Death Sutra

Chapter 273: memory

Gu Shenwei turned into a relatively secluded alley, the tracker was very careful, always kept a few dozen steps, relying on the light from the street houses to keep an eye on the target.

This person is experienced, and Gu Shenwei is hard to find him if he does not develop a suspicious habit.

The front door of a family was stunned. Gu Shen stopped at the door, looked around, pushed the door in, gently closed it, and listened to the side of the door, and the right hand was held on the handle.

There was a ridiculous laughter in the room inside. This is the home of the prostitute, who is entertaining the guests to drink, and the servant forgot to close the gate.

Gu Shenwei waited for a while, suddenly quickly pushed the door, left hand to explore, retracted when there was more than one person in his hand, and the right hand narrow knife reached the other's neck.

The man held a piece of lime on his right hand, and was about to make a mark on the door. He could not keep up the defense. He still kept his original position. Then a cool heart passed from the heart to the top of his head. The whole body was soft, but the sharp blade was pressed. On the neck, I can only stand up straight, open my mouth, and I can't even breathe.

"Name?" Gu Shen asked in a whisper, the laughter in the room is getting louder and louder, but it is a good cover.

"Wang, Wang Cheng."

"Who is the person?"

"I, I can't say."

Gu Shen used a little force on the right hand and cut a layer of skin with a narrow knife.

As an experienced follower, Wang Cheng’s courage is too small, his eyes are violent, his limbs are twitching, and his mouth is foaming.

Gu Shen released his hand, Wang Cheng twitched and slowly sat down, already dead, and the blood flowing out of his neck was not enough to feed a mosquito.

He has poison in his mouth and has already bitten himself.

Gu Shen looked at the bend for a while. He didn't know much about the poison. He couldn't tell why he came. He didn't find any special objects in Wang Cheng. So he took up the narrow knife and pushed the door quickly to leave the body. For men and women who are enjoying bliss in the house.

There are many people in Nancheng who have nothing to do with Jinpengbao, but they do things for Jinpengbao. This person who is called Wang Cheng is not like, tracking someone for the one-step king, and killing himself if he is not caught.

Gu Shenwei returned to his residence with questions. In his heart, Lu’s treasurer and Zhao Siye were included in the suspicious list. He was followed by people for the first time in three days. The problem must have been with these two people, but they have not The law determines who it is.

This small yard is located in a spontaneously formed village on the edge of the South City. The residents are mostly poor swordsmen and businessmen. Xu Xiaoyi bought it a year ago and was guarded by an old slave. He only recognized the seal of Xu Yiyi. The households are extremely mobile and will not pay special attention to the neighbors’ movements.

Xu Xiaoyi, a similar house, rents or buys a total of seven or eight sets, distributed in different locations, in order to return to Yuyu City one day.

The first half of the screen came back in the middle of the night, and the two men patrolled outside and found no followers.

The second Peng Xianren almost couldn't wait to see the killer Yang Huan. When he saw the South Screen, he guessed that the Dragon King had entered the Yuyu City.

"He said that the building can guarantee the safety of both of us." Chu Nan Ping thought quietly, very much believe in Peng Xianren's words, "We don't have to live here, and there are so many masters in the building, Jinpengbao does not dare to cause trouble."

Gu Shenwei did not intend to move to Wangcheng Lane. In fact, he changed his residence in the early morning of the next day, and changed his face with the first screen.

Since Peng Xianren was anxious to see him, Gu Shenwei was not in a hurry. He spent another three days pretending to be a knifeman who was hired to take revenge for others. He asked about the details of Wang Cheng’s bottom. This person is obviously courageous but a little bit The little things will be swallowed up, and the controller behind them must not be ordinary forces.

As a result, no one knows this Wang Cheng. There are two Wang Cheng, who are still alive and well, and have nothing to do with the followers.

Gu Shenwei once again visited Zhao Siye and Lu Zhangcai, and the first screen was watching outside. No tracers were found twice. Gu Shenwei felt that the problem might be in the first screen. This boy is obviously dressed no matter how it is dressed. The swordsman temperament, it is easy to be recognized by the veteran.

Gu Shen temporarily put the matter down and went to meet the Pengxian people in the evening.

The former Peng Xianren was an ugly dwarf. Nowadays, the substitute is a scholar with a white-faced whisker. The head is very different from his predecessor. There is no screen in front of him. He sits cross-legged on a hardwood couch and stands on both sides. The boy, one person holding a sword, one person holding a scorpion, the incense burner emits a smog of smoke, and the Peng Xianren is shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere.

Without strong hypnotism, the effect of the second generation of Peng Xianren's deceitfulness is far worse than that of the first generation. Although he said it is still clouded, "Everyone will return to the building." This is his first sentence.

Gu Shenwei once studied in the Faith Building for a period of time, and was also regarded as a disciple of the singer. He did not want to entangle on this issue. He opened the door and asked: "I heard that you are anxious to see me?"

"I heard that you are going to talk to Shibao?" Peng Xianren asked.

Gu Shenwei once reminded Chunan Screen not to say too much, but the proud home is half of the family, it is difficult to stay wary here, Peng Xianren slightly showed it, he will give the Dragon King's purpose all over, a little bit I didn't feel that I was leaking.

"Well, I am tired of playing and killing lives, I don't want to bleed myself, and I don't want others to die because of me."

"Do you hope that the kill will help you reach a resolution?"

Gu Shen did not have such high expectations, but she nodded. "I don't know if there will be this ability to stop the killing."

"Oh." Peng Xianren smiled very harmoniously, as if the other person was a ignorant child, and he was a **** who knew everything. "There is nothing that the building can't do."

"Is it a good building or a killing?"

"The Italian building is the killing will, the killing will be the proud building, now is not the past, Yang Huan, Peng Xianren's divine power has gone beyond Wangcheng Lane, the entire Yuyu City has to listen to his words, you want to negotiate, he can give You agree."

The white-faced scholars seem to have a cognitive bias in their identity. Although they claim to be Peng Xianren, they do not know when to start, no longer claim to be "I", but instead use "Peng Xianren" and "He" instead. Being possessed by the former gnome, he is still only a megaphone, and this way of speaking often makes the listener feel awe.

Gu Shenwei is not affected because he knows that the gnome Peng Xianren will not talk calmly with his heart. "You can ‘he’ put forward conditions, let's say that it is a good start for cooperation.”

Peng Xianren smiled, the two boys quit, and the South Screen also followed, and after returning to the Supreme Building, he was not only obeying the command of the Dragon King alone.

Only the immortals and killers are left on the third floor of the Pleasant Building.

Peng Xianren took out a piece of white cockroach that was as big as the bedding from behind. It was covered with a small head and stroking it, and then looked up and said, "Remember this thing?"


There used to be a huge screen in this room to cover the pygmy Peng Xian people, and recorded the "Audio Secrets" and the so-called sixty-four practices. After Gu Shen killed the immortals, the screen was shattered and broken. I didn't expect the disciples to rewrite a copy of the book on the day, according to the memory, the size is similar to the screen.

"Peng Xianren's hard work is almost on this, almost destroyed by you."

"The immortal has been reincarnation, and I will not care about this kind of thing."

"He doesn't care, but you take away part of the memory of Peng Xianren, and it's coming back."

Gu Shenwei is already ready to welcome all the nonsense of Peng Xianren. I can still hear this sentence. "If I have the memory of Peng Xianren, I will definitely give it back to you, but I don't."

"You have." Peng Xianren flashed a urgency on his calm face. "When you kill him, take a roll of paper. That is his memory. Everyone saw it."

That paper is the "Dead Man" written by Gu Shen for being stunned, but it is not the memory of Peng Xianren. "Oh, that thing, I have an impression."

"Yes, that is the thing, give it back to him, Peng Xianren will let you do everything." Peng Xianren even showed urgency.

As early as three years ago, there were two young disciples who wanted to take back the paper from the killer. After the white-faced Peng Xianren, they knew it because he spent a long time practicing the full set of "Audio Secrets" and 60. Four methods, the result is always no way to achieve collective practice, nor can they communicate with other disciples, and use the mouth of others to speak for themselves. This is to make sure that the predecessors did not record all the exercises on the screen.

The missing method is inevitably the roll of paper that was taken away by the killer. The disciples of the Italian building are convinced of this. If they are not full of fear and distrust of the outside world, they have already ran around the Western Region to hunt Yang Huan.

"First prove the strength of the killing will, let us discuss the return of 'memory'." Gu Shen is holding the handle on the handle, ready to leave, he is going to go to Sijialan to find the lotus master, perhaps more useful.

"The strength of the proud building can be proved at any time!" Peng Xianren suddenly became ruthless and calm, and his voice was low and swayed by candlelight.

More than a dozen strange discerning disciples suddenly appeared from the window and downstairs, holding various weapons and surrounding the killer.

Chu Nan screen was only one step late. From the downstairs to the Dragon King, the long sword was unsheathed, without saying a word.

"Chen Nan screen, this person killed your brother." A disciple with a long-term tumor said sharply.

"The ruthless swordsmanship has not yet been practiced, and no one can kill him." In the south of the screen, under the guidance of Gu Shenwei, the swordsmanship leaps forward, but he still can't forget the ruthless swordsmanship that can never be practiced.

The disciples are eager to try, Gu Shen is pulling out a narrow knife. He only uses a sword to kill a person a year. This year's quota has already been used.

The two sides calmly groaned and waited for the mobile phone.

A disciple standing on the stairway first discovered the strange thing and said, "The peach forest is on fire."

Sure enough, the red light of the fire has been reflected in the upstairs upstairs, the sound of the burning sound mixed with screaming, like a giant beast is low.

This fire came very strange, but very timely. The disciples of the building couldn’t help but look back and look at it. Gu Shen took the screen of the south screen and jumped out of the high wall. , disappeared in the night.

It was not until the next day that Gu Shenwei knew the importance of this fire. On that night, he only noticed one thing, and someone followed it.

This time, Gu Shen took the tail to her real residence.

(Seeking for advice)

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