I am alone in the squad, and there is a certain doorway. It is not comparable to those who are ancient and modern. But it is not easy to break through. It is not easy to break through. I am betting you... one hundred two. I have this money, I am the cheapest adviser in the world, you are the master of the most tricks."

If I have already forgotten how to smile, Gu Shen will laugh out at this moment. "If you lose, you may be in a lineup, but he does not understand these swordsmen, and the running-in time is not long. The knifeman won't be desperate, shooting two rounds of bows and arrows, they will turn and run away."

The time is almost the same, the screams of the Daxueshan swordsmen are getting higher and higher, and Gu Shen takes the horn of her chest and takes a deep breath and blows it hard.

The low-pitched horn sounded like a gentle and powerful wind. The spirit of the gods rushed from the top of the crowd. More than 1,600 cavalry galloped, trampling innocent land and rushing to the enemy, more than 1,600. The round shield protects the master's key, and the more than 1,600-handed epee sways in the hands of the master, like a big mouth opened by a behemoth, biting a fragile prey.

On the first day of September, at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, at the Peacock River, Daxueshan and Jinpengbao launched the first positive battle. The peace of the Western Region for 37 years was broken on this day, but few people thought of it at the time. The impact of small-scale campaigns will be so great.

(Seeking for advice)

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